TAX SALE NOTICE (CtmUmmti from Fi|e 4, Section t> Garfield and Letha Suggs, pt. lot no. M Pine St. N.T. (33' * 100') between Pollock and Marsh, dwelling and shed, pt. lot no. IT Pine St. N.T. (S1VV * 110') $48.83 Mary Summers Hrs , pt. lot no. 216 Craven St. O.T. <?' x SO') betwene Mulberry and Town line, dwelling $12.34 Mary H. Sutton, pt. lot no. ICS O.T. (30' x 132 dwelling $12.07 John and Eloise Teel, V4 lot no. 83 Pollock St. N.T. (55' x 198') dwelling, shed , $70.49 Granville Traye and Wife, pt. lot no. 165 Queen St. O.T. (36' x 132') dwelling $10.27 Carl Turner, pt. lot no. 208 O.T. (Si' x 99') dwelling $19.2S Edward Tyson, pt. lot no. 33 H.T. (40' x 198') dwelling, addition $6.63 John W. Tyson, pt. lot no. 91 New Town, Marsh St. (27V4' x 198') $4.80 Jack E. Vann, pt. lot no. 220 Craven St. O.T., pt. lot no. 165 Old Town (34' x 132') corner store $23.61 Sarah Vann, 1 lot no. 91 back part of lot 39' x 53', dwelling $3.86 Wig. H. Vann and Wife, pt. lot no. 88 Pine St. N.T. (30' x 55') between Marsh and Pine, dwelling $20.71 Hettie A. Ward, pt. lot no. 26 Pine St. H.T. (55' x 90') between Marsh and Live Oak dwelling $17.51 John L. and Lucy Washington, pt. lot no. 123 Broad St. O.T. 35' x 70', dwelling $15.93 Mrs. Benjamin Williams, pt. lot no. 190 Craven St. O.T. 55' x 110') dwelling $22.82 Fred L. Williams, pt. lot no. 187 Craven St. O.T. 40' x 63' between Pine and Mulberry dwelling $14.31 George A. Williams, pt. lot no. 181 W. side of Queen St. O.T. (30' x 66') dwelling, driveway 9' x 66' $23.38 Nehemiah Williams, pt. lot no. 196 Pine St. O.T. (27W x 110') dwelling t. $7.33 Jesse James Wilson, pt lot no. 89 Pine St. N.T. (49' x 70') dwelling $10.61 Mary D. Wilson, Est., pt. lot no. 139 Pollock St. O.T. (55' x 198') between Broad and Cedar ....$6.81 Hoiw Dwnomtro?lon Ntwi Correct Freezing Methods Pay Off in Tasty Products By FLOY G. GARNER Home Agent Now that the weather ia warm ing up, lt'a time to FREEZE? fruita and vegetablea, that ia! There are many home freezer ownera in our county? aome are enjoying the uae of theae modern conveniencea more than othera, and thia could be becauae they have learned and practiced the beat methoda of freezing vegeta bles and fruita and are enjoying "freah" fruita and vegetablea ail year round. The practice of correct tech niquea in home freezing really paya off in quality products that are taaty and packed full of food value. Speed ia important in get ting fooda ready for the freezer, but no atep in the packaging and preparation process ia to be omit ted juat because you are supposed to work faat. One of the first things you want to remember ia to work with amall quantities at a time. The way you handle vegetables and fruits in getting them ready for the freezer ia of utmost impor tance. Gather vegetables in the cool of the morning and get them into the freezer as soon aa you can. If you must stop to do some thing else, keep the vegetables cool? preferably in Nature'a pack age (peas in the pod and com in the husk). If long delaya occur between 0ath?*rin0 n n H your getting around to freez ing the vegeta bles, do some thing else with them or count on eating a poor product. Eng lish peas, corn and broccoli are some vegetables that lose flavor quickly. Some do not lose it quite ao fast, but remember? the quick er you get any vegetables from the garden to the freeter, the bet ter. There is and has been a lot of controversy regarding the neces Floy G. Girxr sity of scalding or blanching veg etables before freeiing. Our ex perts in frozen foods all tell us that it is necessary and very im portant to blanch vegetables be fore freeiing. The manufacturer of your freezer recommends it, and people who have owned freezers and used locker plant service for years, recommend it. There is a very good reason for scalding your vegetsbles? the heat stops changes in the vegetables that occur if they are not scalded. This has been proven by actual test, time and time again. Un scalded vegetables develop a hay or shuck-like flavor, lose color, toughen, and lose food value. Poor ly scalded or poorly chilled vege tables will not be good either. For scalding, use boiling water, according to these directions : Put one pound of vegetables into a wire basket (or whatever you have of similar nature). Lower it into a kettle of at least 1 gallon of vig orously boiling water. (For leafy vegetables, have 2 gallons of wa ter.) Cover the kettle. When the water comes back to a vigorous boil, start counting time. Scald for correct time in boiling water. For example, snap beans take 2 minutes while broccoli takes 3 minutes. Lift basket from boiling water. Plunge into ice water in a large pan or use running water, as cold as you can get it. If you use ice water, the vegetable will chill in about the same length of time it scalded. Be sure it is chilled through. Vegetables cool faster if you move them around in the cold wa ter. You can cool cooked vege tables such as cream style corn and pumpkin by putting the pan in cold or ice water. Chill thorough ly and package immediately. Remember that your freezer is no place for warm foods. And now a word about that other all-important part of freezing? the container. Ice cream and milk car tons, oyster cartons, Dixie cups, etc were not made for freeznig fruits and vegetables. This was true last year, and the year be fore, and it is still true. They haven't been changed. They were mad* for lc< cream, milk, etc., and nothing elae. To begin with, it if impoaaible to ateriiue a used milk or ice cream carton to be sure that it la clean aa it ahould be tor atorinf fooda. The hot water would melt the parrafin on the carton, and then it would leak. Of courae thia ia only one reaaon. The carton ia not air-tight, nor moisture proof, and they are two featurea that are essential to a good freezer pack aging material. The Bag and Carton package ia a good and economical package. Put the bag in the carton and fill, then presa out the air. Heat-seal treated parchment bags and cello phane onea. Uae your iron (aet for rayon) or a sealer made for the purpose. If you heat polyethylene or pliofilm bags, put a piece of paper between the bag and the iron, or use a clam-type sealer that baa plastic covered jaws. Heat aeallng ia the most nearly perfect seal, but you can do a good job on polyethylene and pliofilm bags with a goose neck twist. Fas ten with a small rubber band, a metal clip, frozen food tape, or paper covered wires. No fruit lends itself better to freezing than the strawberry. Strawberries are in aeason right now, and are rather plentiful lo cally. It would be an excellent idea to get as many in the freezer as possible now? freeze some for making jam later, when you won't be as busy u you are these days. The varieties at strawberries recommended lor (reeling are Al britton, Massey, Premier, Tennes see Supreme, Tennessee Beauty, BLakemore. Select firm, but fully ripe, deep-colored berries. Do not freeze under -ripe or over-ripe ber riea, except as puree. Never freeze green-tipped or mushy berries. Waah berries In very cold water, preferably ice water. This helps keep berries firm and prevents injury to tender skin which holds flavor and Juice of berry. It also cools berries, thus improving qual ity. Keep berries cool until frozen. Cfc?Mit or Sliced: For short cake topping, chopped or sliced berries are best. Use 4-to-l mix by weight. (This means 4 parts by weight of fruit to 1 part by weight of granulated sugar.) Pour sugar over berries. Cut sugar into them and mix well by stirring. Pack and freeze. Some folks add a few whole berries to sliced or chopped product. Whole: Freeze in a 40 to SO per cent syrup. Sugar mixes poorly with whole berries so syrup is rec ommended. Here's an easy way to make a quart of syrup the con centration you want. Put the amounts of cool water and sugar given below in a quart glass jar. Mix until all sugar is dissolved (usually about 5 minutes). For a 40 per cent syrup (light), use 2 cups sugar and 3 cups water. For a SO per cent (medium) syrup, use 2 2/3 cups sugar and 2 2/3 cups water. For a 60 per cent or heavy With th* Amwd Fore? Sergeant Elwood Edwards Tours with Army Band Washington, D. C? M/Sgt. El wood H. Edwards, son of Wiilism C. Edwards, 1708 Fisher St., -More head City, recently left this coun try on a concert tour of the Far East with the Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus. Sergeant Edwards, a member of the band, will participate in con certs for civilian and military audiences in Hawaii, Japan, Ko rea and Okinawa. He is scheduled to return to Fort George G. Meade, Md., on June 16. He entered the Army in 1940. The 35-year-old soldier attended Beaufort High School. His wife, Julia, lives in Millersville, Md. Ser syrup, use 3 cups sugar and 2 cups water. Puree: Small berries or culls that are slightly under- or over ripe are good when made into puree. Berries should be sound, never moldy or near spoilage. Put fruit through sieve or Foley mill, mix 4-to-l by weight with sugar, freeze. For further help with freezing vegetables and fruits ? call the Hortie Agent's office, Beaufort, 2-4011. The office Is located in the Courthouse Annex, Beaufort. geant Edwardi' brother, Melvin, i* director of the Beaufort and Newport School bands. Augsburg, Germany ? Sgt. Ken neth O. Tootle, whose wife, Isa belle, lives at 631 Frlnk St., Fay etteville, recently participated in annual platoon training testa with the ltTth Infantry in Germany. Sergeant Tootle, son of Mrs. Happens Every Spring Boise. Idaho (AP)? Warden L. E Clapp says the population of tb Idaho state penitentiary show? i marked decline every sprint ta* summer. The reason, he explains is that paroles are only given U prisoners when they have an out side job waiting (or them and mori jobs are available in the sprint and summer months. Fannie Tootle, route 1 Moreheai City, is assigned to the infantry' Company E. He entered the Arm: in November 1K0 and arrived ii Europe in November IKS. The 2S-year-old soldier attendei W. S. King High School. SHARE IN OVER $200,000 WORTH Or FREE PRIZES i9, 95 I 91 > 43 99 i JL 51 67 fl 75 2LJLJL 55 J It Jj7, 3 19 3? 1 PLAY CROSS-OUT ... for fun and profit! HERE'S THIS WEEK'S SET OF NEW GAME NUMBERS^ Ask your friendly Colonial Stores checker for a FREE "CROSS-OUT" cord each time you visit the store . . , there's no obligation, nothing to buy. See complete rules ond prize list on eoch cord. M 4 U.S. F?M s. ? 1937, 1954. 1955, 1956, 19S7 I 195?. Um * 1956, 1957 4 1956 Mr 'Croii Oul' M>. c*. !?.. Ml 551. St Lois. Ho . U.S.*. Time to Change 7 % a M/odtA/M/ * - Electric Range What better time than spring to shuck the old and don the new? And nothing i? newer than the modem timing control* of a safe, clean electric range. Cuckoo clocks and "cooking on top of old amokey" are two of a kind when it comes to modem living. The swing this spring is to electric cooking. Clean-lined and streamlined, a new electric range with automatic timing controls can cook entire meals whether you're home or not. And does it in perfect safety because there are no flames, no fumes ? no soot, no smoke. Just set the timer and a way you go! Outdoors is the place to be these balmy days. So let the timing controls of electric cooking help you enjoy a bit of spring fever away from the kitchen. YouH find a springtime ?fray of colorful new ranges at an electric dealer near you. See him toon and put springtime kitchelv ^ your IKw Coo k B*ttf ? Electrically I ( CAROLINA POWCW ft UOHT COMPANY ) Mm la thru S?t?r*?j of Hi la week. May 17, 1*5*. ~ ? rights rcatrrW. N? to ARMOUR'S FROZEN BUTTERED STEAKS ? tS 39c MEDIUM SIZE HEADLESS GREEN SHRIMP . " ? 73c PREPARED, READY FOR YOUR OVEN MEAT LOAF . . - 59c CHEFS PRIDE READY-TO-SERVE POTATO SALAD 29c NEWl CHEF'S PRIDE MILD PIMENTO CHEESE SPREAD SJ1 53c CHEFS PRIDE COTTAGE CHEESE . . . . 2 cll3.s 49c Lot, Lote Food Price* . . . Plus Valuable S A V . A ? STAMPS Given With Purchase*! I | CflLONIAL STORESI SAVE lOe AT CSt MOTHERS CREAMY, FRESH MAYONNAISE ?*n AT cm FLAW OK SELF-USING FLOUR band - 99 out PR1DK FRESH-BAKED CAKE ANGEL food ^ 39< ?ATS AT C8I CREAM- WHTTE PURE VEGETABLE Shortening ..s 73< COIN FttESU. TENDER WELL-F1UXD WHITE OR GOLDEN Regular 59c Value! QUART JAB 3c OFF! BLUE BONNET MARGARINE . . . SW 26c SOMFRDALE FROZEN GREEN LIMA BEANS . . . ? . 3 R? 59c SERVE WITH STRAWBERRIES) RICH'S WHIP TOPPING SS 39c FRESH LUSCIOUS VINE-RIPENED STRAWBERRIES i 5S* 29c FRESH LARGE CRISP HEAD LETTUCE 2 Heads 35c EARS shop at COLONIAL STORES ? 335 FRONT ST. ? BEAUFORT ? 1010 ARENDELL ST. - MOREHEAD CITY

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