Sound Vi?w Auxiliary ! M??1* Friday Afterpoon The Sound Vfew Go-Tell Auxil iary meeting w?i called to order FrMay, April 1?. The secirtary cap tfceVoll aid ?e warred with Bfhte MM. There were twenty members and one visitor present. Tfct- secretary read the j. minutes at^ oak up dues, then wr sang choruses. He?U? Anne. 8?n<t. Un?ie and ? Annie Marie Taylor are . going to |i have refreshments next time. We discussed a project, but couldn't decide upon anything. Wc decided . to wait until the next meeting be fore deciding upon anything per manent. For devotions Sylvia Taylor read Iphn 1:1-4 and led us in sentence prayers. The program for April is > Jesus, The Greatest Missionary of A'l and those taking part were Sylvia Taylor, Lennie Taylor, l, Brenda Taylor, Annie Merle Tay lor, Lorine Henderson and Hettie Ann Taylor. The program chairman assigned topics for the next program and the meeting adjourned. We then enjoyed refreshments. ?Carol Anne Ward, Reporter ' Mrs. Wade is Hostess To Lanier Book Club Mrs. C. B. Wade was hostess to the Lanier Book Club at her home on Bridges Street Tueaday evening. Mrs. D. G. Bell, Mrs. M. W. Mal lison and Mrs. Virginia Bradbury were invited guests. Miss Lillian Frances Glcjdens presented a very interesting paper on the origin and purpose of Arbor | Day. During the social hour Mrs. Wade served ambrosia, cookies, 1 nuts and mints. The next meeting j will be May 13 at the civic .center. Stork News Birth at Morehead City Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Rusael Nice wonger, Wlldwood, a son, Russel Merle, Sunday, April 20. ? ? ? ?' Big I TV Clearance Sale At% SETS w MUST GO *8 8 88 I Vfir Warranty on Picture Tab*. M Da y an Set. finapcrd With Uw Down Economy Appliance Store 90S Ar?nd?ll St. Mort^md City, N. C. 3X6 Front St. B??u*ort, N. C. Morehead City Social News Mkl Ellea Bordeaux, Society Editor Phone MM ? ? 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard. Mr. R. T. Willis and Mr. J. T. WiUia of this city and Mrs. T. O. Crumpl^r of Swans boro spent Sun day in Wilmington. They visited Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Crumpier's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris Mr. A. P. McKnight was ad mitted to the Clinical Center at Bethesda, Md., Saturday and un derwent surgery there Wednesday. Mrs. McKnight is there with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Crump will spend the weekend in Greens boro and attend the wedding of Mrs. Crump's niece, Miss Marga ret Dill Lucas, to Bartholomew Andrew Streb III Saturday. Miai Cecelia Guthrie will spend the weekend in Chapel Hill and at tend' the apring Germans at the University of North Carolina as the guest of Walter Graham Fulcher. Perry Taylor III will spend the weekend in Durham at the home of bis grandmother, Mrs. Perry Taylor Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Purifoy and children, George and Betty Sue, and Mrs. Mabel Wolfe spent Sunday in Windsor, where they were the guests of Mrs. A. E. Bowen, and in Rocky Mount, where they were the guests of Mr. Roy Purifoy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earle K. Wade Jr. spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wade. They returned to Norfolk, Va., where he is stationed with the Coast Guard, on Monday. Mrs. John T. Bunn and sons, David and Stephen, returned to their home in Durham Wednesday, after spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Webb. Master Derek Taylor of Fay etteville is visiting his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Der rickson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor re turned home Wednesday, after spending several days in New York City with their daughter, Carolyn. Mrs. Carrie Robinson, Mrs. Duf fy Wade and Mrs. Marvin Willis spent Monday in New Bern. Mrs. Walter R. Chambers of Marion spent last weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mills and family. Dr. and Mrs. Leon Nesbit of Kiaston spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mrs. M. H. Lamm returned to her home in Norfolk, Vg., Sunday, aftet spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. J. D. Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kellogg are visiting their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs Ted Kellogg, and family in Sumter, S. C. Mrs. Hugh Porter is taking a a Mor?h?ad City, N. C. WEEKEND features SPORT CAPS Aaaorted Sum Mid Color* Men's 29 EACJi ladies 39/ SACH Ladies' Hose SI and 60 NYLONS iTrrdin Assorted Sin* *?m1 Cpbri 2 M. *1 " 1 Pair 89c MEN'S COTTON DENIM Puttw Pants Small ? Medium ? Large $1 .98 Pair " 1 1 " 11 it udy court* in Scouting at Prince ton University, Princeton,. N. J. Mr Porter will join her in New Jeraey today. lira. Floyd Garria and daughter, Joyte, ol Stantonsburg, N. C , were weekend guests of lira. Garria's mother and aiater, Mrs. J. D. Par rish and Mrs. L. L Glancy. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Newton of Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. J. D. Parrish, and her sister, Mrs. L. L. Glancy. Mr. Joe Dixon apent the week end in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chambers left Tuesday to return to Saginaw, Mich., after spending eight daya here with her brother, Mr. Wayne Wheeler, and family. M/Sgt. and Mrs. Melvin Fritz of Jacksonville spent Sunday here. Mrs. Fritz remained for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Olsen, and her aunts, Mra. Daisy Willis and Mrs. Mollie Willis. Mr. Alton Willis of Goldsboro spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mollie Willis. Mr and Mrs. L. A. Stilley and ?on, Benny, of Hampton, Va., will arrive tonight to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durham. Mrs. Stilley and the baby will remain for a week, but Mr. Stilley will return home Sun day. Mrs. R. L. Whitehurst and Mrs. C. D. Stewart will ha?e as their weekend guests Mrs. Whitehurst's brothei', Mr. E. S. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Burca Farrell and son, Bruce Jr., of Wilmington and Mrs. Drew Dixon of New Bern. Mr. Martin L. Willis and Mr. Vannie C. Willis left Monday for Richmond, Va., to visit Mr. Court ney Willis, who is a patient at Mc Guire Hospital tfiere. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Suttles and children, Wanda, J. V. Jr. and Paul D., have returned to Mesa, Ariz., after visiting Mrs. Suttles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams and daughter, Kathy, have returned to Norfolk, Va., after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wil liams. < Mrs. John Memakis antf- daugh ter, Thelma, Mrs. Nick Galantis, and Mrs. Bert Brooks of Beaufort will spend tomorrow in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Silman and children of High Point and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hedgecock of Kernersville will spend the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. S. K. rteagecocK. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Galantis and daughter, Nikki, returned home Tuesday from Campbell, Ohio, where they attended the wedding of Mr. Galantis' brother, Tommy. Mrs. Allen Bedsworth, Mrs. Car rie Bedsworth and Miss Pearl Bedsworth have returned home, af ter visiting relatives in Charlotte, Raleigh and Rocky Mount. Presbyterian Women Will Observe Birthday The Women of the First Presby terUn Church will hold their an nual birthday party Monday night at I at the church. The offering to be taken at the meeting will go to the Chinese Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, La., and the Presbyterian College, Durant. Mrs. Jasper Phillips is in charge of program arrangements. Re freshments will be served. t SMYIIM 4-?^ ? n April 22-Hr. Nathan GUlikia of Caasp Glenn, Mr*. Roma Smith of Atlantic and Mrs. Tobe Finer of Williston were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gillikin Sunday. Mrs. Ella Davis of WUUatoa vis ited Mrs. Mamie Wade Sunday. Mrs. Guion Simpson was a visi tor with Mr*. Sudie Smith, who is * patient at the Neuse Forest Rest Home, New Bern, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jettte Willis sad Mrs. Mildred Willis returned Sun day after spending a few days with Mrs. Euclid Wads and family in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Simpson were visitors with Mrs. Mamie Wade Sunday. Mrs. Dolly Taylor and girls spent the weekend in South port with Mrs. Taylor's sister, Mrs. Wriley Willi* and family. The noma. motels and at Atlantic Bead}, placed in the guest Engagement Announced Miss Verna Jean Rabon is the daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Sidney Rabon of Morehead City, who announce her engagement to Dwight Stewart HiU, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hugh llill of Beaufort. A June wedding is planned. Literary and Art Department Holds Annual Dinner Meeting The Literary and Art Depart ment of the Woman's Club held its annual dinner meeting at the Rex Restaurant Wednesday evening. The tables were attractively dec orated with yellow candles in crys tal holders, white azaleas and yel low pansies and pink, yellow and white gladiolas. Favors of minia ture umbrellas were presented. The dinner consisted of roast beef with gravy, stuffed baked po tato, string beans, french bread, cocoanut cake and coffee. Sgt. Paul Bray, chairman of the centennial deficit committee, ap peared before the group. He told them that the deficit is $3,000 and asked if the members would sell tickets on a color television set the committee is giving away. Twelve department members took tickets to sell before the Mon day deadline. Mrs. Donald Naime was wel comed as a new member and Mr?." Charles Canfield was a guest. Mrs. Skinner Chalk, chairman of the hostess committee, was in charge of the program, which was divided into three parts. Mrs. Baker Morris named twen ty-one fruits and vegetables and arranged them in a basket. The members were then given paper and pencils and asked to list as many as they could remember. Mrs. J. C. Taylor was the winner and her prize was an azalea bush. Five groups were formed and each group received six unrelated objects. Skits were given, using all the objects and the winning group won boxes of cracker jacks. Aft a finale to the program, five members, dressed in costumes of the twenties, danced the Charles ton. They were Mrs. A. B. Roberts, Mrs. W. C. Carlton, Mrs. Darden Eure, Mrs. Bernard Leary and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. I. ' ' ~:i== 4 To Wed in June Mr. and Mr?. Robert Vi. Taylor announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn, to Mr. Robert Julea Anthony of New York City. The wedding will take place June 14 in the chapel of Christ Church with Dr. Ralph Sockman officiating. Members of the immediate family will attend the ceremony. Plan for Dairy Month Member* of the June Dairy Month committee met at the coun ty agent's office Wednesday morn ing to make plans for promoting June Dairy Month. Present at the meeting were George Wiggins, New Bern; Edgar Swann, More head City; R. M. Williams, coun ty agent; and Mrs. Floy Garner, home agent. IRENE'S Children's Shop 1 RACK Nylon, Taffeta and Cotton Dresses; Many Summer Dresses, values to $8.98 Only $1.00 1 Table ? values to $5.98. - . - r .$2.00 1 Table .. values to $3.98 $1.00 1 Jable values to $3.50 50 All Coats Now $5.00 Valae* to $22.93 liiM . . . Summer Shoes, Dress Shoes and Sandals $2.00 pair A Few Baby Dreue* and Romper Sato Reduced Sale Merchandise Added Each Day IDPME'Q CARTERET COUNTY'S |I\CIXG J ONLY CHILDREN'S SHOP R?v. qpd Mrs. Ferr?*t Will Obt*v? Anqiwwiry The Re*, and Mn. Joseph Ray mond Forrest of route S New Bern, will observe their (olden wedding anniversary Monday. They will be honored by their children at an open house to be held at their home on the Green Spring Roads. friends of the couple are cor dially invited to call at their home from 2 to S p.m. The Rev. Mr. Forrest, a Free Will Baptist minister, has been in semi-retirement since lftS6. He has served as pastor of nineteen churches, including St. John's in Stacy, Welcome Home Church at Cedar Island, the Bettie Free Will Baptist Church and Holly Springs Church at Newport. The Forreats were married in Wilson April 28, IMS. They have three daughters, four sons, twelve grandchildren and one great-grand child. Annual Banquet, Prom Will be Given Tonight The junior class of Moreehad City High School will fete the sen iors at the annual junior-senior banquet and prom tonight at the recreation building. The banquet will be followed by a dance, which will end at mid night. Conclusion of the dance will mark the end of the occasion as far as school officials are con cerned. No parties, nocturnal watches, or other festivities be yond the dance are sanctioned by school officials, nor will any be chaperoned by school personnel, according to Lenwood Lee, school principal. Tuesday Evening Club Meets With Mrs. Sanders Mrs. James R. Sanders was hos tess to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Mrs. Cool idge Merrill was a guest. The hostess served peach tarts with ice cream. During progres sions she served colas, nuts and candies. Mrs. Dick Parker was high scorer, Mrs. Milton Morey was second high and Mrs. Sanders was low. Mrs. Bill Cherry will enter tain the club next weete Giordqpo-Edwards Ml** Eleanor Jo ?dw?rda ?n<J Mr. L?ul? R. Giordano w?r? united In marriage Saturday, April I, at the borne of Mrs. Eleanor Stuart. Justic# at the peace Louia llinaon performed the double ring care mony. The hride is the daughter of M/Sgt. and Mrs. George F. Liv ingston of Rantoul, 111 , awl the groom ia the son ol T/Sgt. Mid Mra. Richard Giordano, alao ol Rantoul. The couple ia living at 101 N. Mb St., Morehead City, hut plan to maH their hpme in Brooklyn, N. Y. Attending the wedding were Mrs. George Livingston, Mrs. Stuart. Mrs. Elease Carrow, Mr. Charles Carrow and Mr. 1. B. Stuart. Department to Meet The American Home Department of the Woman's Club will meet at 3:30 Monday at the civic center. Mrs. D. Cordova will speak on her recent trip to the state Wo man's Club meeting in Charlotte. Emeritus ?lub Honors Ladie; at Annual Party The Emeritus Civic Club held Its annual Spring Frolic ladies night dinner Monday evening at Rex Restaurant. In the absa?ce of president Clarence A. Stone, vice prtsidew C. B. yade presided. E^twtaimntpt was furnished Itf students of a local dance school *nd music was furnished by Mr. Art Taylor. Mrs. Bruce Goodwin was is charge of the program. Taking part in the dances were the Misses Jody Leigh freeman. Carolyn Finer, Sarah Neal, Carol Willis, Carolyn Scott, Lynn Davis. Christy Willis, Carol Waldrop, Penny Taylor, Linda Mitchell, Sandy Willis, Virginia Jones and Judy Gail Goodwin. Arrangements for the dinner were made by Mr. N. L. Walker, Mr. J. W. Kellogg and Mr. J. R. Herring. There were twenty-nine persons present. More than 1,500 horses were kill ed or starved to death at Valley Forge when Gecrge Washington's army wintered there iu 1778. tiny fuM-p*w?radl 4>ln?tl(tor? Diplomat HEARING AID ?115 Mn entirely at Am Mr? KM?y M?n?ur-B*ek ?uanurta# Your Zenith Hearing Aid mutt Is yovoptata outperform any other mak*? ?mb thotMMt tni for S2? or S300...or your mowy ?fl to refunded [a fuB. (toe-rear WWraeOr-ftre-fear Senrfee M m ?eey Tim e MfMM ?HHI?I Morehead City Drug Co. 811 Arendell St Morehead City Phone 6-4360 BIG STOREWIDE CELEBRATION SALE NEW BARGAINS A DD*D EACH DAY Not A Usual Sale. You Can Lay-Away Any Horn or Items For Only $1.00 WOMEN'S SPRING DRESSES Group 1 $4.88 Group 2 $6.88 All styles, ?U siiei, all colors. This group in cludes our refnlar $S.K to KK dresses. All style*, all sizes, *11 colors. This group in cludes oar regular $7.95 to 1?.K dresses. Others To $10.88 . . . None Higher Women's Famous Bi-Flex Bras 8& Men's Sport Shirts $1.39 Full r x r Birdseye Diapers Doz. $1.77 Famous Foxcrott Sheets, 81 'x 99 $1,77 First Quality Bargain Table Valnes to $1?.N All types of women's, men's, boys' and girls' clothes. One and two of a kind. First here . . . first choice 99c Rwi' Summer Suits ValM $12.15 Now $8.88 Lteea a Ml other IiMci Cotton Blouses 99c Saturday Give- A way* While they last, kitchen knives to the ladles entering oar store in More he ad City Saturday. Come early and be sare to get yours. RED GOOSE CttAYONS are now being gi?en away FREE to all children at Downnm's in More held City. Women's Panties 29c Large Hack of W*mea's Cotton Dresses 9*c An typea - Values to *S.K All Shots Reduced 1Q% Women's Shoos $1.99 Flats, Wedges, Canals, Pimps Children's . Sandals 88c Women's Bedroom Shoe* 99c All U.S. Keds Reduced Women'* Nylon and Cotton Slips Value $2.98 Now $1.77 All Sea Nymph Swim Suits $7.88 Women'* Summer Gowns $1.88 Women'! Value $1.M Cotton Bermudas 99c Large, Heavy Bath Towels Hit) 33c Large Sekctioa at Drtti Pants ValMtofKM $3.88 Mnt Qc.lkj Nylon Hom 48c E. W. DOWNUM CO. ?I? AwWl Department Store Morchead City

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