CLASSIFIED ADS DIAL PA 6-4175 Ask for "WANT ADS" Want ads (or the Tuesday issue may be phoned in until X p.m. on Monday. Want ads (or the Friday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Thursday. ALL KEYED ADS (ads signed with box numbers) are strictly confidential and no information will be given. Let ONE HUNTING DOG IN VICINITY of Newport. Black and tan blue tick hound. Wearing collar en graved "Bailey". Call or write Waldron Bailey Jr., Box 248, More head City. ol7 LADY'S WALTHAM GOLD WRIST watch, vicinity of Bell's Drug and Colonial Store. Keepsake, holds sentimental value. Mrs. EMad Moore, PA 8-4409. ot7 For Sale ONE FLOOR MODEL DEEP-FAT fryer. Apply J. C. Simmons, S&S Donut Shop, Arendell St., Morehead City. ol7p BOUND APPLIANCE CO. AL irays has bargains in used oil heat ers, washers, ranges and refrig erators. See them at 1406 Bridges Bt., In Morehead City. dl3 MODERN HOME FOR YEAR round living, also beautiful water front lots. A. C. Hodges, Ho Ho Village, 6 miles west of Morehead, Highway 24. n7 CAPE COD HOME, 2812 EVANS St., Morehead City, three bed rooms, extra large living room, central heating, excellent location. Corner lot facing water. Easy terms. Call PA 6-4234 day or 6-3668 night. BOAT HARDWARE RIGGING SUPPLIES AND MARINE PAINT HARDWARE * BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 Arendell St., Morehead City tf ALL LENGTH RUBBER AND leather boots, Ball-Band waders, fishermen's suits, men's raincoats, luggage, cotton batting. Lipman's Shoe Store, Beaufort, N. C. 021 USE SAMPSON PAINTS FOR BEST RESULTS HARDWARE * BUILDING SUPPLY CO. T3 .lrendell St, Morehead City tf HOLDEN'S RESTAURANT, BBAU fort. Air conditioned, completely equipped, all electric kitchen and dish washer. Reasonable price. Ten years of established good bud nen. U NEW AND CSEO FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture Co., near school on Live Oak St., Beaufott, N. C. tf THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Phone PA M175 One-Time Insertion Ic per word feeertiea mtnlmiun _ $1.00 Four-Time Consecutive Insertions 4e per ward^^^ ^ ^ Eight-Tuna Consecutive Ineartiona Ic per ward insertion mlalmam 80c Etch Initial, abbreviation, group of numbara eoonta aa Claaaif ied DUplay Ada 02c P^ eotan lack 1% discount lor payae* by Carda of Thanka and SpecMI Noticea accepted at regulat I] Ciaaaified Ratea. THE NEWS-TIMES will be re aponaible for the Brat Incorrect Insertion of any ciaaaified ad vertisement, If the value of the advertisement haa been lessen ed by the error, and then only to the extent of a make-good Hie publisher ie?ervea the right to reviao or reject any W' O, I P-?. Monday, 1 P-?- Tbaredayj] Li forlaU HAVE FEW ADVANCE COPIES of the autobiography of Waldron Baily. Anydie interested contact' ?In. A'jintt Morris, FA 1-40*3. o2f j RED MALE PERSIAN KITTEN, 5 months old, grown tabby female, $10 each. Mrs. Abbott Morris, , PA 6-4043. 020 HAVE WINTER PEPPERS, BE gonias, miniature jewell plants, I geraniums that must go. See at j Staton's Greenhouse, 611 Ann St , 4 p.m. ? 8 p.m. 028 LARGE LOT ON PAVED ROAD in (Mendal* Park, cHy water. Only $800.00. Call PA 6-5263. 028 OPEN LAUNCH, CHEVROLET engine, 223> feet long, 8 1" beam. 4' 8" height, 2 shrimp trawls. Real steal at $375. Only 2 years old. I Docked at Pigott Bridge behind Morehead City cemetery. Hubert Willis, residence V\ mile beyond bridge on Crab Point Road. o21 , Attention Boatmen 8-Volt Batteries with 2-year guarantee, $17.85 exchange. Your Ward's Dealer 8th Street Service Station Phone ? 6-MU o24f WEDDING ALBUMS. SILENT and Musical; washable. Eubanks Studio, Beaufort, N. C. sbl>?R-rLAME ok HEATER. Coed condition Can PA 8-3313. 1956 THUNDERBIRD With 2 tops, hardtop and con vertible. Fully equipped, like new, low mileage. Low pnef $2395.00 PARKER MOTORS Ford Sales and Service Morehead City WE SELL USED AUTO PARTS AUTO ENGINES FOR BOATS We Buy ? Brass ? Capper Radiators ? Batteries Scrap Iron and Steel Aircraft Ludhf Hats SAULTER AUTO SALVAGE CO. New Bern, N. C Dial Me. 7 -3*1* t WARD'S TIRE8 AND BATTERIES BATTERIES 18 Mos. Guarantee $ 9.43 Exch. 30 Mos. Guarantee (13.45 Exch. 48 Mos. Guarantee *18.85 Exch 60 Mos. Guarantee $19.05 Excfc. TIRES 600 - 16 $11.15 670 - 15 $14.54 710 ? 15 Deluxe Quality ... $22.(6 760 - 15 Deluxe Quality..- $25.05 Installed Free ITH STREET SERVICE STATION Authorized WarCi Dealer Phone PA tJNl ( Business SerrioM FOR OIL STOVE HEATING SERVICE Cleaning, Repair and Installation Call PA 6-4066 A?k Far STOVE SERVICE FOR CORRECT TIME? FA HIM. For correct jewelry, llH^wmi witch repair. Early Je a at ail, la Arendell St.. Morebaad CM?. Try The Little Drug Store With lite Heart Excellent Service Reasonable Trices See Us Today Phone PA 8-3810 Dt Ave SAV-A-eittfa ten's DRUd from Froat St Beaafort, N. C. tf I Radio - Air *.?.! MaMbat C%, It. ?. Phone FA MKT She Mae la J SAVE YOUR GRAIN FOR A Dall. Bex T, Atlantic Beach, pbane PA M423. I " Bml? ii imfatt Pre-Winter Special I Be Prepared! Now You Can Get All This For Just $6.50 1. Chan plugs 2. Adjust fan belt 3. Clean battery terminals 4. Service carburetor air cleaner 5. Adjust carburetor 6. Tighten intake and exhaust manifolds and inspect for leaks 7. Check complete codling system for leaks and install anti-freeae ? Bonua ? Free Grease Job Price includes one gallon of anti-ftfeerr ALL PARTS EXTRA PARKER MOTORS Your Friendly FORD Dealer Morehead Oty, N. C. License No. U09 024 PHOTOSTATIC COPIES OF LE gal papers while you wait. Eu banks Studio. tf "WHERE SERVICE IS BETTER" Complete Mechanical Service F root-End Alignment Wheeli Balanced Expert Fender * Body Work Fineat Painting Job* Parker Motors Tear Friendly Ford Dealer Dealer No. 1208 tf LOANS $25. M ? *2M.M Qnlck cash on Famttare, Appli ances, and Aatos. See or call at about yonr money proMeaai to i?y SECURITT LOAN CORP. ?18 ArendeU Phone Pa4UW tf EASTERN PEST CONTROL 00. Beaufort, N. C. A Division of Eastern Miliworks, Inc. Complete Pelt Control Service Termites - Roaches - SilverBah Modern - Professional Methods Locally Owned and Operated Guaranteed Results Call PA 8-4487 N. C. License PWF 288 ?( Retreading Natiaaal Ourato* fm Cm it to Cm it LATEST SAFETY TIU* Tire Service Co. 1Mb Ml AreMM ?L aty HnitM JERRY J. WILUS Real EtMM General Insurance city iw?m Bid* Mordtoad Otf Beadey*! Record Bar yMr hstcbWbcc. Pel i f Com* and other l?| play record* aa tow aa tl.M. Selection of U rpm records 2 far Mc. Beasley's Radio A TV i in it. SHIRT FINISHING SPECIALIST Rainbow Landry aid Dry CVinert ? Phase PA I III! Business Services LOOK! Mm Developed Overnight M Mm Don't Let Your Vacation Film Go to Waitt Local and Out-ol Town Newspapers Magazines and Pocketbooks CITY NEWS STAND Dial PA ?-M?S t SEPTIC TANKS Installed, Serviced We Clean Septic Tinki THOMAS B. MARSH CO, INC. New Bern, N. C. Csl) tell 1 Concrete Pi^j _ Lawn Benches tf COMMERCIAL SIONS AND INTERIOR PAINTING CALL (AL) CONQLtTON *A MJSt lealifirt, N. C. IU ENGINE MACHINE SHOP Crankshaft Grinding Surface Cylinder Heads Surface Cylinder Blacks Recondition Cafenecllft# Soda Brake Dram Tarning Complete Valve Work Engine Boring Install Cylinder Sleeves In-the-Block Crankshaft Grinding Piston Pin Fitting Piston boding Many Other Services Are Available MOREHEAD MOTOR PARTS Wholesale Distributors Engine ReMMers ?th and Evan St. Phenes PA M7H and PA ? -4677 Morehead City, N. C. f Hwlp WaatoJ WANT THREE WAITRESSES, two for morning shift, one to work nights. Very good tips and talary. Apply Broadway Cafe, ?-33M. 017 WANTED AT ONCE? RAWLEIGH dealer for nearby food locality In Eaat Carteret County. Get help of local Rawleigh dealer. So* or call J. H. Gentry, Star Route, Swans boro or write Rawleigh's Dept. NCJ-W0-ST7-A, Richmond, Virginia. o31fp MAN OR WOMAN TOR MORE head City and Beaufort ana. Sales and deliveries. ??< hours per day. Also will consider older man, 50-75. Write Box 5071, Dept. 14, Rich mond, Va. oZSp YOUNG SALESWOMAN FOR daytime wark, as well at every other night and every other Sun day. Write Box S2, e/a Newt-Times, Morehead City, N. C. R take* Mir ? few haara Mck day to eafey (m4 nnkp wttk Ana muci caB*. Oliwm WHITE MANAGER BOX MS - K1N8TON, K. C. *?l For Rent APARTMENT ok FORT MACON | Road, BedNnto, kiNfce* t bath. Furniatal, (MarilnC Mftife*. $00 per montk* Huwe Mtk ?MTM. 1 2-ROOM "krFI&ENCV "aPART ments fully equipped and furnished, including all utilities, and private batka. Avails* Nov. 1 till, at Winter rate*, (kott PA s?a. - - '-IIII 10 NICE OFFICE ROOMS, BATH and hot and cold running water. |?nd and 3rd floor. Corner 8. 9th St, Over CMa'a Dreaa Shop. <5. H. IWMtoan, Age*. tf WNrtJRNISHSD S ROOM HOUSE on Crab Point. Call PA (-3026 for Information. ol7 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT wTh pmrw wra i. wn. v. r. m via, m Line Oak St., Beaufort. Phoae PArk MM4. olT Mlttijr ruKNiMED fWO-bED room houae, electric kitchan. Fran ? ?"?' _ M I-..H City UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM City. oU j For Rent THREE -BEDROOM HOUSE. Phone 6-4052 or 6-5480. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR maple Gertrude Btjrrwi, phone PA 6 3453 Ntftiwiy 76, Manaftelri ol7 TWKES WCDROOM, WWURNIBH ed house, newly painted. 1307 Shcp ard St. Contact Mr. Davis at Broad way Cafe. 017 Available Now Downstairs Apartment Completely Famished Private FaiMng Fw>nt and latfc Entrance Mioti* PA 8*4820 OFF ice SPACE IN WADE Building. Steam heated. Call PA 6 4535. OARAGE BUILDING AT DM AreafeU. Call FA 6-453.V REDUCED WEEKLY RATES, waterfront apartments Mrs Frank Nanee, Colonial Apartments, 123 Front St., Beaufort, N. C. Special Notices . CARD OF THANKS The (araMy af Wilbur Lewis withes to enpress their apprecia ting far the many kindnesses ex leaded them during their recent be reavement. 017 CARD OF THANKS t"he family of Valema (? ill ikin wish to express their heartfelt ap preciation for the many acts of kindness, cards, and floral offer ings received during the illness and passing of their loved one. To our neighbors, the doctors and nurses ] at Sea Level Hospital, many, many, , thanks to aU. ol7p Legal Notices NOTICE The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction for cash, one 1956 Ford Ranch Wagon Ser. No. M6ER204508, at Hardesty Motors, 1302 Arendell Street, Morehead City, N. C., at 12 noon, October 25th, 1958. The undersigned reserves the right to bid. Asociates Discount Corp. Bill Orton, Agent ol7 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE North Carolina Catteret County Under and by virtue ef the power Of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Harvey Taylor, Jr., and his wife Minnie Evelyn Taylor, dated February 13th, 1958 and recorded in Book 188 at page (3, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payments of the indebted ness thereby secured, and said deed ?f trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder fo; cash at the courthouse door in Beaufort, Car teret County, North Carolina on Monday, November 3rd, 1958 at 12 o'clock noon, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same ly ing and being in Harkers Island, in the County of Carteret, State of North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest cor ner of the Wells Hamilton property, and running thence westwardly to a stake in the schooihouse road; theace running northwardly along the school house rod to the back line ft the Wells Hamilton proper ty; naming thence eastwardly along the said back line to the Weils Hamilton west line; running thence with the west line of Wells 1 Hamilton property to the beginning, containing M acre, more or less. The purchaser shall deposit ten ' percent (M%) of the amount the bid at sale to show good faith. ? This sale will be made subject to , aU outstanding Uses and munici This the 22nd day of September, . 1958. L. J. Eubank, Trustee ( O10-17 -24-31 , NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ? N'MtK Carolina OaiteNt Otuntjr UMMMd-fcy virtue* (he tower 1 of aale contained in * certain deed ' of tru?t executed by Lawrence H. ' VMcert and wife Rebecca H; Vlcfc* Ws, dated December 27th, 19tt aod Mcorded M took HI at page ITO, llifhfl TEXACO QUALITY H MATIN 9 OIL J. M. DAVIS ??hH Qty Legal Notices in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, North Cmtoaa. default having been made In the payments of the indebtedness thereby secured, and said deed of trust oeing hy Hie terms thereof | mibject to foreclosure, and the uft deraigned trustee will oifer far sale ! at public auction to the highest bid- 1 der for cash at the courthouse door j in Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, on Monday. November 3rd. 1958 at 12 o'clock noon, the property conveyed in said deVd of trust, the same lying and being in Markers Island, in the County of Carteret, State of North Carolina, more particularly described as fol lows: Lying and being in the village of Markers Island. North Carolina, and being on the south side of the main state highway, and on the waters of Back Bound, and beinf more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake 241 feet from the south aide of the State Highway, whith ia the E. G. Dixon northeast cortu-r; thence running S 24-30 W. 143 feet to a stake on Back Sound; thence running N 69-00 W with the waters of Back Sound to a stake or L. Jones' southeast comer; thence running with the said Jones' line N 20-00 E 132 feet to a stake; thence running S 76 00 E 77 feet to the point of the be ginning, containing *4 acre more or less, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and with all riparian and littoral rights incident thereto. See deed from Eden Guthrie and wife to Edward G. Dixon and wife in Book 125, at page 557, Carteret County Registry. The purchaser shall deposit ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid at sale to show good faith. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes and muni cipal assessments. This the 22nd day of September, 1958. L. J. Eubank, Trustee O10-17-24-31 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SA1E North Carolina Carteret County Under and by virtue of the power ?f sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Needham D. Dunn and wife, Margaret L. Dunn, dated October 5, 1954 and recorded in Book 158 at Page 21, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds in Carteret County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness thereby secured, and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the un dersigned trustee will offer for sale it public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, on Monday, No vember 3, 1958 at 12 o'clock noon, the property conveyed in said deed jf trust, the same lying and being in White Oak Township, In the County of Carteret, State of North Carolina, more particularly de icntx-d as follows: Adjoining the lands of J. P. Yatei snd others, and bounded as follows, ,'iz : In White Oak Township, Carteret County, North Carolina,, and be linning at an iron stake on the lorth side of the dirt State High way at the southeast corner of the r. K. Parker, formerly Humphrey, and; running thence northwardly ilong a dirt road to J. P. Yates ?outheast corner; thence with J. P. Yates south line westwardly to i stake in the run of the Humphrey branch; thence southwardly with :he Branch to an iron stake near a jridge on the dirt State Highway; hence along the Highway eaat vardly to the point of beginning ; containing about ten (10) acres af and; together with all building! ind improvements thereon. The purchaser shall deposit ton jercent (10%) of the amount of the lid at sale to show good faith. This sale will be made subject o all outstanding taxea and muni cipal assessments. This the 22nd day of September, tK8. L. J. Eubank, Trtutee O10-17-24-31 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Or FILING PETITION State of North Carolina bounty of Carteret In the Superior Court Special Proceeding No. Mlf Rudolph Pelletier vi. Carlton J. Taylor, Raymond Dlck naon, Irwin W. Davia, Dallas Sal :efi George Salter, Luther Lewia, Sertrude E. Styron, the Elijah Wil is Heira, State Board of Education, i ln< State of N?rth Carolina, ?nd] ill others who may be interested V * PA,DC | i Legal Notice* in the land described herein; State Highway It Public Worka Commis siua. To Whom II May Concern r The pafttet above Mmed and all Btber peraans interested wili take Mtice that on the M day tt Sep tember, 1958, (he abate named pe titioner Hied a petition ifi the OfTice o f the Clerk Superior Court of Car teret County, to have the title to the lands described thereto regis tered And confirmed to %im, i?ur sualtt to Ohtptfei' 90, PiAttc La\M of 1913, and pertinent law; and that summons has been issued therein, returnable to the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Carteret Coun ty on the 1st day of December, 11158. Said land is situate in Davis Township* Carteret Ctontjr, North Carolina, and is bounded and de scribed, at Mllowa: Beginning *t the Intersection of the center line of U. B. Highway to and the north share of Oyster Creek; rulaa thence along the cen ter line of U. S. Highway Tt, the following coarses and distances North 91' Wt r.ast. m feet; North 41* 50' East, 126 feet; North 63' 20' East, 202 feet; and North 73? 25' East, 372 feet, to a small gut; thence along the gut to a point which in a straight line is South 32? 50' West, 294 feet to Oyster Creek; thence down and along Oys ter Creek and Core Sound the fol lowing courses and distances: South 53? 20' East, 825 feet; South 30" 00' East, 500 feet; South 6? 00' East, 800 feet; South 50? East, 244 feet; North 38? East, 2260 feet; North 33? 00' East, 500 feet; and North 24? 00' East, 700 feet to Raymond Dickinson-Carlton Taylor Corner on Cora Sound; thence along said Raymond Dickinson Carlton Taylor line, North 58? 30" West, 6118 feet to a point; thence South 41? West, 907 feet to a point, a pine stump; thence South 25? 00' East, 1077 fcrt to Oyster Creek; and thence along the waters of Oyster Creek to a point which in a straight line is South 23? 00' East, approximately 2000 feet to the cen ter of U. S. Highway 70, the point of beginning; containing 300 acres, more or less. This 26 day of September, 1958. A. H. James (Seal) Clerk Superior Court, Carteret County s26 o3 10-17-24-31 n7-14 Legal Notice* NOTICE OF ADMINISTKAMDN As administratrix of the eJtate of the lite Hugh Lewia, defeased, I am giving notice to all peraona who may have claims agaUMt the said estate to present them te the undersigned, at her indicated ad dress, not later than 12 aiMitha from this date, or thia notioe tnay be pleaded in bar of recovery. Any body indebted to the estate will please arrange to make immediate settlement. This the 18th day of Septawfcer, 1958 (Mrs.) Lola L. Nelson, Administratrix 507 Bridges StfMt Morehead City, 1(. C. ? ? 819-26 03-1047-24 MORE LEGAL NOTICES ON PAGE 3 President Chosen Mayor Earl W. Eller, Asheville, was chosen president of the North Carolina League of Municipalities this week at Winston-Salenf, suc ceeds Mayor George W. Dill of Morehead City. SPECIAL Business Man's Lunch Rex Restaurant Highway 70 West, Morebeai City MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. COMPLETE DINNER Meat and Seafood 97? TRY IT! YOU'LL ENJOY IT! TELEVISION PROGRAMS (Note: Program listings u they appear here are provided hjr the tv stations). WNCT Channel ? FRIDAY. OCT. 17 6 30 RFD Nine 6:56 Weatherman 7:60 RFD Nine 7:15 Gospel Time 7:50 Morning Medlta* tlona 7 40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Morning New? 7:55 Weatherman 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 8:45 Morning Newi 9 00 Susie 9:30 World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11:60 Joe Emerion Hymntlme 11:15 Godfrey TOne 11:30 Top Dollar 12:60 Farm Newi 12:10 Weathertnin 12:15 Debnam Views 12:10 Sf?i3r?r To. B mn Turi? ?? Dfaa a phow *?'?*> IJnklMter-, . f ?Su'?'rd,rt " J:J? j?r,K*?ter Day J io fiff1 If N1?"? 7 #0 {JSVf E?w?r<W Imp? WSS* Isfs&ss^ 10 W LwuPp*>",OU" ?i in? t"""nan HK&ftS'SS,. SATIRDAY, OCT. IS 8 .00 World Literature 9:00 Romper Room 10:00 Capt. Kangaroo 10:30 Parker * Pals 11:00 Heckle * Jeckle 11:15 Jon Gnagy 11:30 Kobln Hood 12:00 Noon Newt 12 : to HopjQeng Cassl 1 00 $anaorama 2:00 Maryland v?. UNC 4 90 Rowlhi* Star* 5:00 AM Star GoH 6:00 Man Without 6:30 &Jwn Hems 7:00 Whlrlyblrdi 7:30 Perry Maaon 8:30 Wanted ? Dead rs&fear Travel 10: OP Guu*Aioke 10:30 Mffce HI 11:00 Saturday Newa 11 li Lwt Theatre MJNDfl Y, OCT. H 8:30 Leta Go to Oollege 16:00 Lamp Urn U Mr Feet 10:30 jjwk Up and 11 :00 UN In Action 11:30 CMifera Three 12 06 Ijmmay Ttinrti 12 .15 Foreign Legion naire 12:45 Sport* Page 1 00 Pro Football 3 30 Oral Roberta 4:00 Vtaltor 4 30 Circuit Rider 5:00 Great Game ot Politics 5:30 How to Marry a Millionaire 6:00 Lawrence Welk 7 30 JaS'Vnny 8:00 JUMSuUlva* 9:00 GE Theatre 9:30 Alfred Hitch cot 10 00 64,000 Question ) Sunday Special 11:15 Bright LnI Theatre MONDAY. OCT. * 6 30 RFD Nine 6:56 Weatherman 7 00 RFD Nine 7:15 Riders of Par?lt Sage 7:50 Morning MeAta* tlona 7:40 Bulletin 7:45 Morning 7:55 Weatherman 8 "00 Capt. Kangaroo 8 45 Morning Iwwl 9 00 Susie 9:30 The World at Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11JOO Godfrey Tin* 11:30 Top Dollar 12 00 Farm Newt a: 10 Weatherman :15 Debnam VIM the New* 12.30 Search for Tomorrow 12:45 Guiding LlgM 1:00 Love of L?t 1:30 Aa the WdHl Turn* 2:00 Jimmy Dean Show 1 930 Llnkletter'i Houseparty 3:00 Big Payoff A 1:30 The VerdUJt ftp Yours 4:00 Brighter DMIT 4:15 Secret Stoon <:30 Edge of MM 5:00 Popeye 5:30 Mickey Mout Club 6:00 Ramar of tfM Jungle 6:30 Your Esso Reporter 6 40 Weatherman ^ 6 49 Doug Edwlrfc 7:00 Adventure Album 7:15 Tobacco RJMtt 7 30 Name That T Una 8 00 The Texan 8:30 Father Kn#*t Best 9:00 Danny Thdtnng 9:30 Ann sothern 10:00 Desllu PlaJMusn 11 00 Weatherman 11 06 News FlndT . 11:10 Sports Nttiab 11:15 TV Hour ol Hart W1TN Channel 7 FRIDAY. OCT. 17 f :00 Todtr 9:30 Public Senile# praaran 0:45 Hofl*nc brm. __ i Ml Tmn* Hunt 11:00 Th? Price to Right 11:30 Concentration 13:00 Tie T* Doufh 13:30 It Coald be Ton 1:00 Farm front 1:15 Whether Wl* lr?Ctl??HM t Reporter 1:30 HoeplUlltjr Houee 8:00 Truth or Com#- '. HATUBOAT, OCT. II 10:00 Howdy Doody 10:30 Ruff and Ready 11 :00 Get Set Go 11:30 Circus Boy 13:00 Twn Canteen 1 00 Big Picture 1.30 To be announced 2:00 Wrestling 4:00 To be announced 4:30 Rock and Roll 5:00 Western Theatre 6 00 Bar Seven Country Muelc 7:00 Master's Three 7:30 People Are rwmy R 00 Perry Como 9:00 Jerry Lewis Show 10:00 Cimarron City ?i:00 Late Newe, 06 SO :00 Church Service SUNDAY. OCT. 11 13:00 Western Theatre 1 .00 Christian Science Program 1:15 Country Style U.S.A. > NBA Basketball re 4 6 t f :? ? 30 To be i 7 00 Martin 7:30 State Trooper 10.00 Lo^tujfaum fi MONDAY, OCT. I 6:30 Continental 7:00 Today 9:00 In School 1M* vision 9 30 Introduction to Bible (East Ofcro tlons 10:00 Dough Re JO 10 30 Treasure M 11:00 The Prtee V Right 11:30 Concentrat** 12 00 Tic Tec Dough 12:30 It Oould be Yam ISS&SSjHL 1 20 Channel 7 Re porter 1:30 Hoepltallty House 2:00 Truth or 2:30 L__ . 3 00 Today Is __ 3:30 From The* Roots . - 4:00 Queen (Or ft Uj 4 30 County Fdfr 5 ?? WreSgUShiW* 6:30 Channel t 6:40 Weal 6 46 NBC 7 00 Target 7 30 Tic Tac 8 00 Rff,'r 9:30 Twenty-Six 1

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