CLASSIFIED ADS DIAL PA 6-4175 Ask for "WANT ADS" W?nt ads (or the Tuesday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Monday. Want ads for the Friday issue may be phoned in until 1 p.m. on Thursday. ALL KEYED ADS (ads signed with box numbers) are strictly confidential and no information will be given. For Salo GIRL S 20-INCH BICYCLE, GOOD condition, $15. Call PA 6-4685. d9 THREE PRACTICALLY NEW electric heaters, suitable to heat one or two rooms. Also one elcctric family siic stove. Contact or sec Mr. Davis, Broadway Cafe, Phone PA 6 3356. d5 HANCOCK WINCH WITH CA bles. Reasonable. Sec at Lea's Fish House, Evans St. Phone PA 6-4138. dl2p R.C.A. Estate Gas Cooking Range 4 Burners and Griddle. Com pletely Automatic Oven. Over* all latest Safety Features. Special This Week $125.00 Call or See At Sound Appliance Co., Inc. 14N Bridges St., Morehead City Phone PA 6 4452 dS J-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH, near water at South River. Call PA 6-3602 for information. dS 21 -INCH USED ZENITH TV. RE conditioned, guaranteed. Only $149.95. Beasley'i Radio fc Tele vision Service, 827 Arendell Street. Phone PA 6-4791. SPECIAL CLOSE OUT PRICE ON Ball-Band Waders, $27.95. All sizes. Lipman'i Shoe Store, Beaufort. d9 MODERN HOME FOR YEAR round leisure living, also beautiful water front lots. A. C. Hodges, Ho Ho Village, 6 miles west of More head, Highway 24. d5 GUNS AND AMMUNITION HUNTING SUPPLIES HARDWARE AND BUILDING SUPPLY CO. 727 Arendell St., Morehead City TOR LOW COST TRANSPOKTA tton in business or pleasure see the Cuihman Motor Scooters and Cush oun Truckster. Sound Appliance Co. is Sales and Service Dealer. 1406 Bridges St, Morehead City. NEW AND USED FURNITURE. Hamilton Furniture Co., near school Ml Live Oak St., Beaufort, N. C. tf THE NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES PA M17I Ona-Tima Inaartioa Ic per ward tmuitm ariahnaai _ $1.00 Fom-Tima CooHcuttr* Inaartiona Ic par wart Imta ?!?!??? 00c Eight-Tuna CooMcnthr* Inaartiona "iSiSfi Each initial. abbreviation, ?roup of Claaaifiad Dia?lay Ada 92c far calm lack 1% Biei? t tar payaaet ky Carda of Thanka and Special Notices accepted at regular GUnifitd Bitta THE NEWS-TIICES will ke re apooalble foe the first Incorrect insertion at any daaaified ad vertisement, if the value o I the advertisement kaa keen leaaen ad by the error, and then only to the extant of ? make-food rl?M iMtriN ar reject any For Sal* 17-INCH ZENITH PORTABLE television. A-l condition. $79.95. Beasley's Radio 4 Television Ser vice, 827 Arendell, phone PA <-4781. Open Friday nights until S p.m. Just Arrived CHRISTMAS SHEET MUSIC (24 Top Tunes) OVER-NIGHT FILM SERVICE Out of Town Newspaper* FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AFTER-HOURS GROCERIES All At The CITY NEWS PHONE PA 6-9493 f 21-INCH RCA TV. RECONDITION ed. Guaranteed. Only $149.95. Beaslcy's Radio and Television Servicc, 827 Arendell Street, phone PA 6-4791. FRENCH PROVINCIAL DINING room set; solid fruitwood. Almost new, reasonable. Call PA 6-3668. CALORIC GAS RANGE, EXCEL lent condition. Will deliver. $75. Phone PArk 6-3675. dl6 WARD'S TIRES AND BATTERIES BATTERIES 18 Mos. Guarantee $ 9.49 Exch. 30 Moe. Guarantee $13.45 Exch. 48 Uoa. Guarantee $16.95 Exch 60 Mos. Guarantee $19.95 Exch. TIRES 600 - 16 $13.15 670 - 15 $14.54 710 - 15 Deluxe Quality.. $22.(6 760 - 15 Deluxe Quality.- $25.05 Installed Ftm 8TB STREET SERVICE STATION Authorised Ward's Dealer Phooe PA 6-3161 f WE SELL USED AUTO PARTS AUTO ENGINES FOR BOATS We Buy ? Brass ? Copper Radiators ? Batteries Scrap Iran aid Steel Aircraft Landing Mats SAULTER AUTO SALVAGE CO. New Ben, N. C Dial Mo. 7-Jtll ( COWBOY BOOTS, VALUES *?.S5 and $7.95, special price $4.93. Black or tan. Siies 8W to 8. Hardware A Building Supply Co., 727 Aren dell St., Morehead City. World Book Encyclopedia ISM Edition Completely Sold Oat I can take orders for 1*3* edi tion through Dec. 28 at present prices, to be delivered after Jan. I. Bay now and save $20. Price will go np after Jan. 1. MRS. EFFIE NANCE W. Beaufort Road Beanfort, N. C. Phone PA 8-4511 dS OIL CIRCULATOR, AMPLE HEAT for iix rooms; perfect condition, $35.00. Call PA 6-4396. dh Qnkk Delivery Custom Draperies Over 100 Pattern* ? Cos temporary ? Akitract Modem ? Scenic* ? Colonial Print* ? Solid* Dial PA MUS for Service In Y*w Home Finest Qiality ? Popular Priced See Oar Complete Line Hamilton's Furniture Center Downtown Morebead City 21-INCH MOTOROLA TELE vision. One year warranty on pic ture tube. $149.95. Beaaley't Ra dio fc Television Service, 827 Aren deU, phone PA 6-4791. EASTERN PEST CONTROL CO. Beaufort, N. C. A Division of Eastern Mill works, toe Complete Pest Control Service Termite* - Roaches - Silverfish Modern - Professional Method* Locally Owned and Operated Guaranteed Result* Call PA M4I7 N. C. License PW* 2M tf Buaisaaea Service* FOR CORRECT TIME-PA (-31M. For correct Jewelry, aatisfactory i watch repair, Early Jeweler*. TO Arendell St. Morehead aty. FARM LOANS? FOR LONG TERM Federal Land Bank loan* contact W. E. Pollock, 110 South McLewean St., phone JAckaon 3-2370, Kinaton, N. C. Mr. Pollock la In New Bern at the Production Credit Office each Thuradajr morning from 10 to 12 o'clock. d30 CARTERET COLLECTION AGENCY Collectibility of Judgment! investigated P. O. BOX 2?7 MOREHEAD CITY Call BEASLEYS FOR QUALITY TV Service PA 6-4791 BEASLEYS RADIO AND TELE vision Service, open Friday nights 'til 9 p.m. Records, Hi-Fi, TV and Appliances. New location 827 Aren dell Street. "WHERE SERVICE IS BETTER" Complete Mechanical Service Frost-End Alignment Wheels Balanced Expert Fender ft Body Work Finest Painting Job* Parker Motors Yaar Friendly Ford Dealer Dealer No. 1200 tf SEPTIC TANKS Installed, Serviced We Clean Septic Tanks THOMAS B. MARSH CO., INC. New Bern, N. C. Can U12 Concrete Pipe . Lawn Benches Try The Little Drug Store With The Big Heart Excellent Service Reasonable Prices See Us Today Phone PA 8-3810 WE GIVE SAV-A-STAMPS BELL'S DRUG STORE Pnat St Beaafort, N. C tf JERRY J. WILUS Real Estate General Insurance City Theatre Bldf. Morehead C tty If Retreading National Gaaraateo From Caail to Corns! Completely Moderated to Ketrsad 14 and lf-lnch Tim with LATEST SAFETY TREAD Tire Service Co. lJth aad AreadeD St More head CHy PhoM FA MM ENGINE MACHINE SHOP Craakahaft Grinding Sarface Cylinder Bead* Sarlace Cylinder Blocks Bnandltlon Caaai i llag Bad* Brahe Dm Taralnf Complete Valve Wark Enflae Bailer Install Cylinder Sleeves la the-Block Craakskaft Grinding Platan Pin Fitting Platan bailing Many Other Services Are Available MOREHEAD MOTOR PARTS' Oh and Evana M. Phases pa M7M and PA Ml Merahead City, N. C. ^ Buaineaa Service* FOR OIL STOVE HEATING SERVICE Cleaning, Repair and Installation Call PA 6-4066 Ask For STOVE SERVICE Want to Buy COMPLETE LIVING AND BED room furniture, in good condition. See or call Mr. Davis, Broadway Cafe, phone 6-3338. d5 Buaineaa Opportunities MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY. Rapidly expanding company de sires retail diamond salesman. All inside. Experience not necessary. Salary plus monthly bonus. Age 23 to 33. Call Mr. Jensen, Jack sonville, N. C., 9188 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. dS Help Wanted MAN WANTED TO SUPPLY RAW leigh products to consumers in East Carteret County. Good time to start. No capital required. See or call Rawleigh Dealer J. H. Gen try, Star Route, Swansboro, or write Rawleigb's, Dept. NCL-870 552-B, Richmond, Va. dl?fp WANTED AT ONCE: RAWLEIGH dealer in Morehead City and Beau fort. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCK, 970-R, Richmond, Va. n28-fp Christmas Selling Is In Full Swing You can enjoy a good weekly Income now and throughout the Incoming year selling Avon in your community. WRITE MANAGER BOX 503 ? KINSTON, N. C. dS SALES PERSON, ANXIOUS TO make $100 a week or more. No , Limit to potential. No competition on franchised items. Every home , a potential customer. List qualifi cations and age. Write Box 40, c/o News-Times. d5 For Rent TWO - BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, electric stove, electri- ] city and hot water furnished, oil < heat, Venetian blinds; near school. , Parking. 3204 Evans, PA 6-3041. dS M & N Apartments Two bedrooms, living room, di- I nette, kitchen, private bath, i garbage disposal. All major ap pliances furnished. Also water I and garage. Upstairs, $57, downstairs, $42. Downstairs apartment available now. Con- i tact J. H. Neal, Agent, phone PA 8-32M, Beaufort. NICELY FURNISHED, TWO BED- , room house with electric kitchen. 1600 Evans St. NICELY FURNISHED 4 - ROOM ! apartment located 2006 Evans. Ap ply 2004 Evans or call PA 6-3508. ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, fully furnished . Apply W. A. Stanley, 106 N. 10th St., phone PA 6 5335. d5p SEVEN - ROOM HOUSE, FUR~ nished, 2 baths, facing beach. Mit chell Village. Call PA 8-4615 or see Beatty, 1201V* Front St., Beaufort. d5p HOUSE TRAILER, 2-BEDROOM, completely equipped; automatic washing machine. Located on sound. Ideal for water sports. Con tact John A. Baker Agency, Atlan tic Beach, N. C. FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM house. Call PA 6-4535 or 1500 Shackleford St. AVAILABLE DEC. 1* NEW 2-BEDROOM HOUSE Unfurnished. W.N north. SAM GUTHRIE PA (-9M4 SMALL 2-BEDROOM, FURNISH ed house at Galea Creek. Call PA 6-4992 after 4 p.m. dS 4-ROOM DOWNSTAIRS FURNISH ed apartment; newly painted. Call PA 8-3274. FURNISHED GARAGE APART ment, 2107 Bridget St., phone PA 6-4385. SUNSHINE COURT, TWO BED roora furnished house. Electric kitchen. Apply in person Front Street, Ext., phone PA 8-4443. NICELY FURNISHED, TWO BED room house with electric kitchen. 1503 Shackleford St., PA 8-4535. 10 NICE OFFICE ROOMS, BATH and hot and cold runniug water. 2nd and 3rd floor. Corner S. 9th St., over Beaaley'a Radio * TV Service. C. H. Freeman, Agent SEDUCED WINTER RATES, waterfront apartments. Mrs. Frank Nance, Colonial Apartments, 123 Front St., Beaufort. N. C. Phone PA 8-49&L Special Noticaa CARD OF THANKS The family of the late George M. Rom wishes to express their thinki to their many friends for the help and loving kindness dur ing the illneu and death of their loved ooe. dS CARD OF THANKS Our sincere appreciation goes to the Morehead City fire department. It la a credit to the community. Alvln Wade and family. dS Legal Noticas ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of David John Hall Sr., deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at Route 1, Newport, N. C., on or before the 6th day of December, 1959, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make psompt payment. This 3i?d day of December, 1958. Lester L. Hall, Administrator d5-12-19-26 J2 9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix c.t.a. of the estate of Thomas B. Dixon, deceased, late of Car teret County, N. C., this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Morehead City, N. C., on or before the 6th day of December, 1959, or this no tice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indedbted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 3rd day of December, 1958. Mary Virginia Godwin, Administratrix C.T.A. d5-12-19-26 j2-9 NOTICE The public will take notice tbat Carteret County will offer for sale and will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door, on the 13th day of December, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the county by virtue of a tax deed dated January 14, 1944, and exe cuted by C. G. Holland, Sheriff: In Straits Township, and consist ing of IS acres of woods land for merly listed in the name of Paul Jones. A full cash payment at the time of closing the bid will be required. This the 4th day of December, 1958. Alvah L. Hamilton, County Attorney for Carteret County dS-12 NOTICE OF RE SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina C?rteret County Carteret County vs. Freeman Nelson Nancy J. Holt Under and pursuant to authority of G. S. of N. C. 105-392, subsec tion (c), and by authority of those certain executions issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Car teret County in the proceedings as above captioned and dated July 28, 1958, pursuant to the judgments entered for unpaid taxes due Car treet County constituting a lien on the lands hereinafter described, the undersigned did on the 25th day of October, 1958, expose to public sale at the courthouse door, Beaufort, North Carolina, the following de scribed property: Merrimon Township ? 11 acres woods, Henry Nelson land, culti vated and dwelling; (listed in the name of Freeman Nelson). Morehead Township ? Lots 16, 17, Sq. 19, Morehead Bluffs; (listed in the name of Mary J. Holt). That at said sale Mrs. J. M. Stallings became the highest bidder for the property of Freeman Nelson as above described; that B. B. Baugus, within ten days after said sale, filed a raised bid of ten per cent; that Theodore Phillips was the highest bidder for the property of Nancy J. Holt; that within ten days from the date of said sale Al bert Edwards and Raymond E. Barrett filed a raised bid of ten per cent; that on the 20th day of No vember, 1958, A. H. James, pursu ant to provisions of Chapter 1, Sec tion 339-27 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, issued an order of resale. Wherefore, pursuant to the judg ment, execution, and order of re sale as hereinbefore referred to, the undersigned will re-sell the fol lowing described parcel of land at the courthouse door, Beaufort, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon on the 13th day of December, 1958, the said estate to the highest bidder for cash. No bids will be accepted in an amount less than $148.50 on the property of Freeman Nelson, and no bid of less than $137.50 will be accepted on the property of Nancy J. Holt. The 28th day of November, 1958. Hugh Salter Sheriff, Carteret County d5-12 ORDER AUTHORIZING ?2.5?0,M0 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS WHEREAS, The Carteret County Board of Education has certified to this Board a resolution passed on December 1, 1958, showing that adequate school facilities are not now available in the County of Car teret to comply with the require ments of Section 3 of Article IX of the Constitution o t North Carolina for the maintenance of schools six months in every year, and that it is necessary, in order to maintain such aix months' school term ai required by said Section 3 of Arti cle IX of the Constitution, to erect U|tl Notices I additional school buildings ?od other achool plant Ucilitiei. re model, enlarge and reconstruct ?*? i?ting achool bulldinga and outer achool plant facilities and acquire necessary land and equipment therefor, to provide additional achool facilitiea in the County ol Carteret, the estimated coat of which ia $2,500,000; and WHEREAS, aaid resolution re quests the Board of Commiaaton era to take all necessary step#, by the issuance of bonds or otherwise, i in order that auch achool facilities may be provided; and WHEREAS, the Board of Com missioners has carefully examined the facts and has determined and does hereby find as a fact that said statements of the above men tioned resolution are true and that it has become the duty of said Board of Commissioners, acting as an administrative anent of the State in providing a State ayatem of public schools, to order the is suance of bonds of the County of Carteret so that the school facUi ties mentioned in paragraph 1 of this order and in said resolution may be provided in order to main tain the six months' school term in the County of Carteret as re quired by Section 3 of Article La of the Constitution; now, therefore, be it ordered and re solved by the Board of Commis sioners for the County of Carteret: 1 That, pursuant to The County Finance Act, as amended, and 1 In order to maintain the six months school term in the County of Car teret as required by Section 3 of Article IX of the Constitution, the County of Carteret, North Carolina, is hereby authorized to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority to contract, and in evi dence thereof to issue School Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $2, 500,000 for the purpose of provid ing funds for erecting additional school buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquiring necessary land and equ.pmen therefor, to provide additional school facilities in the County of Carteret. 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and the '"te'es' on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. 3. That a statement of the Coun ty debt has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspec "T That this order shall take ef fect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as pro vided in said Act. The foregoing order has been in troduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County Finance Act showing the assessed valuation of the County to ? $40,070,365, and the net debt for school purposes, posed bonds, to be $2,637,995.00. A {ax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any citizen or taxpayer may Pfote't against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the SM^o' Coun ty Commissioners to be held at o'clock, A.M. January 5, 1959, or an adjournment thereof. Odell Merrill Clerk of Board of Commissioners NOTICE TO CREDITORS Thomas J. Thomas, one of the partners of the firm "A. B. Roberts. Thomas J. Thomas, and R. W. Freeman, trading at, W. P. Freeman Wholesale Company," having died on the 2nd day of No vember, 1958. thereby dissolving said partnership, this is to notify all persons having claims against said partnership tQ exhibit the same before the undersigned sur viving partners at Morehead City, North Carolina, on or before the 21st day of November, 1959. The normal operation of the busi ness will be continued by A. B. Roberts and Robert W. Freeman as surviving partners, and as a new partnership of "A. B. Roberts and Robert W. Freeman, trading as W. P. Freeman Wholesale Com pany." This 21st day of November, 195S. A. B. Roberta Robert W. Freeman Surviving Partners n21-2S d5-12 NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the power contained in that mortgage deed by George Marshall and wife, Eliia T. Mar shall, to John Weeks, recorded in Book 118, page 153, Office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned ? Legal Notices mortgagee will sell at public auc tion for cash at the court bouie door at Carteret County ia Beau fort, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon, the 28th day of December, 10U, the following described lot of land situate in Carteret County, North Carolina, to- wit: In White Oak Township: Begin ning at the run of Rosin Branch in the old Bogue Sound Road, run ning thence eastwardly with aaid road 44 poles to an iron stake; thence South 5* 00' West, 32 poles to a ditch; thence southwestwardly with said ditch to the run of Rosin Branch; thence with the run of Rosin Branch to the beginning; containing 10 acres more or less. See deeds in Book 43, page 566, and Book 100, page 427. The successful bidder will be re quired to pay cash or give a de posit of 10% of the amount of the bid up to $1,000.00, plus 5% of any excess over $1,000.00. The sale will be made subject to taxes and spe cial assessments, if any. This 28th day of November, 1950. /s/ John A. Weeks Mortgagee 028 cti-12-19 MORE LEGAL NOTICES ON PAGE 3 The 54-foot cabin cruiser Sanaer let ran aground just off the Jeffrr m Hotel, Morehead City, Saturday afternoon Coaat Guardsmen from Fart Macao towed the yacht to deeper water. I SPECIAL H Business Man's Lunch Rex Restaurant Highway n Weal, Morehead City MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11 A.M. to I P.M. COMPLETE DINNER Meat and Seafood 97? TRY IT! YOU'LL ENJOY ITI ^INBo^ LAUNDRY AND For complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning services call or come by to see us. Remember, we are the first to bring reasonable priced Dry Cleaning to Carteret County. 2008 Bridges Street Morehead City, N. C. Phone PA 6-4444 TELEVISION PROGRAMS (Note: Program Ustlafs 11 they appear here are prwrtdad by the It stations). WNCT Channel 9 FRIDAY. DEC. ft 6 30 RFD NIM 7:00 RFD Nina 7:30 Morning Medita tions 7 40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Morning Newt 7:55 Weatherman 8:00 Capt Kangaroo 8:45 Morning News 9 00 Burns 4k Allen 9:30 World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10:30 Play Your Hunch 11.00 Joe Emerson Hymntlme 11:15 Godfrey Tim# 11:30 Top Dollar 12:00 Farm News 12:10 Weatherman 12:15 Debnam Views the News 12:30 8earch for To 12:45 Guiding Light 1 00 Love of Ufe 1:30 As the World Turns 2:00 Jimmy Dean 3:30 Llnkletter s Houseparty iiSffcSX&u Yours _ 5:30 Mickey Mousa 6 00 Annie _Oskley How to Marry a Millionaire 7 30 Your Htt Parade 8 00 Traekdown 9:30 SrhllU Plya- * house US PmgMoPerson jiiHssL. 11:15 TV Hoar of Stars KATI RUA Y. DEC. C 8 00 ^rtlgons of the 9:00 tiomper Room 10 :00 Capt. Kangaroo 10:30 Parker* ? Pals 11 :00 Popeye 11:15 Leurn to Draw 11 :30 Robin Hood 12:00 Noon News 12 10 Hopalong Cassldy 1 00 Dansorama 2 00 Pro Hockey 4:15 Inside Football 4:30 Victory at Sea 5:00 All Star Golf 6 00 Bowling Stars 7:00 Whlrlyblrds 7 30 High Adventure 8:30 Wanted ? Dead or Alive 9:00 Gale Storm 9:30 Have Gun Will Travel 10:00 Gunamoke 10 30 Mike Hammer 11 :00 Saturday News 11:15 |3ght Leaf srNDAY, DEC. 1 10:00 Lamp Unto My 10:30 Look Up and Live 11 .00 UN In Action 11:30 Big Picture 12 00 Oral Roberts 12:30 Face the Nation 1:00 Let s Go to College 1:30 History Behind the News 1 45 Football Klckoff 2 00 Pro Football 4 30 Circuit RWer 5 00 Small World 5:30 Amateur Hour ? 00 Lawrtnos Welk Show T OO Lassie 7 30 Bachelor Father 8:00 Ed Sullivan 9:00 GE Theatre 9 30 Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 Keep Talking 10 .30 Pattt ~- ? 11:00 " MONDAY, DEC. ? ? 30 RKD Nine ?? Weatherman TOO RFD Nine 7:30 Morning Medita tion* 7 40 Bulletin Board 7:45 Mom lag Newa 7 55 Weatherman 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 8:49 Morning Newt 9:00 Burns A Allen 9 .30 The World of Science 10:00 For Love or Money 10.30 Play Your Hunch 11.00 Godfrey Time 11:30 Top Dollar 13:00 Farm News 13:10 Weatherman 13:18 Debnam View? the New* 12:30 Search lor iWMiiew 13:45 Guiding light 1:00 Love of Ltje 1:30 Aa the World Turns 3:00 Jimmy Dean Show 3:30 Llnkletttr't Housepartr Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4 30 Edge ot Night 5 00 Popeye 5:30 Mickey Mouae Club 6:00 TUmar of the ?:? YoS'1 Wlin UMBM 1 u ITI-Bnt v nv? ? HflKlliV nrr f 1:00 Today ?:30 gwbllc Servteo Program 9:48 Morning Dtvo. 10:00 10:90 11:00 i&SSM'TKk 11:00 Adventures In the Hand Art* 11:30 Circus Boy 13:00 Teen Canteen 1:00 Wheatles Sports 1:15 nKlA Football 4:15 Kernpet- Score. 4:30 Rock 'N Roll 5 00 Western Theatre Country Music 7:00 Master s Three 7:30 People Are 8:00 W!7f Como 9:00 Steve Canyon 8:30 Cimarron City "* Brains and Brawn 1100 Late News, gports. W( Horror 10:30 11:1 11J 6 30 Continental Classroom 7:00 Today 9 00 In School T?l?

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