Morehead City Social Newsf Mlii tUm MlUl S*.Hy Editor M1W Mr and Mrs Bill Shaak of New Qleans, Li , arc gue?ls at Bud Uinan't Hotel, ? ? - 9 Mr. apd Mrs Charles Laughton of Hollywood, Fla., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Clifton Lynch. Miss Bobbie McRackan of Scat land Neek has arrived and is visit ing her grandmother, Mrs. L. L. Leary. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade have returned from a visit with rela tives in Bath. They attended a din ner at the Colonial Marsh Houso given by the town in honor of Mr. Edmund Harding, president of the Beaufort County Historical Society. The Rev. A. G. Harris Jr. and Miss Diaana Beaver are attending I'ioneer Camp at Lake Singletary this week. Dr. and Mrs. Mel Carriker and family have arrived from Chapel Hill to spend the summer here. Mrs. Jim Morrill will leave by plane today for North Woods Lake, N. H., to spend three weeks with her son, the Rev. C. L. Morrill and family. Mr. Morrill is rector of St. l'aul's Church, Concord, N. H. Miss Joyce Taylor, president of the Carteret County NCEA, will re turn home today from Blue Ridge, where she attended the state NCEA convention. She also visited her grandmother in Asheville. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Sidney J. Rabon Jr. and children, Bill, Diane and Stevie, and M'Sgt. and Mrs. Ben Longnocker and children of Loring Air Force Base, Maine, have ar rived to attend the Hill-Rabon wedding. Mill: Catherine Lohr returned home Sunday after a two-week visit at Orange, Va., where she attend ed a reunion of the Lohr family. ?he will be associated with Car teret Ice and Coal Co. this summer and will enter Duke University School of Nursing in the fall. Mis; Barbara Blanchard, Ra leigh, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blanchard. She had as her guest Mr. Bill Campbell, also of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cage and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Koll of Hurt, Va., are spending this week at the Cobb apartment at Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fitzgerald Jr. and two daughters of Wilson were weekend visitors here. Mrs. C?.nT Windley and three friends of Washington visited here Sunday. Miss Suian Kohler and lour guests from East Carolina College, Greenville, spent the weekend at Atlantic Beach. Miss Kohler is the granddaughter of Mrs. B. C. Flem ing Sr. of Atlantic Beach. Mr. John Warmuth returned to New York Monday, after spending ten days with Mrs. G. C. Cooke and son, Carlyle. Mr. and Ifcrs. M. G. Johnson and children of Benion are visiting the Robert Johnsons at their home in Ho Ho Village. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Midgett of Kinston are spending some time at their home here. The Misses Virginia Thompson, Susanne Beck, Sarah Boyd, Sylvia Thompson, Ann Sanderson, Ruth Fusaell, Mattie Philjips and Alvab Holrtgfs and Mr. Llewellyn Phillips Sr. and Dr. E. P. S pence left yes terday for Ridgecrest, to attend Foreign Missions Week. Miss Rose Daniels left Wednea COUNT X>OtS T El* ? T ON THE Serta "Perfect Sleeper" I MATTRESS THE BEST COUNT WIHS fjr 0 On Our Sad Floor Opooa Toi?j . ? . End* July IS # HAMILTON'S Furniture Center IN DOWNTOWN MOREHEAD CITY Toey all wore gowns and hats li|(e those of the honor attendant | and carried fans covered with yel- 1 low sweetheart roses. Honorary bridesmaids were Miss | Barbara Williams. Miss Norma'; Harper and Miss Jane Oglesby of j Morehead City, Mrs. Charles Brown of Davis, the Misses Betty \ Jean and Barbara Ann Blackwell of Oxford, Miss Annette Whaley of Kinston and Miss Frances Wheeler of Raleigh. All wore pastel dresses and cor- j sapes of white carnations. Mr. Kenneth N. Putnam Sr. of Newport Nows, Va., was best man for his son. Ushers were Mr. Thur low Whealton, Mr. J. L. Seamon Jr., brother of the bride, Mr. Wal lace Rhodes and Mr. Jimmy How land, all of Morehead City. The mother of the bride wore a mauve lace street length dress with matching accessories and an prctiid corsage. The bridegroom's /"Other wore a bcig$ lace dress vprith matching accessories and * yellow orchid corsage. Mrs. Percy Snooks, grandmother of the bride groom, wore a copen blue lace dress with black accessories. A reception was held at the home of the bride following the ceremony. Mrs. Ralph Smith of Charlottesville, Va., greeted guests at the door. Mrs. John Mayberry presided at the bride's book. Mrs. Wallace Rhodes poured punch and Mrs. Thurlow Whealton served cake. Following a trip, the couple will be at home in Morehead City. The bride is a graduate of More head City High School and attend ed Campbell College, Buies Creek. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Seamon of this city. Mr. Putnam is the son of Mrs. Eldon Nelson of this city and Mr. K. N. Putnam Sr. of Newport News, Va. He was graduated from Morehead City High School and at tended Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. He is employed by Na tional Biscuit Co. Engagement Announced - - " - - * - - ' - Mr. and Mrs. Almond A. Wilson of Elliott, S. C., announce the en gagement of their daughter. Mary Ruth, to Cecil L. Adams, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David P. Adams of Morehead City. The wed ding will take place Sept. 20. To Wed Tomorrow Miss Anne Thomai Lewis ii the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. T. D. Lewie, who announce her engage ment to Lt. James Elliott Still, USAF, of Greenwood, S. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Conway L. Still. The wedding will take place to morrow afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight Will Have Open House Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McKnight, Camp Glenn, will observe their 30th wedding anniversary Sunday with an open house from 3-6 p.m. All friends of the couple are cor dially invited to attend. To Tour Europe Robert McNeill will leave this weekend by plane from New York City for London, England, where he will spend several days with the Leonard Burleighs, who lived here during World War II. He will join the TTiomas Tours for a tour of Europe and expects to be gone about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor Hosts at Hawaiian Luau Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor were hosts to the SS Couple's Club Saturday evening and entertained at a Hawaiian luau. On arrival each guest was presented a lei, made by the hostess. The luau was served on a long low table covered with fox grape "leaves. Wooden dishes and howls were filled with iced shrimp with sauce, crabs, barbecued chicken halves, baked bananas, yams, and corn on the cob with melted but ter Puka punch was served from a lined wicker basket. Cocoanut cups for the punch were made by the host. After the luau, a basket was passed which contained iced fresh pineapple slices, plums, orange slices, peach halves and pear slices. During the luau, recordings of Hawaiian music were played. A Hawaiian motif was carried out in the decorations. The picture window wis hung with net, to which were fastened various local shells. Two vases of red and white gladiolas and driftwood were placed by the window. Bongo drums hung from the walls. Guests at the luau were Mr. and Mrs. BUI Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mays, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams and Mr. and Mra. T. C. Hyman Jr. To Have Bake Sale The Suzanne Land Circle of the Franklin Memorial Methodist Church will have a bake sale, be ginning at 1:30 tomorrow morning, at the corner of 12th and Arendell Streets. To Have Dinner The Parkview 'Baptist Church will have an old-fashioned dinner on the church grounds Sunday fol lowing the worship service. Every one is invited to come and bring a lunch. KIDDIE PARK NEXT TO THE Idle Hour Amusement Center ATLANTIC BEACH SAFE FACTORY RIDES ? Airplane ? Merry-Go-Round ? Roller Coaster for All Ages ? Ferris Wheel and For the Small Fry REAL LIVE PONIES Srill-Uwit Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Lewi* request the honor ol your preaencs at the marriage of their daughter Anne Thomas to UauUnant James Elliott Still United States Air Force Saturday, the twenty-first of June nineteen hundred fifty-eight at |u?lf after three o'clock Fir*; Preibyterian Church Morehead City, North Carolina Reception immediately following the ceremony at the Morehead Biltmore Hotel, Morehead City No invitations are being scat la the county, but all friends of the couple are cordially tavited. Miss Verna Jean Rabon Reyeals Wedding Plans Miss Verna Jean Rabon, who will marry D wight Stewart Hill of Beaufort tomorrow evening at seven o'clock in First Methodist Church, has announced her wed ding plans. The Rev. J. Furman Herbert, pastor, will officiate. Mrs. George Mizesko will be organist and Mr. Bobby Bell will sing. Mr. Lindsey Hill of Greensboro will be best man. S/Sgt. Sidney James Rabon Jr. of Loring AFB, Me., will be chief usher and David A. Hill of Beaufort and Bobby James and Sonny Cunningham of Morehead City will be ushers. Mrs. S. J. Rabon Jr. will be ma tron of honor for the bride. Miss Colleen King of New Bern and Miss Sue Lewis of Morehead City will be bridosmaids. Honorary brides maids will be Mrs. Clarence Mit chell, Miss Anne Pittman, Miss Ce celia Guthrie, Miss Jean Gillikin and Miss Cecelia Oglesby. MORE MOREHEAD SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE 7 Wtsleyon S*rvic? Guild M#?ts at Robtrtj Home The Wesleyan Service Guild of ( First Methodist Church met Mon day night it the home of Mr*. A. B Roberts Jr. Mrs. Berths Stall ing! snd Mrs. D. C. Bell were as sistant hostesses. Mrs. Stalling?, president, pre sided over the meeting, which was attended by fourteen members. A pledge service was conducted by Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Fred Willis. Refreshments of lemonade snd pound cake were served by the, hostesses. II ? upon learning ol the bereavt n..'at of ?.t or.e close to you, yjur first instinct il to ex press >-our sympathy as elo quently as possible. town tluwjli the ages, fresh flowers ? fragrant and beau tiful ? have brought comfort and solace during troubled times to those left behind. Send Flowers Morehead City Floral Co. Phone 6-4090 ( 911 Arendell St. Morehead City LIMITED offer Y^ur PORTRAIT in OILS framed in Oak and hand painted by experts from your photo-snap. '-l' . MMBI -ORIGINAL 14* *17" OIL PAINTING painted from this photo I A portrait of yourself or your 1 loved one. A $50.00 Vaiur FREE with your purchase of a Nationally Famous ... j ' Columbia J ? Vtonondnhg } GuarantMd Quality . . OwcrantMd VAUJI Built-in Tru-FH units . k?p your diamond ccnttred . . . your* ring ?of? and Mcur*. ORDKR YOUR PORTRAIT NOW! whil* thi* offer lattt . . . } ONLY '1" until needed. fe. ? ? -'?- ?".. ? ' THIS PORTRAIT OFFER APPLIES ON ANY PURCHAM OF $100.00 OR MORE 723 Arendell St Phone 6-3186 N.C City,