? ' ' ? ? ' 'i 'it Beaufort Social News Ulu JEUea *>r*tu. Society Editor PkOM M1B Mrs. Edmood Jones of GoJdiboro arrived over the weekend to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Arrington. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jones and daughter. Jerri, of Harmony, spent the weekend with relatives at Mar shailberg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morning re turned home Monday from a vaca tion in New York City. Mr. *nd Mrs. R. M. Williams spent the weekend in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sewell, Mr. ajqd Mrs. Julius Duncan, the Rev. and Mrs. C. Edward Sharp attend ed the East Carolina Diocesan convention in Goidsboro Wednes day and yesterday. Lt. and Mrs. James A. Piner and twu sons will arrive this week end from Portland, Ore., to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Piner. From here they will go to Mission, Tex., where Lieutenant Piner will be stationed with the US Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver O'Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Melin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ypll^r and Mr. and Mrs. Newman Lewis of Willard were here for the weekend with Mrs. Jack Par kin. ' Mrs. W. K. Hinnant went to Greenville la;t weekend, where she joined Mr. and Mrs. David Mosier and son, David. They went to Raleigh, where they attended the May Day activities at St. Mary's College. Miss Memrie Mo sier was a dancer. Mrs. Mary Thomas, who has been visiting Mrs. N. W. Taylor and Mrs. W. K. Hinnant, left Sun day for New Bern to spend sev eral weeks with her sisters, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Hughes. Henry Safrit, a junior at Duke University, Durham, was home for the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Safrit Jr. Mrs. Willis Kirk, Mrs. Julia Bas 4en, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert White SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND IAUNDRYETTE PHONE M4M 1US BRIDGES ST. MOREHEAD CITY hurst rod Mr. G. T. Splvey *(ill attend the grand lodge meeting of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in Wilmington Sunday through Wed nesday. Mr. *nd Mrs. Robert L. Russell and Mr. and Mri O. Wininger of Newport will leave tomorrow (or a week's vacation in Florida. They will visit Lt Cmdr. and Mrs. James Murphy in Miami. Mrs. John H. Johnson spent Tuesday in New Bern on business. Billy Eudy and Clinton Iverson have arrived home from Fort Hood, Tex., and are spending a fourteen-day leave with their fam ilies. Miss Faye Mason, a student at Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, will spend the weekend at home with her family. Mr. and Mrs. John Butler spent Mother's Day in Clinton with his parents. Mrs. W. R. Moore has arrived from StatesVUle and is spending some time with relatives at Mar shallberg. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holland, Mr. Hugh Salter and Mr. and Mrs. James Potter attended the state democratic convention in Raleigh yesterday. Mrs. James Steed and daughters, Jamie Suzanne and Patricia, left Wednesday to spend a week with Mrs. Steed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaylor, in Ayden! Miss Kay Prytherch will arrive home t9d?y from East Carolina College to spend her summer va cation. She and her mother, Mrs. H. F. Prytherch, will drive to Greenville Sunday to attend grad uation. Herhert Prytherch Jr. is a member of the graduating class. Mr. Bruce Tarkington and Mr. Jim Wheatley attended a Rotary meeting in Fayetteville Monday. Mr. Bert Brooks and Mr. Man ley Mason were in Norfolk, Va., Wednesday buying equipment for a new funeral home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore will go to Greenville today to get their son. Walker, who will return home with them for summer vacation. Mr. and M rs ' ctan JUrri* will attend graduation ceremonies at East Carolina College Sunday. Their daughter, Barbara, is a member of the senior class. Mr. W A. Mace lpft Wednesday for Southport, where he will be manager of the Southport Fish eries. London's Great Plague killed 69,000 persons in IMS. GRADUATION SPECIAL FREE $10.00 Worth of Your Choice Records With the Purchase of a Record Player A $94.85 Value for Graduation Only $79.95 How- for a new sensation in sound Bring in your favorite record Heat it on an Hi-Pi "Victm/a1 R(MlCT0R amaied when you hear what you've beefl ouaauig! Youll hear rick, room* ftlliqg sound from the ere apeikera of the new RCA Victor High Fidelity 45 "VietroU"* the Mar* Vlll. Thi. tabuloui 45 i "Victrola"givea you up to j Mrs bourt of muak on , one loadiiy of *45- We. ' to ewy to operate? ao \ trouble-free! Hear mil the muaic on your record*. Come In for a free demea ttration todayl HUM 7HM5. U Mho. Economy Appliance Store; m?wi-au ??rmrf BL . ...k ~m ] ,u _ 1 ,uL. ? a Engagement Announced Miss Miry Ellen Chasteen Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Chadwick of Straits, who announce her engagement to William H. Nichols Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Nichols of Morehead City. Miss Harris Will Leave Monday to Study Abroad Miss Barbara Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Glen Harris, will leave Monday for New York City. She will sail Wednesday on the Arosa Sky. In Munich, Ger many she will study at the State Academy of Music. Miss Harris recently received a scholarship valued at $650 from the Greenville branch of the Amer ican Association of University W<\men. While at the State Acad emy, she will be a pupil of Frau Hedwig Fichtmueller. She expects to return to Mon treal, Canada, about Sept. 2 aboard the Arcadia. Miss Harris will grad uate from East Carolina College, Greenville, Sunday. Miss Frances Bell Honors Miss Elizabeth Edwards Miss Frances Bell entertained at a linen shower Monday evening at her home honoring Miss Eliza beth Edwards, June bride-elect. Upon' arrival, the honoree was pre sented a corsage. The living room was decorated with arrangements of colored iris. The dining room table was cov ered with a lace cloth and cen tered with an arrangement of all white flowers. Potato chips with a pimento dip, london fog, block cake and mixed outs were served the fifteen guests. Mrs. Jones Entertains Tuesday Afternoon Club Mrs. Christopher D. Jones en tertained the Tuesday afternoon bridge club at her home this week. She had as guests Mrs. James D. Potter and Mrs. Gene Smith. The Jones home was decorated with arrangements of American beauty roses and mixed spring flowers. Mrs. Smith won high score for guests and Mrs. Larry Moore won Club high. The hostess served strawberry pie, coffee and salted nuts. Mrs. Downum Entertains BUMonthly Bridge Club The bi-monthly bridge club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mri. Biily Downum of Circle Drive. Highland Park. Mixed nuts, candies and colas were served during play and straw berry shortcake and coffee were served for dessert. High score was won by Mrs. Sam Gibhs and low score was won by Mrs. Herman Autry. Mrs. Har ry Davis, Front St. Ext., will en tertain the club next. I?nteri?ln? Play Cast Members of the cast of the Beau fort senior class play met at the home of Miss Frances Bell after the play Friday night for a social hour. Refreshments of colas, cake and potato chips were served. Ap proximately thirty-five guests at tended. Play proceeds amounted to $170. Daughter Arrives Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. (Dickie) Dickinson of Charleston, S. C., welcomed a five pound four ounce daughter, Pauline Pinckney, Wed nesday, May 14. i )?. ii i i. i ? l*g?l Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as executor of the estate of Daisy P. Noe, late of Carteret County, this Is to notify all persons having cJflJjns against the said estate to exhibit same to the undersigned at B??ufort, N. C., on or before the Ifth day of April, lpst, or this no tice will he pleaded against same. All. persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate set(le TJUs, the lBth day of April, 1958. Earl M. Not, Executor, Estate of X>*isy P. Nqe al8 -25 m2-9-16-23 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Aahtoo H. and Nettie T. Tallman, deceased, late ef Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having cUijBS against said estate to present them tJ the undersigned at RVD Beau iart, N. C? ? er before the Ulh 4ay ef April, 1159, er this notice att he fled ia bar ef their recpr eflr. All persons indebted to said Mat* wfll please make prosapt payment ~ Ms *th day ef Marsh, MM. * Beroice T. Lewis, :hoUt D??* - More Officers ore Elected; Mrs. Eure Sneaks at Banauet By BUNNY MOORE In case you arc wondering who is writing this week's Chalk Dust, let me introduce myself My name is Bunny Moore and I am a junior at BHS It will be my Job to bring you all the school news next year and 1 hope I can keep you well in formed. Well, that's enough a|>out me? on with the news. On Tuesday, May 13, the Beta Club had a special called meet ing during which i\ew officers for the coming year were elected. Allen Autry was elected presi dent; Kit Jones, vice-president; Billie Jean Skarren. secretary; Helmut Treaaham, treasurer; and Linda Salter, business manager. This is a fine slate of officers and I know many of the goals of the club will be reached through these. The Hi-Y met Wednesday for the purpose o I electing new offi cers. They are as follows: President, Dallas Willis; vice president, Kit Jones; secretary, James Lewis; treasurer. Frank Potter, and chaplain, Raymond Laughton. The Tri-Hi-Y and Hi Y attended their annual banquet at the Rex Restaurant on Tuesday night. Be ginning jt 6:30 p.m. the banquet lasted until about 8. The menus, ordered by the group, included everything from the traditional spaghetti and pizza to shrimp and deviled crabs. As is the custom, gifts were given to each of the senior girls in the Tri HivY by the younger members. Everyone was delighted with the presents, which consisted of all sorts of jewelry. Mrs. Darden Eure of Morehead City was the guest speaker of the evening. Her message on what should be the goals of today's teenagers, certainly inspired us. It means a lot U> young people, especially us, to know that adults such as Mrs. Eure are as con cerned with our future as she is. A good time was had by all. The names of those students who will serve as marshals during the graduation ceremonies have been announced. Jackie Wheatly, who has the highest average in the junior class, will be chief marshal From the junior class will be Frank Potter apd Linda Salter. From the sophomore class will be Jo Ann Allen and George Huntley and from the freshman class will be Pud Hassell and Vicki Taylor. The Glee Club will give its final performance of this year when they join the seniors in singing tor baccalaureate sermon Sunday, May 25. The Rev. John Cline will be the speaker. Friday night, the senior class gave their annual senior plfy, which was a smash hit. Everyone enjoyed the play and thought that it was one of the best in years. This week only one senior re mains to be interviewed Her name is Miss Judith Meade Moore, your Chalk Dust reporter for this year. Judie became the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore on Aug. 5, 1940. Her hair is brown and her eyes are hazel. She stands 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs US pounds. Judie's favorite artists are Doris Day and Roger Williams? she does love to hesr that man play I Her pet peeve Is the winter time when she has to wear shoes. Her atnbl tion 1* ffi som ndsy go to Europe and serve as a hostess at the weed's fair. Judie's future plans are to efiter Salem Collage in the fall, where she will study medicine or jfiur nalism. While ip high school Judie has been an active member of the stu dent council, Lamba Chi, glee cjub, president of the Tri-Hi-Y, vice president of the Beta Club, editor of the annual, a member of the basketball team, a majorette, and was the recipient of several senior superlatives. Obituaries MBS. MARY B. CUTURELL Mrs. Mary Buck Cuthrell, 75, died early Monday morning at the borne of her daughter. Mrs. Pres ton Graham, at Mill Creek. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at Graham's Chapel by the Rev. Mr. Fan and the Rev. R. C. Suggs. Interment followed in the churchyard ceme tery. The Pentecostal Holiness trio of Harkers Island sang. Surviving are three sons, David, of Cranston, R. I., James V. of Marathon, Fla., William G. of Beaufort; one daughter, Mrs. Pres ton Graham of Mill Creek; one sister, Mrs. Ella Gaskins of Hills boro; two brothers, T. A. Buck of New Bern, E. M. Buck of Kinston; ' eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. DFBRA I.YNN NIMIETZ Graveside services for Debra ! Lynn Nimietz, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nimietz of Newport, were held at Cedar Grove Cemetery, Newport, yesterday af ternoon by the Rev. Ralph Flem ing, pastor of the Newport Meth odist Church. The baby died Wednesday at Station Hospital, Cherry Point. Surviving, in addition to the parents, are the maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pearson, and the paternal grand parents, Mr and Mrs. Karl Nim ietz, all of Chicago, 111. Dingman-Willis Mr. and Mrs. James H. Willis annoui\ce the marriage of their daughter, Doris Ann, to Thomas Michael Dingmaa Saturday, May 10, in South Carolina. Mr Ding man is the sop of Mrs. Loi? Cara felly, Royal Oa|c, Miph. Mr. and Mrs. Dingman are living in Beaufort with the bride's par ents. Mammoth Cave in Kentucky oc cupies 8,000 square m(les. Hospital Notes Morehead City HonpiUI Admitted : Saturday. Mri. Janet Hayes, Morehead City; Mrs. Bet tie Murphy, Davis. Sunday. Mrs. Sudie Fulcher, Mr. Zackie Griffin, Mrs. Dannie Sabis ton, Beaufort; Mrs. Doris Givens, Stella; Mrs. Marie Hinckley, Mrs. Marguerite Nelson, Mrs. Priscilla Waiters, Morehead City; Mr. Fos ter Smith, Mrs. Alfte Lewis, New port. Monday, Mrs. Aima Freeman. Stella; Miss Inez Allen, Newport; Mrs. Alberta Dickinson. Mr Bur ton Daniels, Mra Edith Ipock. Beaufort; Mr. Earl Davis, Mar shallberg; Mrs. Addie Guthrie, Morehead City; Mrs. Geraldim Taylor, Sea Level. Tuesday, Master Barry C. Dan iels, Smyrna; Mrs. Daryl Garner Master Daniel Garner, Mrs. Maude Lewis, Newport; Mr. Cleveland Gillikiri, Mrs. Marie Morris, Mr. Otis Warren, Beaufort; Mrs. Inez Holowiti, Mrs. Kate Humphreys, Morehead City. Discharged: Sunday, Mrs Mil dred Davis and son, Mrs. Arline Glover and son, Mrs. Carolyn Guthrie and son, Beaufort; Mrs Doris Russell and daughter. New , port; Mr. Charles B. Wade Jr.. Winston-Salem; Mrs. Rosa Fabri cus and sod, Morehead City. Monday, Mrs. Minnie Barnes. Mrs. Alice Lewis, Newport; Mr Charles S. Carrow, Morehead City; Mrs. Eva Davis, Harkers Island Tuesday, Mrs. Helen Davis. Beaufort; Mrs. Kate W. Hum phreys, Morehead City; Mrs. Alma Freeman, Stella. Wednesday, Mrs. Florence Mc EIroy and daughter, Miss Virginia Whaley, Mrs. Janet Hayes and son. Morehead City. Sea I^vel Hospital Admitted: Monday, Mr. Walker Gwinn, Straits; baby Mark Gas kill, Sea Level; Tuesday, Mrs Bonnie Huntley, Mrs. Loretta Tay lor, Beaufort; Wednesday, Mrs Odessa Davis, Davis; Mrs. Mary Day, Morehead City; Master An thony Midgett, Newport. Discharged: Monday, Mrs. Judy Daniels and daughter, Cedar Is land; Mr. Jack McManus, Davis; Mrs. Barbara Hfervell and son. Beaufort. Wednesday. Mr. Ted Hall, More head City; Mrs. Bonnie Huntley. ' Beaufort; Mrs. Marie Willis. Wil liston; Thursday, Mr. Henry Davis. Harkers Island. Heads College Paper Miss Memrie Mosier of Green ville, formerly of Beaufort, has been named editor-in-chief of The Muse, college newspaper at St. Mary's College, Raleigh, where she is a junior. Miss Mosier is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Mosier of Greenville and the granddaughter of Mrs. W. K. Hin nant of Beaufort. One medium-sized banana usual ly yields three-quarters cup of thin ly sliced banana or about one-half cup of mashed banana. NO PRESCRIPTION TOO WFFHHUT Our Phormocltl invito you to bring dm "hard-lo-flll" proscription to Mm tor compounding Ho lyy complete compounding knowlodgo oftd training? and hot, at hit di? ono tho Anoit, mod cpm ploto and vp-to-dato stocks of drugs mmywhwrm. So, K your Doctor pro scribes fl "hard -10 Wl" proscription HWoi > lo Ovr Prwg Storo ond YOU CAN AlWAYJ RtlY ON OUR PHARMACIST Guthtw-Janti Drug Cp. Pbeee t-4ttl Men# pid. Beufort. K. C. UVaj&tXizesc ?GINC* DRUG STORt School Lunch Menus Listed Smyrna School Monday: Beef hash, coir slaw, sliced cheese, coojcies. bread, milk. Tuesday: Hot dogs, beans, cab bage and carrot slaw, onions, cake vith icing, rolls, milk. Wednesday: Shepard pie, sliced cheese, green beans, cherry jtllo, bread, milk. Thursday: Sliced lunchmrat, cole ;law, creamed ootMne? -range lineapple jcllo, bread, milk. Friday: Baked ham, lx-diis, let tuce and tomato salad, cookics, bread, milk. Newport School Monday: Pimento cheese sand wich, tomato soup, cabhagc-carrot raisin salad, loaf cake with choco late cream frosting, milk. Tuesday: Sausage patties, tur nip greens, candied sweet potatoes, j ornbread. pickled beets, peaches, : cookics, milk. Wednesday: Franks, buns, chili. County Bridg* l*agv# Winn#r* ar? ^napumpd Sevan tablet were in play when the County Bridge League met at the recreation building in More head City Monday night. The win ners follow : North-south: flr?t, Mr. A1 Dewejr and Mn. W. A. Mace Jr.; second, Mrs. Marion Maerz and Mr*. Thornl?erry pf Cherry Point; third, Mrs. Dow Lfsitter and Mn. C. It. Whcatly Sr. E??t-west first, Mr. Harry Saun ders and Mrs. 1. S. Steed; second, Mrs. George Eaatm^p ?nd Mrs. C. W. Davis; third. Mr. S. K. Hegdecock and Mr. Jack Windlej. baked beans, cabbage-carrot-pickle slaw, pineapple and cocoanut cus tard, milk. Thursday: Spaghetti and meat sauce, deviled eggs, string beam, cabbage pickle slaw, peanut butter and jelly on crackers, milk. Friday; Fish sticks, green peas, tossed salad, strawberry shortcake with whipped cream, milk. PLUMBING AND HEATING Free Estimates Given On Heating Requirements For The Home CERAMIC TILE For the kitchen and bath in a choice of colors Regular price 70c Sq. Ft. Special 63c Sq. Ft. Complete Line of Chrome Bath Fixtures Wall and Base Cabinets All tizei in white finUh From $5.95 up 5 ft. Steel Tub, 19" x 17" C.I. Lavatory And Close Coupled Commode Let* fixture - Cash Price $102. 15 14" x 15" Vitreous China Lavatory Lett fixtures Cash Price $9.50 Specials Double Element Electric Water Heater Cash Price $75.00 42" Sink with Porcelain Top With Faucet and Basket Strainer* Cash Price $65.00 ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO N. C. SALES TAX HUNTLEY'S Highway 70 Phone 2-4S71 Beaufort, N. C, one woman-tells another... THE FAMILY FRATERNITY" OFFERS... f Pn<J gjrls no* are a pgrf of | Woodmen of f* World Life Insurance Socifljr'j 68-yegr tradition providing We j protection with ''plus'' benefits. Now every j member of the family? men, women, boys, girfc? : ? ? ? ? ??# ? . ? I may nqy* .spre, ioypq, ??90< re?n<e nre insurance... plus a complete, er^oyafele program of frpt?r?Ql. civic and social activities, ftwe W&&W Iwrgnce is provided fo wen\t?n at epsf, its (MM Q0W ?F* excellent wives. A court for Woodtf?* ?*??& pi^qw^pd jp Of near your eommunity.

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