ILLUMINATED HAMMOND OLOBES Baku ? O- M I SKIM* V - worf/i over $200 ? OSTER - , PORTABLE MIXER ' J^jL ' ? r;:fV comma stoTTs] ymm V-M TAM RICORDIRS GKUfN PRECISION WRIST WATCHES ION ^ H r*' - ---#! (Jl WBSTINGHOUSI ; TRANSISTOR RADIOS ; t m S&; " ' " " ' 'A V-M HI-PI PHONOMAHff m I ITS FUN. ..EASY TO WIN! | Eater this exciting mw gome ... yea I. *'lor* mony n'u?bli prizetl ff To play, pkk ap a fraa C II OSS-OUT I card at yaar fnndty Colonial Stan | a m? gaaie, and yea caa bm My card I ta play ? ? ? tfce aioro coi ill yea Mw batter yaar ckaaoe ta win I v*< rams nwB womnw rmrvi if MMpli co r4 tfcovn k#iov( end ploy CROSS-OUT! Sm complttc rata mmmm smsm, Illl HI 'II 'Hi MI I it ||| t l in ? ? mm?? I? I to put "iioss-on," match tie umbos ielow MAOIST Ton FUE "CMSSOOT" CUB FUN CS: ?? ?' j RERE IB ERST 1ILES FOR FLRTIRC "CROSS-EOT' L Pick up yow Colonial "Croea-Ont" card today at year Colonial Store? and each k time you atop thereafter lor *e next 12 wieke TWe'i nothing to boy, ao obligation. 1 Match the nmnbere an yonr card againat the naalar ???ban. Tmal an X i thoee numbere ea yonr Card that innfcii than nnmben. S. II yon can "X-Oat" on yonr card, Sve a am hen k a row, either down, i ^ diagonally, you have wo* A RB/. Jaat tarn over yonr end mi yonl know what yen bra was. 4 If tod un A wnoren ? im ant the required information an die back at the card and nail it toi Croaa-Ont, Box 551, St Louie, Miaoouri. TonH leteire yonr prixe in abont 15 daya. *? Ir TOD havih't a wnwnt ran wine? Eraaa the X'e fren yonr card and aaea ?. * to play againet ColoniaTe ade next week ia yonr local paper and each aocoeading ad of the eon teat. 6. Sere this "Croae-Out" ad and amy "CroaeOnt" ad for the next 11 wneke a ptaeiane "Croaa-Out" any have winning aiunhan lar ? new eerd. ? T. Any aaa card and any oeM ad een be nafahri to (lain I Iran nan than an ad leennt be eenbiaed to fa*ae ? < I. Carda will ha given to aduhe only. 9. Complete rain and laati ii< liiaie as. every 1 10. A replica a I thie ad wS be peeled fa ; 1L Eaqdoyan a* Colonial Stone and their AUK AVAILABLE ONLY AT TOI* FMENDLT ?y "Croee -OeC Card. yonr Celeaial St^ra. lonial Stone and their fanSin an ao^jdigibla to participate. coloioalStobes MINK STOIIS \ by EUUberg's of Raleigh AUTOMATIC TOASTIR* ADDITIONAL PMIZiS MOT ILLUSTRATED t 6 ft. Rogwt k Bra. "MayMr" Tm SMi Amity CnWi Tol*-Nb MHiMi M nur, 1 1" *?-'-? ? ?.-?? ?? w wini MVMmi MWi nw* war* Stti AmUm m * I . * - - - -* W'7 CXTra Lfryf MOKOCO rrVKI hum Svfeg-Awy Cm 1 ^->-1- J fc- -? I t-tt I BDW O HO rOCKIT U|nlVfl _ ? ?F lJ WKtTINOHOUS I I WASHKRS AND DRYIRS