Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Belgian oommuM iUk?U T.Jar 11 Mlna 15. Bj means 9 i 14. Writing material 1ft. New Zealand clan 16. Captivating 11 Ribbed fabric? SO Keen SI. Rolls SS. Attempt ST. Card gama SS Dry 50. Old musi cal note 51. Melted S4. Warm season 66 In dts ?irMmtnt 17 Title at a barooet ? Went easily 40 Unwanted plant 42 ACUd 44 Otrl's % name 46 Walked 48 Moham- I med an sabers I 53 Rice paste 64 Brother of Moses 66. Sheep- r killing parrot 66 Golf gadget 67. flouting machine ?aniTi ntjaa nnrana nnnaa jsasnna noaaz anaa tana uejod ?an oatDnn nnn aa oaa anraaaa una nnn aaaaan ann no ?an aaaan noc sans naa anna an-jaa aannaaa Kanoa naaaQ rariara aaaa Solution to TnexUy'a Pnxle M? Superla tive ending IB. Terminate DOWN 1. Separate 2. Saltpeter 3. S|>ectfy 4. Monkej 5. Punitive 6 Slight amounts 7 Place 8 Rabbits 8. Himalayan ml 10. Range of knowledge 11. Work unit ' 17. Pondera 19 Crystal lized rain 12 Performs 24. Moderate 25. Away from windward 26. Poet 29. System of worship 31. riax 32. Color 33. Number 35 Shed feathers 38. Recapture 41. Friend of Pythias 43. Nostrils 4ft. Baseball team <7. Sign 48. Convey property 48. Membra nous pouch 80. Automobile 81. One of David's rulers 82. Took a chair Honw D+morntraHon N?wi Mrs. Ben Jones Tells Of Farm-Home Week By FIX?Y G. GARNER Home Agent Mrs. Ben Jones of Beaufort, and Russells Creek Home Demonstra tion Club is our guest writer today, bringing you an on-the-scenes ac count of Farm-Home Week activi ties. "Around 1,500 Home Demonstra tion Club women attended the 50th annual Farm-Home Week, June 9 12, on the campus ?f North Caro lina State College in Raleigh. There were representatives from each of the counties in the state, including Mrs. Gerald Troyer, Mrs. Billy Smith, Mrs. B. G. Hardy, Mrs. Guy Carraway, Mrs. Lee Garner. Mrs. Will Dail, Mrs. Ben Jones, Mrs. Douglas Stewart affi Mrs. G. J. Spivey, club women, and Mrs. Floy Garner, home agent from Carteret. An outstanding program was presented, stressing the advance ment that has been made along the lines of agriculture, scienoe and education. A challenge was given club women to be commun ity leaders in making possible greater achievements on the (arm, in the home, and in our school. President Presides The William Neal Reynolds Col iseum was the center of activities with Mrs. L. B. Pate, of New Bern, president of NC Home Demonstra tion Clubs, presiding at most ol the meetings. Those attending were privileged to hear Interesting and informa tive talks and discussions on na tional and state eudcational trends, and science and the citizen of to morrow by such outstanding speak ers n Chancellor C. H. Bostian TIT Slite College; Dean D. W. Col vard of the State College School of Agriculture; Director D. S. Weaver of the Agricultural Exten sion Service, NC State College; Dr. Charles F. Carroll, superinten dent of State Department of Public Tea' at Governor's Mansion Mrs. G. T. Splvey, Beaufort, center, health chairman for the State Federal of Home Demonstration Clubs, pours punch at the tea at the governor's mansion during Farm-Home Woek at Raleigh. Other women in the picture are not identified. ? a Bill Friday, president of the University of North Carolina, left, Mrs. L. B. Pate, president of the State Federation of Home Demon stration Clubs, and Mrs. Will Dail, North River, view Ilonduran flag carried by Mrs. Dail in United Nations program at Farm-Home Week. A Home Demonstration ilufe member, right, admires the flag. Instruction; Dr. Gorgon Black well. Chancellor Woman's College, UNC; Dr. Charles McNary, Public Rela tions Director of Blue Bell, Inc., Greensboro; Alvin Proctor, Pub lic Relations Department of E. I. NEW MONEY SAVER ? All-new Mercury ? High-economy V-8 engine ? Fully equipped .year's lowest price THE ECONOMY YOU WANT Mercury"* all-new gas-aaving V-8 engine squeeze# extra power from every drop of gas. You get mileage you can boast about. THE SIZE AND POWER YOU NEED You get prestige-car luxury powerful performance and craftsman ship that rivala custom can. And youll appreciate Mercury '? spacious interior. It's the difference between "room enough" and solid comfort. AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TM? beautiful Big M comes fully fuipptd with automatic tram miaaion, power steering, radio and heater at a price that rivals aimilarly equipped "low-price 3" c arm. Come in today _we have a Mercury to fit your budget. MERCURY/58 HARDESTY MOTORS ' \ 1302 AtwmU]] St PImm ?-30M Morehaad City DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wil mington, Del. Other speakers were Mr. Wil liam A. Newell, director of textile research, School of Textiles, State College; Dr. Hazel Stiebeling, agri cultural research service, Wash ington, D. C.; Edward Loewen stein, Woman's College; President William C. Friday, The Consoli dated University of North Caro lina, Chapel Hill; Assistant Direc tor R. W. Shoffner, agricultural extension service, State College. A highlight of each program was group singing led by Dr. Arnold E. Hoffman with Mrs. Hoffman at the organ. Mrs. Harry Overstreet and his wife, Mrs. Bonaro Overstreet, not ed psychologists, authors and lec turers, gave excellent advice on how to live with ourselves. They stressed the value of having a ma ture mind and gave examples which show our degree of matur ity. Mrs. Peggy Lippe of Birming ham, owner and operator of a modeling school, gave an interest nig demonstration on the how's and why's of glamour entitled "Your Carriage, Madam." Value of Speech In a very pleasing manner. Miss Makeda Von Hesse of the Von Hesse Studios of New York City, told the value of effective speech in making a happier, more fruit ful life. Taxis were provided for all those wishing to visit the State Art Gal lery. There were also exhibits and classes in table setting, arts and crafts, planting and care of home grounds, and wash and wear fab rics. A demonstration "House Furn ishings in Revue" was given by Miss Pauline Gordon, extension specialist in housing and house furnishings, State College. New styles in furnishings were shown as well as how to give present furnishings a new look. The com bination of various colors was dis cussed and samples of rugs, drt- _ Hrwt from RUSSELL'S CREEK June 25 ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vorthington and two sons, George ind Edward, of Ohio, spent sev ?ral days with his parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Fred Worthington. Mrs. A. H. Pate and son, Roy, >f Goldsboro, visited her uncle, ieorge Russell, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dudley and rhildren, who have been visiting lere for a week returned to their lome in High Point Sunday. They vere accompanied by Mr. John Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prentice and ion, William, of Auburn, N. Y.t irrived Sunday to spend some time vith her mother, Mrs. W. R. Powell and brother, Wilson. Miss Bettie Parker of near Wil son attended preaching services lere Sunday morning. The Pamlico Union meeting will convene at Edwards Christian Church Saturday, June 28. We are sending as delegates Mrs. George Russell, Mrs. Ruby Norman and Mr. Jim Skinner. Mrs. Edward Combs of Golds boro visited relatives here Wednes day. peries, wallpaper, furniture and painted walls, were combined to illustrate her talk. Thursday was set aside as the 35th annual meeting of the State Home Demonstration Clubs. This program was opened by a color ful parade of flags, by 81 women, each dressed to represent a dif ferent member of the United Na tions. They also carried the flag of the country they represented. Officers Installed Officers for the coming year were elected and installed, with Mrs. V. I. Hockaday of Roanoke Rapids as new president. Leaders in the Home Demonstra tion Clubs were recognized and each given an award of a large silver tray. An honor club of wo men was also recognized? not only for outstanding work in their com munities but for having attended Farm-Home Week for at least four consecutive years. On Thursday, at noon, a lunch eon was enjoyed at the Student Union Building. At this time, as sistant director R. W. Shoffner gave evaluation and highlights of the Farm-Home Week. He ended his summary by saying that speak er after speaker brought out the fact that we are living in a con stantly changing time. "Times are changing so rapidly that we don't realize it. This is true in science, education, and agriculture. Before one piece of research is completed, it is out of date." The week's activities ended Thursday afternoon with a tea at the Governor's Mansion, at which Mrs. G. T. Spivey, health chair man, and a Carteret County club woman, served punch. Past is Present Salt Lake City (AP)? University of Utah experts had disappointing news for a group of uranium miners who thought the living frog they uncovered in a petrified log was a creature from prehistoric times. University zoology experta said it was a common tree frog. JflCOUINS vvdka B O Y A LB ?2 PINT ?rtfiiuo mom ???im ? ?? r*oor cauus uciiii ?t ei?. im, rut*, r*. Doris Phillips, Morehead City ; senior 4-H Club member, left, models dress she designed and made. She won top place in the recent 4-H county dress revue sponsored by Home Demonstra tion Clubs. Ann Stanley, right, models a dress which won first place for her mother, Mrs. Charles Stanley. Charlotte Boys Operate Unusual New Cemetery Charlotte, N. C. (AP)? There's a little graveyard here with a flock of markers, called Animal Hill in the manner of the Western badmen's cemetery, Boot Hill. Ten - year - olds Jerry Williams, Terry Hill and Larry Martin said they got started with a blue jay that forgot to go south for the winter. Now there are crosses for 15 birds, two rats, one hamster and one snake. "We kept finding the birds," Larry said. "After we started put ting up the crosses, other people would bring them." Now there's a painted sign labelling the place. S?RV? FRESH Seafood DRESSED AND DELIVERED Just Call ? Phone 6-4020 It's Economical to Serve Delicious, Eaty to Prepare Seafood. Have Some Todayl OTTIS' FISH MARKET 8th and Evans St*. More head City Good Things come in Sealtest / Packages f Get the Best ...Get DAIRY PRODUCTS