Tax Sale Notice This 1 1th day of April, 1958 NORTH CAROLINA Carteret County Notice is hereby given that the property herein after described and to whom belonging will be sold at the Court House Door in the Town of Beaufort, Carteret Coun ty, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for CASH at public auction on MONDAY, MAY 5, 1958, at 1 2 o'clock M. for taxes and costs for the year 1957 and for such other years as indicated below, unless paid before that day. EUGENE O. MOORE, Tax Collector ATLANTIC David Baxter and wife, Arline V? acre building lot and dwelling (13.96 H. S. Brickhouse, 6/10 acre building lot and dwelling $410.10 L. R. Currier, V*i acre building lot, dwelling, shed and garage .. $35.33 Mrs. Earner Davis, 2 lots, lots H and sound $4.43 Edwin Hall Davisworth and wife, 9/10 acre Hill land and dwelling $61.14 Gaston B. Fulcher, Vi acre brush and scrub $3.20 Gerald M. Fulcher, H acre building lot, dwelling and garage, pt. 165.5 x IT' x 170' 6% acres brush $78.99 Odea G. Fulcher, 1 acre building lot, dwelling and storage building 5 acres wire grass $26.98 Selby Fulcher, 14 acre building lot, dwelling $44.37 William Henry Fulcher, hi acre building lot and dwelling $5960 Lionel Gilgo, 3/10 acre building lot, dwelling and shed ? $21.64 Mrs. Lottie Salter Gillikin, 1 acre building lot, dwelling and garage $37.73 Alex Golden, Hrs., % acre building lot and dwelling .$$.02 Dorothy S. Goodwin, pt. acre ' 100 x 125 building lot, dwelling and store house $21.96 Wesley F. Goodwin, % acre building lot and dwelling ..$34.15 Virgil Adair Hamilton, 1/3 acre building lot and dwelling. $56.61 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey, pt 104 X 60 X 148 X 155 and dwelling $45.68 John G. Hill and wife, pt. 30 x 40, building lot and dwelling $50.06 Johr W. Lupton, 1 acre building lot and dwelling, 2Vi acres Umber, 2 acres brush and scrub timber $26.43 Mrs. Julia H. McCain, V4 acre building lot and dwelling $20.75 Alvin T. Mason Jr., % acre building lot, dwelling and tool house $39.25 Avon Mason, 1 acre building lot, 31 acres waste, J camps $11.81 Clyde Mason, % acre building lot. dwelling and shed $32.28 Dennis Mason, 1 acre buidling lot, dwelling, comm. store, net house, ahtd. pt. acre 132 x 25 x (0 x 50 x 1.33 x 8$ $82.51 Howard Mason, Hrs., V4 acre building lot and dwelling. $21.06 Jordan Mason, 1 acre building lot and dwelling $28.58 Latimer C. Mason, A.4 acre building lot and dwelling $18.84 Brantley A Morris, K acre building lot, dwelling, garage and stable M7.12 Ernest Morris, .(5 acre building lot, dwelling and garage $23.82 Harry Morris and Wife, 4/10 acre building lot and dwelling $20.78 Ira S. Morris Jr., 1 acre building lot and dwelling, 1 acre building lot (vacant) $23.06 J. R. Morris and Son, pt. 81 x IS I B I 71.$, % acre building lpt, stqre building $43.00 Laura Moore Morris, lit acre building 1st and dwelling ... $5.52 Leou M. Morris, IK acre Charlie Maaon land $3 89 Allen Nelson, Hrs., pt. 50 * 100, building lot and dwelling $28.62 ArUfe |t. Nalm. IT acr. building lot, 9 acres timber $23.13 Charlie NaUoo, Hrs., 1 acre building lot. dwelling ..... $l?.02 Daily Nelson, 14 acre building lot, dwelling and shad ? $33.60 G. W. Nelson, 14 acre building lot, dwelling and tool house .... (36.89 Lawrence S. Nelson, pt building lot and dialling $ii.?7 Mooford B. Nelson, 14 acre building lot and dwelling $46.97 Thorns^ Nelson.^1*^ ?c?e building Wendell H. Nelson, nt. 92 z 136 X 10 z 39 5 I ID $4.43 ^ building lot and dwelling $S?.79 William Nelson, Hrs., % acre Mldlng lot and dwelling $20.65 t TAX 8 ALB NOflCB Henry V Perkins, V4 acr* building lot and dwelling 1.J acres brudi ? IM.T8 Hannah Robinson, Hr?., 114 acre building kit and dwelling 4111* Calvin Salter, 14 acre building lot, dwelling and garage $68.80 Colon W. Salter, % acre building lot ... (3.38 C. Tom Salter, M acre building lot and dwelling, 10 2/3 acres beach $35 59 Harold Salter, .07 acre building lot, dwelling and garage. ..$51.7* Henry Salter, Hr., 4/10 acre building lot *3.8* Preston Salter and Wife, pt acre 72 * 147 x 5 x 43 x 145 and dwelling $20.1* Urs. Kev5 Mae Simpson, hi acre building lot, dwelling, garage and storage building $23.91 Henry Smith, % acre building lot and dwelling $5.28 Netha A. Stanton, l/< acre building lot $3.0* Daphne Loraine Styron, 3/10 acre building lot and dwelling $7.75 George H. Styron, Vi acre building lot, dwelling adn shed .... $47.34 Avery Taylor and wile, 1 acre building lot and dwelling $41.58 Joseph Taylor, K acre building lot and dwelling. 2/3 acre building lot $41.73 Charlie Wallace Willis, V4 acre building lot $4.58 Mrs. Mary Salter Willis. 0.22 acre building lot and dwelling....$14.1* William R. Willis and wife, 3.10 acre building lot, dwelling and tool house $41.40 ATLANTIC BEACH Atlantic Beach Inc., 1, 2,-3, 4, lots, block 1, lots 21 through 30 block 1, lots 14 through IS, block 4, lots 10, 11, 13 through 17, block 5. lots all of block 7. pt. no. 7, block L, 1 no. 17 block R, lots 12, 13, 14, block T, lots 17 through 20 block W. lots 17, 18, 19 block 1, warehouse, tract no. 1, 89 x 180, building, skating ring etc. 5 acres qld causeway to beach .._ $373.10 Paul T. Baker and Wife, pt. 25' lot no. 11, block K, pt. 32 ft. no. 12, block K and dwelling $75.93 George F. Ball, 200 x 125 M. City Beach Causeway $42.13 William J. Barefoot, 1 no. 28 block Z $4.88 E. H. Barnse and Wife, 1 lot no. 18 block T and dwg $44.26 William L. Barts and Wife, 1 lot no. 24 block Z and dwg $21.28 II. J. Baysden and Wife, 1 lot no. 10 block R, dwelling and small building $26.76 Tom R. Best and Wife, Hazel lots no. 13. 14, block N $11.91 George T. Burnette, lots no. 21, 22, square M ....$15.21 Nr. icy Jean Carpenter, lot no. 5 block 8 Sound View Isle, lot no. 6 block 10 $9.45 L. R. Chamber! and Wife, pt. W. 20 no. 8 square T, pt. 30 no. 7 square T, dwelling $49.57 A. B. Cooper, lots 1 through 10, 12 through 19 block 2. all block 3. all of block 4. lots 1 through 28, 30, 31, 40 through 78 block 5. 10 lots, lot 11 block 7, lot 1 through 27 block 8. 33 lots block no. 9, 16, 17, 18, block 10; lots 1 through 10 block 10. lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 block 11. lot* 1 through 18 block 12. lots 1, 2, 3 thru 10, 11 through 19 block 13; lots 1 through 9 bolck 14; lot 4 through 18 block <; Sound View Isle. Ms 1 through 6, 35, 36 block L Atlantic Beach $730.93 Harry L. Cooper, lots 18, 19 block 9 $4.89 W. O. Dunn, lots 12, 1% square M and dwelling $113.24 James Edmonds IU, 1 lot no. 2, block 7, Sound View Isle*.. $5.56 Alton L. Edwards, lota 9 and 10, square D H.I. Beach $>.45 N. S. Edwards, lots 3 and 4, block X ada dwelling ? $78.23 Dominic S. Femla, lot 150 x 175 x 240 between old and new beach road and drive-in; lot 216 x 100 x 239 x 150 U City Beach highway $100.42 C. B. Godwin, lot 7 block 4 and dwelling $26.25 Lillian H. Godwin, lot no. 22, block TT adn dwelling ... $51.05 R. E. Green and Wife, lot on. 7, block R and bnilding $21.58 A. I. Gross. lot no. 16, square G $8.55 Oscar G. Gulley, lots no. T and I block X and dwelling $31.06 Kirby Hawkins and Wife, lot no. I block 7 Sound View Isles ?.1? Mrs. Ludie Heath, lots 1 through 6 block C. Iota 8 through U, 23, 24, 15. 26, block F. kfts 24 through 27 block If; lota 10 through IS block P; lots 9, 10 block S Monty Isle Beach 163.26 M. J. Herring, lot no. 6, block 4 Club Coolny; lots no. 3, 4, block -O. Atlantic Beach and dwelling ... $80.67 Charles A. Hester, lots 125' x 225' X 108' x 100' x 188' X 229' Causeway $12.02 H. T. HlghatnUh, lot no. 8, l^ock 0 Club Colony $26.83 t. F. Hinnant, lot no. U. block TT and bar tad apartments $40.76 8. A. Horton, pt. tr. no. 28-28H s 84.3; water work* and buildings 81.48 J. T. Johnson Etux, pt. lot J8' * 410' x 10' ? 446' N.S. Fort llaaon road and M.I. Beaoh, dwelling and shod. pt. lot 12* x 370' x * no. 11 N.S. Fort Macon road and M.I. Beach and shed.JM.OS John B. Keith, pt. lot 40.6' x 24.7'; pt. let 12' x 24.r; parcel no. 12 12' x 24.f; pt. lot 12' i 24.7'; parcel no. 11 $18.13 Lerve E. Kelly Jr., lot no. S, block 10 Bound View Isle Md dwelling HUi TAX SALE NMWf Archie Knight, pt. lot M' of no. ( M.I. Beach black P; lot no. 14, N. iid? Fort Macon road, M.I. Beach and duelling (36.06 W. H. Lancaster, lot no. J, block G. and dwelling $58.48 John R. Lane, lota no. 23, M, block U and dwelling $81.18 Jacob W. Lewis, lot no. 8, block 6; Club Colony and dwg $100.04 Mary Marino, lota no. 11, 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, I, and 38 block U $71.65 Wilber L. Medley, lot no. 5, block D. Triple Es? Shores and dwelling $31.00 William L. Medley, lot no. 6, block D. Triple Ess Shores and Dwelling $22.56 Rolph Medlin and Wife, lot no. 6, block G adn dwelling $54.44 H. M. Mercer and Wife, lot no. 10 block A. and dwelling $49.10 Viola Shackleford Mercer, pt. W lot 20' lot no. 11, block A $5.53 M. T. Mills and Wife, lot no. 1 block D. Ocean Ridge $12.92 E. C. Mitchiner, lot no. 3 square M and dwelling ... $41.56 Ann Ivey Norton, lots no. 31, 32, 33, 34, block 8 Sound View Isles $12.62 J. L. Page, lot no. 11, block G and dwelling $65.61 Thomas A. Poole Building Inc., lot no. block 2 Ocean Ridge and dwelling, lot no 2 ? block B $115.57 W. L. Rawlings, lots no. 4, 5, 6, block K. Money Island Beach; lots no. 13, 14, block A. Money Island Beach $14.67 Charles P. Roberts, lot no. 2, block TT and dwelling ._. $76.06 W. B. Rogerson, lots no. 1 and 2, block 10, lots no. 11 and 12 Wock P $10.92 Roy L. Rouse and Wife, lot no. 17 block G. pt. lots 7, 16, 18 block G. Money Isle Beach, pt. garage apartment and dwelling .... $52.74 Ola Mac Stroud, lot no. 20, 21, block B. Money Isle Beach, pt. lot 10' of lot 22, block B. M.I. Beach and dwelling $64.92 H. L. Swanson, lot 100' x 17S . Asbury Beach $3.89 L. G. Sykes, lot no. 10 bolck 7 Sound View Isle and dwelling $33.79 Charles E. Thompson and Dexter T. Wetherington, lot no. 4, block 7 Sound View Isles $6.39 H. G. Tolson and Wife, lot no. 14, square F. and dwelling .... $61.31 S. H. Tyson, lot no. 4, block 4 Club Colony *27 98 George E. Vick and Wife, W lot 34' no. 14 block K; lot 25' no. 15, block K and dwelling $69.01 Stanford C. West and Wife and Thomas B. Ennett and Wife, lot no. 2, square 6 Club Colony and dwelling $37.05 G W. Whitehorst and Wife, lot no. 4, block O . $5.08 Francis H. Worsley, lot no. 6 block P and dwelling $41.38 Frank E. Yarborough, lots 12, 13, IS, 11, block O and 3 dwellings lot 13 block P $98.78 BEAUFORT C. L. Abernethy, Vi lot no. 11, Hedrick town $3.88 In?i G. and W. G. aBker, 1 acre building lot and dwg $10.84 William A. BaHance, 1 lot ao. 178 Orange St., dwelling and shed $8.75 Yancey S. Barbour, S/10 acre cut over, 7 acres marsh. 4 acrea cut over, 9 acres tillable, l acre building lot, tobacco barn lean to $31.11 Beaufort Building and Loan Asso ciation, pt. lot no. 210 O.T $4.10 Mrs. B. A. Bell, pt. lot no. 28. N.T. dwelling and shed ... $83.01 George M. Best and Wife, Polly, 3 acres tillable, 28 Vi acres cut over $11.73 Floyd K. Bratcher and Wife, 1 lot 55* x 110, dwelling and abed $48.85 Mrs. Sara P. Brooks, 1 acre Hall land, dwelling and 2 sheds ... $80.89 William Burns, pt. lot west Beaufort 50' x 12S $4.24 C. H. Case, Tr., 1 lot 55' x 90' $4.08 Gulon G. Chadwick and Wife, ltt acre building lot, 11 5/10 acres tillable, 27 5/10 acres cut over, 2 acres marsh $111.90 Jack Q. Chadwick, 1 acres tillable. 147 1/4 acres cut over, 30 Vi acres waste $72.38 Mrs. Missouri Chadwick, Hrs., pt. lot no. 20, N.T. dwelling and shed $41.75 Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Clark, 1 lot no. 22, Live Oak St. dwelling and garaga $28 24 J. L. Congleton, 1 lot bo. 114, O.T. dwelling and shed $17.47 Bert oCnner Jr., 1 lot building lot and dwelling $37.88 Ernest Courtney aad Wife, pt. acre U1 I M' s 7i' x 200' ... $2.54 Eunice Allen Courtney, pt lot 110- X 200" X 100' X 200' $3.19 Kathleen Cross, 1 lot no. 14, H.T. and dwelling $7.08 William G. Cuthrell and Wife, Pt. building lot and dw*tyng, 1 lot no. 12, square 9 184 26 Raven J. Harden, pt. lot no. 1S$, O.T. and dweilnig .... $21.40 Be^ty D. Davit pt. lot no. 34, 3$ Q.T. pt. lot 230 aad 231 O.T $7.08 Mr* Leslie C. Davis, 1 lot no. 52, N.T., wdelling and shed $80 .46 Oliver W. Davis, 2 lots no, 1 and 2 square 15, dwelling a?d garage $95.93 Robert Lane Davis, pt. lot no. 33, JtT. and dwelling- $68.29 Harry Dearman, 1 building lot, aked and dwelling $28 88 Woodrow W. Delhi, I building lob, n*. & 1 block 1 aad dwelling $36.48 MX MLB MMiee John B. Dentil*, 1 lot Ocean Breeze Park and dwelling $30.03 David 0. Dickinson % acre building lot, 2 acrei tillable and dwelling _ $26.58 Lycurgai C. Dickinson Jr. and Wife, pt. acre building lot apd dwelling $14.21 Lonnie David Dill, pt. lot no. 31, NX and dwelling $02.89 Mrs. John B. Dixon, Sv* lots no. 1 and 2, block 1 and dwg. *19.10 Washington Gray Dudley, % acre building lot, 11% acres tillable, 17 acres cut over, 7V4 acres waste 127.31 Mrs. Lina and Chester Dunkle, 1.24 acre building lot, 2 acres tillable, 2 acres cut over, and dwelling and garage $23.19 George Eastmaa, 1 lot 37.28' x 39.5' x 31' x 29' N.S. Front Street Ext. and garage apt. $39.94 James A. Evans and Wife, pt acre 50' x 90' x 50' x 100 $3.20 Clayton and Maurice Garner, pt lot, 115-116 O.T. and dwelling $12.77 J. U. Garner, Hrs., pt lot 119 O.T. and dwelling $10.52 Leighman L. Garner, 1 acre building lot, 18 acres tillable, dwelling, shed, vegetable stand and lean to, 33V4 acres pasture^ 35 75/100 acres marsh . $46.26 P. E. Garner, 1 lot no. 6, square 6 and dwelling $42.46 William Earl Garner, pt. olt no. 169 O.T. dwelling and shed a $30.20 John W. Gillikin, 31 acres pulp, 15 acres marsh and 18 acres waste $19.13 O'Neol 6. Gillikin, 2 lots 188 and 178 O.T. and fish house $22.77 Raymond Gillikin, pt. acre Gillikin land and dwg $12.21 Alex G. Glover and Wife, pt. acre building lot $13.74 J. W. Glover, 1 pt lot 188 O.T. dwelling and garage $8.62 Mrs. Maggie Glover, 1 lot 189 O.T. and dwelling $10.39 Robert Avon Glover and Wife, 1 lot 75' x 128' and dwg. $18.49 Jack P. Gonsoulin and Wife, pt. acre 100 x 290 x 100' x 300 $31.68 Joseph E. Guthrie and Wife, 1 acre building lot, 1 acre cut over,' 1 acre waste and dwelling $4.71 Mrs. W. M. Hall, 1 acre building lot, 3 acres tillable, 6 acres waste and dwelling $15 86 Julian Hamilton, 1 lot 34 N.T. and dwelling $88.48 Charles R. Hassell, pt. lot no. 35, N.T. and dwelling and shed _ $67.90 Henry Wilson Hatsell, pt. lot 55 O.T. dwelling, garage and shed $63.41 Louis J. Hill, pt. lot, 81' x 120' building lot and dwg $45.79 Ernest P. House and Wife, 1 lot no. 2, square 10 and dwelling $26.81 Margaret C. Howe, 2 lots building lots $8.76 Charles F. Hudgins, pt. lot no. 41 O.T. and dwelling .... $35.85 Lottie Longest Hudgins, pt. lot no. 41 O.T. and dwelling ...$17.90 Herbert J. Jackson and Wife, 12.1 acres tillable, acres timber and 2 sheds $48.67 Benjamin F. Jarman, M> acre building lot, 3Vi acres tillable, dwelling and shed $22. SC William Earl Jarman, pt. acre J. J. Davis land, dwelling and garage 146.23 Carl E. Johnson and Charles A. Mason Etals, pt. acre 30 x 60 and dwelling $4.83 Frank Johnson, pt. lot no. 115-116 O.T. and dwelling $17.38 J. T. Johnson Hrs., pt. lot no. 116 O.T. and dwelling $10.38 Johnson Saunders Pressing Club, 2 lots no. 78 and 74 N.T., building, shed and dwg $165.88 P. Johnson, pt. lot no. 130 O.T. 25 x 70. pt. lot M. 130 O.T. 25 x 110 and dwelling. $M 34 Wesley H. Jones, 1 lot no. 1 block K Radio Island and bldg $143.62 Hobert Kelly and J. S. Morton, 1 lot no. 1, bolck C. Jones Village, Vi lot no. 2 block C $27.53 Archie Kennedy and Wife, pt. lot 135 x 200 x 115 x 200 and dwelling $30.58 W. H Kirk, Hrs., 1 lot 60 x 125 Britton sub div and dwelling, pt. lot back of Kirk 60 x 66 $27.37 W. Andrew Kittrell. *4 acre building lot, dwelling and shed, 1 acre tillable ! $23.28 Fred H. and Iris Lane, 1 lot 6* x 183.5 and dwelling $62.12 Mrs. Maggie B. Langdale, pt. lot no. 146 O.T. and dwg $13.54 Douglas Lawrence and Wife, 1 lot 100' X 222' X 100' X 213 5' and 1 lot 100' x 222.5' x 100* X 221* $7.37 Ulys Lee, pt. lot no. 188 O.T. i and dwelling $19.17 CUatoa T. Lewis, Vi acre haiMiag lot, dwelling, shed and lean to _ $38 (8 Guy G. Lewis, 1 lot East Beaufort Broad Street, dwelling and shed $4.T7 Robert L. Levis and Wife, 6V4 acres timber $14.83 R. M. Lewis Sr., Hrs., pt. lot 83 x 100 and dwelling, shed $18.25 WUHam Thomas Lewis, 2 lots 4 and 6 block D, lot no. ^ block D and dwelling, lots 15 and H block C. lot m. 3 block A and dwelling $233.07 W. I. Loftln 4r . I lot 00. 14 block 3 $(.48 Joseph F. Lou and Wife Jean, 1 1st ap. 11 block r. Jones Village $8.86 Miss Olive B. Longest, pt. lot DO- 46, OjT. dwelling, pt. lot Oft. 4$ O.T.. pt lot aa. 18-40 O.T. and tfca toff ?K04 TAX SALE NOTICE R. T. Lupsford, loU SMI and ? Hollard S. div. S pt. lot no. <1 N.T. dwelling and garage apartment $B5 24 Mr?. G. A. Lupton Hrs., 10 acres waste $3.19 Etta Lynch, pt. lota 66 and TO N T. and duelling 112.32 J. V. McElroy, Vi acre int. land Radio Island $3.17 Aubrey Arvii MeGehee and Rowena, pt. lot 60 x 200 building lot and dwelling ' $30.61 William T. McKay and Wife, 5/10 acre building lot and dwelling, 20 acres tillable, 23V4 acres woods, 1 lot 75 x 50, dwelling and shed $71.20 Mrs. Bessie Manson, pt. lot no. 30 N.T. and dwelling $19.75 Elton Lee Mason> 1 acre cut over, 1 acre building lot and dwelling ......... .... $45.12 John S. Mason, lot no. 5, square 6 2nd St., dwelling and shed $45.21 Laura Sadler Masoit 1 lot no. 2 and dwelling $13.07 Mrs. Lena Mason, 1 acre building lot and dwelling, V4 acre tillable, 7.7 acres cut over $11.03 Preston L. Mason, pt. lots East Beaufort Ann Street and dwelling $26.52 Primrose M. Mason, 1 acre house lot, and dwelling, 2 acres tillable, 6.2 acres cut over $15.52 Stephen R. Mason, pt. lot East Beaufort, dwelling, chicken coop and garage $26.69 Clem M Merrill, Hrs., pt. lot no. 118 O.T. and dwelling $13.15 K. A. Merrill, Sr., 1 acre building lot, dwelling, garage shed, hen house, 6 tobacco barns, hog shed, 18 acres tillable, 6 acres pasture, 1 acre waste, 10 acres tillable $92.56 Kerney A. Merrill Jr., 119V4 acres scrub timber, 51 acrei tillable, 5 acres waste, 16 acres Thomas Lewis land, V4 acre building lot, dwelling, garage, shed, 2 potato barns, barn and 2 sheds, 2 tobacco barns $148.04 Ulish Edward Merrill and Wife, pt. acre building lot and dwelling $14.32 Eldad Moore and Wife, % building , lot and dwelling $21.84 Kenneth F. Moore, pt. acre W Beaufort and dwelling $16.16 David Woodrow Nelson, pt. lot back pt. lot no. 154 O.T. and dwelling $28.26 George T. Newkirk, pt. lot no. 185 O.T. and dwelling $4.10 George A. Newton, 1 lot building lot and dwelling $34.79 L. J. Noe Jr., 3.83 acres tillable, pt. lots no. 85 and 113, O.T. and dwelling $37.58 Thomas Noe and Wife. 1 lot no. 18, Fulford St. and dwg $7.35 Mrs. B. G. O'Neal, 1 lot East Beaufort and dwelling $30.59 Clyde Owens and Wife, lots no. 99 and 112 O.T. 2 dwellings and store $40.70 Charlie and Mamie Owens, 1 lot no. 112 O.T. and dwg $28.18 C. W. Parkin Hsr., pt. lot no. 36 N.T. and dwelling 913.88 J. D. Parsons Hrs., 1 lot no. 145 O.T. and dwelling $19.78 James L. Peterson and Wife, 1 lot 75' x 406.6' x 70 x 405 $5.28 unarue ruuips, 3 lots BO. 5, 6, 7, square 8, dwelling and garage $18.65 Mrs. Reecy Phillips, Hrs., 1 acre building lot, dwelling, dwelling, 3 acres tillable, ISM acres scrub, V4 acre marsh .... 815.26 Mr. and Mrs. H. Clyde Piner, 1 lot 45' x 125' x 55' X 128' an^ dwelling $4113 George V. Piver, 1 lot no. 1 square 8, dwelling and work shed $15.02 Mrs. William Ramsey, 1 lot no. 44 O.T. and dwelling tlSt.SO J. R. Ransom and Wife Naomi B., 1 acre buildipg lot, 4 acres tillable, dwelling, warehouse, H. stable, and garage apartments $236.48 John C. Rice, Bit., dwellnig ...... $15.73 Joe Earl Roberts, 2 acres brush $2.91 .David E. Robinson, pt lot eaat Beaufort, 52' x 110', dwelling and shed $12 94 E S. Robinson Hrs., 1 lot East Beaufort 2?W x 105' and dwelling $13.48 Charlie Arthur Rolison, pt. acre building lot, and dwg $28.09 H. B. Ruff in, 3 lota no. 18. 17, block 13, west Bft. $2.84 Carl M. Sadler, pt. building lot. dwelling and abed $28.98 Charlie Salter, Hrs., 1 lot no. 42, N T. and dwelling and shed 840.08 W. J. B Shull, Hrs., 1 lot no. 1, square 19k dwelling and shod $B.1I Mrs. Julia Simpson, Hra., 1 lot no. 184 O.T. and dwelling ? u Margaret S. Sim peon, pt. let no. 47 N.T. and dwelling $31.97 William Gaston Sim peon, M acre building lot, .8 acres tillable and dwelling $47.39 Mary E. Smith. Hra., pt. lot no. 99, O.T. and dwelling $14.33 Carole Glqver Sprnigk. pt. lot no. 189 O.T. and dwelling. $8.24 Carola Springle Et Vir and others, pt. acre 18? 0,T. and dwelling r? $^.10 Elijah H. Springle and Wife, 1 M no. 22, square 4 and dweWn* $18.88 Raymond Springe, pt. lota no. 188, O.T. Pine St. pt. lot no 177 O.T. Turner St., dwelling and shed $21.71 Mrs. Carrie Styron, 1 lot East Beaufort and dwelling $38.(7 Leland N. Swain, pt. lot S. pt. no. 48, N.T. and . 17, block D. and dwelling $82.43 Mrs. Nancy Whitehurst, Hrs., 1 pt. lot no. 2S N.T. and dwelling $16.64 Bennie R. Willis, hi acre building lot, dwelling and shed .... $33.77 Mrs. Bessie S. and Ivey Willis, lot no. 1 D. W. Sader sub div. dwelling and shed $18.24 Clarence Willis, 2 lots no. 3 and 4 Mrs. D. W. Sadler div $3.89 C. Wesley Willis and Wife, no. 240 7 pt. lot no. 23# O.T. 4ock and building $97.48 E. Warren Willis, pt building lot and dwelling $29.58 Glenn B. Willis Jr. and Wife. 1 lot ao. 10 block O. $19.02 William Otis Willis, 1 building lot and dwelling $10.54 Reginald C. and Annie R. Willis, 1 lot no. IS building lot and dwelling 1 $21.72 Robert Neal Willis. 2 building lots, no. 24, 25 Davis Pk. grocery store $41.74 W. H. Willis, pt. lot East Beaufort and dwelling $24.35 George Gerald Woolard, 4 lots no. 21. 22. 23. 24. Hammocks property Broad St $14.83 Woolard Metal Finishing Co. 1 lot no. 20 Broad Street, building and 2 sheds $44.07 E. Z. Wooten. 1 acre building lot, 1M acre tillable, dwelling, pt ?ere building lot, store and shed $40.40 Letter Wooten. H acre E. Z. Wooten land, ( si' z 200') (53' x 208') IS. 89 M. R. Wooten. pt building lot and dwelling $18.87 BEAUFORT ? COLORED Randolph Adkina, pt. lot No. 212 and 2J7 Mulberry St. and * dwelling 924.17 Hodie Bailey and wife, N. H lot No. 2f2 O. T. and dwelling: pt. lot N?. 202 O. T. _ $29.53 Herbert Baum, pt. lot No. 1(3 0. T. and Owdttng 123 41 Joel Baum, pt. lot Bak pt lot No. 75, N. T. Alonzo Bector and Evelvn, pt. lot No. 89 N. T. and dwelling $18.21 Willis Belcher, N. U lot No. 99, ft. T. .. $19.41 John Bqll and Wife, pt. lot No. 1M. ?nd dwelling $20.52 Martha Ball, pt. lot No. 215, O. T. dwelling and shed t# 52 G. W. Brimmer and Wife, 1 bldg lot, and dwelling OCH James Rhoda Brooks, pt lot No. 1 141 O. T. and dwelkag $ll.M TAX SALE NOTICE Florence Brown, pt. tot N?. 133 O. T. and dwelling $4.99 William Riley Brown, pt. lot No. >33 Queen St. and dwelling $13.73 Willie Budgett, Vi acre waste and dwelling ... $6.07 Rosa Mae Carter, pt. lot No. 181 0. T. a*d duelling ? $19.35 Waller Carter, 1 lot No. 75, N.T. and dwelling, shed, pt. lot No. 71, N.T. 110.09 Charlie B. Chadwick, Hrs., pt. lot No. 67 N.T. and dwelling. $6.32 Samuel Chadwick, Yt lot No. 96, N.T., 1 lot F. F. Longest sub. div. and dwelling, pt. lot No. 96, dwelling and shed $42 29 Samuel Chadwick, Jr., W Vi lot No. 96, N.T. : $8.34 Mrs. Ed Collins, pt. lot No. 33, dwelling and shed $9.70 James Collins and Wife, 1 acre bldg. lot, 9 acres waste, and 2 dwellings $9.16 Simuel Collins and Wife, 1 acre bldg. lot, 2 9/10 acres pulp, 6 acres cutover and 2 dwell inac *17 99 Charlie and Lillian Davis, 1 acre bldg. lot and dwelling $8.28 Cottie B. Davis, pt. lot No. 83, N T. and dwelling $16.90 George Davis, pt. lot No. 171 O.T. and dwelling and shed $13.85 Herbert J. .Davis, W. V4 lot No. 86, 85 N T. and dwelling $22.93 Julius Davis, pt. lot No. 36, H.T. dwelling and shed $28.64 Samuel Davis, Est., 1 lot No. 93, N.T. and dwelling $8.10 Sedrick Davis, pt. lot No. 80, N.T. and dwelling $16.85 Sutton Davis and others, pt. lot No. 196, O.T. and dwelling, 1 lot No. 69, N.T. and 2 dwellings $54.69 Goldie H. Dennis, Hrs., pt. lot No. 167 O.T. and dwelling $18.07 Baymond Ellison and Wife, pt. lot No. 220 O.T. and dwelling $16.48 Boy Ellison, pt. lot No. 220 O.T. and dwelling $13.05 Paul Fenderson, Hrs., pt. lot No. 95, N.T. and dwelling $26.78 Mary G. Fisher, pt. lot No. 134 O.T $4.69 Bichard Fulford. pt. lot No. 88, N.T. and dwelling $20.76 Flossie Gathright, pt. lot No. 91, dwelling and shed $11.89 Mrs. Artis Godette, pt. lot No. 73, N.T. and dwelling $7.43 Courtney Godette, pt. lot No. 156 O.T. and dwelling $14.05 Henderson Godette, pt. lot No. 71, N.T $18.23 Lueinaa ooaene, pt. 101 no. u k.t. dwelling and garage $62 14 Matthew Godette, pt. lot No. 157 O.T. dwelling and grocery store $43.06 Charlie Gorum, pt. lot No. 215 O.T. and dwelling $14.88 Henry Green, Hrs., pt. lot No. 15, H. T $3.73 Samuel Green, Sr., pt. lot No. 199 O.T. and dwelling $4.93 Thersa Green and others, lot No. 81 N.T. and dwelling $19.10 Enoch Hardesty, pt. lot No. 19 O.T. apd dwelling $11.3? E. R. Harker, pt. lot No. 139 O.T. and dwelling $42.18 Ruth Davis Harker, pt. lot No. 93, N.T. and dwelling $14.30 James O. Harris, Sr., pt. lot No. 180 O.T. dwelling, pt. lot No. 180 O.T. and dwelling ..... $19.06 Mrs. Freddie R. Hatley, pt. lot No. 141 O.T. and dwelling $10.56 Lawrence Hazel, pt. lot No. 219 O.T. pt. lot No. 214 O.T. and dwelling $11.56 David Wilbur Henry and Wife, pt. lot No. 182 O.T. and dwg. .. $12.27 Earl Z. Henry, Hrs., pt. lot No. 73 N.T. and dwelling $12.92 Eddie F. Henry and Wife, pt. lot No. 12 H.T. and dwelling, 1 lot No. 18 H.T $12.04 John C. and Viola Henry, pt. lot No. 71, N.T. and dwelling $12.05 Luther M. Henry, pt. lot No. 72, N.T. and dwelling .... $8.38 Mrs. Ollie Odessa Henry, pt. lot No. 11 H.T. and dwelling .... $4.56 Luellen Hyman, pt. lot No. 72, N.T. and dwelling $26.88 Wesley . Ingram and wife, pt lot No. 174 O.T. and dwelling and shed $56.91 Alex Johnson and wife Zena Mae, pt. lot 140 O.T. and dwg., $16.50 Mrs. Carrie J. Johnson, pt. lot No. 211 O.T. dwelling and shed, pt. lot No. 182 and grocery store ...... a.u . i a John Richard Jones, pt. lot No. 174 O.T. and dwelling $19.81 Melioda Jonea and otbera, pt lot No. 89 N.T. and dwelling .... $12.20 Caeaar Jordon, pt. lot No. 53 N.T $8.82 Edgar Joyner, pt. lot No. 44, H T. and dwelling $>.01 John Monroe Lee, pt. lot No. 123 O.T. and building VP $6.32 Phillip Long, Jr. and wife, 44 acre Elisha Murray land and dwelling $24.17 J. H. McLain, pt. lot No. 175 O.T. and dwelling $7.23 E. J, McLawhorn, pt. lot N.T. No. 94 and dwelling $12.34 Raleigk McNeal. pt lot No. 141 O.T. and dwelling $14.83 Helen 0. Manning, pt lot No. 125 O.T. and dwelling - $10.48 Henry A. Marbley and wife, pt. lot 15 H.T. aad dwelling $22.44 Roma and Reta H. Martin, pt. lot No. 124 O.T. and dwelling $19.83 p. E. Matthewson, lot No. 73 N.T. i and dwelling $15.82 Mra. Thelma Prichard Merrell, VI i acre hide, lot $3 55 Uura Mitchell, pt lot No. 184 O.T. dwelling and ?hed $8.59 Dederic Morris and wife, Vt lot Mo. 98 N.T. dwelling and shed pt lot No. 148 O.T. cafe and ! dwelling $29.79 Hurley Mae Murray, 1 acre bldg. ! hit -.... $3.54 Elbert D. Murray tod Rodgers, I 1 acre bldg. lot, 30 acres tillable, 4 acres cytercr , and $ dwellings, ?had, 10 acres waste $UJt TAX SALE NQnCB Elisha Murray, 1 acre bldg. lot, 1 am tillable and 2 dwell ings $16.05 Elisha Murray, Jr., V4 acre blijg. lot, H4 acre irrub and dwell ing - ... $1105 Ernest Murray, 1 acre bldg. lot, 10 acres Marsh, dwelling and |VW? $27.92 Mrs. John Murray, 1 acre, bldg. lot, IVi acre tillable, 2 acres scrub, dwelling, 3 sheds a ad store, 4Vi acres pasture .... $23.67 Kenny Murray, Hrs.. 1 acre bldg. lot, 19 acres tillable, 17 acres marsh, and 2 dwellings $35.44. Robert Murray, Vt acre bldg. lot, 1V4 acre tillable and dwell ing $25 81 Rogers Murray, Sr., 1 acre bldg., 40 acres tillable, 27W acres marsh, dwelling, 3 sheds, stables, potato house and dwelling $67 39 Billy M. Murrell, 1 acre bldg. lot, 4 acres tillable, 1.6 acres marsh and dwelling $17.45 Joe Mason Murrell, 1 acre bldg. lot, 7 acres tillable, 4 acres marsh and dwelling $22.11 John Murrell, V4 acre bldg. lot, 1V4 acre tillable, 1 acre cut over a $5.01 John Murrell, Jr., Vi acre bldg. lot, 1 acre tillable and dwell ing _. $17 06 John E. Nolan Est., 1 acre bldg. lot, 3 acres cut-over, 1 acre marsh and dwelling, 5 acres tillable $11-41 John Edward & Laura Nolan, pt. lot No. 77 N T. and dwelling $9.11 William Jerome Nolan, acre bldg. lot and dwelling $42.82 Julia Ann Oden, pt. lot No. 198 O.T. and dwelling $8.78 Fannie & Viola Parker. Est., pt. lot No. 98 O.T. and dwcll