CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES Carteret County'* Newspaper EDITORIALS FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 Is Sports Worth the Cost? Some boards of education are wak ing up. They see the time has passed to take a new appraisal of athletic pro grams. Just such reappraisal has been requested by the Guilford County com missioners. Unfortunately, this was not brought on by interest in bending all effort to ward a better scholastic program. It came after a near-riot following a bas ketball game at Monticello High School. , Recently Kinston and New Bern stu dents tangled at Cove City after a close fought basketball game; a fight started at a State and UNC basketball game; booing at college games has been the rule rather than the exception. Just what is athletics teaching our students? That's what educators are beginning to ask. Players used to blame sports fisti cuffs on the spectators. Recent events at colleges and high schools do not bear j out that contention. Years ago, educators found that par ents would become more interested in the schools if there were sports events. So sports began to play a more prom inent part in the school, program. Now sports has reached the point of "the tail wagging the dog". , Neither Beaufort nor Morehead City can easily support football programs. They go in the red. Beaufort doesn't have the material for a football team, yet it keeps struggling. Ask the same people who fork out contributions to athletic teams to give a like amount to ward a new chemistry lab and you'll ' get nowhere. Right now people are talking about new schools in the county. Ask the average man on the street why he wants a new school. Nine chances out of ten he will come up with, "Because we've got to have a new gym." Physical education is important. Teaching cooperation with other mem bers of a team is necessary. How to be a good sport while losing is part of playing the game. But is a quarter mil lion dollar gym, one at Smyrna, one at Beaufort, one at Morehead City and one at Newport necessary to do that? Before this county starts talking bet ter schools, it had best take a long hard look at its athletic programs. Perhaps money could be found to put one large high school with gym, East Carteret High, east of Beaufort Perhaps money could be found to put another large school with gym between Morehead City and Newport as West Carteret High. Perhaps fabulous gymnasiums are not as important as good football fields ? or libraries. Carteret people are going to have to decide. When a Carteret student, on oc casion, wins a scholarship, folks '.eap and shout. How many other students might also be winning scholarships if the scholastic programs and classroom facilities were a lot better than they are? Carteret is going to have to cut its educational program to fit the cloth. Maybe this means basketball, but no football; maybe it means 10 new class rooms instead of 12; maybe three high schools instead of five. Evaluation ? and burying of selfish community in terests ? MUST come before building. Why? The big question in the current reces sion is "Why does the cost of living keep rising when business is decreas ing?" This gets into the realm of eco nomics. Experts can analyze an eco nofmc pfotilem, such as a recessioni'Shd i even if an answer is suggested no one can agree that it's the right one. The cost of living will not come down until prices are lowered at the retail level. Prices will not be lowered at the retail level until 1. The retailer cuts price and takes a loss, or 1 2. The cost of producing goods is re duced. Few retailers want to take a loss. On smaller electrical appliances, however, price-cutting has gotten under way on a large scale in metropolitan areas in the past few weeks. The retailers' profits are small, if indeed, any. ? The cost of producing goods cannot be reduced as long as the labor force holds management to contracts signed at the peak of good business. Factories have to keep paying high wages or lay people off, and many plants will even face strikes this year. Raw materials stacked in ware houses now were produced in the days when business was good. The raw ma terial producer, the wholesaler, the job ber ? everybody all along the line knew that the retailer could get almost 'anything he asked for the finished product. Costs were set accordingly. Those raw materials, produced at high cost, are still in the warehouse. As they move out, into the factory and down the line through the retailer, the high costs must be passed on. That's why the cost of living is still up while 1 business has slumped. There is a big hue and cry for the government to do something to bolster business. Anything the government r does is like the information printed on a box of cold modicinC. The remedy (so-called) will relieve the SYMP TOMS. The basic trouble is still there and in a recession, sound footing in the business world will not be reached un - til all the rears are Bevolving at a syn chronized speed. At the moment things have slowed up at the consumer end, but the slow up has not back-bumped to the produc ing end. The gears are out of time. They can't be readjusted quickly. Government action can cushion a business slump, but only time and nor mal economic readjustment can cure the ill. And Speak Clearly (Lynchburg News) How should a group of newly li censed lawyers be advised on court room decorum? The president of the Texas State Bar Association did a respectable job the other day when such a group was brought before him in, Austin. Never indulge in useless fisticuffs, he warned. And always wear a coat; avoid flashy clothes "lest you be mistaken for a tinhorn gambleF." Never holler at the judge unless he is a little deaf and then holler mildly. Be brief. And with these unlawyerlike words, President Virgil Seaberry of the Texas State Bar Association shut up. He had said about all that needed saying ih concise, simple language and without resorting to abhorrent legalese. He might have advised his junior col leagues to strive for improved diction and seek to avoid the offensive mum bo-jumbo of legalistic prose which con fuses and confounds. Carteret County News-Times I WINNER OF NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION AND NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION AWARDS A Merger of The Beaufort Newt (Eit. 1912) and The Twin City Times (Eat. 1836) Published Tuesdays and Friday* by the Carteret Publishing Company, Inc. 504 Arendell St., Morehead City, N. C. , LOCKWOOD PHILLIPS ? PUBLISHES ELEANORS DEAR PHILLIPS - ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER RUTH L. PEELING - EDITOR Mail Rates: In Carteret County and adjoining counties, I*. 00 sac year. $3.50 six months, (1.23 one month; elsewhere (7.00 one year, $4.00 six months. (1.50 one month. Member of Associated Press ? N. C. Pre** Asaociatior National Editorial Association ? Audit Bureau of Circulations ' ''Sp National Adrertising Repreientstive Moran * Fischer, Inc. 10 Eart 40th Street, New York 16, N. Y. The Associated Pre** i* entitled exclusively to u*e for republication of local new* printed in this newspaper, a* well as all AP new* dispatches Entered as Second Class Matter at Motehead City, N. C? Under Aot of March (, 187? THE LAUNCHING PAD Security for You... By RAY HENRY The couple was nearing 65 and the husband would be retiring soon. To get ready for it, they visited the local Social Security office. They wanted to know what docu ments they'd need when they asked for payments. Since neither had a birth certifi cate, the office receptionist ex plained that they should be look ing for other proof of their age. After she had mentioned several documents that would be accept able, she asked: 1 "Do you have a baptismal certif icate?" "What did she say?" the hus band asked his wife in a loud voice. In an equally loud voice, she answered : "They say now we have to be baptized." Turned out that in addition to being ready for 'retirement, they both were hard of hearing. In any case, the couple had the right idea in checking in advance to see what documents they'd need to back up their applications for Social Security payments. As the couple discovered, the basic document nedecd is a birth certificate or some other proof of age. The problem for many older peo ple these days is that they don't have birth certificates. Birth rec ords weren't carefully kept in the late 1800s and early 1900s. So, it's often necessary for them to get other types of proof of age. Recognizing this, the Social Se curity Administration has worked out a list of other types of proof which are acceptable. Here's the list with suggestions as to where the proof might be available: Church record of birth or bap tism: Write to the church or parish in which you were baptized. Census Bureau records: Contact the United States Bureau of Cen sus, Washington, D. C. Hospital records: Get in touch with the hospital in which you were born or any other hospital which might have some record of your age. Foreign birth records: Write di rectly to the local government of your place of birth. Some help may also be given to you by the con sular offices or embassy represent ing the country of your birth in the United States. All such em bassies are located in Washington, D. C. You may write them, for example, in this way: British Em bassy, Washington, D. C. Certification on approved form of Bible or other family birth rec ord: Your Social Security office will give you information on ob taining certifications. Naturalization records: Write to Immigration and Naturalization Service, Washington, D. C. Military records: Write to your branch of service, Washington, D. C. Ffljf example: Department of the 4hny? Washington 25, ft. C. * Passport record^: Write to De partment of State. Passport Sec tion. Washington, D. C. Vaccination record: Contact the Department of Public Health, c/o city, county or state in which you were vaccinated. Insurance policy : This you should have in your possession. If the policy has lapsed, get in touch with the home office of the com pany which issued you the policy. Although this is the list put out by the Social Security people, other types of proof? if they're genuine ?may also be acceptable. (Editor's Note: You may con tact the social security repre sentative at the courthouse an nex, Beaufort, from t:3l a.m. to 12:39 p.m. Wednesdays. He will help you with your own partteu* lar problem). The Greatest Irishman Whether or not you're Irish, you arc apt to (eel a pleasure and a joy in the air on March 17 for it is St. Patrick'* Day, (east day of Ireland's patron saint. It is a day that evokes ancestral nostalgia among Erin's sons and daughters as they honor the feats of an adopted son who came to the Emerald Isle on a great crusade more than 1500 years ago. And like all great Irish events, it begins as a story. It was the chilly eve of a great Irish pagan festival in the year 432 A.D. All Ireland lay briefly in ceremonial darkness awaiting the welcome to spring which the druids would light on the Hill of Tara, seat of Erin's high kings for more than seven ccnturies. Fire Biases Suddenly, ahead of the scheduled ritual, a flagrant fire blazed like a beacon in the night atop a near by hill. For it was the eve of Eas ter, and Patrick had lighted his paschal fire. On Easter Sunday, as Patrick and his small band of followers stood prisoners before the enraged King I.ioghaire, the court druids attempted to humiliate the mis sionary. For the learned druids, the reli gionists of the time, suspected ? Patrick was the prophesied bearer of a strange Gospel that would conquer Ireland. But Patrick out matched their magic with his miracles and finally, as the druids enveloped Tara in darkness, Pat'1, rick, with quiet conviction, said! "They can bring darkness, but cannot bring light." Greatly impressed, the High King gave Patrick permission to preach anywhere in Ireland, which was then composed of more than 100 small, warlike states, or tribes, called the tuatha. These were loosely united into five fiercely in dependent provinces, each with a king, and one of them, the High King. An ardent and versatile preach er, with a deep understanding of the people, Patrick would first at tempt to convert the kings and trimal chieftains, knowing their ex ample would exert a powerful in fluence. Converted Ireland So well did he succeed that 28 years later at his death on March 17, Patrick? sometimta at the risk of his life? had converted almost all of Ireland from pagan worship. When he faced King Laoghaire, that Easter day, Patrick was be ginning the sccond year of an evangelical mission on which he had been sent, at his own request, by Pope Celestine, the First. For the mission, the Pope consecrated him an archbishop and conferred on him the noble name of Patricua. At birth he had been called Succat. The son of a magistrate, he was born in England, in a Cel tic province of the once magnifi cent Roman Empire that stretchcd from Britain across Europe and North Africa into Asia Minor. At 16, St. Patrick had been cap tured by Irish raidera, enslaved in Ireland and set to tending the flocks. During his lonely vigils, he heard God'a call, escaped abroad in his seventh year of captivity and became a priest. In a mon astery at Auxcrrc, France, he had a vision one night of Irish folks beseeching him to bring them the Gospel. In St. Patrick's time, Ireland had no village*, towns or citiea. Community life revolved around the courts of the kings and tuatha chieftain*, with their ttraitified F. C. Salisbury Here and There The following information is taken from the files of the More head City Coaster: FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 Mrs To* son of Swansboro is spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs. Jesse Bell. Friends fo Joseph Royal will be ;:!ad to learn that he is now able to be out after an illness of several days. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Salisbury of Hartford, Conn., left for their home Wednesday afternoon after spend ing the winter months here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bourtcsc, who have born spending the winter here, left this week for their home in Augusta, Ga. Miss Elodic Webb returned from Richmond Monday where she has spent several months attending Massey's Business College. Miss Bettie Pclletier and Thelma Latham returned to Norfolk Mon day after spending a short time in the city with relatives. E. C. Boomer was called to Nashville Sunday on account of the death of his brother-in-law, the Rev. J. M. Benson. R. E. liedit, civil engineer, left Sunday morning for Elizabeth City where he will start surveying that city. He was assistant to R. R. Eagles and had just finished sur veying this city. John F. Nelson and Neal P. Da vis, after attending the convention of the Woodmen of the World, re turned home from Salisbury Wed nesday. Mrs. Mary Pigott left Thursday for Newport where she will spend several days visiting friends. Mrs. William M. Webb has re turned home after spending a few days in Washington and Richmond. The death of Mrs. William J. Robinson occurred at her home on Fisher Street Tuesday evening. She was born at Portsmouth, N. C., some 61 years ago. The death of Mrs. Anne Royal of Marshallbcrg occurred Tuesday night at the family home. Her hus band, the late Martin Royal, pass ed away Feb. 5 after an illness of only a few days. Miss Mary Willis entertained quite a number of her little friends Wednesday evening, the occasion being her 13th birthday. Many good things were served by Mrs. C. E. Snooks. Luther Fulcher of Oeracoke was brought to the hospital Thursday afternoon, suffering with injuries sustained in falling on the center board of his oyster boat. He suf fered three broken ribs. Superintendent Mendenhall has organized fourteen teachers of the graded schools of the city Into a teachers training class for the pur pose of professional improvement. The furniture formerly used in the Bank of Morchead City has been moved into the west side of the building made ready by con tractor W. R. Wyatt so that work of remodeling the entire building can be carried out on the east side. society of nobles, poets, craftsmen and other groups. Next to kings, poets enjoyed the highest social status. They com posed the verse in which they ex alted the land's history, royal genealogies and heroic deeds of kings and warriors. St. Patrick in spired the poets with a new theme. When he died at the age of 75, he had founded 700 monasteries and churches and ordained more than 350 bishops and 3,000 priests, the seeds from which Ireland flowered into ? vast seminary of classical learning. It teems quite fitting each year that St. Patrick's Day is followed soon afterwards by the official first day of spring? for it is a time of renewed hope and strength, the very qualities personified by St. Patrick. ?Adapted from Aramco World Loulf Spivey Words of Inspiration SAFETY Just at long *1 our citizens are carelessly killed on our highways, we cannot say enough about safety. As you read this, take just a minute and think over YOUR driving habits. If you are honest and discover that you are guilty of careless ness even on one account, write it down and follow it with this sen tence, "1 will never do this again." There are few of us who aren't guilty of being careless at times, so it is important that each of us appoint himself as a committee of one, to observe all traffic regulations. They were made to preserve life, our own, our fellowman's. Have you ever driven a car, even when you knew the brakes were bad? Or gone too fast when the tires were thin? Have you ever taken your own life in your hands and walked across an intersection against the traffic signals? Have you ever speeded up to beat the red light? lluh! WATCH THE CHILDREN No motorist would kill a child if he could have his way. And yet, somewhere small broken forms are buried every day. Somewhere a home where laughter rang is saddened now, and still. It seems so strangely different, and we know it always will. No boyish shout of "Hello Mom" as up the walk he'd come. That's none, just like his whistle and the song he used to hum. The burst of spring can't mean a thing when days on earth arc through, And autumn's flame he'll never claim in woodlands that he knew. There'll be a youngster missing, when the kids make lemonade To peddle on the corner, and when the Scouts parade Their marching feet along the street will beat a sad refrain. A mother's heart will hear it, and old wounds throb again. What would have been the future of this happy, carefree lad, What were the hours of triumph that alas he never had? Was a statesman taken from us. in the twinkling of an eye, Did a scientist or inventor, or an author bleed and die? We only pause to wonder, by a grave that claimed its own. No place this side of Heaven arc such answers known. But (his we know, with certainty, throughout our Old North Stale, The sacrifice of lives like these goes on at ghastly rate. Such tragedies arc bitter, and each driver of a car Should cxcrcise all caution where little children arc. Sometimes a child is thoughtless, hard to predict it's true. So take heed as a grown up and try to think for two. May you never save a minute, as you plunge full speed ahead. Then spend your life remembering a child that's long since dead. ? J. Gaskill McDaniel If you are walking, cross the street only at crosswalks, look to the right and left for in-turning cars. Cross only with the light. Never walk into the street from behind parked cars. Don't let pack ages, umbrellas, obscure your view. Keep your head up, eyes and brain alert. It might save your life. If you are driving a car, never make a left hand turn while travelling at a high rate of speed. Slow down and live. Govern your speed to weather, roadway, traffic, visibility. Darkness doubles danger. Always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, follow another car at one car length, for every ten miles of speed. Make sure the way is clear before changing directions. Look and give signals, even if you can sec no one is behind you; it is a good habit for one to follow. If you drive, don't drink! If you drink, don't drivel Sing while you drive: At 45 miles per hour ? Highways Arc Happy Ways. At 55 miles per hour ? I'm But a Stranger Here, Heaven is My Home. At 65 miles per hour ? Nearer, My God, to Thee. At 75 miles per hour ? When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, I'll be There. At 85 miles per hour ? Lord, I'm Coming Home. Delaware Service Station Operator Has Had Enough! In THE NEWS-TIMES in No vember there was an editorial titled "Service with a Smile". It took service station attendants to task for cleaning windshields slop pily and over-filling the motorist's tank with gas. A story on the editorial was printed in the trade paper. Gaso line Retailer. The item has brought commcnt from a service station operator in Iowa (sec NEWS TIMES March 4, l?M) and now comes another comment, from a tired service station operator at Smyrna, Del. Smyrna, Del. March 1, 1*U Sir: Being a former "Tar Heel", I waa attracted to the article in Gasoline Retailer about your edi torial on Service with a Smile. Being In the service station bus iness, I don't see eye to eye with you, though 1 admit we, too, have our kinks. May I list a few, just ? few, aches of the business . . , 1. "No, I don't need anything, but please clean my windshield '. Not a thank you. 2. May I please have a postage atamp? 3. Stopping in the outside lane in the teeming rain (when you could drive all the way to the door) to ask direction! only. 4. No, 1 don't need gas or oil, just check wy radiator. 1 don't like to lift the hood. 5. Getting you out of bed at 2 a.m. because they are out of gas and tell you, "Just a dollar's worth to get home on." 6. Could 1 get a tankful 'til Sat urday? My dealer's closed. T. Cleaning up from the rcatroom floor what should have gone into the hopper. S. Turning off the flooding api gots after tho "family" pulls out. 9. Replacing soap and towels that disappeared only a short while after being put in tbe rest room. 10. Scrubbing off the "writing on the wall". 11. The complaint, "Why can't you sell to me a* cheap as the super markets?" 12. "I got it up tbc road at a bargain, why can't you put H in for me free. Ain't 1 your steady cuitomer?" 13. Our hours: I a.m. to 11:30 p.m., seven days. If you closc a day, "Where were you?" or "I was here at 7 o'clock but you weren't open." Arc you disgusted? Well, so arc we. We arc going into another business, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. No Sun days. Wc can go to bed before midnight and better profits ? I know! Brother, you can have the ser vice station business. After 12 ycari, we've had it I Tired Editor's Note: Everyone who has to deal with the public has gripes. Most gripes arc based on the thoughtlessness of the public and the "public", simply, is you and me. If the public were aware of the little things it does ? or docs not do? that irks business folks, per haps many gripes would disappear. Everyone in business has gripes: the newsstand operator is irked by the person who comcs by, reads a newspaper, puts it down and never buys it; the groccry store clerk is irked by the shopper who punchcs the tomatoes and pcachcs and walks on; the doctor is irked by the patient who shops from doctor to doctor without ever let ting one doctor know the patient long enough to enable him to cure the ill. If you have any gripes, whether you're in business or not, it some times is good to "get them off your chest". A waitress called us the other day and Mid she gets tired of working for an employer who expccls the public to pay her salary? in tips. Lots of the mental illness these days is traced to keeping bottled up inside oncssclf the things that irk. If you want to air your gripe, this page is open to you to do so. Your name will not be used if you want it withheld. Smik a Whil? When a man Just returned from his vacation complained of the rainy weather be'd had, a friend interrupted, "II couldn't have been so bad ? you're sunburned!" "Sunburn nothing," he replied. "That's rust!" ? Voo Doo

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