|Moh Morehead City Social Newsj Bordeni, fitcktj Editor Ffcta* Mrs A. H. Joyner, Mrs. W. F. Merion and daughter, Carol Ann, went to Farmville Friday to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Joyner's brother -in-law,. Mr. Richard Joy ner. M/Sgt. and Mrs. Durwood Pate and family of Edgewood, Md . visited Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Willis Jr. over the weekend. Miss Lcla Mollis and Mr. Charles Canfield spent Wednesday in Wil liamston with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hollis. Mrs. John Tally and sons, Bobby and Kenny, returned to their home in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Bordeaux Jr. Mr. Harvey Hamilton Sr. has returned home from Durham, where he underwent treatment at McPherson's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Grohne of Decatur, 111., arrived yesterday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Taylor. Mrs. Gus Davis and son, Johnny, spent the weekend in New Bern with Mrs. Davis's mother, Mrs. Peter S. Chagaris. Miss Sara Ballou, a student at Campbell Junior College, was home for the weekend with her mother, Mrs. lona Ballou. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Quillen of Frankford, Del., were here over the weekend. They came to visit their sons, Leonard and Deonard, who are stationed aboard the CGC Chilula. Mr. Bobby Bell and son, Barry, and Mrs. Lcla Chadwick were in Kinston Thursday. Master Hal Jacobs of Wilming ton is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Bordeaux, and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morton and family of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olsen and son of Kin ston and Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Rice and family of Birmingham, Mich., were called here last week by the death of Mrs. Otis Simmons and have returned home. Miss Cecelia Perry has returned to Goldy-Beacom College, Wilming ton, Del., after spending several days with her parents. Mrs. Frank B. Webb Jr. of Mil* ford, Del., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Simmons. Sgt. and Mrs. James H. Bowen are making their home in Garden Grove, Calif. Mrs. Bowen is the former Miss Nadine Garner of Newport. She has been employed as secretary to a Red Cross field director in California. Mrs. Bobby Bell and Mrs. Lela * Chadwick were in Greenville Sat urday. Grover Smithwick, a freshman at East Carolina College, attended ' a recrcation institute for recrea ?] tion leaders in Greenville recently. ?? He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smithwick. ?? Mr. and Mrs. D. F. O'Brien and {I children, Jean and David, of Jack* ;; sonville, Fla., will arrive today. *? Mr. O'Brien will leave by plane C. E. "Cliff" Edwards Mgr. Phone 6-5620 - i ? ? ~~ ^ tomorrow for Flint, Mich., and Mrs. O'Brien and the children will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade here. Mrs. D. J. Hall Jr. and Mrs. Joyce Chambers spent the week end in Winston -Salem. Mrs. Gwen Forster is attending the international beauty and hair styling show at the Statlcr Hotel in New York City. Mr. Lenwood Brinson, a former resident of Morehead City, was injured in an accident recently and is recovering at Naval Hos pital, Ward 20, Portsmouth, Va. Bishop and Mrs. Ralph Cushman of Raleigh were in the city Satur day and Sunday. Bishop Cushman conducted the services at First Methodist Church Sunday. Mrs. George tycNeill left Wed nesday to spend a few days in Raleigh. Mrs. D. A. Pirklc will return home today from Raleigh. She has been spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Bobbitt. Mrs. Leslie Brinson, Mrs. Thom as Fish, Mrs. M. E. McNiel and her mother, Mrs. Lee attended the state convention of the Baptist Women's Missionary Union in New Bern this week. Robert McNeill was at Fort Bragg this week taking examina tions preparatory to entering West Point next year. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Willis Jr. of Fort Jackson, S. C., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sr. Rosary-Altar to Sponsor St. Patrick's Day Party The Rosary-Altar Society of St. Egbert's Catholic Church will spon sor a card party Monday evening to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The public is invited to attend the party, which will be held at the Catholic school. Games of one's choice may be played from 8 to 10 p m. and re freshments, arranged by Mrs. W. M. Brady, will be served. Baked goods will be the table prizes and a door prize will be given for which all ticket holders will be eligible, whether present or not. The one dollar donations will be used to pay for projects of the .society. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Vic Bcllamah, 2-5071. Mrs. Joseph Drewyer and Mrs. William Reese arc on the planning committee. The Junior Catholic Daughters, Mrs. Ralph Gray and Mrs. Gerald Wade will decorate the school hall and help with the serving. Five new members were hon ored at a tea Sunday afternoon. They arc Mrs. Frank Marino, Miss Flora Gore, Mrs. Ernest Mais, Mrs. James Dcmbow and Mrs. Jerome Mozina. Mrs. A. M. Fcre bce and Mrs. Sam Hatcher planned the tea. At the February meeting a kit chen and miscellaneous shower was given Father Walter Higgins, who recently moved into the new rectory at 203 S. 17th St. Trading stamps were pooled to buy needed items. Girl Scout Troop Meets With Mrs. Warthen Girl Scout troop 226 met At the Episcopal parish house Wednesday afternoon. The program was on Health. Betty Garner, president, called the meeting to order. The meeting adjourned with the friendship cir cle following refreshments. Tours With Choir Miss Sara Ballou, daughter of Mrs. Iona S. Ballou, is touring this week with the Campbell Jun ior College choir. The choir will tour eight dayi and will sing in New York City, Princeton, N. J., Maryland and North Carolina cities. Misa Ballou will graduate in May. TtHlTH 4- translator* IIK A RING AID TODAY 7:90 p.m. ? Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 7 30 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, Camp No. S36, Newport S p.m.? American Association of University Women, civic center, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Encampment, IOOF, Odd Fellows Lodge, Beaufort SATURDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Senior class play, Smyrna School S p.m. ? Sea Level Citizens for Mosquito Control, Sea Level Inn 1 p.m.? VFW dinner, post build ing, Beaufort MONDAY 6:30 p.m.? Rotary Club, school lunchroom, Newport 7 p.m.? Jaycees, Hotel Fort Ma con, Morehead City 7 p.m.? Beaufort Jaycees, Scout building, Beaufort 7:30 p.m.? Emeritus Civic Club, civic ccntcr, Morehead City 7:30 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, hall east of Camp Glenn School 7:30 p.m. ? Miriam Rebckahs, lodge hall, Beaufort 7:30 p.m. ? Carteret County Bridge League, recreation build ing, Morehead City 8 p.m.? Order of Eastern Star, lodge hall, Beaufort 8 p.m.? Wpsleyan Service Guild, First Methodist Church, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Alcoholics Anonymous, closed m. ding, 428 '.2 Front St., Beaufort 8 p.m.? Loyal Order of Moose, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach TUESDAY 9-11 a.m. ? Clinic, Morehead City Hospital annex. (Shots adminis tered during these hours only) 1-4 p.m. ? Clinic, county health ccntc Beaufort. (Shots adminis tered during these hours only) 6:4$ p.m.? Rotary Club, Scout building, Beaufort 7 p.m. ? Marine Reserve Unit, The Crossroads, Havelock 7:30 p.m. ? Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Coast Guard Station, Fort Macon Road 7:30 p.m. ? Camp Glenn PTA, school building, Morehead City 8 p.m.? St. Catherine's Chapter, auxiliary of St. Andrew's Episco | pal Church, parish house, More head City t p.m.? Folk and Square danc ing, recreation building, Morehead City 8 p.m.? Women of the Moose, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach Hospital Note* Morehrad City Hospital Admitted: Saturday, Mrs. Jean Murphy. Marshallberg; Mrs. Hilda Diffee, Havclock; Mrs. Lois Willis, Harkcrs Island: Mrs. Barbara Par kin, Mrs. Bertha lludnall, Beau fort; Mr. H. M. Watson, South Charleston, W. Va. Sunday, Mrs. Emma Guthrie. Mrs. Sarah Cardcn, Mrs. Vivian Gaskill, Harkers Island; Miss Judy Arrington, Beaufort; Mrs. Grace Byrd, Mr. Cecil Nelson, Morehead City; Mr. Marion Smith, Newport. Monday, Miss Elizabeth Adams, Mrs. Helen Friesch, Mr. Clarence Glancy, Miss Vclna G. Lewis, Morehead City; Master George Kelly, Miss Theresa Kelly, Atlan tic Beach; Master Joseph Long Jr., Mr. Grady Smith, Mrs. Marie Seymour, Beaufort; Mr. Wilbur Russell, Mrs. Lucille Russell, Mrs. Ethel Williams, Newport; Mrs. Hazel Styron, Harkcrs Island. Tuesday, Mrs. Lois Alexander, Newport; Mrs. Janet Cross, Mas ter John Pratchios, Morehead City; Mr. McKcever Lupton, Master John Springlc, Beaufort; Miss Erma Nelson, Harkers Island. Discharged: Sunday, Master Joseph Long Jr., Beaufort; Miss Julia Leggett. Morehead City; Mr. John Willis, Atlantic. Monday, Mrs. Ida Willis, Har kcrs Island; Master William Jef fries Jr., Marshallberg; Mrs. Thclma Zajac, Salter Path: Tuesday: Mrs. Dorothy Creech and daughter, Mrs. Erma Riggs, Newport; Mrs. Barbara Parkin, Mr. Charles Willis, Mrs. Nannie Potter, Mrs. Dollie Dudley, Mrs. Bertha Hudnall, Mrs. Anna Bell Glover, Beaufort; Mr.' H. M. Wat son, South Charleston, W. Va.; Mrs. Mable Smith, Salter Path. Wednesday, Mrs. Jean Murphy and son, Marshallberg; Mrs. Vi vian Gaskill and daughter, Mrs. Emma Guthrie and daughter, Har kers Island; Mr. Charlie Smith, Otway. Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Monday, Mr. Haywood McBride, Morehead City; Mrs. Ida Scott, Harkers Island. Taesday, Miss Karen Willis, Har kers Island; Mrs. llarcl Edwards, Beaufort; Mrs. Lcona Gilgo, Davis. Wednesday, Mrs. Sara Styron, Davis; Miss Jane Piner, Williston; Mr. Sam Letters, Straits; Mrs. Ilazcl Ives, Havelock. Discharged: Monday, Miss Abbie Styron, Davis; Mrs. Margaret Grif fin, Harkers Island; Mr. Henry Ward, Newport. Tuesday, Miss Alice Taylor, Miss Ann Taylor, Sea Level; Mrs. Hct tie Garner, Beaufort; Mist Daphne Arthur, Stacy. Wednesday, Misa Catherine Mi zcU, Morehead City; Thursday, Mr. Paul Cordova, Morehead City; Mr. H. B. Golden, Mrs. Ida Scott. Har kers Island; Mr. Haywood Mc Bride, Morehead CUy. Alfred Cooper Becomes President of PTA Group Offlc?r? were elected by the Morehead City Parent-Teacher As sociation Monday night at the acbool. Mr. Alfred Cooper, who wai serving aa vice-president, au tomatically bteimei president. Other officers are aa follows: Mr. Shelby Freeman, vice-pres ident; Mrs. Sylvester Fleming, secretary; Mrs. J. B. Thompson, trermrer. Mr. Dan Swindell, the retiring president, presided. The three sections of the second grade presented a play about the months of the year, including songs, dances and recitations. Mr. Swindell thanked the teachers, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Pake and Miss Fleming, and the second graders for the excellent program. After discussion of the sugges tion of Lenwood Lee, principal, the PTA decided to abandon try ing to have a fund-raising project this year. The fall carnival and community dinner had to be post poned because of a crowded calen dar, illness and bad weather. The group voted to get into action early next year. Mr. Cooper requested recommen dations of the needs for the com ing year. He stressed the need for the full cooperation of each parent and the importance of a link be tween parent, teacher and child. Mr. Lee dismissed the group with prayer. ' Program on Middle East ] Planned for AAUW Mrs. William Nicholson will be | in charge of the program at the American Association of Univer sity Women's meeting tonight at 8 at the civic center. Two films on the Middle East will be shown. Members of the study group who have been studying the Middle East will each give a talk on a country there. Those taking part will be Miss Joan Chipman, Mrs. G. B. Talbot, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Beverly Connor, Mrs. Theodore l Rice and Mrs. Daniel Brown. Mrs. Monroe McNeil and Miss Chipman arc in charge of refresh- j mcnts. Mrs. McCann Entertains Tripple C Canasta Club The Triple C canasU club met at the home of Mrs. Jack McCann Wednesday evening. Soft drinks ' and nuts were served during play and a dessert of cake with pecan topping and coffee was served at J the conclusion. Mrs. Robert B. Lawrence was high scorer, Mrs. McCann was second high and Mrs. Timothy J. McCarthy Jr. was low. Larry Guthrie Observes 18th Birthday at Party Larry Guthrie of Salter Path was ' honored at a surprise party Mon- 1 day night at the home of Miss Ju lia Guthrie. He was observing his eighteenth birthday. Thirty guests attended. Games ' were played and refreshments of punch, cake, potato chips, peanuts and mints were served. The honor guest received gifts from his friends. Sewing Class to Meet An adult sewing class will be organized at the Morchead City School Tuesday night at 7:30. The class is free and Mrs. D. Cordova, instructor, invites anyone who is interested. Listed at State College Berlyn Temple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Temple of Newport, has been named to the dean's list for the first semester at State College, Raleigh, where he is a freshman. Civic Club to Meet The Emeritus Civic Club will meet at the civic center Monday night at 7:30. Smyrna Seniors Will Present Play Tonight Smyrna aeniors will present their class play at 7:30 tonight at the school auditorium. The title of the play is Too Many Women. In the cast are Ann Davis. Syl via Davis, Laura Lewis, Rachel Willi*, Glenn Willis, Elbcrta Gil likin, Phillip Mason, Ted Willis, Deanna Roae, Serina Davis, and Lenora Lawrence. Adinisaion ia SO and 2S cents. Faith FWB Church Gives List of Month's Meetings The following meetings have been announced for the Faith Free Will Baptist Church, Morehcad City: The YPA will meet at 7:30 Tues day at the church and the Mas ter'* Men will meet tonight at 7:30. The Women's Auxiliary meets the first Monday of each month. Regular Sunday worship service* are held at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. with the league meeting at 4:30 on Sundays. Prayer service is con ducted on Wednesday night it 7:30. All meetings take place at the church on highway 70-A. Move* to Beaufort State highway patrolman W. J. Smith Jr., former resident of More head City, has moved to Glendale Park, Beaufort. The atate highway patrol office, which formerly was located in the Morehead City mu nicipal building, has also been movod to Beaufort, to tba Mw Jail. ? t Bill Appropriates Funds for Deeper Port Channel The bill that appropriate! money (or the Morehead City channel and turning baain passed the Home Tuesday afternoon at Washington, D. C. It has now passed both houses of Congress. Mayor George Dill, Morebeid City, announced Tuesday night that Congressman Graham Barden in formed him by telegram of the good news. The appropriation, for $1,197,000, will deepen the channel to More head City state port to 35 feet and widen the turning basin. The appropriations bill has had rough sledding. It was vetoed once by President Eisenhower, rein troduced in the Senate and passed and then Congress adjourned. In the current session of Con gress the bill came before the House. Mayor Dill commented that this session of Congress started out on an economy note, but the business slump has interested the adminis tration in turning loose public funds for projects such as those in the recently-passed bill. That may mean, the mayor said, that work on the harbor could be gin sooner than otherwise antici pated. The channel depth is now main tained at 32 feet. Nun from March 12 ? The Rev. Charlie Rice of New Bern filled his appoint ment here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Courtney of Russells Creek spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Eubanks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edwards are in Norfolk, Va , where Mr. Ed wards has been admitted to the Marine Hospital. Miss Betty Norman was the weekend guest of Miss Marsha Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hill and children spent the weekend with relatives at Atlantic. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morris of Atlantic spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Dawson have returned from Dunn where Mrs. Dawson was called due to the ill ness and death of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hardy Jr. of Morehead City visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hardy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pittman and txiys of Beaufort spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Taylor of Atlantic visited Mr. and Mrs. Gas ton Hill Thursday afternoon. The Misses lva Marie Pittman, Kathy Pittman and Juanita Tosto are ill with measles. Miss Bernice Courtney spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Eubanks. .The YPA met at the home of Mrs. Levi Pittman Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Doris Norman and son, Evans, visited in Beaufort Sunday night. Mr. Alvin Lewis of Oriental visit ed his brother, Mr. Luther Lewis, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wallace Jr. and daughter of New Bern spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Cannon visited Mr. C. 0. Dawson Monday afternoon. Good News About r Bjr Harry Vemttrm, 4 H Adrtur | ^ ?t* I want to remind all of you, and especially those of you enrolled in electric projects, of the Electric Workshops being planned for your benefit. The fir^ one is tonight at 7:30. It will be held at the Carteret Craven Electric Memberhsip Corp. building in Morehead City. Mr. Norris Edge of Carolina Power and Light Co. and Mr. Bernie Mor ton of the Carteret-Craven Elec tric Membership Corp., will be on hand to furnish Instructions. Both of these companies are co operating in these workshops be cause they have an interest in you as 4-H'ers. They are going to a lot of trouble and expense to teach you many practical lessons in electricity and its use, so you show your appreciation by attending and learning as much as you can. These workshops will be held every two weeks and four will be held in all. See you tonight. The 4-H recreation program Fri day night was a real success, if comments from 4-H'ers that were there is any indication. The ques tion that many 4-H'ers asked is, "When are wc going to have ano ther one?" It would be nice to have one later on, maybe some of those that were unable to be with us last Friday will be able to make it. I think that most every school was represented, but there was room for more. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish did an excellent job of conducting the program and teaching the dancing to so many. The Beaufort 4-H Clubs will hold their regular monthly meeting Wednesday and the Mcrrimon Community 4-H Club will meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Lyman Dixon, our district 4-H agent, will be in the county Wednesday and will attend the Arthur Taylor Brought Here for Car Theft Trial Arthur Taylor, Rocky Mount, is charged with stealing the car be longing to S. T. Vick, Beaufort, is being held in jail in Beaufort. Taylor is charged with theft of the car Sept. 5, 1957. He was charged with careless and reckless driving after wrecking the car in Morehead City and had just com pleted serving time on that count Tuesday. He was immediately picked up at the prison camp by Sheriff Hugh Salter and brought here to stand trial for car theft. Weather Observer Gives Measure of Sunday Rain Weather observer Stamey Davis has recorded two days of rain this week. Slightly more than a half inch of rain fell Sunday and it rained all day yesterday. Mr. Davis did not measure the rain until after the paper went to press yesterday. Maximum and minimum tem peraturse and wind direction for the week follow: Max. Min. Wind Monday 57 38 N Tuesday 55 36 SW Wednesday 55 45 SE Trucks from both Morehead City fire stations went to a grass fire at 24th and Fisher Streets at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday. Since the fire was reported through a fire alarm box the firemen did not know what was on fire and both stations an swered. There was no damage. Beaufort Club meetings. I know many of you have taken advantage of the springlike wea ther this week and have started on your 4-H garden projects. Boy, won't those first spring vegetables taste good? If you haven't started, try to do so soon 'cause times a'wasting. It's still not too late to plant garden peas and time to plant bush beans and lots of other vegetables. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of John Henderson, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Morehead City, N. C., on or be fore the 1st day of February, 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 29th day of January, 1958. Herbert 0. Phillips III, Administrator j31 fi-14-21-28 m7 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Carteret County In the Superior Court Myrna F. Taylor vs. Robert E. Taylor To Robert E. Taylor: You will take notice that an ac tion has been instituted against you by the plaintiff for absolute divorce Legal Notices on the grounds of two yean aepa ration. You will appear not later than the 4th day of April. 1SS8, and file answer or nicb other plea ai t you may be advised or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief sought. This 11th day of February, 1KB. A. H. James Clerk of Superior Court f!4-21-a mT ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of William Os bourn Holland, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C . this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Morebead City, N. C., on or before the 22nd day of February, 1959, or this no tice will be pled in bar of their re covery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 20th day of February, 1958. Mary Virginia Godwin, Administratrix f21-28 m7-14-21-28 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of March, 1958, I did lease to Mr. John E. Seittcr, More head City, North Carolina, the fol lowing described oyster bottom: Lease No. 728 Located in Newport River, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at the southeast corner of the Henry Smith lease in the Newport River and runs N 10? - 35' W 814' to said > Smith northeast corner; thence N 64* - 15' E 263' to the J. E. Seitter lease; thence S 6" - 50' W 1026' to a stake; thence N 53" -00' W 186' to the beginning, containing 4.0 acres. This the lst)day of March, 1958. C. G. Holland Fisheries Commissioner m!4-21-28 a t St{fc\ TO PUT YOU AT YOUR For Mother, Dad, Sister and Brother To step out in style on Easter Sunday morning, first step In here! Take a look-see at oar eye-taking array of every thing you'll need to win ad miring glances on this day-of all-days when you'U want to look your very best. You can choose here anything from a suit to a shirt . . . from a topcoat to a tie . . . with the positive assurance that it will do you proud! Belk'st a 4 For our money, it's First-Citizens 3%' GUARANTEED INTSRCST ON SA VINOS. / Flret-Citiieas' I1.5M.M Essay (Mot "My Stake ia Free Eaterprise" For high school students, grade* 9 through 12. (Entry forms at your nearest First-Citizens office). Cinvralcatty Locatcd la ? Morefceii CHjr WHk Drln-h S?nrk? f ? Beaufort ? Cherry Foist . V ? Swiaabw* ? Hivrlock ud In other flat N.C. wmMm Wo war f?n?t t? fy TXmwf ( -I RSI ( ITI/ENS BANK I TRUST M.IX.

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