CLASSIFIED ADS DIAL PA 6-4175 J Ask for "WANT ADS'* Want ads for the Tuesday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Monday. Want ads for the Friday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Thursday. ALL KEYED ADS (ads signed with box numbers) are strictly confidential and no information will be given. For Sale CAPE COD HOME, 2812 EVANS St., Morehead City, three bed rooms, extra large living room, central beating, excellent location. Corner lot facing water. Easy terms. Call PA 6-4234 day or 6-3668 night. PIANOS NELSON'S MUSIC SHOP Highway 70 East Phone PA 8-3156 Beaufort, N. C. Complete Line of New and Used Piano* Terms to Suit Your Budget Two Free Piano Lessons With Each Piano o3 MODERN HOME FOR YEAR round living, also beautiful water front lots. A. C. Hodges, Ho Ho Village, 6 miles west of Morehead, Highway 24. s23 BOAT HARDWARE RIGGING SUPPLIES AND MARINE PAINT HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 Arendell St., Morehead City tf fOR YOUR NEW OIL HEATER m Sound Appliance Co. Selling and servicing both Coleman and 6ie|ler. Trade in your old beater for the down payment. 1406 Bridges St, in Morehead City, N. C. COLLARD AND CABBAGE plants. Phone PArk >-3504, Roy Keller, Bettie. WEDDING ALBUMS, SILENT and musical; washable. Eubanks Studio, Beaufort, N. C. USE SAMPSON PAINTS FOR BEST RESULTS HARDWARE * BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 Artadell St, Morehead City tf HOLDEN'S RESTAURANT, BEAU fort. Air conditioned, completely ?quipped, all electric kitchen and dish washer. Reasonable price. Ten years of established good busi ness. tf NEW AND CSED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture Co., near school on Live Oak St., Beaufort, N. C. tf 71 THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES PA M17S One-Tim* Inaertion le per ward tuertioo mlahnam _ $1.00 Four-Time Consecutive Inaertiona tejwr ward Eight-Time k per mrl toaertha minimum 60c Each Initial, abbreviation, group of number! eounti u Classified Display Ada 92c per column lack *% diacont for payment kj Cardi of Thanks and Special Notices accepted at regular Classified Bit? THE NEWS-TIMES will be re ' ? turn tks Hm mt I., m n mm m ai i or me rrrsx incorrect of any classified ad if the Tahie of tbe ed by the error, and then only to the extent af a make-good ?t to revise or reject any For Sal* 13' CONCAVED BOW HUN about, 25 hp Evinrude motor, 1955 model. Contact Monroe Paylor, Harkers Isand or call PA 4-4175. For Sal* 5-Room Dwelling in Beaufort. Excellent Condition. Good Buy 6- Room Dwelling in Beaufort. Wonderful Buy. Lot 75 x 135 Good (vocation. See Duncan Insurance Agency 317 Front St. Beaufort Phone PA 8-4532 >23 Cornice* Made to measure in any size, shape or color for windows, draperies or curtains. CORNICES ? Rt. 1, Box 2S1 Morehead City, N. C. s23p Business Service* YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT, make an appointment for hair cut, men and ladies. Sanitary Barber Shop, phone PA 6-4717. s30 FOR OIL STOVE HEATING SERVICE Cleaning, Repair and Installation Call PA 6-4066 FOR CORRECT TIME? PA 6-3186, For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jeweler*, 723 Arendell St., Morehead City. Try The Little Drug Store With The Big Heart Excellent Service Reasonable Prices See Us Today Phone PA 8-3810 WE GIVE SAV-A-STAMPS BELL'S DRUG STORE Fraat St. ?raafart, N. C. tf AWNINGS AND VENETIAN blinds may be purchased on con venient, easy termi, with monthly payments made direct to White hurst Awning and Blind Co., High way 70, Morehead City. Dial PA 6-3906 (or free estimate. s30p SEPTIC TANKS Installed, Serviced We Clean Septic Tanka THOMAS B. MARSH CO., INC. New Ben, N. C. Call 6512 Concrete Pipe . Lawn Benches tf FOR EXPERT RUG AND UP holstery cleaning contact Carteret Dura-Cleaners, P. 0. Box 612, Morehead City. Phone PA 6-3724. Retreading National Guarantee From Coaat to Caast Completely Moderated to Retread M and IS- Inch Tlrei with LATEST SAFETY TREAD Tire Service Co. 1Mb and ArrndeU St. Morehead C tty Phone PA *-312* SAVE YOUR GRAIN FOR A higher price, uae a Turner grain ?torage bin. Write or call Owen Dail, Box 7, Atlantic Beach, phone PA 5-4423. n2S JERRY J. WILLIS Real Estate General Insurance Cttjr Theatre Bldf. Merafeaad Oty ? Buaineaa Sarricai PHOTOSTATIC COPIES OF LE gal papers while you wait, Eu bauks Studio. tl "WHERE SERVICE IS BETTER" Complete Mechanical Service Front-End Alignment Wheel* Balanced Expert Fender h Body Work Flneat Painting Job? Parker Motors Your Friendly Ford Dealer Dealer No. 1209 tf SHIRT FINISHING SPECIALIST Rainbow Laundry and Dry Cleaners ? Phone PA 6-4444 One Stop Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service o31 Special Orders For Wedding Cakes. Birthday Cakes and Special Party Dec* orations. We serve the entire county of Carteret. Phone in order by 10 p.m., we deliver by 10 a.m. Do-Nuta ? Freah Daily 24 Different Kinds Phone PA 6-5705 Free Delivery The Do-Nut House Highway 70 West, Morehead City ( 623 i STORM WINDOWS AND STORM doors may be purchased on con- ' venient, easy monthly terms from . Whitehurst Awning and Blind Co., ; Highway 70, Morehead City. Dial : PA 6-3906 (or free estimate. s30p < Beasley's Record Bar Open Wednesday afternoon for your convenience. Perry Como and other long play records as low at ti.M. Selection o I 45 rpm records 2 for Me. Beasley's Radio & TV 1111 ArendeU St. LOANS $25.00 ? $200.00 Quick cash on Furniture, Appli ances, and Autos. See or call us about your money problems to- ' d?y. SECURITY LOAN CORP. ?IS ArendeU Phone P > 64595 tf EASTERN PEST CONTROL CO. Beaufort, N. C. A Division of Eastern MiUworks, Inc. Complete Peat Control Service Termites - Roaches - Silverfish Modern - Professional Methods Locally Owned and Operated Guaranteed Result* Call PA 8-4487 N. C. License PWF 283 tf "HAULING" Long or Short Distance Prrtlous Thing! Handled Carefully For Information Call WILLIS PUKE OIL 8EKVICK STATION Phone PA (-MM Morehead City t Help Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN LIVE IN. Hours and wages can be arranged. PA 6-5567. s30 SALESMAN Chamber! in Company of Ameri ca needs a salesman to sell com bination itorm windows and doors to home owners. Man selected mnst have car, possess good per sonal habits and require substan tial income. Sales experience preferable but not necessary. Write letter of application to P.O. Box !2m, Raleigh, N. C. s2? YOU MAT BE THE ONE WE'RE LOOKING FOR To show Avon's completely "new Christmas gifts and toiletries, beautifully packaged. WRITE MANAGER Box 503 ? Klnston, N. C MORNING DISHWASHER, WHITE or colored. Good pay. Apply Broadway Cafe. Help Wanted WANTED AT CNCE? RAWLEKJH dealer In Morehead City or Beau fort. Write Rawleigh'i, Dept. NC1-870-R, Memphis, Tenn. Mtp MEN AND WOMEN, SALES AND deliveries. No experience neces sary, contacting Watkins product* customers <Jh weekly and monthly basis in Morehead City and Beau fort. Apply the J. R. Watkins Co.. P.O. Box 5071, Dept. S-3, Rich mond, Va. s30tp Baby Sitting I WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at my home during day, at your home at night. Call PA 6-4328. s26 For Rent ONE 4 - R O O M APARTMENT, completely furnished, with garage space. Phone Mrs. Horace Loftin, 200 Craven St., Beaufort, PArk 8-4274. M & N Apartments Two bedrooms, living room, di nette, kitchen, private bath, garbage disposal. All major ap pliances furnished. Also water and garage. Upstairs, $57, downstairs, $62. Downstairs apartment available Oct. 1. Contact J. H. Neal, Agent, phone 8-3238, Beaufort. Available Sept. 20 Downstairs Apartment Completely Furnished Private Parking Front and Back Entrance Phone PA 8-4820 OFFICE SPACE IN WADE Building. Steam heated. Call PA 6-4535. GARAGE BUILDING AT 509 Arendell. Call PA 6-4535. 10 NICE OFFICE ROOMS, BATH and hot and cold running water. 2nd and 3rd Door. Corner S. 9th St., over Clara's Dress Shop. C. H. Freeman, Agent. tf rWO BEDROOM COTTAGE, FUR nished. Atlantic Beach. Phone PArk 6-4746. REDUCED WEEKLY RATES, waterfront apartments. Low as (17.50 per week. Mrs. Frank Nance. Colonial Apartments, 123 Front St., Beaufort, N. C. Want to Rent UNFURNISHED 3-B E D R O O M house for year round living. Will pay up to $100.00 per month for nice clean house. Call PA 6-5665. s26 Special Notice* TO "BUY LATER" PROSPECTS. World Book Encyclopedias in red and blue binding will increase in . price $20 in near future. Buy now I and save! Contact Mrs. Effie Nance, West Beaufort Road. Phone PArk 8-4516. s23p BRIDGE CLASSES NOW BEING formed at Inlet Inn, Beaufort. Les sons and classes for beginners or advanced players. Phone PA 8-4909. s30 Legs! Notice* NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Carteret ? Office of the Entry-Taker Entry of Land No. 2482 To OdeU Merrill, Entry-Taker for Carteret County: The undersigned c 1 a t m a n t ? , Robert L. May and wife, Lonie M. May, being citizens of Durham County, North Carolina, hereby act forth and show that the following described tract or parcel of land situate on the north side of waters of Bogue Sound in Morehead Town ship, Carteret County, North Caro lina, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the west line of the East North-South Alley of Block 147 of the Town of More head City, according to the map L)|tl Notice* thereof recorded In Map Book 1, page 13?, Office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County; laid point being South 5" 45' Weat, til feet from the intersection a I the weat Une of the aforeaaid alley and the aouth line of Shackleford Ave nue; runa thence South S* 45' Weat, 158.8 feet to the watera of Bogue Sound; thence along the watera of Bogue Sound North 84* 15' Weat. SO feet to a point; thence North 5' 45' East, US.6 feet to a point where the dividing line between lota Three and Four, Block 147, former ly intersected the watera of Bogue Sound; and thence South 84" IS' East, along a line which formerly was the waters of Bogue Sound, SO feet to the point of beginning; con taining 0.1S2 acres. In vacant and unappropriated land belonging to the State of North Carolina, and subject to entry; and the undersigned claimants hereby make entry of, lays claim to, and pray for a grant for, said land. This 19th day of September, 1958. Robert L. May Lossie M. May Witness as to both: C. K Wood Endorsement: Entry of land: Name of Claimantes: Robert L. May and wife, Lossie M. May; number of acres claimed: .182, in cluding all marshes and riparian rights incident thereto; Number of Entry: 2482. This 19th day of September, 1958. Odell Merrill Entry-Taker, Carteret County State of North Carolina S23-30 07-14 NOTICE LEASE NO. 739 Notice is hereby given that on the ltt day of September, 1958, I did lease to Willie J. Jones, New port, North Carolina, the following described oyster bottom: Located in Newport River, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake on the Newport River, Car teret County, N. C., said stake ly ing S 23" - 10' W 25' from the cen ter of the Willie J. Jones Oyster House and runs with the shoreline N 74* ? IS' E 75'; thence with said shoreline S 72* ? 05' E 225'; thence runs out into the Newport River S 15* - 00' W 582' to a stake; thence N tl * - 3V W 88' to a stake ; thence N 5* - 15' W 598' to the beginning, containing 2.7 acres. This the 1st day of September, 1958. C. G. Holland Fisheries Commissioner s23 30 07-14 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of John S. Parker, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed at Morehead City, N. C., on or before the 17th day of September, 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 11th day of September, 1958. Herbert O. Phillips III Administrator 816-23-30 07-14-21 Consider These Facts Before You Buy Any Small FOREIGN CARI Sort, jrouH get some gas econ omy. But yoi're baying In conveniences, too, such 11 ? TOO LITTLE ? Seating Space ? Luggage Room ? Acceleration ? Cruising Speed ? Bumper Protection TOO MUCH ? Gear Shifting ? Engine Noise ? Bounce For the sane price you'll pay lot a small, hard-rMimg for elgn car ? or for hundreds of doll art leu ? yon eaa own the next best thing to ? full ilxed new American ear . . . an A-l top condition Vied Car. Only a Ford dealer features A-l cars. Oars are complete ly checked oat for safety, per formance, economy aad ap pearance. Our ironclad guar an tee says that they are the best values yon 11 find at or near their low prices! Come In ? look them over yourself ? and your decision will be made! Reconditioned! Guaranteed! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON 1958 FORDS Final Clearance We Have t Limited Number of New Car* and Demonstrators Left Parker Motors Your Friendly Ford De*lor Morehead City, N. C. Conservation Nolo Digging Canals Relieves Many Drainage Problems By MAYNAKD OWENS Coaaty SoU Conservationist Doe? your neighborhood or com munity need ? better drainage out let so that the individual farms can be more easily drained? There might be a natural channel which needs cleaning out or an entirely new canal cut. Not being able to adequately drain the individual (arms is one of the major problems facing many Carteret County farmers. Within the past few years there are several neighborhoods in which the farmers got together for the purpose of providing good drain age outlets. Some of these are well organized groups and some are bound by informal agreements. An example of a well-orgaoized group is the ________ Deep Creek C? n a 1 Company. Some farmera in the Newport townahip got to gether and peti tioned the lower Neuae Soil Con servation D 1 s trict for aaalat ance i n over coming the M. H. Owent drainage prob lem in the community. With technical aid provided by the Soil Conservation Service, the Negro News Mrs. Tbelma Tootle Sidberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OdeU Tootle of route 1 Morehead City was graduated from the Colorado School of Practical Nursing Sept. 9, 1958. She is now employed at the Craig's Colony Rehabilitation Cen ter in Lakewood, Col. Mr. Odell Tootle and son, Wal ter, drove to Denver, Col. to be present at Thelma's graduation rxercises. Mr. Tootle will remain in Denver for several weeks with His daughter and will spend some time in Salina, Kan. with Walter. Then he is scheduled to visit Col orado Springs, US Air Force Acad emy, Boulder, Central City, Col., ?nd Cheyenne, Wyo. during his itay in the Rocky Mountain em pire. He will also stop over in St. [>ouis. Mo. i and Chicago, III. to fisit friends and relatives before returning to Morehead City this [all. Morehead City ? The Ladies tome Instruction Club met last veek at the home of Mrs. Ethel Dudley. The devotions were led by Mrs. Vixie Quick. Mrs. Velma Stamps, president, presided. Mrs. Ethel Williams presented the pro Era m on How to Wash Pillows. The hostess served peaches, ice :ream, cake, colas, nuts and candy. The club will meet at t p.m. rhursday with Mrs. Gertrude Hes ?er. canal was surveyed and planned. A drainage company wai formed and a president and otMr officers were elected. Bids (or the work were invited and the contract given to the low est bidder. Tbe federal govern ment paid part of the coat of the canal. Other community drainage pro jects include Rams Horn Canal, Little Deep Creek Canal, Shoe Branch Canal and Cannady Branch Canal. If there are just a few farmers involved in a drainage project us ually only an informal agreement is entered into. There have been many such Jobs completed in this county, i In some sections of the state much larger drainage groups have been organized. During the fall of the year, most farmers make plans relative to drainage and soil and water con servation practices for the coming year. If you are planning any such 1 works and will want assistance from the Soil Conservation Service, 1 let us know about it as soon as possible. Insurance Agent Quits Trying to Collect Trains Mount Vernon, Ohio (AP)? Rail road locomotives are just too bulky to keep around the house, insur ance agent Herbert O'Hanlon re luctantly agrees, so he is confin lig his hobby to collecting the big metal name plates from the steam engines. Besides a hundred name plates many of which tell who built the engine, where and when ? he has >,000 photographs of pioneer rail roading, railroad lanterns, whistles, Jckets, station signs and other items. In addition, he owns part nterest in aa 1888 narrow gauge iteam engine ia a Golden, Colo., museum. Suspends License Wadded Gillikin, route 1 Beau Fort, has been notified by the state driver license division that his li cense has been suspended. Gillikin had been convicted of speeding and reckless driving. New* Briefs Bl| Wftkfid Morehead City police report ttait traffic vu extremely heavy over the weekend, as upstate visitors came to the shore to enjoy the warm September weather. Kevafces License The state driver license division has revoked the license of John R. Morris, route 1 Beaufort. Mor ris had been convicted of driving drunk. Three Arrested Beaufort Police Chief Guy Sprin gle arrested Edward Barrett, Pres ton Holloway and John Ellison Saturday afternoon. All were charged with public drunkenness. Meat Market Converted Into Temporary Jail flTchmond, Va. (AP) ? The tem porary jail here may not have all the comforts of home but it is at least colorful. There is a yellow tint called bamboo for the main structure, a silver smoke-gray for the base, Pinehurst green for the trim and a delicate beige for the terracotta bull head ornaments. The city jail was demolished to make way for an expressway and an old meat market is serving as the temporary Bastille. Territorial flower of Alaska is the "forget-me-not." SPECIAL Business Man's Lunch Rex Restaurant Highway 7* West, Morrhrad City MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. COMPLETE DINNER Meat and Seafood TRY IT! YOU'LL ENJOY IT! TELEVISION PROGRAMS (Nrte: Pro tram liftings ai they appear here are provided by the tr iUUonj). TUESDAY. SEPT. SS 6 00 RFD Nine rsgsfssf 7:15 Wd?r? of Purple WNCT, Channel 9 Medl Board ? 3ssini - 7:40 Bulletin Boa 7:45 Morning Nei 7 55 Weatherman liSBrta I S wJrtd of Science 10:00 ?'or Love or Money 10:30 Play Your 11 :00 Godfrey Tim# Jl:30 Top Dollar n2:00 Farm Newt 12 10 Weethermsn 13:15 pebnam Views the News 13:80 Search For Tomorrow iigfisy-aar 1:30 Aa The World Turn* 2:00 Jimmy Dean Show 2:30 Plllabury Bake off 3:00 Burns Jt Allen 3:90 The Verdict Is iii bb WED., 8EPY. 24 ? 00 RFD Nine ? 55 Weatherman 7 00 RFD Nine 7:15 Riders of Purple Sage 7:30 Morning Medita tions 7:40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Morning News 7:95 Weatherman 8 00 Popeye 8 30 Romper Room 9 00 Susie 0:30 World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Godfrey Time 11 30 Top Dollar hrra News 12:00 Fan 12 10 Wes 12:15 Debi _ tmam Views the News 12.30 Search for To 12:45 Guiding Light 1 00 Love of Life 1:30 As the World Turns 2:00 Jimmy Dean ? 30 Your bio Ra J<0 ^tSwan ? *5 t*?? Edward* 7:00 History Behind the News iiKas'S2 ilg&sr" ? ?? Night 8 00 Popeye ? 30 Your Esso ll 40 W eat he 45 Doug Edwardi Life of Riley Ghost 7 : 30 The Grey onus 8:00 Celebrity Play _ at Sea . ? ?- JDIIIoaatre ' jo rv? Got a kin 10:00 Crunch A Den 10 30 South Pole City j|f &?IBr iiiiS I?SS! Theatre THI RNDAY. SEPT. 25 8:00 RFD Nine 8 85 Weatherman 7:00 RFD Nine 7:15 Riders of Purple Sage 7:30 Morning Medita tion* 7:40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Morning News 7:98 Weatherman IS Romper Room 9 00 Susie 9 30 World of Science 10:00 Foj^Love or 10:30 Play 'your Hunch 11:00 Godfrey Time 11 :30 Top Dollsr 12:08 Farm News 2:10 WeatherAan 12:15 Debnam Views the News 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1 00 Love of Life 1:30 As the Wdrld Turns 2:00 Jimmy Dean 2:30 Link letter's Houseparty 3 00 Burns 6 Allen 3:30 The Verdict la Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Sfcret Storm 4 30 Edge of Night jss&tfwss** pechei 8:00 Popeye 8:30 Your Esso Re 840 ^StSerman 6 45 Doug Edwsrds 7:00 Country Style ISSSn&f 8 00 Zorro 8:80 The Real McCoys 11 00 Weathennan 11:05 News Final 11:10 Sports Nttecan 11:15 Blight LeaX Theatre TUESDAY. SEPT. tS 7 :00 Today 9.90 gubJ^Serrks? ? 45 Morning Dm 10:00 Dough IU Ml 10 ? Treasure Hut M:o# ?? pftrss^r,!, 12:90 It OwM ba You 100 Farm Front 115 Weatherwlse 1:90 Channel Seven 1:90 fefuflty House 2:00 Truth < _ J Channel T Play 7:90 Hlgftwsy Patrol S:00 The George OoM Show 9 00 Colgate Theatre WITN, Channel 7 WED., SEPT. S4 7:00 Today 9:90 Public Service Program ? 45 Morning Devo. VIM 10:00 Dough Re Ml 10:90 Tressuru Hunt 11; 00 The Price M Right 11:90 Concentration 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 12:90 It Could bo You 1:00 Farm Front 1:15 Waather Wise 1:90 ^Channel 7 ?Reporter 1 90 Hospitality 2:00 or Coneo i Mogw-ii^ THCRSDAY, SEPY. 25 T OO To< ? 30 Pu 2 90 Hsggls Baggls 3:00 Today Is Ours 9:90 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for a Day 10:00 Dough Re Ml 10 Treasure Ruol 1:3 FaraTftoSt ?" 2 30 Sinn ] 3:00 Today Is Ours 3:30 From These Roots 4:00 Queen for Day 4:45 modern Ro-^ mancea 5:00 Cowboy Bob's ? ~ )??t "SK* ?ub 8:90 Channel ? lipr 8:00 The Ed Wynn Show 8:30 Twenty-One *?S32a,a"*? 10:00 You Bet Your 10:90 The 984.000 Chal langa 11:00 Ner 11:19 &

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