Morehead City Social News Mils EUea Bordeaux, Society Editor rtaM FA Mill [ Mr. Steve Robertf li a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham. He wii discharged from Morehead City Hospital Monday and spent some time at his home before go ing to Duke. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lupton and f'.iDi:/ and her mother, Mrs. Ag new Guthrie, will go to Greenville Wednesday to get Miss Margaret Guthrie, a student at East Caro lina College, who will spend the holidays home. Vernon Goodwin, who is sta tioned at McDill AFB, Fla., with the Air Force, is spending a leave here with his mother, Mrs. Leon Haislip. Mrs. G. II. Jackson will leave Sunday for her home in Raleigh, after a visit here with freinds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman your Oil Burner t? top operating condition, use SINCLAIR HEATING OIL voithRD-HS* ? ? T. T. "Tom" Potter & Son Phone Morchead .... PA t-321t Phone Beaufort PA 8 3657 Only Oil neat la So Safe, Clean and Modem and ltr. and Mrs. A. B. Roberta will spend the weekend in Wilaon. The Rev. Robert Poulk of Golds boro waa In the city Wednesday. He came for the funeral of Mr. John Wallace of Merrimon. Mra. L. Hugh Uarahburn will arrive tomorrow from Wilmington to spend some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Bordeaux and family. Jimmy Smith, USN, spent the weekend here with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Freeman. His ship was in port at Norfolk, Va. Miss Barbara Oglesby of this city and her sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Gent and son. Dean, of New Bern, spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mr. Henry Taylor arrived from Philadelphia, Pa., last week and is spending a month with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tay lor. Billy Rich, a student at Wake Forest College, will arrive home next week to spend the Thanksgiv ing holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rich. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball and family will leave today to spend the weekend in Ullington with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberts. They will attend the Duke-Carolina game to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sanderson and daughter, Faye, will spend the weekend at Raleigh as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mason and fam ily. Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Mason, Faye Sanderson and Frances Ma son will attend the Duke-Carolina game in Chapel llill tomorrow. Ladies' Washable CAPRI PANTS Sites 10 to 18 ? Assorted Colors JO .98 2.98 Pair Washable Cotton KNIT SHIRT Loaf Sleeve, Button-Down Collar Sim 3 to ?X 77t Each Beautiful, Easy to Clean PLASTIC DRAPES 1 Pair n00 Cloted Wednesday Afternoon* OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TIL ? P.M. ROSES 5-10-25* STORE Morahwd City, N. C. VUM r $/25 *350 A O QUA?r mmh wmjm ? oe. ma Garden Club Hat Dinner Hears Mr. Jasper Bell The Garden and Civics Depart ment of the Woman'! Club en Joyed a turkey dinner prior to their meeting Wednesday evening at the civic center. The dinner was served by Mra. D. Cordova and the home eco nomics students trom Morehead City School. The dinner consisted of turkey, dressing, gravy, con gealed salad, green peas, bread, pumpkin pie and beverage. An arrangement of ivy, candle sticks holding ilghted candles, and red apples was used the length of the table. Thanksgiving napkins were used. Mrs. F. C. Salisbury introduced the speaker, Mr. Jasper Bell, who spoke on the new city park. He told how the park was started, the help it had received, the needs it now has, and how much it has come to mean to local folks and visitors. A report of the Woman's Club district meeting in Trenton was given by Mrs. Cordova and Mri. M. J. Loutit reported on the Gar den Club district meeting in Wil mington. Miss Eve Wynne was welcomed as a new member. Ribbons for arrangements in three classes were awarded Mrs. F. C. Salisbury, Mrs. E. A. Coun cil, Mrs. Alfred Ebbighausen, Mrs. W. P. Freeman, Mrs. Walter S. Kidd, Mrs. C. D. Stewart, Mrs. P. H. Geer Sr., Mrs. PhUlip Ball, Mrs. M. J. Loutit, Mrs. Luther Hamilton Sr., Mrs. J. F. Herbert and Mrs. Edgar Bundy. Mrs. Kathryn Pearson Speaks to Church Women Mrs. Kathryn Pearson was guest speaker at the meeting of St. Catherine's Chapter of St. An drew's Episcopal Auxiliary Tues day evening. The chapter met at the home of Mrs. W. L. Brady with Mrs. Gus Davis, chairman, presiding. Mrs. O. H. Johnson, program chairman, introduced the guest speaker, who spoke on Jezebel and read a portion of Psalm 45. The meeting opened with the Woman's Auxiliary Prayer and a special prayer was offered by Mrs. Mary Shockley. The chapter voted to send Christ mas gifts to the Thompson Or phanage. Mrs. W. L. Brady and Mrs. Jack Hurruss were appointed to select these gifts. The chapter will give a coffee hour early next month for new , parishioners. It was decided to give six cottas to the church. Mrs. Elizabeth Howland reported that 5,500 pansy and daisy plants were sold. The chairman an nounced that the congregational supper was a success and thanked all who took part. St. Catherine's and St. Mary's Chapters will have a Christmas party Dec. 12. Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Burruss served refreshments after the meeting. Presbyterian Circle Meets, Gives Shower Mri. J. W. Kellogg entertained circle one of the First Presbyterian Church Monday evening at her home. She used arrangements of. marigolds, chrysanthemums and pyrancantha (or decoration. Following the business meeting, the Bible lesson was taught by Mrs. Kellogg and Mrs. Shaw, and the program was given by Mrs. Gannon Talbert. Mrs. Frank Carlson, the former Sandra Olaon, was honored at a bridal shower during the social hour. She received many gifts. Re freshments of ice cream, cake and salted nuts were served. Friday Night Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Jones The Friday evening bridge club met last week at the borne of Mrs. R. C. Jones, who used arrange ments of fall fluwers for decora tion. High score went to Mrs. L. A. Daniels, second high to Mrs. Clyde Willi* and low to Mrs. Jack Mor gan. For dessert Mrs. Jones served apple-cranberry cobbler and cof fee. Mrs. Vernon Guthrie will en tertain the club this evening. To Sell Baked Goods The Fort Macon Group, Coast Guard Wives Club, will have a bake jale in downtown Morehead City tomorrow morning. Club members will sell homemade goods in front of Rose's 5 and 10. Ii = T? n Topic* Basketball Teams Are Chosen, Tri-Hi-Y Sponsors Twirp Week By ANN SANDERSON The girls' and boys' basketball teams for the coming season have been chosen and practice has be gun. We all wish them the best of luck and will give them our en thusiastic support. The entire student body partici pated in a parade Friday in an effort to draw the attention of the public to the desperate need for more classrooms. We enjoyed the activity and are hoping our need will be more closely observed. The lii-Y met last Thursday night and drew up its constitution. They also elected Mr. Edward Smithwick outside advisor; the faculty advisor is Mr. Charles Wooten. The TWIRP week being spon sored by the Tri-Hi-Y has been a great success. The money collect ed will be given to the school building fund. We would like to thank the boys for their co-operation and let's everybody be at the dance tomor row night. Mr. Senior in the spotlight this week is Truman Kemp. Truman has taken an active interest in many clubs while in high school and has been a member of the band seven >ears. He is president of the Hi-Y, a Beta member, on the Student Council, on the Annual Staff and Mrs. Willis Entertains Bridge Club Wednesday Mrs. Reginald Willis was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday eve ning at her home. She used ar rangements of chrysanthemums throughout the room. High score was won by Mrs. Dan Swindell, second high by Mrs. A II. James and low by Mrs. Willis. During progressions the hostess served colas and at the conclusion of play she served gcrman choco late cake and coffee. The club will meet with Mrs. Percy Dcyo next week. Mrs. Buddy Baity Hostess To Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. Buddy Baily entertained the Wednesday evening bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee were served for des sert. Mrs. Billy Oglcsby won high score and Mra. Sam Gibbs won low. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Gibbs next week. Mrs. Roberts Entertains Bridge Club on Tuesday Mrs. A. B. Roberts entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. G. H. Jackson of Raleigh was an invited guest. Mrs. J. C. Taylor was high scor er, Mrs. S. W. Thompson was sec ond high and Mrs. R. W. Taylor was low. Mrs. Roberts served cream puffs and coffee. Hospital Notes Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Monday, Mr. Clifton Ycomans, Smyrna; Mrs. Sara White, Beaufort; Mr. Watson Lewis, Morchead City; Mr. Stan ley Golden, Marshallbcrg. Tuesday, Mrs. Catherine Watson, New Bern; Mrs. Olive Garrish, Ocracoke; Miss Peggy Denise Wil lis, Williston; Mrs. Iris Coates, Markers Island. Wednesday, Mr. Nathan Robin son. Havelock; Mr. William Willis, Beaufort. Discharged: Monday, Mrs. Gra de Gaskill, Smyrna; Mr. Marvin Powers, Morehead City. Taesday, Mr. Wallace WUlis. Stacy; Mrs. Vera Weires and daughter, Sea Level; Mr. Leland Garner, Newport; Mr. Stanley Golden, Marshallberg. Wednesday, Mrs. Irene Smith, Beaufort; Miss Peggy Denise Wil lis, Williston. Stork News Births at Marebead City Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hudson. Beaufort, a daughter, Saturday, Nov. IS. To Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Buck, Morehead City, a daughter, Sat urday, Nov. 13. -? SPECIAL 1 RACK EARLY FALL DRESSES DRASTICALLY REDUCED Our Holiday Drum are Arriving Daily. Shop Now for Beat Selection THE DRESS SHOP T14 AfTMkll St Pb?w PA ???! Nwnekead C*y plays basketball. He hai alio been a member oi FTA and 4-H. Topping Truman's list of favo rites are: breaded veal cutiets, Pat Boone, Victory at Sea, water skiing and camping. When asked what his favorite saying was he aaid, "Waddya, wise?" Truman is well liked for his free and friendly manner. His smiling face would even warm a fresh man's heart. He stands 5' LO'i" tall and weighs 130 lbs. His exterior dec orating includes blonde hair and blue eyes. (Sounds ideal huh?) Truman has not yet made a college preference, however, he is considering the United States Air Force Academy and North Carolina State. He plans to be an aeronautics engineer and you can bet he'U make a good one! Mrs. Dick Parker Hostess To Tuesday Bridge Club Mrs. Dick Parker was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. She used arrange ments of chrysanthemums and ja ponicas for decoration. Mrs. Dick Weeks was a guest. High score went to Mrs. Wayne Thompson, second high to Mrs. Weeks and low to Mrs. Dave Wil lis. During progressions the hostess served candies, mixed salted nuts and colas. At the conclusion of play she served cocoanut pie and coffee. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Jimmy Wallace next week. Mrs. Jackson is Honored At Party on Wednesday Mrs. Ct. II. Jackson of Raleigh, who is visiting friends here, was honored at a dessert-bridge Wed nesday afternoon, given by Mrs. G. E. Sanderson and Mrs. Robert Laughton at the Sanderson home. Arrangements of yellow and pink chrysanthemums were used to car ry out a fall motif. A dessert of caramel pecan cake and coffee was served. High score prize, a desk pad and pencil set, was won by Mrs. Jack Burruss. Mrs. Jackson won the guest prize, an address book, and Mrs. Walter Morris won low prize, Christmas cards. Mrs. McCann is Hostess To Triple C Canasta Club Mrs. Jack McCann entertained the Triple C Canasta .Club at her home Wednesday evening. Guests were Mrs. Johnny Edwards and Mrs. Warren Mann. High score was won by Mrs. Robert B. Lawrence, second high by Mrs. Joe Giaimo and low by Mrs. T. J. McCarthy Jr. Colas, mixed nuts and candy were served during play and strawberry shortcake and coffee were served at the conclusion of play School Lunch Menus Listed Beaufort School Maaday: Pork chops, mashed po tatoes, green peaa, bread, butter, applesauce, milk. Tuesday: Vegetable - beef soup, bam salad sandwich, pimento cheese sandwich, crackers, cook ies, milk. Wednesday: Roast turkey, dress ing, gravy, cranberry sauce, string beans, roils, butter, candy, milk. More bead City School Monday: Shepard pie, pineapple salad, snap and shell peas, hot biscuits, butter, cookies, milk. Tuesday: Corned beef hash, slaw, corn and tomatoes, hot bis cuits, butter, sliced peaches, milk. Wednesday: Roast pork with dressing and gravy, cranberry sauce, buttered sweet potatoes, garden peas, hot biscuits, butter, ice cream, milk. Newport School ^Monday: Luncheon meat, cream ed potatoes, cheese itlcki, itring beam, cabbage-carrot-pickle salad, pineapple custard, milk. Tuesday: Tuna salad with eggs, field peaa and anapa, buttered corn, potato chipa, peanut butter and jelly on crackers, milk. Wednesday: Baked turkey, dress ing, gibiet gravy, green peas, carnberry sauce, hot rolls, ice cream, cookies, milk. Smyrna School Monday: Pimento cheese and deviled ham aandwiches, vegeta ble-beef soup, crackers, cake with icing, milk. Tuesday: Weiners, baked beans, cole slaw, donuts, milk, bread. Wednesday : Baked turkey, dress ing and gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, cocoanut cookies, bread, milk. Wormy Crooks South Bend, Ind. (AP) ? Joseph Triop bad to close up shop while he obtained a new stock of mer chandise. Somebody broke in and stole his entire supply of 2,600 worms. See Morehead City Hospital notes on page 4, section 2. Tree Firm Cleans Out Dead Wood The Catawba Tree Co., Char lotte, has been at work in Beau fort the pait three weeks remov ing dead trees, taking out dea4 limbs and removing branches left partly hanging alter Helene. The project is expected to be financed by hurricane rehabilita tion funds. Five men are workinf with the tree crew. Helping to di rect the work is Charles Laughing house, Beaufort. /U1 burnable wood taken out of the trees has been given to needy persons through the welfare de partment or to persons willing to haul it away. The work is expected to be fin ished in about a week. Director Fairweather San Bernardino, Calif. (AP) ? The new director of the Air Pollu tion Control District is John H. Fairweather. THE BIGGEST EVENT IN TOWN! STYRONS PRE-THANKSGIVING SALE NOW GOING ON Sale Ends Saturday, Nov. 29th ? Ladies' Dresses ? Car Coats and Dress Coats ? Children's Dress Coats and Car Coats ? Men's and Boys' Suits and Coats ? Dan River Sheets (all sizes) $1.88 ea. ? Dan River Pillow Cases 97c pr. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! Foresight con males you, too, a success os a Santa! ?g:l959 mk The secret of boing a successful Santa is planning ahead. Decide how much you'll want for really gala gifting next year and start saving towards it now. It's easy when yo?'re a member of our Christmas Club I You never mass the little bit you put aside each week . . . and my, how fast it grows! You'll see what wa mean when you get your check ... plenty of money for everything I Commercial National Bank MOREHEAD CITY ? SEA LEVEL MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM