Jir CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES <?/ ___ : _ 1 ? _ ? 45th YEAR. NO. 65. TWO SECTIONS TEN PAGEa MO RE HE AD CITY AND BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY. AUGUST 14, 1966 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 2-Year-Old Boy Suffers Broken Leg in Wreck Car, Pickup Truck Crash At Beaufort Intersection * Yesterday Morning Twa-yoarold Gifford Nicholson, rod of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Nicholson, Hancock Park, Beaufort, suffered a compound fracture of his right leg at 11:15 yesterday morn ing in an automobile accident. k Also injured In the same acei 4 dent was his 5-year-old sister, Eliz abeth, and Donald Wetherington, West Beaufort. Elizabeth had a cut lip and bruised cheek and Wetherington had a cut on the left side of his head. The children were in a 1952 Dodge, driven by their father, which collided with a Ford pickup truck at Broad and Turner Streets, Beaufort. Driving the pickup was Wetherington. 4 Mr. Nicholson told Chief of Po lice Guy Springle that he failed to stop at the stop sign. He said he was thinking of something else and simply didn't see the sign. He was going east on Broad and Weth erington was going north on Turner Street. The impact knocked the Dodge on its side and headed it back in the direction it was coming from. It was termed a total loss. Damage to the pickup was estimated at $200. The Nicholson children were taken to the hospital by Frank k Johnson, Beaufort. Wetherington was taken to the hospital by the Adair ambulance. Mr. Nicholson, who is employed at the Fish and Wildlife Service, Pivers Island, has been charged with facing to stop at a stop sign, causing an accident. Chamber Asks Property Owners To Save Banks Outer banks property owners of the County have received a letter ( from Walter Edwards, president of the Morehead City Chamber of Commerce. The letter was sent in coopera tion with the Hurricane Rehabili tation Program inaugurated by Gov. Luther H. Hodges. It con tained two maps, one showing the proposed Coastal Highway and one presenting facts on erosion along the Outer Banks. Also included in the letter was a questionnaire which the owners were asked to fill out and return. J They were asked to state whether they would build groins qr jettiei along the beach and sand fences or brush traps along the dunes. The questionnaire also asked whether the owners will plant grass or seedlings and join their neighbors to consider ways of halt ' ing erosion and to explore possi bilities of group financing of re habilitation measures. It asked the property owners' opinions as to laws prohibiting the grating of any animals upon any section of the Outer Banks and regulating the removal of protec tive sand dunes and vegetation. The property owners were re minded that by filling out the questionnaire and taking the pro posed measures they were helping , themselves. "Many of the 84 miles of outer banks in Carteret County will soon be made accessible by ferry or highway, and a few dol lars plus a little effort will make big returns in the near future," Mr. Edwards said. 10 Club Women Attend Workshop Ten Home Demonatration club women and the home agent, Mra. Floy Garner, ire attending the Home Demonitration Handicraft Worluhop thia week at Camp Man teo. They left thia morning and will return Tburaday. They are lira. Maaley Eubankj, Wiregraaa Club; Mra. Madge Reynold*, Newport Club; Mra. Mlltoa Piner, Crab Point; Mra. Lee Garner and Mra. D. R. Arnold, Ruaaella Creek. Mra. BHlie Smith, North River; Mra. Curtii Pake, Miaa Phyllia Pake, Mra. L. B. Willia Jr. tad Mra. Guy GUlikin, all of the Bet tie Club. The workshop la being conducted by Miaa Roe* Bryan and Miaa lola Prttchard, extension food conaer vation and marketing apecialiata. Menae to be Moved The Jailer'a houae, which haa to be moved to make way far the new county iail, will be moved acroaa the atreet to the aea( aide of Craven. The houae waa recently ?old by the county. 1 Reservists Train on Landing Craft Ill the engine room of an LCI) at Fort Eustia, Va., are four mem bers of the Army Reserve Heavyboat unit, Beaufort. Left to right. they are M/Sgt. George Terrell, Havelock; Sgt. Elwood Leary and Pvt. Ed Oglesby, Morehead City; and Sgt. Jack McManus, Beaufort. 4 ? ? U. S. Army Photos on the flying bridge of an LCU are M/Sgt. Bernard Parker, Ilavelork; U. I con Mann, Newport, commanding officer of the Beaufort Army Renerve heavykoat unit, and W/O BUI Hancock, Morekead City. The unit returned Saturday from two weeka' training at fort Euxtia, Va. Tar Heel Coast Hopes Betsy 'Stays 'Way from Our Door' Everybody's hoping Betsy won't visit the NoTUT Carolina coast, but it was still too early yesterday af ternoon to determine which way the sccond storm of the season will (o. At noon yesterday the Miami Weather Bureau warned the coast of Florida south of Daytona Beach to take all precautions necessary for riding out a hurricane. A year ago Sunday, Connie lashed the Tar Heel coast. But weather experts say if clcar wea ther continues here and the pre vailing westerlies keep sweeping along on a southern course, the storm is not likely to come in on this coast. Civil Defense and Had Cross of ficials are takiag no chances, how ever. Housewives are asked to make sure that they have enough food m hand to feed their familiea should power go off and stores close. Battery radioa and flashlights should he in working order and automobiles should have at least a half Unk of gas and a full tank preferably. Should it be necessary for storm shelters to go into operation, thia information will be broadcast by (o the (belter* should take food and blanket* with them. Betsy was first discovered in the Caribbean Friday, and at noon yes terday was reported 530 miles east southeast of Miami, moving in a northwest direction. Anna, the first hurricane of the season, crossed the Gulf of Mexico and blew itself out inland before winds reached hurricane force. If Betsy hits, she promises to be a lulu. Winds near the center of the storm have a velocity of more than 100 miles an hour. Persons are particularly warned to stay in their homes while a storm Is in progress. Sightseers endanger their lives and make it difficult for utility crews, police officers and other authorised per sons to carry out nocessary duties. CaUisUa Occurs A 1951 Chrysler, proceeding east on Arendell Street, More head City, Saturday, collided with a 1948 panel truck owned by Alex Erick son. 210 Queen "St. Beaufort. The truck had been parked by Richard Newman, 308 Moore St.. Beaufort. Driver of the Chrysler, which sus tained $100 In damage, waa Eva S. ColeDurn, Holly Ridge, police JO Patients Attend Clinic Fifty patient* attended the or thopedic clinic at the Morehead City Hospital annex Saturday morning. There were 18 new patient* and 32 who had been to the clinic be fore. Conducting the clinic were Dr. Lenox Baker of Duke Hospital and Dr. J. R. Deneen of Camp L e Jeune Hospital. Miss Alma Johnson, ptvyilcal therapist, instructed several pa tients In exercises designed to im prove their condition. Flowers, given by the Morehea0 City Floral Co., were taken after the clinic to Herbert Salter, Sea Level, who is Ul. Ice cream was served by liaola Milk Co. Volunter helpers were Mn George Wallace. Mrs. W. W. Patrick, and two health department nurses, Mrs. Leota Hammer and Mrs. Louise Spivey. The next clink will be from 8:M to 1 1 Saturday, Sept IS at Ike baa fi|a| Mmunt Thieves Take Parts from Cars Parts were taken from four auto mobiles in Morehead City and At lantic Beach Friday night. Inves tigating the thefts are the sheriff's department. Morehead City police and the SBI. A carburetor was taken from the station wagon owned by Lee Han nah, according to Sheriff Hugh Salter. The station wagon was parked in front of the # Hannah cottage at the bMfcK." Also swiped from the station wagon were a couple seat cushions and two head light rims. Investigating the beach theft with Ihc sheriff is George Smith, Morehead township constable. Chief of Police Herbert Griffin reported theft of parts from two 1058 Chevrolet* and an old model Studehaker at Sound Chevrolet Co., Morehead City. Two wheels, two tires and two hub caps were taken off a 1956 Bel Air, and tile same amount of equipment was removed from another 1956 Chev rolet. Taken from the Studcbakcr was a 6-volt Delco battery. The two new cars were parked in Uie Sound Chevrolet lot behind Sound Esso Senicc Station. Time of the thefts was set at after midnight. Pickup Truck Hits 6-Year-Old Boy Six-year-old James Edward Gra ham, who lives with his grand parents at 300 Pine St., Beaufort, suffered humps and bruises at 6:05 1 p.m. Thursday when he was knockcd down by a pickup truck at Pine and Turner Streets. Chief of Police Guy Springle said the truck was driven by Ger ald Austin, Beaufort. The child was running from the east side of Turner to the west side and had just about gotten to the curb when the right front bumper of the pickup pushed him down, Chief Springle said. He said the truck had practi cally come to a halt when it hit the boy. The youngster was taken to the Morehead City Hospital in the police car. He waa examined and discharged. The chief said witnesses told him the accident couldn't have been avoided. No charges were filed. Two VshiclM Collide In Mor?h?ad Saturday A 1048 Chevrolet panel truck driven by Jake F. Wade III, Wild wood, collided with a 1949 Buick sedan at 7:05 a.m. Saturday on 24th Street, Morehead City. According to LL Carl Bunch and Patrolman Bruce Edwards, the truck ran into the rear of the Buick. Driving the Buick was John H Baaden, 103 Gordon SC. Beau fort. No one was hurt Both vehicles were headed south on 24th Street. Damage to each vehicle waa estimated at >100. Baa den waa charged with Improper registration of hia car and Wade was charged with driving with in sufficient brakes. The truck ia owMtf by bouthara Dairies Large Grain Movement Will Start Saturday Start of Second Soil Bank Phase Faces Delay B. J. May, ASC manager, said yesterday morning that the date for farmers signing up for the ''conservation phase" of the soil bank has been postponed. ASC officials and other farm leaders were scheduled to attend a meeting at New Bern Thursday to hear about details of the pro gram, but the meeting has been called off. Detailed operating instructions out of Washington have not been received, thus the meeting will have to be held at a later date. The phase of the soil bank pro gram already in effect is the ?'acreage reserve" program. Mr. May says Carteret farmers will be notified when they can start sign ing up for the conservation phase. Thirty cotton and tobacco farm ers banked 51.99 acres this sum mer. Tobacco farmers will collect $5,834.14, cotton farmers $988.30, making a total of $6,822.44 Uncle Sam will pay Carteret farmers this year. The ''conservation reserve" pro gram takes land out of production for long periods of time, at least three years. If trees arc planted, the land can be kept out of crop production for as long as 15 years. To take part in the conservation phase, a farmer must sign an agreement with his ASC commit tee. He will agree to take land out of production and use it exclusive ly in conservation practices. The government says it will pay him most of what it costs to plant cover for the acrcage, plus an an nual payment for keeping the land idle. Grass, legumes and trees may be phmtcd. No crop may be haf-* vested except trees and then those only in accordance with good for estry management. Pastureland put in the bank this year may not be grazed before Jan. 1, 1959 or later. The payments a farmer will get each year will be based on the value of the land, land rates in the area and will be large enough, the government says, to make a farmer willing to participate. To be eligible as a soil banker, a farmer must be within his crop allotments. Both tenants and sharecroppers will share in the money being paid for taking land out of production. Tide Table Tides at the Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW Tuesday, Aug. M 2:09 a.m. 8:16 a.m. 2:32 p.m. 9:23 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. IS 3:13 a.m. 9:18 a.m. 3:52 p.m. 10:23 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18 4:16 a.m. 10:17 a.m. 4:47 p.m. 11:18 p.m. Friday, Aug. 17 5:13 a.m. 11:13 a.m. 5:37 p.m. ? The tint cargo, in what it hoped4 to be a 20.000-ton movement of soybean pallets, will go aboard the SS Mormacisle at Horehead City port Saturday. The pellets, a processed soybean product, are being shipped to Scan dinavian countries by the Inter Ocoanic Commodity Corp., New York. The Mormacisle. an American ship, will take on 2,000 tons. Nine more ships are tentatively sche duled to call at Morehead City to take on the remaining 18,000 tons. The cargo will be moved into Morehead City by railroad freight car and will be loaded directly in to the ship by Cargill Inc., grain exporter*. The Cargill grain load ing installation will be used. Agent and stevedores for the ship are Heide and Co., Inc., More head City and Wilmington. Four Named A&NC Directors Four county residents were ap pointed directors of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad at the annual stockholders meeting Fri day morning at the Atlantic Beach Hotel. They arc Dr. B. F. Royal and H. S. Gibbs Sr.. Morchcad City; Clayton Fulchcr Sr., Atlantic, and Hugh Salter, Beaufort. They will serve one-year terms. Mason King, vice-president in charge of traffic, Southern Rail way, attended the meeting and commented that Southern is en thusiastic about the paper plant which is considering locating be tween New Bern and Kinston. The stockholders were presented | the annual report on the company's operation. The AltNC is lessor of (he Atlantic and East Carolina Railroad which operates between Goldsbcru and Morehead City. Acquisition of that line by Sou t hern Railway Is now before the latcprtatc Commerce Cotnmiaaioo. Democratic Official Thanks F. R. Seeley For Term of Service lrvin W. Davis, chairman of the County Democratic Executive Com mittee yesterday thanked F. R. Seeley, recent chairman of the County Board of Elections for his Ions years of service. Mr. Seeley resigned last week because of ill Jiealth, after serv ing on the board 14 years. He has been rcplaccd by C. Z. Chappell, Beaufort. "Mr. Seeley served his county and the Democratic party with a faithfulness that will long be re membered," Mr. Davis said. "His services arc deeply appreciated." Mr. Davis extended best wishes to Mr Chapptll for a long and successful term of office. Car Hits Parker Car A car reported owned by Mrs. Virginia D. Landii, Pinehurst, col lided with an automobile owned by Bob Shaw, parked at 606 Arcn dell St., Morehead City, Sunday morning. Damage to the Shaw car was slight. Morehead City police investigated. E. A. Canipe Comments On Moving of Freighter E. A. Canipe, Havelock, owner of the freighter, Omar Btbun, which ia beached at Morehead City, told THE NEWS-TIMES Friday that nt> one in Morehead City or Beaufort haa contacted him about moving the freighter. The ahlp ia anchored at the aide of the channel leading to the Morehead City Yacht Baain and haa been termed a threat to the yacht baain ahould It break looae during a atorm. Mr. Canipe referred to a atory in THE NEWS-TIMES laat week in which Roy Eubanka, shipwreck commiaaioner, quoted Canipe aa saying he "didn't have to move the ahlp." Ne Reqaeat Made "Nobody haa ever aaked me to move it," Mr. Canipe aaid. He ad ded that he haa not been informed that the ahlp la a menace to navi gation. "The only oorreapondence 1 have had with the Cout Guard," Mr. Canipe continued, "wia rela tive to putting a green flaahing light on the atern of the ahlp aa a warning that the ahlp waa there." Mr. Canipe aaid he gave the Coaat Guard authority to place the light The ahlp'a owner aaid that it had noflH^ia intention to leave the UnvTlmn beached where it fc and that* planned to nova it when he (Ot around to It. "I hid hoped to have it moved by now," he Mid. Water-Legged Ship Mr. Canipe said the freighter ia three-quarteri lull of water, sitting on the bottom and anchored with more than one cable. He aald U people at the yacht basin are wor ried about the ahlp'a breaking loose and being carried into the basin, he said they needn't be con concerned becauae a storm that would do that would take away Morehead City itaelf. When asked if he had inaurance to cover such an accident, Mr. Ca nipe aald he had no comment. The ship owner atated that Carl Goodwin of the Twin City Metal and Salvage Co., where the ship la beached, looks after the ship. He said he haa cooperated in the paat with the Coast Guard and the United States government in relation to the skip, but says he has never had any request from the Morehead City Chamber of Commerce or anyone else in this area relative to moving the Omar Babun. Mr. Caaipe said his Havelock addrthi la Boi MS. his phone num ber ia an, Havelock, and he will be "glad to cooperate with any one at as/ time." Scout Officials Meet, Outline ProgramforYear County Boy Scout officials met last night at the civic centc^ Morc head City, to plan their Octobcr fundraising campaign and activi ties for the year. Ethan Davis, commissioner, presided. The Fall Round-Up of New Scouts will begin in September. To each Scout and Explorer who recruits a new Scout, a ticket to one of the major college football games will be given, and a free ticket will be given also to the Scoutmaster whose troop member ship increases by five. It is proposed to give Cub Scouts a pass to the movies if they reeruit new Cubs, according to Rudolph Alexander. Scout executive for Car teret and Onslow Counties. Heads Campaign Cordon C. Willis, Morehead Clty will head the Carteret district fund raising drive. Chairmen in the com ^eswiUbeDr.S.W-H.Uher and Thomas Frailer, Morehcad City, Dr. W. A. Chipman and Ran dolph Johnson, Beaufort; Julian Guthrie, Harkcrs Island Archie Jones, Marshallbcrg, C. H. Lockcy, Newport, and Walter Teich. Harlowe. . . The troop at MarshallbcrR is in the process of reorganixation. Us sponsorship has been taken over by the Marsballbcrg Progressive Community Club, with the '?r?cr sponsor, the Marshallberg Metho dist Men s Club, cooperating. Pro)?cU Outlined Mr Alexander said that the vear's procram includes Boy Scout cooperation in . Get Out the Vote campaign and cooperation wit Civil Defense in observance of Civil Defense Week Sep! IH? The- Rational WrtWroe h s***1; tiled to be held during the coming year at Valley Forge and will in Hude a tour for the ScouU of Washington. D. C. Mr. Alexander said that C arteret and Onslow arc Coast Guard Makes Rescues Coast Guardsmen were kept on the Jump over the weekend, ac cording lo Jamea Hunnlngs, com landing officer of Fort Macon. Three boats were taken in tow Saturday, the Sea R??cnaparty boat out of More head City, w?s helped into port, as was a 20-foot cabin yacht, the Two Boys, and the Danda, a 38-foot snapper fi?b Vircent Wright, route 1 Beau fort and hit brother-in-law, Dan n Windsor, had a narrow es cape Sunday afternoon whentbeir 14-foot outboard skiff swamped off Shacklcford Banks. The Coast Guard saw their dif ficulty and picked up both men and the skiff. Mr. Wright said Uiat he was having engine trouble and w.v? .urted breaking over the boat, making It imposalble to roa "rishiag gear, diving *c,r' * camera and Mr. Wright. wallet ^T^'carefree m was Uken In low Sunday night after K ?? aground in Core Creek Both ita ?hafts were bent and the anchor cable was fouled In the acrew. And That's How It Got Built... Two principal*, ? coach and a achool Janitor turned "engiaeen" thia summer to put up the new prefabricated claaaroom building at the rear of the More head City School. They ware Lenwood Lee, prin cipal of the achool, E. B. Comer, principal at Newport School, Coach Cannon Talbert at the Morehead City faculty, and Benny No*, who will be Janitor at the achool. They did the metal work, and carpenteri are now doiag the fln inhiag work. Mr. Lee reported Fri day. The building will hart four classrooms, tccommoditini some Kctiooa of the 7th and 8th gradea. If the building In fiaiahed by Sept. 4. aa U hoped, boy. and flrle will a at lure to be scattered In raoax throughout town aa during the paat few year*. That waa nr emery becauae the building waa tao mmOI Id told all the pupil*.

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