William K. Bell Speaks To Oueen Street Pupils William K. Bell, noted Nogro economist and author, spoke Thursday to students of Queen Street high school on the necessity of Negroes to raise their economic levels. It is Mr. Bell's contention that Negroes must support themselves, must operate successful small businesses, must strive to create successful ' large businesses, must learn not to depend weakly on emo tionalism but compete honestly and self-reliantly with all other races. Mr. Bell was born in Newport, N. C., March 8, 1892, of poor parents. His attention to his work in the Newport Negro school of those days, a school of only three months' duration a year, attracted the attention of several white fam ilies there, including the kin of Leon Mann Jr., the present mayor. Mr. Bell attended St. Augustine College in Raleigh, then went to Howard University, Washington, D. C., and later did further work in economics at New York Uni versity. From 1923 until 1929 he was in the men's wear business in New York. From 1929 on he concerned him self as writer and lecturer with a program to induce Negroes to learn to depend on themselves economically. His books are: A Business Primer for Negroes and 15 Million Negroes and 15 Billion Dollars. The late Manly G. Mann Sr., general manager of Farmers' Co operative Exchange, Raleigh, said of Business Primer: "You cert* Inly da deserve a lot at credit lor all that yon have ac complished in this world, and only those of us who know you as a very small boy appreciate the ob stacles which you have overcome." Leon Mann Jr., of Newport, said: "All in all I thought it a vary good book and while it may not have far flung sales aad make the Book-of-the-Month Club, we must remember that Christ at first had only 12 faithful men. Ib time to come 1 am sure your book will gain in importance. It offers not only excellent means of con ducting a business, but a way of living." Superior Court Clerk Reports AprM Receipts April court receipts amounted to $3,682, A. H. James, clerk of su perior court, reports. Received through county, record* er's court in April was $2,662.15, through superior court $959.35 and probate and clerk's fees amounted to $60.50. This is the second month in a row that no receipts have been reported from Morehead City Re corder's court. February receipts from that court totaled $50. Turn Around London (AP) ? Britain's first standard railway coach with swivel seats went into service for one week to test passenger opinion. Clifford T. Lfwfe **mst A? Mayor of the taws of Beaufort and n aa interested citizen of Carteret County, I ask you, the citizens of Bean fort and of Carteret County, to be sure to go to the polls Saturday and vote for Judge Hamilton for State Senator. It is important to us here in Beaufort and to all the people of Carteret County to have our own man in the State Senate. Let's support Judge Hamilton aad give hiaa a whopping big vote Saturday. CLIFF LEWIS Mayor of Beaufort ( Political ad contributed by Mr. Lewi*) ?1 BALLOT ?.T COUNTY . XRATIC PRIMARY i STA IK SENATE AND ,N'TY OFFICERS t ? j\si;rU;i ic?\s . I'ti *.4p for a on lilt l>allol oi#k<- a CtOH (X) in thf fquarc at the If ft of hi* Batrie 2 If you tc?r or deface or wrongly mark this l>?l}<)t, rfturq.it to the mgUtrar and-grt another. For State Senator Seventh Senatorial District I* , , .. 7 <('?#? for I wo) I 1 John Lavtoo Kell?n ? Clydt L. SahUton O farther Hojniltun 5 . v jj ? Jam?s O. SunpUine ' County Commivjnner* (Vnk fur fht) ? S. A. Chalk, Jr. f"l Tonuuie Lewi? I I David E. Yeoman* n Moses Howard . ? Hartell C. Taylor ? Odell Merrill Judge of Recorders Court For Carteret Cou?ty (Vote for one) fl Gene C. Smith ? Lambert Morrii Coroner ( I 'o l? foi vrw) ? W. David Mundcn 1 1 L. D. Springle Primary Election. May 31, 1958 B&PW Club to Install Officers at 7 Tonight New officers of the Carteret Bus iness and Professional Women's Club will be installed at 7 tonight at the Rex Restaurant, Morehead City. Tehy ire Mrs. James C. Smith, president, Mrs. W. I. Loftin, vice president; Mrs. Marshall Ayscue, recording secretary; Miss Vivian May, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. W. E. Merion, treasurer. Officers will be installed by Mrs. Beulah Worley, district di rector, following dinner. Fire in the Hall MohaU, N. D. (AP)-PIans to re model the community hall here to Imom the fire department came too late. Fire leveled the structure be fore work was started. Clyde L. Sabiston CuMite for Ok ?f Turn Stib a the State Senate \ ? ? -m - . from ths 7th Senatorial District, Subjoct to Democratic Primaries May SI, 19M "CLYDE L. SABISTON k Farmer, Business Man, Former Alderman, CHy of Jacksonville k Former Mayor, City of Jacksonville k Former Fire Chief, Jacksonville Volunteer Fife Department k Format Quitman, Onslow County Democratic Executive Committee t Present Member, North Carolina Democratic Executive Committee t Member of Farm Bureau t Former PreiWent and Member of Jacksonville tioas Clah " Your veto and support is solicit*/ oad will bo appreciated. Ten thousand copies of the Rus sian Bible were printed last year in Moscow from mats furnished by the American Bible Society. E. C. Watson To Head Lions E. C. Watson his been elected as president of the Morehead City Lions Club (or l#5I-59. He will re place J. B Eubanks. Elections were conducted Thursday night at the Hotel Fort Macon. Other new officers are C. W. Williams, first vice-president; O. J. Morrow, second vice-president; Harry Van Horn, third vice-preti dent; Otis Jones, secretary; S. K. Hedgecock, treasurer; and John D WilHs, Lion Tamer. Owens Frederick was re-elected to the position of tail twister. Jack Mor gan and David Mundcn were elect ed directors. The Liors voted to raise their dues by 50 cents a month. Otis Jones was appointed to pre fent the Lions athletic awards at the Morehead City commencement exercises. r Liquor Store Sales Total $41,647.10 Sales at county liquor stores to taled Ml, #47.10 last month, as com pared with $45,250 In April 195? and $41,981.55 last month. Beaufort sales were $12,703.35, Morehead City $21,188.05, and New port $7,744.70. Paid to the town of Beaufort was $547 62, to the Morehead City Hos pital $913.86, to the town of New port $333 86 and to the county $1,495.34. Three hundred dollars of the county's total Share, $1, 795.34 went as part payment on a new ABC truck. Next month receipts from a fourth store, at Atlantic Beach, will be shown. Of All People Rigby, Idaho (AP)? Mark Wilkie and Paul Mains of Idaho Falls had to hitch a ride after they ran out of gas while driving here to attend a convention of service station op erators. George W. DUI As Mayor of Morehead City and as a citizen Interested in the growth and development of oar port and indus trial possibilities of our town and county, I urge and ap peal to every single voter of Morehead City and Carteret County to go to the polls Saturday and vote for Judge Luther Hamilton (or State Senator. It is important to our town and county and vital to our port to have In the State Senate a local man o f such wide experience and knowledge of oar peculiar needs. GEORGE W. DILL, JR. Mayor of Morehead City (Paiitleal ad contributed by Mr. Dill) 6 YEARS OLD Gleumore KENTUCKY BOURBON STRAIGHT 80 PROOF GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY FRFp I mmmmm Present this coupon to any of the leading Morehead City or Beaufort merchants listed below and receive 50 free additional SAV A-STAMPS with any purchase of $1.00 or more. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.M. Be*ufort, n. c I STAMPER'S JEWELERS Front Street BELL'S DRUG STORE Front Street ANN STREET ESSO I Corner Ann and Lit* Oak Street* I I MOREHEAD CITY ' SUNSHINE ' LAUNDRY I Mori hi id CHy | I I fl ?