OFFICE OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF \ WiTTANCt AUTHORIZED RF.DENTIALS ONLY At the Pentagon, Special Policeman Richard Burke checke credential* of T/Sgt, F. O. Keller. USMC, as be leaves closely guarded office* of Joint Chiefs of Staflt, Pentagon secretary Josephine Gerard! checks files In Department of Defense Se curity Review branch. All filing cases are locked with combination locks. When the cabinet is open a large red sign reading "OPEN" must bo placed in the top handle Uniformed guard atanda watch on a catwalk overlooking the atomic pile at Oak Ridge, Term. SECURITY 7 Whatever the Russians may be up to with their sputniks, missiles and rockets, the United States is keeping a close watch over its own weapons se crets, and saying not much about it. Since sputnik, the gov ernment has been pressed for more military informa tion. Some has been given. But security regulations are as strict as ever. Guards keep watch on civi lian and military installa tions, such as the Pentagon, atomic plants, missiles launching sites, army and air force bases, navy yards, and the headquarters build ing of the Atomic Energy Commission. Visitors and employes are screened. Credentials are examined carefully. Confidential data is burned after use. Secrets are locked tight. * How these security reg ulations are oarriedopt is piotured bere. - warning ? ?? MR ? aawm?iiiiHfKj ?*ii ut mm. ? iw*bbiw* *JT INSPECTION i**;; zmmm Truok stops for Inspection at gate to the H-bomb plant across the Sa n"H*?_p'"** fron Aiunista. G?._ Signs at right speak for thamsalaas reniagon policeman J. L. Trollier checks employe's pass. Doorway Is guarded by photoelectric unit which rings bell when anyone enters or leaves. Control room of Pentagon's polios department. When guard checks his post, this electronic equipment reoords It. Whi something goes amiss automatic warning device alerts operator. ird I = \ m* \ttw? mm g Classified scrap material la destroyed la basement of the Pentagon by tossing it Into a steam and hot water vat. The vat disintegrates thr paper into aa iodic ipher able mass which is roiled into mats called "wet lap" and sold to paper manufacturers. im* w?Hi Mcnm mow-Af ? 1