i Morehead City Social News Sadetj Editor PfeM* IB44 Miss Evelyn Westergard left UK week (or California, where she la visiting relatives. Miss Lei a HoDis spent the week end in Willismston with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Dock Hollis. Mrs. Mamie Taylor and daugh ters, Catherine and Linda, attend ed May Day festivities at Greens boro College Saturday. Her daugh ter, Jackie, is a senior at Greens boro College. Miss Carolyn Laine and Miss Ma bel Laine arrived home Saturday from Goldsboro to spend the week end with their mother, Mrs. O. K Laine. Mr. Johnny Cates, Durham, was the weekend guest of Miss Doug lass Ann West at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West, Coral Bay. Mrs. W. B. Chalk, who has been visiting in Herndon, Va., for two weeks, has returned home. Mr. Chalk went for her last week and they returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Taft and chil dren have returned to their home in Greenville, after visiting Mrs. Taft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Lasitter. Miss Lee Gould, RN, and her guest, Miss Jean Cheatham, RN, of Roanoke, Va., arc spending the summer with Miss Gould's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Dave Gould. Jimmy Parker, a student at Chowan College, Murfreesboro, ar rived Saturday to spend the week end at home. The Rev. J. F. Herbert spent last week in Sumter, S. C., with his mother. Mrs. W. L. Eason and daughter, Jane, and Mrs. Joe Bean and son, Joey, of Wilmington were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bor deaux. Mr. Dortch Herring of Kinston was the weekend guest of Mr. Charles Styron, Mitchell Village. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bordeaux and three sons and Mrs. 1. J. Bor deaux of Wilmington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bordeaux Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson of Goldsboro were here for the week end. Mrs. Lawrence Vickers and chil dren spent the weekend here from I am t candidate for Coroner of Cart era t County, Primary May 31?t, 1988. Your rote will bo appreciated. ?0Mi W. David Munden Durham with her paranti, Judge and Mrs Luther Hamilton. llr. C. B. Wade Jr. of Wlnaton Salcm is a patient at More head City Hospital. He was injured in an accident on a boat Friday. Mrs. Wade and their son, Byrd III, ar rived from Winston -Salem Friday night. Mrs. E. T. Rollins, Mrs. T. G. Wallace, Mrs. Cecil Gordon and Mias Robin Gordon of Durham were weekend guests at the Jeffer son Hotel and visited Mrs. Rollins' sister, Mrs. C. V. Wade. Mra. James McLawhorn and son, Mickey, of Vanceboro visited her mother, Mrs. Clarence Lupton, over the weekend. Mrs. Lupton Is confined to her home with a bro ken arm suffered in a fall at her home last week. Mrs. George Hardy and Mrs. Bill Pittman of South River, Mrs. Robert Luptort Of New Bern and Mrs. Ray White and daughter, Linda, of Cove City visited Mrs. Clarence Lupton Friday. Mr. H. L. Joslyn, Mrs. Mamie Taylor and Mrs. John Nelson at tended an NCEA meeting in Kin ston Thursday held for the purpose of planning the October diatrict meeting. Program Topics Listed By Woman's Auxiliary Program topics for the month have been announced by the Wo man's Auxiliary of the First Free Will Baptist Church. They are. The Home is the Basic Unit of So ciety, The Enemy's Attack on Com panionship and Helpfulness, The Enemy's Attack on the Godly Fruitfulness of the Home and The Enemy'a Attack on Discipline. The auxiliary will meet at the church tonight at 7:30 and will study the first topic of the month. Mrs. William J. Cherry Entertains Tuesday Club The Tuesday evening bridge club met last week at the home of Mrs. William J. Cherry. Mrs. H. A. Weeks was the only guest Ar rangements of camellias and bridal wreath were used for decoration. High score was won by Mrs. Robert Freeman, second high by Mrs. J. R. Sanders and low by Mrs. Cherry. Cocoanut cake and coffee were served at the conclusion of play. * Mrs. H. A. Weeks Hostess To Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. H. A. Weeks was hostess to her bridge club Thursday eve ning at her home on Bridges Street. High score was won by Mrs. Robert Laughton, second high by Mrs. Bruce Willis and low by the hostess, Mrs. Weeks. Cocoanut pie with whipped cream, salted nuts and coffee were served. Mrs. WUlis will entertain the club this week. Mrs. Hamilton Hostess To Bridge Club Last Week Mrs. Harvey Hamilton Sr. enter tained her bridge club last week. Mrs. Darden Sure was ? guest. Mrs. Eure won high score, Mrs. S. W. Thompson was second high and Mrs. B. F. Royal wai lo~ Mrs. Hamilton served a frozen salad with soft drinks. Mrs. M. T. Mills will entertain the club this afternoon. Word of Death Kecelred Word has been received here at the death of Mr. Walter Winbourn in Gainesville, Ga., laat week. He was the brother of Mrs. Luther Bridges, formerly of Morehead City. Mrs. Bridgea la the widow of Or. Bridgea, who was a former pastor at First Methodist Church. t'Ooh! I low My New figure' . u>R ? JiAIHA Aftwll* j??S? ina N. C. M tO SUM A OA IN. AnyeaiMillWai L? lulu* VWwVUM?iOT MWp ^wim aw na io too way phcn? Aft yoo rirad of k?n Up*, thfgha, anklaa ud M|l>nl fan to your appaorooca and dn> r?? tba prM* ud phaut of praniini youraalf m your ?off attractive box io wdsy's iltndf (ukiooi? If yoo want to via iacfaa Iron your l|an...if you ?M to to ilim again ... acquaint younalf oo* whh fto murrn mom i nilj uui / ' I Remember Mother on her day with a beautiful Potted ' Plant or lovely Duh Garden with many lovely plants to choose. Be Sure to Visit Our Green Hou*e in the Back Irene's Plant Dept. Operated by Mrs. E. P. S pence "I'm an architect . . . my First-Citizens savings book ^ is my blueprint for ' the future." Coavealeatly UtlM la ? Morehead City With Drive-la Service ? Bcaafort ? Cherry Point ? Havdock ? Newport and la other ftae N. C. cumuiaaltiei ?I RS I 1 CITIZENS , A 3% GUARANTIID > MEMIIR f.D.I.C, I NTEREST .