1 MERRIMoV L ? ^ June 25 - Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fordham and two children of Goldsboro spent last week at his cottage on the creek. Miss Amy Stacy of North River spent the weekend with Miss Linda Becton. The Rev. and Mrs. Bill Nelson and children of Jacksonville, Fla., are here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Beau fort RFD and his grandmother, Mrs. Emily Nelson of Merrimon. Mr. Austin Adams of Ports mouth, Va., visited his brother, Mr. J. W. Adams last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mclntyre of Rocky Mount spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Miss Nita Carraway. Mrs. Addle Carraway spent the weekend in Norfolk with her daugh ter and family. Dr. and Mrs. Mar vin Herrington. The Rev. and Mrs. Bill Nelson and children and Mrs. Emily Nel son visited Mrs. Sam Mills in Bridgeton on Sunday. Mr. Roy Carraway of Beaufort RFD, Mr. Marvin Carraway, Mr. Charlie Carraway of New Bern and their sister of Rocky Mount visited here Tuesday corning. The wiSCS met with Mrs. Annie Wallace last Thursday night with seven members present and two visitors. Our lesson on missions was presented by Mrs. Louise Pitt man and Mrs. Bessie Carraway. After the business session, Mrs. Wallace served cookies and colas. Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Hunter Taylor attended the WSCS meeting. We were glad to have them and hope they will visit us again. ?' Gub Women Act as Clerks At Clinic for Crippled Mrs. Hugh Porter, Mrs. Dirk Parker and Mrs. Louise Merrill, all of Morehead City and members of the Junior Woman's Club, are shown above as they assist at the Crippled Children's Clinic held earti month in the hospital annex. The clinic is five years old next month. At the clirtic June 14, 50 ortho pedic patients were present. Twen ty of these were new cases, 30 re turn visits. Dr. L. D. Baker, orthopedist of Duke Hospital, is in charge of the clinic. The June clinic was held by Dr. Frank Clippin^er, Dr. Otto Stewart of Duke Hospital and Dr. J. K. Deneen of Camp Lejeune. Also assisting were Mrs. Leota Hammer of Atlantic, Mrs. Leonard Lewis of Morehead City and Mrs. G. T. Spivey of Beaufort. Anyone suffering from injuries, disease, malformation of the bone or joint can be seen at this clinic. The next clinic will be July 12. Sheriff Does Not Want Padded Cells in Jail Rockford, 111. (AP)-If Sheriff Leonard A. Friberg has his hay, there'll be no padded cell* in the Winnebago County jail. He spoke his piece after the grand jury recommended the sheriff seek an appropriation for at least two padded cells to*facili tate handling of mental patients. He discussed the problem with County Judge Fred J. Kullberg. "A jail is no place for those people," said Friberg. "They should go to a hospital with a se curity section." PROTECTION PRIVACY NEWPORT r Jdne 23 - Mr. and Mr?. F. J. Roberts of Albemarle are visiting his sister, Miss Minnie Roberts, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mundlne and family from Orlando, Fla., are vis iting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heath and little daughter, Emily, have re turned ot their home in Hickory after several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath. Mr. and Mrs. G D. Henderson, Claude Henderson, Doug Hender son, Mrs. Charles Hill and Mrs. Ormsby Mann went to Wilmington Monday for the funeral of Miss Elizabeth Ormsby. Mrs. W. J. Kirby, Mrs. Rena Ed wards and Mrs. M. D. McCain spent Tuesday in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mizelle and children, Janet and Carol, are spending two weeks in Saniord, Fla., with Mrs. Mizelle's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millis rfnd: sons, Edward ahd Holland, spent Thursday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. McCain spent Friday in Kinston. Mrs. Floyd G. Harness and chil dren, Beverly and Patricia, of Ra leigh arrived Friday to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ira Garner. Mrs. W. H. Bell and little sons of New Bern were here Friday eve ning for the closing program of the Bible school of St. James Meth odist Church. Little Mms Middy Bell had spent the past two weeks here with her grandmother and at tended the school. W. D. Heath Jr. was a business visitor in New Bern Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lockey and daughter, Gwynn, left Saturday for Jackson, Miss. They were accom panied by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Gar land Lockey, whose home Is In Jackson. Mrs. Lockey had been here several weeks with her mother and sister. Birthday I'arty Little Timothy Mann celebrated his 5th birthday Sunday with a par ty at his home. Approximately twenty young friends enjoyed out door games and later ice cream and cake served in the dining room. The three-tiered cake represented a merry-go-round, and the guests were given balloons and hats as favors. Watching Tim open his gifts was one of the chief highlights for all the children. June 25 ? Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair of Vanceboro are the guests of Mrs. Blair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard. Mr. Sam Hall of St. Petersburg, Fla., is spending the summer here with relatives. Mrs. Christine Carroll of LflUng ton and some friends, Mrs. Lucille Marset and mother, Mrs. Jirrell, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Carroll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Garner. Chrissie Carroll, who had been here, since the closing of school, with her grandparents, re turned with her mother. Marsh W. Knott of Wendell was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter SOTA^^ SUMMER GOLD TAKE /* ? /? symptomslfe ODD RELIEF Heath Monday. On hi* return home, he ??? accompanied by Mr*. Knott and children, Marsh Jr. and Ann, who had (pent the put two week* with her parenta. Ormsby M?nn of Albk marie *pent the werteod hire with hi* family. Henry G. Edward* and Prentiss Garner went to Hendereonvllle Sat urday to tahe Mr. and Mr*. Walter Hibbs, who bad been the guests of Mra Blanche Edwards, and H. W. Hibbs, who will spend some time there with them. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Gamer returned home Sunday. Little Miss Mary Jane Warren is spending a week in Jaekosnville with Brooks Bryson. Chailes Clarke KeUey, Ensign, USNR who has been rooming at the heme o f Mr. ahd Mrs. Walter Ileath, left Friday for a visit with his parent* in Wellsville, N. Y. On JOne 28 he will wad Miss Jean Carr in St. Mary's Church, 'Marshall, Mich. Miss Carr is * June grad uate of Western Michigan Univer sity at Kalamazob, while the bride groom-eleet is an alumnus of the University of Michigan at AYin Ar bor. The Rev. Ralph Fleming and Durwood Summkrel left Monday (or Wilson, where they attehBed the Methodist Conference. Little Howard Daniels Fleming is the newest addition to the Meth odist parsonage. Me arrive* ok Father's Day. WSCS Meets The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service held its general meet ing in the educational building Monday evening. Miss Elsie Elliott led the pro gram On the Changing March of Missions. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Mauriey gave a dialogue. Mrs. Rena Edwards, president, presided at the business session and gave final instructions en the rummage sale to be held Saturday in the building opposite Roy T. Garner's store on Highway 70. Mrs. Myrtle Smith, missionary personnel secretary, Mrs. Smith, new sub district leader, and Mrs. Taylor, all of North Hariowe, were unexpected but very welcome guests. Mrs. Essie Godwin, our new spiritual life leader, gave a Very fine talk on prayer at the closing part of program. Don't throw trash out car win dows. TuttU's Grove June 23 ? Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Powell and son, Kenneth, of New Bert Visited her mother, Mrs. Dol lie Dudley Thursday afternoon. The Woman's Society of Christian Service met at the home tl Mrs. DoHie Duilay ?f> Thirdly higW with a very "food attendance. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service sponsored a father-son dinner on Saturday night at the church. The dinner consisted of barbecue, cole slaw, potato salad, hush puppies and apple pie. Judge Hamilton of Morehead City was the guest Speaker. His speech centered on the father-son relationship and was en joyed by all present. Following the speech, R. M. Williams of Beaufort showed a movie in tech nicolor. The movie showed inter esting scenes throughout the United States. Mrs. Ersll Merrill has returned home from the hospital and is im proving nicely. Members of the Tuttle's Grove MYF enjoyed a hamburger fry at Planner's Beach Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Neal Campen and daugh ters, Mary Rose arul Ann* Ned Mrs Earl Campen, Miss Blanctl Dudley and Mrs. DoUie Dndl are gnat in m-Fordl ?Ba?J M ? eempari?n V ?OiltflilBl'lll' HUfllllrf nMI prim 58 FORD With peHfoiuaancx, styu and compost that match its savumsi EXCITING PREMIERES - Wstch Buckskin, Thursday, 9:30 p.m. EST, Channel 7; and Zane Grey Theatre with Dick Powell, Friday, t:X) p.m. EST, Channel 9. SEE ytOOR LOCAL AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Ml * KSTTB I BY IR A USED CAR 01 TRUCR, U SORE TO SKI 00R OR OTHER SEIECTIORS SCORCHY SMITH Kissing The Waves r NOTIFY T* COAST SUABD OF THE EMER6EWCY kt4JWE Alt PERSONNEL / COULU TW5 'BE THE END AFTEC ALL THEV l WEKlT 1H0OO6H ONTHE Ik TRIP ?J THAT 3 IHt 1AST FUEL *WW, poc\mv6C?ji OAKY DOAKS Big Shot