Beaufort Social News Mix Ellen Bantoau, Society Editor PkaM M175 Mr. and Mri. P. E. Davidson awl ton, Claud, of Jacksonville. Kla., will arrive today to visit her mother, Mrs. C. H. Wbeatly Sr. Mr. and Mr*. W N. Gilchrist and son, Doug, returned home Sunday from Winstoa-Salem, where Mr. Gilchrist underwent examination at the hospital. Jule Duncan Wbeatly, who has been visiting relatives in Jackson ville, Kla , will return home today. Mr and Mrs. L. C. Turnage re turned home Wednesday from Dur ham, after spending a few days with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason. Mrs. Turnage received a medical check up at Duke Hospital while there. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson Jr and daughter, Teresa, Raleigh, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carter and son, Joey, returned home to Ra leigh Sunday, after spending a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Matthews and children, Katy and Jerry, of Akron, Ohio, spent last week with Mrs. Matthews' sisters, Mrs. O. S. Clawson and Mrs. R. E. King, and their families. Mr. C. N. Cartnull has gone to Beckley, W. Va., to spend the sum mer with his daughter, Mrs. J. R. VanMeter, and family. Capl. H. Burton Daniels Jr., USAF, arrived Saturday from San Antonio, Tex., to spend his leave with his parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Edmond Argyle of Flint. Mich., are spending their vacation with Mrs. Argyle's par ents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Burton Daniels. Mrs. James R. Wheatley is visit ing relatives in Portsmouth, Va., this week. She is expected to re turn home tliis weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert King and children, Jimmy and Joyce, spent the weekend in Mt. Olive with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phillips. The Rev. Henry Gibat, pastor at Straits-Harkers Island Churches, and his family moved to Greens boro this week where the Rev. Mr. Gibat will be employed in a Meth odist publication house. ^ Miss* Rae Pfanfrs-Hateell we#t ? ? ? * H to Raleigh Wednesday to meet Miss Shirley Lytle of Old Fort, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. 0. W. Dun can. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Downes of Tauton, Mass., left Wednesday, after visiting his great ? grand mother, Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Miss Memrie Mosier of Green ville, who visited her grandmother, Mrs. N. W. Taylor, over the week end, had as her guest Miss Nancy Hoot, also of Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fleet and son, Cliff, will arrive today from Richmond. Va., to visit her grand mother, Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore and daughter, Judie, spent several days this week in Winston-Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moure and their son, Larry III. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Lewis of Willard are visiting her mother, Mrs. Jack Parkin. Mrs. L. C. Davis and son, Jim my, and Mrs. J. G. Waters and daughter, Frances, of LaGrange visited in Wilson Wednesday. Mr. Tom McNamara, who is at tending summer school at Duke University, Durham, was the week end guest of Miss Rae Fiances Hassell. Miss Virginia Howe Hassell, a student at the University of North Carolina School of Nursing, spent the weekend at home with her par ents. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Gordon and son, Cliff, and Miss Rae Frances Hassell visited Miss Donna Gordon at Kinston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Heslep are spending a week at Wade Shore. Mrs. Robert Safrit Jr. spent Mon day in Faison. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Moore of Mt. Gilead will arrive tomorrow to visit her father, Mr. Robert Safrit. Mr. and Mrf. Gene Barnhardt. Winston-Salem, will arrive today to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bell. Miss Emma Dora Hill of Atlantic and' Miami, Fla.. la vacationing in f ffr will also ylBp ftfrfoftos Angela*. Ulcers nrtt, Ibtn oro many dittoront typot ?f ulcort? oil dangorout if n?jl?(t?d. Secondly, quick attention con bring roliof and ofton cur*. Thit it important to romombor Tlwrt or* many couin for ulcort. So don't boliovo tho old wivot* to lot . . . don't accopf odvico from friondt ... or bo o victim of tho countlott "euros" you may koor about. If you tuff or from a chronic, gnawing pain In your stomach . . . too your doctor. Thop lot our Pharmacist holp him . . . ho lp you. RELY ON OUR PHARMACIST 5uthrie-JonM Drug Co. | Pk [errUI Bid. Beufart, N. C.1 Don't let lack of r*?dy euk checkmate yaar hopes uri abas for the fMtare. Look ahead, plan ahead aad tare ahead with purpose aad persistence ... aad jraall have "what tt take*" to make the tight mow at the rlfht time far jroar (aceeia aad happiness. Your FIRST move la to opea a savlafs aceaaat hen. Thea keep adding to H re(aUifjr. Thia simple strategy arill WIN far Tool Commercial National Bank Morahaad City ? Sea Ural FEDERAL UUIV1 ST8TEK FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE OORNUIWl nn ??.* ?v? u?u r*. 13 4 5 1? ???BUM 1 TODAY 7 30 p.m. ? Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Inlet Inn, Beaufort 1 7:30 p.m. ? Woodmen of the World, Ctmp 336, Newport 7:30 p. .1? American Legion and auxiliary, but weat of Morehead 1 City SATURDAY 6:30 p.m.? Marshallberg Commun ity Club, llarbor Lights Restaurant 8 p.m.? VFW Dinner, post build ing, Beaufort 6:30 p.m.? Rotary Club, school lunchroom, Newport 7 p.m. ? Jaycees, Blue Ribbon Restaurant, Morehead City 7:30 pin. ? Woodmen of the World, hall east of Camp Glenn School 7:30 p.m. ? Carteret County Bridge League, recreation building, Morehead City 8 pm? Miriam Rebekahs, lodge hall, Beaufort 8 p.m. ? Loyal Order of Moose, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach 9-11 a.m.? Clinic. Morehead City Hospital annex. (Shots administer ed during these hours only) 1-4 p.m.? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort. (Shots adminis tered during these hours only ) 6:45 p.m.? Rotary Club, Scout building, Beaufort 7 p.m.? Marine Reserve Unit, The Crossroads, Havelock 7 pm? World War 1 Veterana, Blue Ribbon Restaurant, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Coaat Guard Reserve Unit, Coaat Guard Station, Fort Macon Road 8 p.m.? St. Catherine's Chapter, St. Andrew's Episcopal Auxiliary, parish house, Morehead City S p.m.? Folk and square dancing, recreation building, Morehead City 8 p. m ? Women of the Moose, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach MONDAY TUESDAY Cal., before returning to Miami, where she is employed as a stew ardess by Eastern Air Lines. The Misses Susan and Ann Moore of Mt. Gilead are visiting relatives here. Mri. Kathleen Linck of Lynch burg, Va.. is spending a month with her uncle, Mr. Frank King. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woodard Snd children of Chapel Hill arrived Wednesday to spend a lev days. Mr. Woodard is a dental student at the University and is doing clinical work this summer. Allen Woodard. who has been visiting them, re turned home with them. Mrs David Mansfield. Mrs. Lay ton Baldwin and Mrs. David Strick land attended the Methodist confer ence in Wilson Wednesday. Mrs. Catheryne B. Kehoe, who has been teaching at Smyrna High School, returned to her home ia Eastville, Va., Tuesday. Bridge Luncheon Honors Mis* Elizebath Jones Miss Betsy Jones, who will be ' married to Mr. Alfred O. Travis Jr. at eight o'clock this evening, ] was entertained at a bridge lunch- < eon Tuesday at the Morehead Bilt- | more Hotel. Mrs. Hogan Gaakina of Jacksonville was hostess. ! Guests were the bride's attend- i ants and Mrs. Horace Loftin and | Mrs. Colon Hayes Wilsaa. Luncheon consisted ?f shrimp , salad, cheese sandwiches, lettuce j and tomato salad, pickles, relishes { and radishes with coffee. Lime ice ] and bridal cakes were served for dessert. Welcome Son Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore Jr., Winston-Salem, welcomed a son, Larry Walker Moor* III, Saturday, June 14. The newcomer weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and ia the grand son of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore of Beaufort. Mrs. Moore is the for mer Vicki Grubbs of Winston Salem. Beauty dignity strength Vktt Mr ihflar m mm yaN | 1 Cramito Work* at ??nferi CKr CenwtCTj J Carter** County j Memorial S?rvic? ? branch of 1 GtmbtIIW MarbU mad Granite Worka Mr?. Wplker, Mr. Richey Speak Vow? Monday Mr. Aon* Mebrnu Walker and Mr Atban Richey, both of Beau fort, were married Monday eve ning, Juna a, in the First Pres byterian Church. Morehead City, by the Rev. Albert Hams Jr., pal ter. Mri. Walker, daughter of the l?te Robert Jeaae Mebane and Mra Peart long Mebane. was attended by Miaa Mamie Godwin. Mr. Pearl Long Mebane, wai attended by Miaa Mamie Goodwin Mr. Richeya ton. Alban III. af Sche nectady, N. Y , was the best man. Mr. and Mra Richey wlil make their home at til Moore St., Beau Mi . '? '! Woman's Society Change General Meeting Plan The Woman'i Society of Chrta lian Service of Ann Street Meth odist Church met at the Eure building Tuesday night with twen ty-one members pieaent. Mra. Jethro Quidley and Mrs. Jarvia Herring gave the program. They are members of circle 9. During the business session it was decided to have general meet ings once every three months, mak ing the next general meeting Oct. 28. Anyone desiring more informa tion on the change may call Mrs. E. H. Potter, 2 3806. Refreshments of colas and cookies were served by members of circle 9. Bridal Couple Honored At Clambake Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Willis enter tained at a clambake at their home in Williston Wednesday evening, honoring Miss Betsy Jones and Mr. A1 Travis, who will be married to night. The thirty-five persons who at tended were members of the wed ding party and out-of-town guests. On the menu were baked clams, chicken, pickles, relishes, potato chips and salad. Hospital Notes NtnhrU City Hospital Admitted: Saturday. Mrs McCal la Bohmuller. Newport; Mr>. Fan nie Smith, Morebead City; Mrs. Viola Daw, Mrs. Joyce Ann Noe, Beaufort. Sunday, Mrs. Hazel Garner, Newport; Mrs. Blanche Styron. Master David Bryan, Morehead City; Mrs. Doris Piner, Markers Island. Monday, Mr. George W. Wallace. Merrimon; Miaa Brenda Steveni, Havflock; Miss Judy Dianne Har dest/, Newport; Mr Joseph Long, Beaufort; Master Glenn McLaw horn, Morehead City. Tew day. Mr. Margaret Gaetz, Havelock; Master George Riohard Lewis Jr., Beaufort. Discharged: Sunday. Mr. Joe Long, Mrs. Alda Taylor. Mrs. Mamie E. Laughton, Mr. Norwood Rom. Mrs. Carrie Styron, Beau tort; Mr. Cecil L. Adama, Mrs. Yvonne Howard and son, Master Glenn McLawhorn, Morehead City; Mrs. Heater Guthrie and aon, Mar ?hallherg; Mr*. Fay Sutherlin, Cherry Point; Mra. Nancy Ward and daughter, Havelock: Mr. Wal ler Yeomans, Harkers Island. Monday, Miss Gladys Chad wick. Beaufort; Master Sheldon Russell, Mrs. Mary WaMon, Newport; Mr. Mickey Cotter, Peahody, Mass ; Mr Ahron Ballou, Mr. Alex F. Uaikins, Morehead City. Taeeday, Mr. James Noe, Mra. Norma Murray, Mra. Lois Howland and aon, Mr. Horace Lewie, Beau fort Wednesday, Mrs. McCalla Boh muller, Mra. Horace Ganwr, New pert; Mra. lUoche Styron, Mra. ranue Smith. M alter David Bryan, Mra. Dartene Heplop and ton, Morehead City) Mrs. VIqIi [law end daughter, Beaufort; Mr. Seorge W: Wallace, Merrimon; Miss Brenda Stevens, Havelock. 8m Level Ikxplt^ Admitted: Monday, Mil* Penny jeorfe. Marahallberg; Mm. Fey Lamb, Newport. Taw toy. Mr. George Huntley ?r., Beaufort; Mr. Carl Bell, At antic; Mr?. Gaynelle Styron, Sea Level. Wedaetday, Mr. Leo Lawrence, 3tway; Mra. Christine Hill, Mri. tnnie Dixon, Beaufort; Mr. Melvin Korrii, AUantic; Mrt. Lela Van Buren, Michigan; Mitt Ana Tay or, Sea Level. Tharaday, Mr*. Sue Godwin, Newport. Diackarged: Monday. Mr. Ralph Merrick, Beaufort; Mr*. Helen Suthrie, Beaufort RFD; Miaa Jen lifer Deniela, Cedar Itlaad. Taeeday, Mr. Glenn Bailey, Wil lon; Matter Joeepfa Brooka, Har iert Ialaad; Mr. Murray Lynch, Imyraa; Mlxa Catherine Willia, Atlantic; Mrt. Julia Salecby, Have ock; Mrt. Grace Keeny, Ocracoke; lira. Marion Skinner and daugh er, Bettle; Mra. Vera BrlaUr, Seaufort; Miaa Penny George, Uarahallberg. Wedaaeday, Mra. fuby GarriaH, Vraenke; Mra. Mary Davit and ?*. Davie. Tharaday, Mr. George Huntley h., Mr. Cecil Harrell, Beaufort. re Have Open Heaae Mr. and Mra. Carl G. Catkin fill obeerve their 50th wedding an liveraary Saturday evening with ui open heuae at Mm home of their lea, OrviUe Gaakill, Iff Circle Drive, froat ? te M o'clock. Prieada rf the couple an cordUKy invited. i. For Roat ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED upstair? apartment, 1 room and bath, In downtown location. Ms pets. See Mr?. H. C. Ackerley, 1713 Shepard St., phone 6-3803 UNFURNH1IED HOUSE AT 1111 Evaiu St. Contact Phillips Realty Co., (12 Arendell, phone CUM. IT NICE OFFICE ROOMS, BATH and hot and cold running water. 2nd and 3rd floor. Corner S. Mh St., over Clara's Dress Shop. C. H. Freeman, Agent. tf Obituaries MRS. OI.IVIA A. CHAPLAIN Mrs. Olivia Arie Chaplain, 77, died Monday at her home on Live Oak Street, Beaufort. Funeral ser vices were held at tiie Free Will Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. W. A. Hales, pastor, and the Rev. James Howard. In terment was in Oceanview Ceme tery. Surviving are one brother. Clyde Peterson of Beaufort; one adopted daughter, Mrs. Robert G. Brooks of Durham, now with her husband in Chile, and several nieces and nephews. MRS. MAGGIE FINER Funeral services for Mrs. Maggie Piner, who died in Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday, will be conducted at 3 p.m. today at First Baptist Church, Morehead City, by Dr. John Bunn. Burial will be in Bay view Cemetery. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. George M. Piner of Jacksonville, Fla.; one son, Joe W. Piner of Shelby; three sisters, Mrs. Daisy Jones, Mrs Annie Frazier and Mrs. Alice Moore, all of Swans boro; three brothers, N. D. Stanley of Fayetteville, James Stanley of Swansboro and Charles Stanley of Morehead City; and one grand child. MRS. J. L. TIIORNE Mrs. J. L. Thorne. 63, died at the home of her daughter in Miami, Fla., Wednesday. Mrs. Thorne lived at 135 Craven St., Beaufort, for several years. Funeral services will be conduct- i ed in Wilmington, former home of Mrs. Thorne, Saturday. Burial will also be in Wilmington. Mrs. Thorne is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Aubrey Hayes of Wilmington and Mrs. Floyd Blake of Miami; and five grandchildren. County Bridge League Winners are Announced Eight and one half tablet were in play when the County Bridge League met at the recreation build ing in Morehead City Monday night. Mr. S. K. Hedgecock and Mrs J. S. Steed won first place. nerth aouth, and Mr and Mm. A1 Dowey were second. Mrs. Floyd Chadwick and Mrs. B. O. Ketner tied with j Mrs. W. A. Mace Jr. and Mrs George Wallace for third and fourth. East-west winners were Mr. A. P. McKnight and Mr. Dorsey Mar tin. Second place went to Mra. J. C. Keel and Mrs. Julia Tenney and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton Sr. and Mrs. George Waters were third. Mr. Jack Windley and his son, Al len, won fourth place. Mrs. Autry Entertains Bi-Monthly Bridge Club Mrs. Herman Autry entertained the bi-monthly bridge club at her home In Highland Park Tuesday night. She used gardenias and rosea for decoration. Mixed nuts, candies and colas were served during progressions and apple pie a la mode with cof fee was served at the conclusion. Mrs. Glenn Willis woo Ugh score and Mra. James Steed won second next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Billy Davis. CAm>L 9TOTK nfWl Births at Merehead Cky Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Leeman Daw, Beaufort, a daughter, Saturday, June 21. To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heplop, Morehead City, a son, Saturday, June 21. Dsaghler Arrives Mr. and Mrs Travia W. Lewis of San Diego, Cal., announce the ar rival a I a daughter, Vera Lee, Sat urday, June 21. Mra. Lewia ia the former Maria Lawrence of Beau fort. Mr. Lewia, who ia in the Navy, is from Smyrna. Okeerves Birthday Miss Patsy Willis observed her birthday Wednesday night with a fish fry in the back yard of her home. Sixty gueata attended and showered the hoooree with gifts. SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND LAUNDRYKTTI For Reat NICE 4 - ROOM FURNISHED how* Also 3 - room furnished apartment Cheap rent Good loca tion. Apply 1111 Bridges SI., phone ?-4149. FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM apartment. 1904 Evans St. Con tact Phillips Realty Co., ?12 Aren dell, phone MOM. SUNSHINE COURT MOTEL Apartments on waterfront. By day, week or month. Front St. Ext., Beaufort, N. C. Phone 2-8307. U APARTMENTS, SLEEPS FOUR, five or eight. By day, week, month or year. Prices reasonable. 1V4 miles eaat on Fort Macon Road. At lantic Beach. Phone 6-4746. Troy Morris Sr., owner. tf MAN Apartments Two bedrooms, living room, di nette, kitchen, private bath, garbage disposal. All major ap pliances famished. Also water and garage. Upstairs, $57. downstairs, t*2 Available now. CsslKt J. H. Neal, Agent, phone 2-4211, Beaufort, N. C. STORE < <1 OFFICE SPACE availiable now In etroud building, North 13th St. Contact C. N. Stroud, phone 6-4343 or Bruce Goodwin, phone 6-4396. tf Available June 1 APARTMENT COMPLETE WITH ALL MODERN FURNITURE Private Front anil Back Entrances Off-Street Parking Phone: 2-t2M; Weekends 2-7*71 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR vacationists. Unfurnished apart ment for permanent tenants Con tact Mrs. Frank Nance, 123 Front St., Beaufort, N. C., phone 2-9516. ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED house with three or four bedrooms. 1407 Shackleford. V4 block from water. Two bedroom unfurnished house, 1806 Shepard St. Andrew Davis, Broadway Cafe, phone 6-3356. j24 STORE BUILDING, 517 FRONT St< Beaufort. Building formerly occupied by Styron's Department Store. Contact Gerald Hill, phone 2-3806 . j27 3- ROOM SUITE OF OFFICES. Furnished, including sofa, desks, chairs, filing cabinets and drapes. Air conditioned. Suitable for doc tor or law office. Call 6-439* , Bruce Goodwin. tf-f Wast to Rent SAILBOAT ? WANTED TO RENT for one or two months, about 18'. Phone Kioston 9889 evenings. Mr. Stewart, PO Box ?6. jyj Special Notices CARD OF THANKS The family of Mr. John Samuel Parker Sr., of Morehead City wishes to thank everyone for their kindness during his illness and death. j27p IF YOUR CHILD NEEDS PHI vat* tutoring phone Mrs D. R. Brown, (-SIS4. L*(al Notice* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified at > admlntstra U|tl Notice* tor of James Everettc Downing, deceased late of Carteret County, N. C , this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate t# present them to the undersigned at 1211 Avery St., Morehead City. N. C . on or before the 20th day of June. 1969. or this notice will be plod in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 20th day of June. 19SI. S. ]{. Barrow. Administrator J20-27 jy4-U-18-25 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Dr. G. C. Cooke, de ceased, lat# of Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Morehead City, N. C., on or be fore the 31st day of May. 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 29th day of May, 1958. Ellen MeBride Cooke Executrix m30 J6-13-20-27 jy4 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Percy L. Teague, deceased, late of Carteret Coun ty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Atlantic Beach, N. C., on or before the 31st Legal Notice* day of May, 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. < All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 29th day of May. 1958. Flonnie C. Teague, Executrix m30 j?13-20-27 Jy4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of George Daniels, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C? this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Beaufort. N. C., on or before the 31st day of May. 1959, or this no tice will be pled in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 28th day of May. 1958. George D. Lewis, Administrator m30 J6-13-20-27 jy4 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order dated June 11, 1958 has been issued by the undersigned author izing the name of the Oil Screw "El Cuarto", official number 275 712. owned by Morehead City Shipbuilding Corporation, of which Beaufort, North Carolina, is the home port, to be changed to "Miracle". Jamel E Crowe Depu'y Collector of Customs Brau'ort, North Carolina. J13-20-27 jy4 ROSE'S MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. WEEKEND SPECIALS Cotton and Rayon Tufted Scatter Rugs All Colors ? Size 3' * 5' S1 .98 Each I Baby Doll Shortie Cotton and Rayon Pajamas iny C< and C .00 Cool Sleeping Comfort All Size* and Color* Pair For Dress or Play Men'* Brown and Blue CANVAS SHOES Cushioned Intole A? $2*8 Size* * / ,U Pair Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS STYRON'S SHOE SALE NOW GOING ON In Order to Make Our Load Lighter Whon We Move to Our # Now' Location at 10th and Arondoll Streets We Are Offering MENS, WOMENS & CHILDRENS SHOES AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES Save 10 to 50% on All Other Merchandise Except Fair Trade Items THIS SALE IS IN EFFECT NOW Styron's Morehead City