^Woreljeab ttttg Social Jferrs Ml** Imofene Loaf. Society Editor Phone Mill Mr and Mrs. E. W. Olschner ?pent the weekend at plowing Rock and attended a telephone company Pioneeri meeting. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mason and daughter, Frances are visiting at Gastaoia. Mr. William Morton of Smith field. a former student at MCTI, visited the school Tuesday. Mrs. faul Webb spent the week end in Ayden. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rieley have returned from a trip to Virginia and Gastonia. Mrs. S. N. McDonald spent the weekend at Myrtle Beach. Garland Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith, left Sunda? to visit his aunt, Mrs. Bill Quisen berry and family, in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hortense Spruill and daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth Annn Spruill, ? of Windsor are here for the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McKinney of West Point, N. Y., have returned to their home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis and daughter, Ann Thomas, and Mrs. Jack Sattej-field of Roxboro .accompanied them home for a week's stay. Mrs. Kenneth Wagner and daughters returned Friday from a visit in Mount Airy with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb have returned from Baltimore, Md.. where they carried their infant daughter, Karen, to Johns Hopkins hospital for a heart operation. Due to the baby's age the operation has / ? ? 7 " ? been temporarily postponed until April 1853. .The baby returned home with them. The Misses Mamie Ruth and Katie Tunstall of Greenville ar rived Saturday to spend the sum mer at their cottage on Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Winkler and daughtrs of Arlington, Va., ar rived Friday to visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Kenneth Wagner and family. They returned to Virginia Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Jones of Annapolis, Md.. spant a few days here this week on their return home. They were aboard their yacht, the Jupiter. Miss F'atsy Nelson left last Thursday for Greensboro to spend two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sampson. Miss Maxine Swaringen of Con cord arrived Monday to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Walter Rogers. Miss Beth Wade of LaGrange is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Lashley. Mr. George Franklin and family of Kaleigh are visiting on Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Edgerton, Mrs. Ella McPellegrini and Miss Mamie McRay of Red Springs will arrive tomorrow to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ergle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bedsworth anil children. Marie and Billie, are spending this week in Rocky Mount visiting relatives. Mrs. Fred Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bell and Mrs. I.ela Chad Hie perfect gift., for fiiifos Day SAMSONITE luHt "strong-onougMo-stand-on," Samsonito hat a top oxocutivo took, wipM cltan with a damp doth, eo?t? a fraction t of what you'd oxpoct. ChaoM from our largo assortment in thoto smart, manly colors: Colorado Brown, Saddla Ton, Admiral ilu* and Natural Rawhido finish. ? 0>kk Trlw?. Sit SO > Trtfeit* US M <Jmkmiw.S17.SO* t 'AM prima $*ht0?f f pai$Hm? tma? ? >? ? ?rovty tmyArtb jiittf t*/ Series of Parties Honor Bride Min Barbara Joyce Willii, ..ho was married last night (0 Alton Brooks Vlck, was guest of honor it five parties recently. Mrs Her bert Thornton was hostess at (he cake cutting . at her home on Bridges street Wednesday night. In the dining room the chande lier was trimmed with magnolia leaves and white wedding belts. The dining table was covered With a cutwork cloth and on one end of the table was the thre*-tiered wedding cake which was cut by the bride-elect. Crystal candelabra and white tapers were also used and gar denias were banked around the punch bowl. Mrs. Thornton served the cake and Miss Peggy Leary the punch. Nuts and mints were served by the honorary bridesmaids, the Misses Patricia Willis and Ann Darden Webb. The bridesmaids and other mem bers of the wedding party were en tertained at a luncheon in the Ocean King hotel at Atlantic Beach Tuesday. Present were the bride elect, her mother, Mrs. A. B. Vlck, sr., Miss Shirley Farrior, Miss Joyce Vick. Miss Sandra Willis, Mrs. S. A. Morton and Mrs. Jack Moye of Greenville. Miss Willis gave Mrs. Moye, who was celebrating her 10th .wedding anniversary that day,. a gi(t. All attendants were given presents by the bride-elect? gold perfume dis pensers for their purse. Each was enclosed in a satin bag. A gardenia corsage and bridal wick attended the funeral of Mrs. Bell's father at Beulaville on Wed nesday. The Misses Ann Darden Webb and Annette Guthrie leave today for Girl's State in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Gretchen Brinson has re turned from a Sears' business meet ing at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade are leav ing today for a visit with their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Dudley F. OBrien, in Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. R. W. Penny has as her guests for a few days her brother in-law, L. W. Bishop and two daughters, Betty Loti and Judy of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duncan of Tarentum, Pa., left Wednesday af ter a visit with Mrs. Ida Mae Wil lis. Charles H. Duncan of Tarentum and Allen Woods of Iowa and Tar entum left yesterday after a visit with Mrs. Ida Mae Willis. They are on their way to California by way of Louisiana and Georgia and through the southwestern states. Perky V icilionin Biiipil in Fu Yet. we're **erytkta| (rem trim ?hnrt-and bra ieti te Impeccably tillered (fecks ewtflte to will m i forUMe ml welMrenfd 0 The Dress Shop Where You NituiVlly Expect The Beet mobkhsao city pltcc cards marked placet at the table. Mra. Jack Moye honored Miss Willis Monday with a bridge par at the home of her litter, Mrs. A. Horton. Spring (lowers were used throughout the house. High score winner was Mn. Jesse Lewis who received a novel ty tlower pot. Miss Peggy Leary was given second high prize, bath powder. Consolation prize went u> Mrs. Rllla Hughes Norwood, ear rings. The hostess served a congealed salad and open (ace sandwiches. Miss Willis was given a gift in her pattern of china. Mrs. ' George Roberts Wallace honored Miss Willis at a coftee party Saturday morning at her home on Evans street. Twen ty-tive guests were present. Miss Willis, her mother and the mother o( the groom. Mrs. A. B. Vick, were given carnation corsages. The living room was decorated with yellow gladioli and the dining table with feverfew. A handsome cutwork cloth was spread on the table and candles tied with ribbon and tulle completed the picture. Miss Willis was presented with a bon bon spoon In her pattern of silver. The hostess served ham biscuits, cheese wafers, open face sandwiches, bridal cakes and cof (ee. She was honored at a bridge par ty ' Friday night by Mrs. A. T. Leary and daughter, Peggy A miniature cake topped with a bride and groom marked the honoree's place at the table. This was sur rounded by (our gladioli and greenery. Corsages were presented to Miss Willis and her mother, Mrs. Bruce Willis, as they entered the door. The house was beautifully dec orated with pink and white gladi oli. Mrs. Virginia Moye was high score bridge winner and Mrs. S A. Horton was second. They were presented with bisque figurines and a milk glass vase: Miss Ann Mills won a hand painted ash tray as the winner of the contost on advice to the bride. Little Kathy Chalk gave out tal leys to the 18 guests, each with a white gladioli corsage on it. Miss Willis was presented with a place setting in her china. The hostesses served fruit salad, open (ace sandwiches, cheese bis cuits, olives and tea. Daughters Honor Parents On Wedding Anniversary Mrs. R. L. Turnage and Miss Florence Danielson were hostesses at a buffet dinner Monday evening honoring their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Danielson, on their 28th wedding anniversary. The dining room was decorated with gladioli, zinnias and feverfew. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willis of Greensboro were the only out-of town guests. The occasion was also the birthday of the Rev. R T. Wil lis, jr., and Mrs. Danielson present ed him with a cake. The Danielson's were given a sil ver covered dish and a silver sugar and cream set. Grade Reported Miss BiUie Louise Gaskins has received the highest grade in the majorettes' examination held Wednesday at the school, an nounced Miss Mary Lou Lee of Wil liamston. Miss Lee conducted a two-week school and taught twirl ing strutting and street routines. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pritchard of Swansboro celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary Tuesday by having dinner at the Sanitary rest aurant. While there they received a basket of lavendar gladioli. The Prltchards expect to celebrate their Golden anniversary next year in Winston-Salem with relatives. MORE SOCIAL ITEMS PAGE 6 FIVE 06LQCK oismtto LONDON DRY (ID litk fim W. ftuptial VotuA MpoJeen 2a&t PvenUty fey feaAhana A. fl. Vick, jjl. The marriage of Miss Barbara Joyce Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s Robert Bruce Willis to Mr. Alton Brooks Vick, junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vick was solemnized last evening at 8 o'clock in the First Baptist church. The Rev. R. T. Willis; junior, uncle of the bride, officiated. Amid arrangements of mixed summer flowers, Mrs. John T. Bunn, soloist and Mrs. George Mizesko, organist, presented a pro gram of nuptial music. Mrs. Bunn sang I Love Thee and Through the Years. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a gown of nylon organza with a standing col lar of Venetian lace and a V neck line. xller trail) was chapel length and she wore a gift of the groom, a gold and pearl crescent pin. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a bonnet of matching Venetian lace. The bride carried a ballerina bouquet of white orchids. Miss Joyce Vick, sister of the groom, f 1 "" " ~ Pnoto by Jerry Schumacher was maid of honor and wore a pink embroidered gown of organdy. She carried a cascade bouqet of mix ed spring flowers tied with varie gated ribbon. The Misses Betsy Thornton and Shirley Farrior, cousin of the groom, bridesmaids, and Miss San dra Willis, sister of the bride, who was junior bridesmaid, wore match ing gowns of green, lavendar and yellow embroidered organdy and carried bouquets similar to the maid of honor's. Miss Christi Willis, cousin of the bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Willis, of Norfolk, Va? was the flower girl and Ben Hor ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hor ton, the ring bearer. Mr. A. B. Vick was best man for hi* son and ushers were Jack Far rior, cousin of the groom from Farmville, A. T. Leary, jr., Wal dron Bailey, III, and Richard Spears. Mrs. Willis wore for her daugh See NUPTIAL VOWS, Page 6 ? ? ' 2M-41-3M-63 MAN ALIVE Zip-fit U the big newt hare . . . Jantzen-exdusive construction for perfect fit, streamlined look*. One zipper senres trunk and tup porter . . . long extension waittband and elaaticizad back intertt hug the waitt. Trim built-in supporter with elasticized legs . . . crisp front pleatt . . . tailor* d in flap pocket. Rugged Cotton Gabardine . . . Sanfor ized, Mercerized. S tmart fast colors. 28-40. $4-98. TEE SHIRT . . . sharpest thing in terry cloth, with V-neck, French-sailor-type striped insert. Stnartfy banded in contrasting color. S-M-L. $3.95. MOREHEAD CITY DISC CO. A GOOD DRMG STORE ?15 Arandell Street Phone 8-43*0 Morehead City Wedding Invilalion ' Mr. and Mrs. John C.' Guthrie request the honour ~Ot your presence at the marriage of their daughter - \ Maxine to Odis J. Morrow on Tuesday the seventeenth of June at four o'clock in the afternoon Franklin Memorial Methodist Church Morehead City, North Carolina No formal Invitations have been issued la the county to the weddlaf or t* the cake cutting. All friends and relatives of the bride aad (room are cardially in vited. The eake cutting will be held at eight o'clock Monday night at the civic crater. Members of Morrow - Davis Wedding Party Announced Members of the Morrow-Davis wedding party were announced yesterday by the parents of the firide, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Guth rie. Mrs. Maxine Guthrie Davis, who will be given in marriage by her father, will have Mrs. Walton Hamilton of Wilson as her matron of honor. Best man for the groom will be W. 0. Morrow, his brother, of Bir mingham, Ala. Ushers are Walton Hamilton and William Roy Hamil ton of Beaufort. Ring bearer will be John Thomas Davis, son of the bride. Mrs. R. M. Poulk Hostess To Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. R. M. Poulk was hostess to her bridge club Thursday, June 5, at her home on Evans street and entertained two tables. Guests were Mrs. N. F. Eure and Miss Lena Duncan. High score winner was Mrs. Kate Dorrler who received a pair of ear rings. Soft drinks and candy were served during play and strawberry cake roll after progressions. The club will meet Thursday, June 19, with Mrs. Rosalie Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murdoch Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Murdoch of Wiidwcxxi announce the engage ment <A their daughter. Janice Lee, ' to the Rev. Wilfong Walden Clarke, jr., at 'Newport. Mr. Clarke jarthe son of Mr. and Mrs. W, W> Clarke of Dublin, N. C. 'The wedding will take place June 25 in the WiTdwood Presbyterian church. Presbyterian* to Meet A general meeting will be held at tne Presbyterian church Mon day night at 8 p.m. After the busi ness session, Mrs. Priestly Conyera will talk on the year she and her family spent in Switzerland. The public is invited. Vacation . . . "Tv Begins With a Smart Hair Style Have a wonderful time knowing you look your best. Come here first. Helen's BEAUTY SHOP Phone 6-3603 1713 Shtpard Morehead City EVERY ~ * FASCINATING PHASfe OF ? # . ? < Completely captured and held through the magic of our camera! If you will call or stop in, we will be pleased to explain our service. HOURS: 12 Noon to 6 P. M. Every Day 1 and by Appointment PHONE 6-4730 JERRY SCHUMACHER 1 J _ i- ? PUoio<yiafJte/i PHONE 6-4730 411 Evans St. Morehead City

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