w CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES 47th YEAR. NO. 57. TWO SECTIONS TWELVE PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFOBT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1958 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Murder, Suicide Plot Falls Through motos by Hob Seymour Sharon Lewis, S, sits on the lap of Mrs. Roscoe Gaskins, New Bern, after getting a bath and eating. Walter Gaskins Jr., ID, right, and Jimmy French, 8, both of Kinston, found the little girl near their cot tage at Emerald Isle. Tuesday morning. Chris Davies, 7, Recovers From Auto Accident Injury Chest Clinic To Begin at 10 Monday Morning The second chest clinic will be held at the Carteret County Health Department. Beaufort, Monday be ginning at 10 a.m. Former tuberculosis patients, contacts and suspects can be ex amined at this time by appoint ment only, by a chcst specialist who will come here from the East ern North Carolina Sanatorium. "Tuberculosis is a disease that can be erased in our county, if everyone will take advantage of the facilities our county now has to offef," said Dr. Luther Fulcber, health officer. Tuberculin tests are now being done on all food handlers applying for health cards. The tests are given Tuesday morning, Morehead City, in the hospital annex, 9 to 11 a.m., and Tuesday afternoon, health department, Beaufort, 1 to 4 p.m. If these tests are positive, then an x-ray of the chest is made and reported negative to tuberculosis, before a health card is issued. Children under 15 who are TB contacts are also given tuberculin testa first, and x-rays made only when such tests arc positive. Tu berculin tests will be done on- any adult, without cost, on Tuesday at either of the above clinica. If test shows a positive reaction AS hours after test Is made, x-rays of chest are made on Tuesday t to 12 and Thursday 9 to 12 at the health department in Beaufort at the coat of *3. Any physician in the county who haa a patient that he considers a suspect can call the health de partment (2-5376 ) for an appoint ment and his patient can be ex amined at thia clinic, Dr. Fulcher announces. Reports are mailed to the family doctor of each patient examined, directly following the clinic. Letters have been mailed to sev eral ex-patients, contacts and sus pects giving them the opportunity of thU service, Dr. Fulcber re port*. The first clinic of this kind in the county waa on June 1C, with Dr. H. F. Easom in charge. Seventeen patients were exam ined It thia first clinic. ABC Completes M County ASC office manager B. J. May reports that persona working out at his office will complete re measuring and diaposition of all excesa allotment crops today or tomorrow. ?-Mr.Kstwja and cuts he received when a cif drove over him twice Wednesday afternoon. Being held in county Jail in con nection with the accident are WU Ham Earl Chapman and U? Reecc, both of Morehead Citj . Pj trolman W. J. Smith Jr., who in vestigated, said Chapman is being held on a hit and run charge under $1,000 bond and Reece is l*iB held under $250 bond on a charge of aiding and abetting. According to the Patrolman^ Chapman, driving a dark . Buick, backed out from the Rex Restaurant parking lot, ran over the Davies boy. then went fo?afd, crossing over his body agaUi- Th car also bumped Stevic Wagncr ?, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wag ner, with whom Chris was playing. Runs to Mother Stevie, who got a bump on head, went screaming ther The Wagners rushed Oins to the Morehead City Hospital. He had not lost consciousness. Mrs. Davies said yesterday that the fact that Chris was in soft sand was probably the only Uung that saved HThe children's identification of the car led to the arrest, of Chap man and Reece. . Chris told his mother, after the car ran over him once. I tried to find myself a hole so 1 could crawl out. but before 1 could. 1? ran over me again." ?Mark on Back1 "> . The children said that the car was dark green. Chris said It had a funny red mark on Mrs Davies said 0,8 ^*1* was where some paint had ?een put or spilled. With the two boys at. the time was Stevie's little sister. Barbie, who was not hit by tl* car. Patrolman Smith^said thatafUT the two men were found, they told of the incident. Chapman, who work, at the Rex Re't""*; ** that he had gotten in his car and driven away from the re"t^"r*"j but had lost his tlgaretUa and lighter, so he went back to where the oar had been parked to look for them. ' ' See HIT AND rale 1 Morehead Reco?nixed For 1957 Safety Record The National Safety Council h? presented the town of Morehead City with a certificate commending the town for a record of no pedes trian fatalities In 1957. The eerttflcate was "J*4**1 Monday by Mayor 2S, It La- framed and ia hanging with other certificates of commends Hon In the police department in the town tailL C&D Board To Meet Monday At Wilmington Wilmington _ Gov. Luther H. Hodges will preside when the State Board of Conservation and Devel Tuesda'y. m t6l! M?nday a"d The governor, the lg-member board, director William P. Saun ders of the Department of Conser vation and Development, assistant director J Edgar Kirk, and eight divisional heads of the department, lor which the C&D board is the policy-making body, will arrive Opens at ? A.M. The first general session of the 5?*? 3?? 41 9 * m Mon<iay in the lobby of the Surf Club at Wnghtsville Beach. Following the invocation by the ?? 'rank Hall, pastor, Pear Mil Memorial Presbyterian Church the welcome address will be given by John H. Fox, president of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commeh*. T. Ma* Watson, board member from Spindale, will re spond. Reports by Saunders and his as sistant, will I follow. At 10 a.m. the board wfll bear any person wisb wh L-h ^ *rdJ)" matter over which the board has jurisdiction. At 10:30 a.m. there will be a joint meeting of the board s com mittee on commerce and industry md the State Ports Authority at the Surf Club. The two groups will hoUl- separate meetings at 11 jo in the Surf Club. Governor to Speak Governor Hodges will make the principal address at the 12:30 luncheon for the two groups in the Surf Club where they will be guests i of the Greater Wilmington L/iamber of Commerce and New HaDover County. Committee meetings will be held Monday afternoon and Tucada* wiu> the final board sea i <et ft?r l:? p.m. at the Cape Fear Country Club. m?? ^ ?M*rtin' chair man, H. C. Kennett, Durham, F J Qty' ,nd Cecil Mori ns Atlantic, members of the board 1 .subcommittee for f^oces 1^*. *2^, Ragtag m food pro dueta^ "KJ their wives will be host. ^ *? * ,oci,1 hour ?nd ?n~r at 6:30 Monday evening ,t * Mr ?nd M" witeBaZcl, Wri,hU .P?, Ore?ter Wilmington Cham ".Commi-co and New Han "*?r County will be baata at . twT00 *' *** -C*pe Fe,r Club ^?day^prec^diq, tk. bo^., Roland Lewis, 24, in handcuffs, (eta out of the sheriff's car at the county jail. All Lewis was wearinf when he was picked up was this pair of shorts. Sheriff Hugh Salter examines the back window where i hose was ma from the exhanst into the car. Ragi were staffed arovnd the hose and in the crack In the window to make it air-tight. A hose in the window on the other side had pulled oat when the sheriff arrived. ASC Office Makes Checks For Soil Bank Payments Defendant Pays $10 Fine, Costs Louis J. Lyons, Cherry Point, drew the heaviest penalty ta At lantic Beach mayor's court Mon day night. He paid $10 and costs for being drunk in public and using loud and profane language. Peter Criilo, Cherry Point, paid $5 and colts for molesting women and was ordered to stay away from the beach for a year. Five dollars and costs were paid by Joseph P. Milersti and Joeeph J. Blanchard, both of Cherry Point, for drinking whiskey in public. Richard McKinney Lee paid tosts on the same charge. Lewis Maseiflo, Cherry point, paid costs on a charge of interfer ing with a police officer while the officer was making an arrest. Continued was the case of James M. Provest, Cherry Point, charged with public drunkenness. Fads Off Tractor Terry Louis Willis, S, route 1 Newport, fell off a tractor Monday afternoon and suffered severe gashes in his foot, almost sever ing It from his leg. He was admit ted to the Morehead City Hospital at 4:13 p.m. ' son DanK cnecKs win De ae livered to 187 county farmers this year. B. J. May, manager of the county- ASC office, says that far mers will get notices to stop by his office and pick up their checks next week. Mr. May says that this year's payments total $110,771. Most of this, $106311. will go to 182 to bacco farmers who put 405 acres in Ihe soil bank. Other farmers, who participated in the program were '24 cotton growers and one wheat farmer. A farmer may place as much as his entire aloltment for any of these crops in the soil bank. His payments are based on the yield of this land -in previous' years. The soil bank prpgram was Ini tiated by tile US Department of Agriculture as a means of alle viating a major surplus problem. Cart Collide Tuesday On Harkcrp Island Road Two carl' collided on the Har kerx Island Road at 8:10 p.m. Tuesday, three miles from High way 70. As a result of the accident, Gilbert M. Russell, Harkers Island, has been cRarged with driving drunk. Russell in a 1962 Ford was at tempting to make a U-turn on a curve, according to Patrolman W. J. Smith Jr., when Mrs. Polly Moore Davis, Harkers Island, In a 1963 Chrysler, going north, hit the Ford. ~ ' Sheriff Says Roland Lewis Rigged Car to Kill Daughter Sharon Lewis, 3, cats her first meal after being found Tuesday morning. Ail she wanted were a sandwich and a glass of milk. Mrs. Roscoe Gaskins took care of Sharon until her grandfather, Guy Gil* likin, Bettie, came after her. Sheriff Hugh Salter shows the elaborate rig set up by Roland Lewis Id his suicied attempt. Lewis's 1(52 Ford had dual exhausts and he had clamped hoses to both tall pipes. Middle East Uproar Felt In Movements to Port Beauty Queen To Visit Here Miss Betty Lane Evans of Green ville, Miss North Carolina, will arrive in Morchcad City Sunday afternoon to begin a week-long va cation as' guest of the Jaycees. She will stay at the Morchead BUtmore Hotel during her visit here. The Jaycees have planned Mist Lane's vacation for her, see ing that she enjoys all the recrea tion facilities available. Miss Bonnie Fish, Miss More head City, will accompany Miss' Evans on some of her tours. Miss Fish attended the Jaycee meeting Monday night at the Blue Ribbon Club and gave a report on the beauty pageant and discussed Miss North Carolina's visit to Morehcad City with .the club. Tides at the Beaufort Bar (Eastern Standard Time) Tide Table HIGH LOW Friday, July 18 9:16 a.m. 9:27 p.m. 3:21 a.m. 3:28 p.m. Saturday, July II 10:07 a.m. 10:19 p.m. 4:01 a.m. 4:10 p.m. NBBday, July 2* 11:00 a.m. 11:13 p.m. 4:42 a.m. 4:57 p.m. Moaday, July 21 11:54 a.m. 5:27 a.m. 5:52 p.m. Tuesday, July 22 12:08 a.m. 8:18 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 12:48 p.m. ' The Middle East tension made itself felt in Carteret this week a* Marine convoys rumbled swiftly through Morehead City to the port where ships were being loaded with equipment. The Atlantic Fleet was ready to move on four-hour notice as Ma rines occupied strategic points in Lebanon, a pro-western nation which stood in danger of being consumed by the Arabian "nation alism" fire spreading throughout the Middle East. The United States sent its crack i troops, Marines and Air Force i men, into Lebanon at the request i of the Lebanese government. This I was followed by entry of British paratroopers into Jordan, again at j the request of the Jordanian gov ernment. i The United States and British i moves brought, of course, swift ' protest from Russia, which likes i to exercise full control over any rebel uprising. I The movement of troops into Lebanon and Jordan fallowed a i revolt in Iraij over the weekend. 1 There, revolutionists backing I Egypt's movement to unite "the ] Arab world", killed members of I the ruling family, including King Faisal. Faisal was In sympathy with the United States and British poli cies, as are Lebanon and Jordan. Egypt, ruled by Nasser, lias shown definite leanings toward Russia. Most of the United States troops moved to the Middle East have been air-lifted. A transport loaded with Marines started earlier this week from the Morehead City port, but waa called back before it got out of the harbor. The troop* were then flown to Lebanon. Lejetme Marinea went to Cherry Point Wednesday where they boarded planes for the Middle East In the county jail under $2,000 bond yesterday, was Roland S. Lewis, Otway, uho is charged with at tempting to kill his 3-year old daughter, Sharon. Lewis, according to Sheriff Hugh Salter, put his daughter in a car on a side road at Emerald Isle late Monday, ran hoses from the double exhaust to inside the car, turned the car motor on and at tempted to kill the child and him self with carbon monoxide gas. Sharon, however, is alive and well today. She was found at about 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, lying face down on the sand about 10 feet from the car. She was par tially conscious and was taken to the nearby home of Mrs. Hoscoe Gaskins, New Bern. How she got out of the car is a mystery. According to the sher iff, Lewis claims he took the child out. auicicir toniempiau-a Lewis himself intended to com mit suicide, but as he was in the car and the fumes became heavier, he told the sheriff he couldn't take it. He first opened the vents in the windows, then pulled one of the hoses out of the car window and eventually got out himself. From then on, he told Sheriff Hugh Salter, he couldn't remem ber anything. He was found by Coast Guards men from Bogue Inlet station at about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. The Coast Guardsmen came upon him about two or three miles west of Emerald Isle. In county recorder's court yes terday, Ixiwis's case was continued until July 31, while the sheriff s department concludes its investi gation. The sheriff says subsequent evidence may necessitate altering the charges now against Lewis. The near-tragedy had its begin ning at 6:45 p.m. Monday when Lewis, who is separated from his Wife. Janet GUlikin Lewis, went to the home of his wife, at Bcttie and asked to take Sharon for a ride. Sharon and her mother live with Mrs. lewis's father, Guy GU likin. Lewis and his daughter drove away in his tan 1952 Ford. By 8 30 p.m. they had not returned and the child's grandfather, Mr. Gil likin, became worried. He started looking for them. He went to the beach and searched the amuse ment rides, but Sharon was not to be found. He went to the home of Lewis's mother, at Otway. She was not there. CaUs Sheriff At 10:30, he called Sheriff Sal ter. The sheriff and Mr. Gillikin looked in vain until 2 a.m. Tues day. At 8 o'clock that morning Jimmy French, 8, and Walter Gaskins Jr., 10, both of Kinston found the little girl lying near the car. It was parked on a dead end road leading north to Bogue Sound, about a mile east of the Emerald Isle Motel. The boys ran back to the cot See OTWAY MAN, Page 2 Fisheries Unit Patrols from Air The date fisheries division is now patrolling with a plane. C. G. Holland, commercial fisheries commissioner, reported yesterday that the plane arrived three weeks ago. Since then, a radio has been put in it. The plane Is white, trimmed in red, and equipped with pontoons to that it can land beside vessels. The pilot is Arthur Rose, Beau fort. Flying with him will be Leon Thomas, Marshallberg, law en forcement supervisor. Commissioner Holland said the shrimp scene has brightened very little. Moat of the North Carolina boats are working in South Caro lina and Georgia. Only 10 to IS boxes of shrimp are being packed daily at Southport, Holden's Beach >nd Wrightsville. Neither Is there any activity in clams. But the hard crab produc tion haa mounted tremendously. Especially In Pamlico, Beaufort ?nd Hyde Counties is production up. Commissioner Holland attributes this to the fact that everybody ia crabbing in an attempt to take up the 'slack in the shrimping and damming. North Carolina crab meat, be ad ded, is holding the same favor in New York at crab meat (rem ether itates. He said the quality ia im proved and dealers today have nor* experience Id parking JL

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