f ni a i & oan#rwnire-DarnnciraT Lt. Got. tad Mrt. L. E. B?rnh?rdt request the honor of your presence tl the marriage of their daughter Phoebe Jean to Dr. Wtfliam II. Sattrrvhite Jr. on Saturday, the twenty firit of June nineteen hundred and ftfty-etght at twelve o'clock Central Methodist Church Concord, North Carolina 1%t above invitation is extweded to frtofsds of the Barnhardt and MMvMi families la Mi area. No formal invltatioaa art being ?M*. Tto American Legion Auxiliary W Carter* p<Mt No. W la planning sale at poppies In downtown Bet* fort Saturday, the day after Me morial Day. In charge of the sale la Mrs. David Hill Cake batter, baked in cupcake pans, will usually need II to 20 minutes ta a 400 degree oven. Morehead City Social News Mm Ellen lurfawi. Society Editor PlMta ?-4175 Mr. sad Mrs. Sam Whitehall Nfcw Bern, were at (he Atlantii Beach Hotel over the weekend. Mr. Jim Crawford and Mr. Jacl Styron of New Orleans arrive) Friday on a business trip. Mrs. William Davis sad bab; arrived by plane Friday (ram N*? Orleans, La., to visit her psrents Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mttchel have returned to their home ii Martinsville. Vs., after spendini several weeks st their home 01 Evans St. Mr. and Mrs Douglas BrendU ?ad Mr. and Mrs. Robert Under wood of Elktn spent the weekem st the Brsndle cottage. Mrs. Jack Nobles has returnee Bin* Ribbon Restaurant Free Delivery Service ? It Nee* te Midnight More bead aty Ml Atlantic Beach Dial 6-M33 Good things cooking in th? family circle - * * Barbecue parties are only one of the many joys that this happy family finds in home ownership. Systematic saving made this particular dream come true . . . and that's only the beginning! College education for the children, extensive travel, financial independence ... all are on the program. By planning ahead and Raving ahead, thia family will continue to get aheadj Commercial National Bank Moralmd City * 8m Lml lliail FEDERAL RESERVE IYITEK riMUL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION - J ~r - - ? , ta her hoa?? in Greenville, after c visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Hamilton. J Mr. and Mrs. James Wharton 1 and children, Mrs. Jack Wharton and family and Mr*. Lila Wharton, all at Geklabora, were at the Ray ' mond Bryan cottage several days ' last week. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Brady and . family have as their (nests Mrs. Brady's brother and atater-in-law, ) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goaaman, and ' their three children from Ken 1 tucky . Miaa Bcrbara Blanchard had as ' her weekei.d guest Mr. Bill Camp ! bell of Stale College, Raleigh Mrs. Richard Swindell has re I turned home from Cameron and Empire, La., where she visited her sons, Edward and Richard, and their families for several months. Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Milone and son. Johnnie, left for their home in Effingham, 111., last week, after visiting Mrs. Milone's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Piatt. They also spent some time at their home at Atlantic Beach. Mils Catherine Piatt and family had at their weekend guest Miss Piatt's fiance, Sgt. David Streeter of St. Augustine, Fla. Miss Martha Hill of New Bern, who is employed here, is spending the summer months with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Piatt. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munden were Lt. and Mrs. James McRhoads and family. They have recently returned from a tour of duty in Japan and will be stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper, Mrs. Elmon Oglesby and daugh ter, Jane, will spend the weekend in Durham and attend the capping exercises at Watts Hospital. Miss Norma Dene Harper is one of the student nurses who will be capped. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Beck and daughter, Daisy, spent Wednesday in Raleigh on business. Mrs. Walter Morris visited her mother, Mrs. T. R. Thigpen. in Mt. Olive several days last week. Mrs. M. T. Milll Jr. has returned home, after spending several days in Raleigh. Mr. and Mri. Clarence Forbes of Williamston * arrived over the waekand and are spending this week with Mrs. Forbes' sister, Miss Lela Hollis. Mrs. Joslyn Entertains Fortnightly Bridge Club Mrs. H. L. Joslyn was hostess to the Fortnightly Bridge Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. W. S. Kidd and Mrs. D. G. Bell. Mrs. Harold Webb won club high score, Mrs. Bell won guest high and Mr*. O. H. Johnson was low. Mrs. Joslyn served Mock cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream and coffee. SHOP BELK'S FIRST * ?: l '? !% , . ? / .... ?- ?? - * ? MflTIICDQ. BRING YOUR Hill I II Cn? ? CHILD TO | . ' " : BELK'S ? I Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 29-30-31 Hmm ? to IS ? 1:00 to SiM STUDIO WILL cive you a selection OF FOSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE AN JUgvlar $10.00 Yolue SATISFACTION QUAftAMTtlO Ife AftOINTMINT HtCBSARY 11x14 Bust Vighette PORTRAIT s'|oo FOR ONLY rht Hi MaWaf Full Fif?* $1.00 Extra limit: 2 Children To A FomHy Am: 6 W.?k. to 10 Ymfi Additional CMdran $100 To Make June Debut Miss Jo Ann Wade, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jacob F. Wade of Wildwood, will make her debut at the second annual Gastonia Debutante Ball Satur day, June 14, at Gaston Country Club. Twenty girls will be presented to society at the ball. Music will be furnished by Ziggy Hurwitz and his orchestra of Charlotte. Miss Wade was invited to attend the ball by a committee repre senting the Debutante Club. She will be presented by her father. Her cousin. Tommy Wat son of Gastonia, will be her chief marshal and her brother, Jake Wade, will serve as mar shal. Miss Wade is a 1957 graduate of Newport High School and is attending Salem College, Win ston-Salem. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bailey Hudson of Erwin announce the en gagement of their sister, Miss Lynda Irene Hudson, to Mr. Lawrence Joseph Crowder. Miss Hudson and Mr. Crowder have been residents of Wilson for more than twenty years. Miss Hudson is employed by the Branch Banking and Trust Co. Mr. Crowder, owner of the North State Brokerage Co., does business in Carteret County. Mrs. Gus Davis Heads St. Catherine's Chapter Mrs. Gus Davis was elected chairman of St. Catherine's Chap ter of St. Andrew's Auxiliary for a two-year term at the May meet ing of the group in the Epiacopal parish house Tuesday evening. Other officers named were Mrs. Percy Deyo, re-elected vice-chair man; Mrs. W. L. Brady, re-elected treasurer, and Mrs. Marhsall Ays cue, secretary. Mrs. 0. H. Johnson Sr., retiring chairman, conducted a business session at which plans for a food fair, to be held in conjunction with the St. Mary's Chapter, were dis eusied. Further plans will be an nounced at (he joint meeting of the two groups June 2. Ct. Catherine's Chapter will aponaor a coffe hour every two weeks this summer following the morning church service and will have a coffee hour Sunday morn ing, following the Whitsuntide ser vice. Mrs. M?ry Shockley reported sending two boxes of clothing from the Thrift Shop to migrant work ers; Mrs. Johnson read excerpts from the article on New Trends in the Woman's Auxiliary, written for the Mission Herald by Mrs. William Marmion, wile of the bishop of Southwestern Virginia. The Rev. E. Guthrie Brown, rector of St. Andrew's, gave a brief resume of the diocesan meet ing in Gotdsboro recently. The coming church year's program in cludes a four or five-day mission, the Rev. Mr, Brown reported. Bishop Wright, in his address, stressed Evangelism as the key note of next year's planning. Following the closing of the meeting by the Rev. Mr. Brown, refreshments were served by Mrs. Frances Morris and Mrs. Erma Gorhara. NIGHT SCHOOL Typing Shorthand Bookkeeping New cUmm will begin June 9. Registration end* Jane 1. Limited enrollment MRS. H. C BARROW, JR. 3206 ArendeH St City, N. C. Showsr and Card Party nonors ? w nv ?!? mw#v?i Mn dune IMBi, Mr*. Percy Deyo and Mn ^Gorta>^P?y ^ WW WhKtfcTfcaJe huimlut Mln Venu Jean Rabon Mln MbM plana ? June wedding Upon arrival the hmomt waa prtaentel a coraafe. Mm receiv ing corsages were Mra. Walter Davia Sr., grandmother of Mln Rabon, Mr*. 8. J. Rabon. mother of the hoaeree, Mra. R. Hugh HiB ol Beaufort, mother of Mln Ra: bon's fiance, and Mln Thelma Memakia, June bride-elect. Mixed aummer flower* were uaed in arranfementa throughout the house Each table waa covered with a white doth and centered with a miniature arrangement of panaies. The bride's table waa centered with a amall umbrella covered with ruffles and tied with white ribboni and silver bells placed in the center of an arrangement of flowers. The gifts were grouped about the arrangement. Summer delight pie, coffee and tea were served During play party mints, colas and mixed nuts were served. High score at bridge was won by Mrs. Dan Swindell, high acore at canasta by Mrs. Clarence E. Mitchell and high score at rummy by Mrs. Gene Bowen. Mrs. Betty Willis Honored On 80th Birthday Sunday :,:-s Betty Willis was honored on her 80th birthday Sunday with a cake cutting given by her daugh ters, Mrs. Floyd Chadwick and Mrs. Jane Layton of High Point, at the Chadwick home. Prior to the cutting, a surprise family dinner was given at Sani tary Restaurant. Out of town guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. George Willis and Mr. and Mra. William Willis and son, Billy, of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Willis and children, Bfrt Jr., Miriam Thomas and Betty, of Edenton. Punch and cake were served to neighbors and close friends who called during the afternoon. Mra. Willis received many gifts and lovely flowers. Mrs. Gus Davit Hostess To Thursday Bridge Club Mr?. Gui Davis entertained her bridge club Thursday evening at her home on Arendell Street. She used a profusion of ruses for dec oration. ? " ? > - Gtiests wens Mri. Jack Bumls. Mrs. Dick Parker and Mrs. Milton Roush. Mrs. Bruce Willis won high score, Mrs. Burrus ,was second high and Mrs. Roush was low. The hottest served a fruit par fait salad with cheese crackers and coffee. A dinner meeting will be held at Rex Restaurant this week with bridge fololwing at the home of Mrs. S. A. Horton. The club will not meet this summer. Charles Macy to Receive Doctor's Degree June 2 Mr. Charles B. Macy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Macy of Coral Bay, will graduate from the Uni versity of North Carolina School of Medicine June 2 and will be awarded the degree of doctor of medicine. Mr. Macy will serve his intern ship at Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Fla. He attended Morehead City High School and did pre-medl cal work at the university, where he is a member of Whitehead Council and Phi Chi medical fra ternity. He is married to the former Miss Nancy Strode Haines of New Lisbon, N. J. TODAY Ml a m -Clinic, Morrhrad Ctty Hospital annex. (ShoU adminis tered during thai* houri only) 1-4 p.m ?Clinic, county health center. Beaufort. (ShoU admlmi tered during theae hour* only) t p.m.? Special meeting on aerv l?g buffet meala, home afest'i of flea, courthouae annex, Beaufort. 8:45 p.m.? Rotary Club, Scout building, Beaufort 7 p.m.? Adult Parmer Asaocia tton, Newport School 7 p.m.? Buaineaa and Profeaahm al Women's Club, Rex Reataurant, Morebead City 7 p.m.? Down Eaat Liona Club, Sea Level Inn 7 : SO p.m. ? Coaat Guard Reaerve Unit, Coaat Guard Station, Port Macon Road 7:30 p.m.? Ocean Lodge, Maaonic hall, Morehead City ( p.m ?Folk and aquare danc ing, recreation building, Morehead City 8 p.m. ? Women of the Moose, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach 8 p.m.? Board meeting. Beau fort Chamber of Commerce, cham ber office " WEDNESDAY 9*30 *.m. to 12:30 p.m.? Social Security representative, courthouse annex, Beaufort 7 p.m.? Flight C, 9948th Air Re serve Squadron, municipal build ing, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Esther Rebekahs, rec reation building, Morehead City | 7:30 p.m.? Heavyboit Army Re serve Unit, Reserve training cen ter west of Morehead City near Ocean Park Drive-In I p.m.? Rosary-Altar Society, St. Egbert's Catholic Church, More head City I p.m. ? Commencement Exer cises, Beaufort High School ( p.m. ? Commencement Exer cises, Atlantic High School I p.m. ?Special Carteret Com munity Theatre meeting, recrea tion building, Morehead City t p.m.? W. S. King Commence ment at the school, Morehead City > p.m.? Queen Street Commence ment at the school, Beaufort THURSDAY 9-11 a.m.? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort. (Shots adminis tered during these houra only) 1-3 p.m.? Clinic, Morehead City Hospital annex. (Shots adminis tered during these hours only) 9:30 p.m. ? Rotary Ctoto. Rex Restaurant, Morehead OKV 6:30 p.m. ? Lions Club, Hotel Fort Macon, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? National Guard Unit, Camp Glenn Armory t p.m.? Odd Fellows, Lodge hall, Beaufort R p.m. ? Commencement Exer cises, Smyrna High School I p.m. ? Commencement Exer cises, Newport High School FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. ? Duplicate Bridge Tournament. Lniet Inn, Beaufort S p.m. ? Commencement Exer cises, Morehead City High School LAUNDRY AND LAUNOfcYETTE PHONB M4U 1*12 BUOOBS 9t. MORMIieAn <*TV Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby Entertain CoupUt Club , Mr and Mra. Billy Oglesby en-J | tertained the couples bridge club? M their home on Y.upon Terrace , Tueaday night Bri Ogleaby used red and while roses. panties and daisies for decoration High acore was won by Mr. Bon ay Gear, second high by Mrs. Jer ry N orris and low by Dr. Norris. Refreshments of spice cake and coffee were served. I for old furniture, appliances . . . any wood or metal surface! In one exciting, thrifty application, you get a rich multi-color effect ... the baae color highlighted with flecka of one or more con trasting ahadee. Just . . ? spray it ? - I works with any I .TANK-TYPE J VACUUM I CLEANER j sir TMTTU' COAT WOES SCAB! 0* any surf act the nickj and scratches seem to disappear whtn I mr them with SMTTERN. beeutiful, smartly mu*i coWad cMt of "camouflaje". Makes thinp look new ania . , , distinct!) different, too! ITS SCJtUBBABLE, DURABLE! Ttiere's nothinj delicate about PATTERN . . . except tlw unusual color offsets it ochiovos. Forms ? ?aisk M taifh yov can scrub it, ?crape It, panlsk R as hard as jro? |ki, One coot lists and tests! fry Am Mkwi ?f (mow 01 mm Pah* ? Wtatrt MM i Color Wtrta. Ik* ?allim Mk MO. g OMttFIM MMEDStf umT SUIB, UTEH0XES! Rupert E. Willis Hardware Phone (-4*11 lit Areafefl St. More brad City i ? "I LOST 41 POUNDS with ^ Stauffer Home Reducing Plan!" . . . says Clora Nelson, one of America's 10 Happiest Women You'll llrid like Clara Nelson that y?i. too. can get and ktep a good figure with the Stauffer Home Plan of effortless exercise and calorie reduction. And. you can do so without star vation dieting . . . Mrenuous exer cise. .."dieting and gaining back." Why not find out more about Staulfer Home Reducing Plan today? It's the modern, sensible way to a slender, smaller-size figure! AFTER: Mr*. Nelwn lost 41 pounds, trimmed 11 inches from her iMamen. She h*s ten aimed one 6t "America's 10 Htppiett Women" in Nation*! magazine*. BEFORE: "At SO. I wu Vfinninf to look middlt wrd," uyt Qon Nelson. "1 wei?h?i 1*9 pourdi tad could , Udly fag ?y*U * through anomifel ?ky'iwotk." A Tnhiid Figure Ctomltant Win Help You With Your Figure Problem . . . Phoiw 2-7721

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