With th> Anwd Fore? Clinton Iverson, Beaufort, Trains at Fort Hood, Tex. Fort Hood, Tex. ? Army Pvt. Clinton L. Iverson, >on of Mr. and Mri Tom Iverson, 308 Cedar St., Beaufort, recently completed eight weeks of basic combat training with the 2d Armored Division at Fort Hood, Te*. Iverson, 23, is a 1956 graduate of Beaufort High School. Pensacola, Fla. ? A first solo flight was made April 30. by Ma rine 2nd Lt. Elbert L. Alligood of Davis. Lieutenant Alligood attended the University of North Carolina aud East Carolina College before en tering the flight program. In addition to solo flights, he is being instructed in communica Lt. E. L. Alligood . . . Marine pilot tions, navigation, engineering, ath letics. aerology and civil air regu lations during basic flight training at Pensacola, Fla. San Die?o, Calif ? Ardell H. Mc Donald Jr., apprentice petty offi cer third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McDonald of 70t N. 20th St., Morehead City, grad uated May 2 from recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif. . Apprentice petty officers are rhosen from the ranks of the sea man recruits to assist Company Commanders. The selection is based on individual aptitude and leadership qualities. Maj. Joseph Keller has been named commanding officer of H&HS, Marine Corps Air Station, Miami. Major Keller is the hus band of the former Louise Odom of Morehead City. Mrs. Keller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Odom. She and the major have one son, Ste ven, 4. The holder of three Distinguished Flying Crosses and eight Air Medals and a veteran of World War II and the Korean conflict, he reported to Miami in August and served as Station informational services officer and ABC officer before being assigned his present command. Norfolk, Va.? Lcnnis Oscar Brin son Jr., storekeeper second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O. Thursday ? Friday The ?iory S of the birth ' of rhythm ??. and bluest j SCifiUS BfliB' i m 1 illl, (Mil! 4 ?ypwy mm Itl COMING Thursday and Friday June Stfc aal tth "Thunder Road" Ainki Robert Mitchum A Son I ti AslKvllic, N. C. Lennis O. Brinson Jr. . . . discharged from Navy Brinson, 909 Fiaber St., Morehead City, has been honorably dis charged from the US Navy attach ed to the Naval Receiving Station, Norfolk, Va. Cuban Minister Speaks Sunday The Rev. Manuel Salabarria, pastor of St. Paul Methodist Church, Formento, Cuba, spoke at First Methodist Church, Morehead City, at the Sunday evening ser vice May IS. Mr. Salabarria and his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Salabarria, were guests at the Methodist parsonage on Sunday. Tha Rev. Mr. Salabarria was en route to an International Boy Scout 1 Conference which opened Monday, 1 May 19th, at the Schitf Boy Scout 1 Reservation in New Jersey. Mr. Salabarria is the Director of Re ligious Education for the Boy Scout Organization in the Rupublic of Cuba. His son and daughter-in-law were en route to Barboursville, Ky., where young Salabarria will be a student at Union Methodist Col lege. The local Methodiat pastor, Mr. Herbert, met the Salabarria family when he preached in For mento, Cuba in Feb. 1987. The North Carolina Annual Con ference will convene at First Methodist Church, WUsoo, N. C. on June 23 and will continue the sessions through June 27. The Rev. Mr. Herbert, pastor of the local church, will make the Memorial Addreaa at the Conference on Wed nesday afternoon. Members of the local Methodist church are invited to attend the conference sessions. The pastor of each local Methodist church and one layman from each church are official delegates to the Conference. The Vacation Church School of First Methodist Church will be held June lit through 8th, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for children between the ages of four and twelve. Any children in the city of thia age group are welcome. Miss Anna Critcher, Director of Christian Ed ucation for the church, will be the director of the school. Leadership of the church has been gratified at progress during the winter and spring under the direction of Miss Critcher. At the regular Sunday night session of senior MYF Fellowship on May It the following officers were elected: President. Kathy Chalk; vice president, Truman Kemp Jr.; sec retary, Annette Cooper; treasurer, Walter Morria Jr.; MY Fund treas urer, Barbara Rouah; Christian Faith program area chairman, Judie Cooper; Christian Witness program area chairman, Wayne Economon; Christian Citizenship program area chairman, Becky Stiles. Christian Outreach program area chairman, Mary Hums; Christian Fellowship progrpm area chair man, Mokey Lasaiter; recreation, Nancy Laughton and Evelyn Mor ris; publicity, Marvin Willis Jr.; Bruce Goodwin and Dan Wade; and card and flowers chairman, Susan Dill. East Drive-In Theatre Beaufort. N. C Last Times Tonight "The Tarnished Angels" Starrlag Rack HwUaa - Derotky Malsae Rokert Stack - Jack Canoe Wednesday ? Thursday "Th? Tin Star" Starrlag Bcary Ma - Aatkeay Pcrldas Betsy Pslmer - Mckel Ray snow im Open CM P.M. ? Starts at Desk Truck Burns at State Port A Marine track loaded with gasoline caught fire Wednesday night at the state port, More head City. Quick action by Marine Cpl. Her bert Black and the Morehead City Fire Department prevented a ma jor disaster. Black drove the track from the Marine "tent city" to Photo by Bob Seymour the dock and the Morehead City firemen piled water on the flamei until the danger passed. Fortunately, the gasoline in the truck ne?er reached the point of igniting. Ted Phillips Wins Science Honor Ted Phillips, a senior at More head City High School, has been elected to junior membership in he North Carolina Academy of Science. The honor came as a re Ted Phillips . . . elected to academy suit of Ted'i fine showing in the science fairs sponsored by the academy. The membership is without cost and will run through the school year, 1958 59. Ted will receive, regularly, copies of the Collegiate Academy Journal. If he goes to college in North Carolina he will have the privilege to present reports on his projects in science for publication. Ted was notified of this honor by John A. Yarbrough, secretary treasurer of the North Carolina Academy of Science. A crop desroying locust in Saudi Arabia and East Africa eats two or three times its own weight each day. Three Communities Join In Mosquito Control Work Citizens of Stacy, Atlantic ancM Sea Level met Thursday night at the Sea Level Inn to form a joint mosquito control organization. An existing organization, active in Sea Level only, was the nucleus of the new organization. D. E. Taylor sent word to the meeting through Dr. Herbert Webb that he would give money to the program if the three communities would cooperate. Committees from each commun ity were appointed to collect money and organize mosquito control pro grams for everyone to follow. Al dridge Daniels presided at the meeting and appointed the com mittees. Edwin Salter, Sterling Robinson and Clayton Fulcher Jr. will rep resent Atlantic; Floyd Brown, Connie Daniels and Monroe Nel son will represent Stacy; and Charles Caudell, F. C. Noyes, Mrs. Theo Finney and Mrs. Bertie Wil lis will represent Sea Level. A. D. Fulford, county sanitation officer, was the principal speaker at the meeting. He said that it took about five hours for a truck to spray the three communities. He answered many questions about the cost of chemicals and spray equipment. Secretary Joe Mason Jr. an nounced that $126 was in the trea sury. Persons present contributed and made pledges for a total of $261, making $387 available for fighting mosquitoes now. There will be a meeting of the j board and committees at 7 p.m. ' Thursday at the Sea Level Inn. A wild swan, say naturalists, can break a man's leg with his wing. Hlorehead "TRULY CARTERET'S FINEST THEATRE" ? NOW PLAYING ? ANOTMBIt1 LOOK AT ? ^ AMOTMBf^V TOWN PSVTON ' PUCII / JB- J jwnwun nuMFiiuKn Tha. umg/ HOT /I a mil - iimwe inmb ? mm emm? ORSON MS - LEE HUH - M6EIA UHSBURT %tZS Engineers Let Contract For Waterway Dredging Wilmington ? The Corps of En gineers awarded a contract Thurs day to Cottrell Contracting Corp. of Norfolk for $116,580 for main tenance dredging in the Atlantic Intracoa3tal Waterway between the Neuse River and the Newport River. The dredging, reports Col. H. C. Rowland Jr., District Engineer of the Wilmington District, is the first phase of work to restore the water way to project depth of 12 feet. He said other sections of the shel tered route would be dredged to project depth as funds are avail able. The waterway has been main tained to only 10 feet in depth since 1950 because of the cprt*il ment of funds. ' Mason City, Iwa (AP)? The stork paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Storck recently. The nine-pound girl born at a hospital here was their first. FCC Schedules Boat Owner Test An engineer from the Federal Communications Commission will conduct a special examination at the Webb Memorial Civic Center, Morehead City, June 4, 1958, be ginning at 9 a.m. for the Radio telephone Third Class Radio Op erator Permit. This is a special examination for the benefit of those who will act as radio operator of boats for hire carrying more than six paid passengers. An engineer will conduct inspec tions of boats for hire which carry more than six paid passengers on June 3, 4 and S of boats in the vicinity for which applications have been filed. Owners of boats for hire carry ing more than six paid passengers that have not filed applications for inspection of the radio equipment should contact the commission en gineer, obtain and file an applica tion for Inspection in accordance with Public Law 985. In 1951, the US railroads install ed more new locomotive units than in any year since 1923. "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" LAST TIMES TODAY AFLAME WITH DANGER.. THRILLS... ROMANCE I JEAN I (IF -WAl I ARF. [abbe LANE francis LEDERER TECHNICOLOR * _ ? STARTS WEDNESDAY THE MOST SUSPENSEFUL 5 SECONDS JfLSPYJISIORY! Thsy qambled a miilion lives on a lie ...to win thr fabulous battle of hoaxes thai stunned the world ! f IMt I MKIOUCTM r WmNte ~ ^ tHtaMKB V taS^ST* O.S.S. JEFFREY HUHTEI Niea PATRICK MARIE 0URIN6ER Crossword Puzzle A< L If. Aeriform fluid It. Ancient Irish capital 11 Wicked It. Exist SO. Flower SLf 33. Row 34. Dines 31 At home 27. Bar legally 39. Shield 31 Leave out 34. Color 18. legislative bodies 18. Compound ftber 41. Type 42. Afresh 44. Cattle 41. Pack 4ft. Ventures ftO. Federal district: abbr. SI. Irish expletive 02. Give forth ?2. Petition 14. More ift.8o.Amer for teleost 10. English counties 333 raaun r-K-rro aao bquli uaau ?aanaGna 3asn aann HaaEBisu nnauna bed ?ma qdo saaaa ?naa nan ranau naBPOfJ 3I3H HOE nan ?unntin ?aDHaOQ HRHD anaa naannoDQ aaaa ? 1110a aun aanr* naaa aua ? _ m\ Solution to Friday's Pink DOWN 1. Contradict 5. Om at tte Three Musketeers I. Duet 4. While B. 8 pouts 6. Make apeechea 7. Bua official t. Tantalum symbol 9. Primeval giant of Norse myth. 10. Molten rock 11. Call forth IS. Moon goddess 17. Garnar SO. Fragrance SS. Short jacket S5. Wild plum 39. Century plant liber 50. Duties 51. Against: prefix S3. Offers 35. "Open f 30. Dinner course 37. Ore deposit 39. Bear 40. N}che 43. Court orders 40. Spoken 47. Diminish 49. Greenland settlement SS. Knight's title 5S.8ono t Judah ?7.S.1419 Two Will Represent County Democrats On Committee C. G. Holland and Mrs. D. F. Merrill, both of Beaufort, will rep resent Carteret County oo the State Democratic executive committee. They were elected to that poaition at the recent state convention at Raleigh. Elected to the congressional dis trict committee were Irvin W. Da vis, Davis, and Mrs. Clayton Ful cber Jr., Atlantic. Judge Luther Ulcer-Land to Gangland New York (AP) ? One of tin many juvenile gangs causing the city concern over relinquency prob lems seems to have taken Madison Avenue as its model in at least one department. The gang uniform ii grey flannel" suits and narrow striped neckties. Hamilton and Mrs. Sam Adler, Morehead City, will represent the county on the judicial district com mittee. Odell Merrill and Mrs. C. G. Hol land, Beaufort, were elected to th? solicitorial committee. W. C. Matthewi I AM NOT A POLITICIAN feat I IB i eitiien ol More head City and I an interested in the growth aad develop meat of oar port. Saturday la election day. My good friend, Judge Lather Hamilton, Is a candidate for State Senator. The rote la this coaaty will be light nnless every one of aa makes it a point to go to the polls la his respec tive precinct aad vote. Satarday yea are faced with thla question: Had you rather have a maa for year Senator from Carteret County or ssaic? e from Lenoir, Cravea or Onslow CaaatyT If we daa't support oar local men wholeheartedly, we eaa't expect to ever get aaythiag la thla coanty. If we don't help earsdvea locally, we caat expect the counties up the State to help aal Satarday la aa lasportaat electioa for aa, the people of Morehead City aad Carteret Coaaty. We need Jadge Hamilton la the Senate. It la a thaahleas Job aa his part. If he Is willing to sacrifice five moatha of his time with the expense and necessary long trips to Raleigh and back, we sheald be willing to sacrifice a few minates at oar time. I am appeal lag to yea, every cittxea of Morehead City and Carteret Coaaty, to go to the poOs Satarday and vote for Jadge Hamiltoa. If yon are late rested la the latere of year port, yoa will do so. ' w. C (BUC*) MATTHEWS (Political ad caatrMcd by Back Matthews)

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