DIAL PA 6-4175 Ask for "WANT ADS" Want ads for the Tuesday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Monday. Want arts for the Frid: v issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Thursday. ALL KEYED ADS (ads signed with box numbers) are strictly confidential and no information will be given. Lost SOMEWHERE BETWEEN 909 Evans and "Whitcway Laundry a navy blue eton jacket. Finder re turn to 909 Evans for reward. 010 For Sale LARGE LOT IN MITCHELL VIL lage for sale. 82.8' x 108. FHA and VA approved. Situated on paved road (Rochelle Dri?e). Ctoared for building. Call 6-4470 before 2 p.m. olO CAPE COD HOME, 2812 EVANS St., Morehead City, three bed rooms, extra large living room, central heating, excellent location. Comer lot facing water. Easy terms. Call PA 6-4234 day or 6-3668 Bight PIANOS NELSON'S MUSIC SHOP Highway 10 East Phone PA S-31K Beaufort, N. C. Complete Use of New and Used Pianos Terms to Salt Year Budget Two Free Piano Lesson* With Each Piano o3 1' i-n ? ? ? * BOAT HARDWARE RIGGING SUP*?UE8 AND MARINE PAINT HARDWARB ft BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 ArendeU St, Morehead City tf ALL LENGTH RUBBER AND leather boots, Ball-Band waders, fishermen's suits, men's rain easts, luggage, cotton batting. Lipaan's Shoe Store, Beaufort, N. C. 021 USE SAMPSON PAINTS FOR BEST RESULTS HARDWARE It BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 Arendell St., Mosehead City ? HOLDEN'S RESTAURANT, BEAU fort. Air conditioned, completely ?quipped, all electric kitchen and dish washer. Reaaeaabfe price. Ten years of established good bcsi N*W AND tSED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture Co., near school on Live Oak St, Beaufort, N. C. tf THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Phone PA MHJ One-Tbne lnMrtioe le per word insert*. minimum _ $1.00 Four -Time Conaecutive Inaei tioua 4e per word insertion mtalmom 80c Eight-Tuna CmnTfulln Inaei Ifaina le per ward ttaertisa bWmb 60c Each Initial, abbreviation, group of numbers woita aa one word. Claaaifind Diaplnp Ada Card* of Thanks and Special Notice* *ii*?IH at regular Rates. THE NEWS-TIMS will be re sponilbie for the ft rat incorrect hortion if any ftaittflrrl ad vartiaement, if the valve of the advertisement baa bean leaaen ed by the error, and than wdy to the extant at a Bake-good Lv_ For Sale 1952 FOUR-DOOR FOHD, EXTRA clean, (or sale cheap. Can be seen ?t 2JM Bridges or phone 6-3810. o7 1956 THUNDERBIRD Witk 2 hfl, hardtop and con vertible. Frill equipped, like i new, low mileage. Low price $2395.00 PARKER MOTORS Ford Sato* aad Service Mare be ad City SUPER - FLAME OIL HEATER, i Good condition. CaU PA 6-3313 FOR LOW C06T TRANSPORTA tion in business or pleasure see the Dushman Motor Scooters aad Cush man Trucks ur. Sound Appliance Co. la Sales and Serviee Dealer. 1400 Bridges St, Morohead City. WEDDING ALBUMS. SILENT and musical; washable. Eubanks Studia, Beaufort, N. C. RECONDITIONED ADDING MA chine. Price *50.00. May be seen at Morehead TheaUv. 13' CONCAVED BOW RUN about, 25 hp Evinrude motor, 1955 modoL Contact Monroe Paylor, Harkers Isand or call PA 6-4175. For Sale or Trade 1958 RENAULT, 4-PASSENGER, excellent gas mileage. For details call PArk 1-3629 after 5 p.m. week days. oT Buaineaa Services FOR OIL STOVE HEATING SERVICE Cleaning. Repair and Installation Call PA 6-4066 Ask For 8T0HT SERVICE FOR OffeRECT TIME ? PA 6-3186. For correct Jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 723 Arendell St., Morehead Ctty. Try ** The Little Drug Store With The Big Heart Excellent Service Reasonable Prices See U* Today Phone PA 8-M10 WE GIVE 8AV-A-OTAHPS BELL'S 0UJ6 STOtl Frost tt. Beaafert,N. C. a SEPTIC TANKS iMtoM. Serrind We Cletn Septic T?nki THOMAS B. HAI8I CO., INC. New Ben, ft, C. Call Kit Concrete Pip* . Leva Bencbea PHOTOSTATIC COPIM OF JJ5 gal papers while you wilt Eu bankf Studio. tf "WHERE SERVICE IS BETTER" Expert Fafcr * Mr W?* rkMtraWkiMi Parker Motors Year Prteaflr Peri SmImt Dealer No. UM tf M. T. BMTTOKaOA* Moreheai CNy, N. C. PbeM PA MM IbePrtMli Blfht a4p LOANS Business Serrtoee I. s ii .. i Guaranteed Rebuilt Engines ? Ford ? Chevrolet ? Plymouth ? Chrysler ? Dodge Truck ? Willys In Stock ITe Will Rebuild Any Famine MOREHEAD MOTOR PARTS wire ma ml usvks mum PkMM PA MM Morebead City t SHIRT FINISHING SPECIALIST Rainbow Laundry and Dry Cleaners ? Phone PA 6-4444 One st?f Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service 031 B?atl?y's Record Bar Opea Wednesday afternoon for your convenience. Perry Como and other long play records as low as Selection of 45 rpin records 2 for Mc. Beasle/s Radio & TV 11IS Arendell St. EASTERN PEST CONTBOL CO. Beaufort, N. C. A Division of Eastern 1101 works, Inc. Complete Pelt Control -Service Termites - Roaches - Silverfish Modern - Professional Methods Locally Owned and Operated Guaranteed Results CaU PA 8-4487 N. C. License PWF 28S tf Retreading National Guarantee From Coast to Coast Completely Modernized to Retread 14 and 15-Inch Tires wNh LATEST SAFETY TKEAD Tire Service Co. 13th and AraadeD St. Morebead City Phone PA *-M2t SAVE YOUR GRAIN FOR A higher price, use a Turner grain storage bin. Write or call Owen D?il. Box T, Atlantic Beach, phone PA 6-4423. n28 JERRY J. WILLIS Raal Estate General Insurance City Theatre Bldg. Morehead City ?I H*Ip Wasted YOUR OWN BUSINESS - OWN and operate your own business witkoat capital Investment Wat kins Dealership sow available In Carteret County. Profits up to $100 a week and more from the start. Car or track required. For personal interview writs The J. R. Watkins Company, P.O. Box No. 5071, Rich mead, Virginia. o21-tp WANTED - MAN WITH CAR Build your own security in a 1500 (arnily Rawleigh business. No lay offs or strikes. The harder you work the more you make ? (or yourself. Write at once. Rawleigh'a Dept. MCJ?7?-MC, Richmond, Va. ?3Mp IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT - 4 women to wort 4 how* daily in the vteteKy of Mm ahead City. Aver age earnings $1.(2 per hour. For interview write Bo ?4, Route 4. Ktostea. N. O. olO HELP WANTED, MALE OR FE male, to compile a complete list U street names and bouse numbers 5CT.rS.2k.VTS m, Norfolk 1, Virginia. ?10 Help Wanted Merry Christmas II can be if you it art m earn ing through sales wart a few hurt a day abaariag Avaa's Ckriafcaaa In. WHITE MANAGER BOX MM - K1N8TON, N. C. 018 Foe Rart SIX-ROOM HOUSE WTTH BATH ion waterfront ia Beaufort. Apply j Mr. Frank I^eonard at the Vogue, Front Street, Uuaufort. |TW0 BEDROOM BOUSE, STOVE, i refrigerator and hot water furnish led. $45 monthly. Phone PA 6-S091. ' FURNISHED TWO- BKDROOM downstairs apartment now avail able. 204 Marsh St., Beaufort, Phore PA 8-4730. 07p Available Now Downstairs Apartment Completely Furnished Private Parking Front and Back Entrance Phone PA 8-4620 M NICE OFFICE ROOMS, BATH Mid hot and cold running water. 2nd and 3rd floor. Corner S. 9th St., over Clara's Dress Shop. C. H. Freeman, Agent. tf OFFICE SPACE IN WADE Building. Steam heated. Call PA 6-4535. GARAGE BUILDING AT 509 Arendell. Call PA (-4535. REDUCED WEEKLY RATES, waterfront apartments. Mrs Frank Nance, Colonial Apartments, 123 Front St., Beaufort, N. C. TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE FUR nished. Price $50.00 per month. Phone PArk 6-4746, Atlantic Beach. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa administra tor of the estate of John S. Parker, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C., this ia to notify all persons having elaims against said estate to' present Uitm to th* undersign ed at Morehead City, N. C.( on or before the 17th day of September, 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recerery. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make prompt payment. This 11th day of September. 1958. Herbert O. Phillips III Administrator s 16-23-30 07-14-21 NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Carteret Office of the Entry-Taker Entry of Land No. Z482 To OdeU Merrill, Entry-Taker for Carteret County: The undersigned claimants, Robert L. May and wife, Louie M. May, being eitixeaa of Durham County, North Carolina, hereby ?et forth and show that the following described tract or parcel of land situate on the north ald? of waters of Bogus Sound in Morehead Town ship, Carteret County, North Caro lina, to- wit: Beginning at a point in the west line of the East North-South Alley of Block 147 of the Town of More head City, according to the map thereof recorded in Map Book 1, page 13* Office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County; said point being South 5* 45* West, 218 feet from the interaeotfca of the west line of the aforeaald alley and the south line of Shaekloford Ave nue; rum thence South 5' 4?' Weft, 158.6 feet to the waters of Bogue Sound; thence along the waters of Bogue Sound North 84* IT Weft, SO feet to a point: thence North s* 45' East, ISM feet to a point where the dividing line between lots Three and Four, Block 147, former ly intersected the waters of Bogue Sound; and thence South 84* 15' East, along a line whWfc (armerly was the waters of Bogue Sound, 50 feet to the point of beginning; con taining 0.182 acres. In vacant and unappropriated land belonging to the State of North Carolina, and subject to entry; and the undersigned claimant! hereby , make entry of, lays cfaigi to, and pray for a grant for, aaid land. This 19th day of September, 1958. Hobert L. May Loeett M. May Witness at to both: C. K. Wood Endorsement: Entry of land: Name of Clainaater Robert L. May and wife, Loesie M. May; number of acres cklmed: .182, in cluding all marshei and riparian rights Incident thereto; Kamber of Entry: 2482. This 19th day of September, 1958. OdeU Merrill Entry-Taker, Carteret County Slate of North Carolina SM-30OT-14 NOTICE OF SALS W LAND North Carolina Carteret County Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in the General ?UMm of North CaroUwL Mi , Ihe Charter of the Town of Beauforiu North Carolina, the Town of Beau- ! 1 Legal Notice# ftrt will sell at auction, for cash, subject to the terms hereinafter stt forth, on the 1st day of No vember, 1968, at 11:00 a.m., at ttie door of the Town Hall, the follow ing described real estate, said sale subject to the following terms: 1. Bids will be taken on each tract separately, and both tracts together. 2. The Town reserves the right to reject all bids or to reject which ever bids it chooses. 3. A lfTc deposit will be required of the successful bidder or bidders, sairf hid or bids being subject to confirmation by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Beaufort. Description: 1st Tract: Beginning at a point which is S 2320 W, 50 feet from the center of the Beaufort-Lennoxville Road, which point also is N-G6-5?? W, 50 feet from the center line of the road connecting Front Street and Lennoxville Road, and running thence N-66-55W. 150 feet; thence S-23-20-W, 416.7 feet, more or less, to the high-water mark of Taylor's Creek; thence Southeastward!}', with and along the high water mark of Taylor's Creek 150.5 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet in the direction N -66-55- W, from the center line of the road connecting Front Street and the Lennoxville Road projected to Taylor's Creek; thence N-23-20-E, 442.4 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, excepting from the foregoing de scription that portion of Front Street embraced therein. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake on the shore of the North side of Taylor's Creek at the Southeast corner of Lot No. 6, Holland's Sub division, recorded in Map Book 2j at Page 72, Carteret County Regis try, and runs thence N-23-20-E, 217 feet to an iron pipe; thence N-74 30-W, 100 feet to another pipe lo cated in the line between Lots 4 and 5; thence with the West line of Lot No. 5, which is the East line of Lot No. 4, a Southwestward ly course to the waters of Taylor's Creek; thence with the waters of Taylor's Creek an Eastwardly course to the beginning. This 26th day of September, 1958. C. T. Lewis, Mayor Town of Beaufort s30 07-1441 NOTICE LEASE NO. 739 Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of September, 1958, I did lease to Willie J. Jones, New port, North Carolina, the following described oyster bottom: Located in Newport River, Car teret County, N. C. Beginning at a stake on the Newport River, Car teret County, N. C., said stake ly ing S 23* - 10' W 25* from the cen ter of the Willie J. Jones Oyster House and runs with the shoreline N 74* - 15' E 75'; thence with said shoreline S 72 # - 05' E 225'; thence runs out into the Newport River S 15? - 00' W 582' to a stake; thence N 81" - 35' W 88' to a stake; thence N 5* - 15* W 598' to the beginning, containing 2.7 acres. This the 1st day of September, 1958. C. G. Holland Fisheries Commissioner S23-30 o7-14 NOTICE OF SALE The public will take notice that on Saturday, November 1, 1958, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door at Beaufort, pursuant to Order of the Superior Court entered in that matter therein pending and captioned Harvey Taylor, Ralph Taylor, et al., vs. Mrs. Sophronia H. Taylor and husband, et al., the undersigned commissioner, acting under power and direction of afore said order, will offer 'for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash those certain trscts or parcels of land, lying and being in Carteret County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Tract No. 1: In Sea Level Township: Begin ning at Allen Taylor's (homeplaee) Southwest corner and on the North side of the Bay road, running thence with said road N. 63 W. 250 feet to t stake; thence S. 20 W., crossing Hid ro*4 to a stake at the Northwest corner of Edward Willis Heiri' land in the South side of said ro?4; thence with the Willis Heirs' line S. 20 W. 243 feet to a gum tree; thence with John Taylor's line S. 16 W. 100 feet; thence S. 15 W. 300 feet to John Taylor's Southwest cor ner; thence with Taylor's South line S. S E. 458 feet to the West margin of the State Highway; thence with the West margin of the said highway S. 13 W. 256 feet to John T. Rose's corner; thence with Rose's North line (Norman Gaskill land) N. 38 W. 969 feet to Allen Taylor's Southeast corner; thence with Taylor's East line N. 18-15 E. I 860 feet to the South side o t the Bay toad; thence continuing the same course to the North side of the said road; thence with the North margin of said road N. 63 W. 294 feet, more or less, to the turn in said road; thence continu ing with said road 160 feet South westwardly to Allen Taylor's North east corner; thence with Taylor's North line N. 57 W. 320 feet to the ordinary highwater mark of Nel son's Boy; thence Northwardly with the highwater mark of Nel son's Bay 1335 feet, more ar lees, to Ralph Taylor's Southwest ter ser; thence with Ralph Taylor's South Use and John Styron'a South line 8. M E. 457 feet to Styron's Southeast corner; thence 8. 11 W. with Uriah Mason's line 300 feet to L. D. Lewis's line; thence witk the Lewis South line S. <1-10 E. 286 bet; thence contiooin* with the South line of V. Taylor and Harvey Salter 8. IMJ X. M ieet to Frank Road After Storm Cars found rough going on the road* at Cedar Island Sunday and Monday. Here a car drives throagh a one-lane-wide cleared section between huge drifts of marsh grass. Legal Notices Taylor's West line; then with Frank Taylor's West line S. 24-30 W. 316 feet to Frank Taylor's Southwest corner, thence with his South line S . 68 E. 225 feet to the West margin of the State Highway; thence with the West margin of the said high way Southwardly 562 feet to Allen ( Taylor's (homeplace) Northeast i corner; thence with Taylor's North line Wcstwartlly 200 feet to a stake; thence Southwardly with Taylor's West line 175 feet to the point of beginning. Tract No. 2: In Sea Level Township: Begin ning at the J. E. Taylor Heirs' Northeast corner in the old G a skill road, running thence Northwartlly with said road 173 yards, more or less, to Annis Harvey's (formerly Matilda G a skill ) South line; thence with said line Westwardly 105 yards, more or less, to the old Primitive Baptist Church road; thence with said road Southwardly 168 yards, more or less, to J. E. Taylor Heirs' North line; thence Eastwardly with said line 94 yards, mroe or less, to the point of be ginning. (See deed C. L. Gaskill et al. to Mitchell Hamilton, Book No. 61, page 69, and deed Allen Hamilton et al to MitehoU Hamil ton, Book No. 61, page 69, and deed Allen Hamilton et al. to Mitchell Hamilton. Book No. 66, page 142). Tract No. 3: In Atlantic Township: Being Lot No. Four (4) according to that map recorded in Map Book No. 2, page 108, Carteret County Registry, and being further described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the Southern margin of the road lead ing from U. S. Highway No. 70 Eastwardly towards the Hamilton land, which point is further identi fied as being the Northeast corner of Lot No. 3, and running thence S. 19-00 E. 452.2 feet to an iron stake in the high water marie of Core Sound ; thence Southeastwardly with the highwater mark of Core Sound 112 feet to an iron stake, which point Is the Southwest comer of Lot No. 5; thence N. 19-0$ W. 508 feet to an iron stake in the Southern margin of said road; thence S. 67-53 W. with the South ern margin of said road 100 feet to the point of beginning. The foregoing descriptions are taken largely from a map or plat made by Charles T. Nelson, Sur veyor, under date of November 2S, 1954, and the map will be made available at the time of the sale, or may been seen and examined at the office of the commissioner at Morehead City anytime. This advertisement, however, is of and for all of the properties referred to and described in the above-meQ tkwied petition. The lands will be offered in cer tain designated parts or parcels as will appear on above referred-to map or plat and will be also offer ed as a whole," and the method which produces the highest bid will be the bid received. The highest bidder will be required to make a good faith deposit of twenty per cent (20%) of his bid. Luther Hamilton Jr., Commissioner 0714-21-28 v ?. Pr " i 'Messiah' Choir Members To Meet at 7:30 Oct. 13 All persons who plan to sing in the "Messiah" will meet at Ann Street Methodist Church Monday, Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Choir mem bers of all county churches have been invited to participate. The performance will be given in the school auditorium during the Christmas season. This year the plan was initiated by the Beau fort Methodist Choir. Mrs. Charles Hassell will be the director. Mrs. Hassell says, "It is hoped that it will grow into an estab lished custom in this county and that all persons who love to sing will become members of a perma nent cboir for the performance of j this great oratorio. License Reinstated Amanda M. Erwin, Beaufort, has been notified that her driving li cense has been reinstated after a suspension for a traffic violation. - Negro News Bfrtfc at NMYlfad City Hoapltal: To Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Disc, Murehead City, a daughter, Wed nesday. Oct. 1. Morehead City Hospital Admitted: Wednesday, Mr. Clif ton Farrow, Beaufort; Friday, Mr. Benjamin Prichard, Havelock. Discharged: Thursday, Mrs. Ethel Mae Jones. Newport; Satur day, Mrs. Dorothy Dise and daugh ter, Mr. Stariing Fuller, M antie ad City; Master Gregory McCabe, Havelock. Morehead City ? Queen of the South. Chapter 209, Order of East ern Star, will hold its regular meeting tomorrow night at 7: SO at the home of Mrs. Marjorie Stiles. The Ladies Home Instruction Ciub met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Ada Horton. Devo tions were led by Mrs Wincie Quick and Mrs. Thelma Stamps, president, presided. A new member, Miss Betty Sue Brown, was welcomed. The pro gram, A Husband Makes a Won derful Pet, was given by Mrs. Ethel WiMiams. The hostess served homemade cake, coffee, candy and nuts. This week's meeting wtU be keld at th^ home of Mrs. Janet Jordan. SPECIAL Business Man's Lunch Rex Restaurant Highway 70 West, Morchcad City MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11 A.M. to Z P.M. COMPLETE DINNER Meat and Seafood TRY IT! YOU'LL ENJOY IT! TELEVISION PROGRAMS (Note: Program listings as they appear here are provided hjr the tv stations). WNCT, Channel 9 Tt'KADAY, OCT. 7 6 30 RFD Nine 6:55 Weatherman 7 00 RFD Nine 7:15 Rlden of Purple Sage 7:30 Morning Medi tations 7:40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Morning New* 7:55 Weatherman 8 00 Capt. Kangaroo 8:45 Morning News 9 :0o Susie 9 :30 World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Godfrey Time 11 :30 Top Dollar 12:00 Farm Newt 12:10 Weatherman 12:15 Debnam View* the News 12:30 Search For Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding Light 1:00 Love of Life 1:30 As The World Turn* 2:00 Jimmy Dean 2:30 Llnkletters Houseparty 3 00 Burns A Allen 8:30 The Verdict la Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4 30 Edge of Night 5 00 Our Miss Brooks 5:30 Popeye 6:00 Superman ? :30 Your Esso Re porter ?40 Weatherman ?-4B Doug Edwards 7:00 History Behind the Newa 7:15 Fsrmvllle Facta 7 30 Charlie Chan 8:00 Denna Reed 8:30 Earp 8:00 fiaa Hunt 9 30 Red SVelton 10:30 Garry Moore Variety Show 11 :00 Weatherman 11 08 News Final 11:10 Sports Nltecap 11 :15 TV Hour of Stara i WEDNESDAY, OCT. t 6:30 RTD Nine 6 55 WfMtkMrauiB 7:00 *FD Nine 7:15 IJdwt of Purple 7 30 Morning Medita tions 7 40 Bulletin Board 7:65 Morning Nwri 7t56 Weethaeman 6 00 Capt. Kangaroo 8 -16 Morning News 9 00 Suslo 9:30 World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch J1 00 Godfrey Time 11 30 Top Dollar 12 06 Farm News 12 :10 Weatherman 12:15 Deb nam Views the News 12 30 Search for To morrow 12 45 Guiding Light 1:00 Love of Life 130 As the World 2?6 Jimmy Dean Show J:S0M!SSSSr iS vgfj? ISSTJ i/KL 5:30 Popeye 6 46 $5?[|2awnen rstaffiss4* P reseats 8:00 Grey Ghost 8 30 December Bride 9:00 The Millionaire 9 30 I've Got a Secret 10.00 Pattl Page 10 30 Tractate** 1100 Weatherouui 11 05 NewsTfisT 11:10 Spoefep NlteeM 11:15 TV Hear qtWUn THI RSDAY, OCT. f 6 30 RFD Nine 6 55 Weatherman 7:00 RFD Nine 7:15 Rid era of Purple Sag* 7:30 Morning Medite tlana 7:40 Bullet! ? Board 7:45 Morning New* 7 .85 Weatherman 8 00 Capt. Kangareo 8:45 Morning News 9 00 Susie 9 30 World of Science 10:00 F or Love or Monty 10 30 flay Your Hun ah 11:00 Godfrey Time 11:30 Top Poller 12 00 Farm Newi " Vsntm 1:30 Aa the World 2 00 Jimmy Deen 2:30 Llnkletter'f Houaeparty ISKftAitfC 4:0 ? ~ H 5 00 Our Mlaa 1 5:30 Popeye 6 00 Thla la Allee 6:30 Your Eaao Re Doug Edw?r4? }$???? f?S 7 30 Loan Ranger 8:00 Zorro 8:80 The Reel IS. McCoya ) Pat Boom 9:00 1 9:30 Cheyenne 10:30 Rifleman 11 08 Wee thermal rS. WITN, TCKBDAt, OCT. 7 7:00 Today 9:00 In School Tele vision 9:45 Play 2:00 Truth ?T < Qvence. 2 SO Hagffte Ba?|la 3:00 Tod*jr 1? Our* yofjgt*? 4:00 Qiura Mr ? D? 10:00 WEDNESDAY. OCT. ? T OO Today 9 00 In School Tele 11 THIIVMV, UCT. 9

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