? Morehead City Social News ?In Ellaa Meiu, 8*cMr Editor rktm FA MIT* Craig Willis spent the weekend it Buena Vista, Va., and attended the Christmas dance at Southern Seminary, where he was the guest of Miss Fanella Cooper. Mrs. Tony Strolio arrived Wed nesday from Beaufort, S. C., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Davis, while Mr. Strolio is attending school in Memphis, Tenn., for four months. Mr. Davis went to South Csrolina to get his daughter. Mr. Douglas Wade, who is sta tioned at Wilmington with the Coast Guard, was here Tuesday for the funeral of Mr. Vernon Sty ron of Beaufort. Mrs. S. W. Thompson Jr. visited in Chapel Hill this week. Kent Brown and Jimmy Parker, students at Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone, will ar rive home today to spend the holidays with Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. John Bordeaux and family will spend the weekend in Wilmington. Mrs. L. Hugh Marshburn of Wilmington, who has been visiting here, will return home with them. Ted Phillips, a student at Vir ginia Polytechnic Institute, Nor folk, Va., has arrived home to spend Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Phillips. Walter Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Willis, has arrived from the College of William and Mary at Norfolk, Va., to spend the quarter holidays with his fam ily. Employees and directors of Com merclal National Bank who attend ed a ChrUtmai party at the Hotel Kinaton Tueaday night were Mr. and Mra. Seldon Sherwood, Mr. and Mra. Gary Fewer, Mr. and Mra. Leonard Quillen, Mr. and Mra. William Moore, Mra. Mildred Gillikin. Mra. 8tewart Hill, Miaa Jean Gillikin, Mr. and Mra. R. E. Butner Jr.. Mr. and Mra. Clifton Lynch, Dr. John Morria, Mr. and Mra. George DUl and Mr. and Mra. H. S. Gibba. Al Conner, USAF, of Kecsler Field, Miaa., ia (pending a thirty day leave with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Conner. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sanford and Mr. and Mra. Robert Barnum of Glasgow, Kan., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Barnum Jr. and family. From here they will go to Florida. Dr. Norman Lang, of Wilmington waa the dinner guest of Dr. and Mra. Barnum last week. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Lee Paul and son, Gary, of Raleigh are spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Paul. Mrs. Warren Mann Hostess to Canasta Club Mrs. Warren Marin was hostess to the Triple C canasta club Wed nesday evening at her home. Colas, nuts, and fudge were served dur ing play and chocolate cake, ice cream, and coffee were served at the conclusion. Mrs. Robert Lawrence won high scori', Mrs. Jack McCann won sec ond high and Mrs. Kenneth Ulvila won low. The club will meet next week at the home of Mrs. Joseph Giaimo. EASTMAN'S TOWN & SOUND SHOP Morehead City Has Twinkle toes for Holiday Parties $9.95 GIFT CERTIFICATES Glitter, flats and ?loriou? holiday boauty ... for aftar-(hra czciUmcnt during tho important occasional (to It B to AAA Other Sites ? to 1* B to AAAA $9.95 e VRAM $/25 5350 A mm WALSH 4 IN* Garden Club Members Will Attend Party Membcri of the Garden and Civici Department of the Woman'e Club will meet at the dvic center Wedneaday afternoon at 2:30 for their annual Chriatmaa party. Mra. Luther Hamilton Sr. will five a talk and ahow colored alidea of her trip to the Holy Land. Exhibits in the following three classea will be judged and rib bons awarded: An individual favor for dining table or party plate will be ahown in claaa one. Thla may Include a place card. Christmai Day in the morning la the aubject for class two. This will be a breakfast place setting for a child and may include a fa vor but not a centerpiece. The third class will be conver sation picce, an original or a copy. This will be a dccorative arrange ment or composition of Christmas greens, baubles, candles, figurines or what have you, for hall or oc casional table, end of mantel, small dining table, buffet, etc. There will be two groups in the third class, religious and non-re ligious. Members may enter one exhibit in classcs one and two and one each in the two groups of class three. Mrs. J. F. Herbert, exhibit chair man, advises members to groom their household plants for January exhibits. Fidelis Class Members Attend Christmas Party Mrs. Rufus Oglesby was hostess to the Fidelis Class of First Bap tist Church Tuesday evening, when they met for a Christmas party. Mrs. J. L. Carrick gave the de votional, Mrs. Willie Fulchcr gave a reading, Keeping Chirstmas, and Mrs. Cecil Nelson read a Christ mas poem. Mrs. George Howard conducted the business session. The class voted to send $5 to Mrs. Cathy Gillikin as a Christmas gift. They will also send cards and fruit to shut-ins. Four new group captains were ?elected. They are Mrs. Cassie Mann, Mrs. John P. Oglesby, Mrs. Lillian Wallace and Mrs. Ruby Baldrce. The members enjoyed group singing of carols and gifts were exchanged. Red and green jello with whipped cream, cookies and candies were served the fifteen members who attended. St. Mary's Chapter Will Bring Gifts for Needy The members of St. Mary'i Chapter of St. Andrew's Episco pal Church will bring gifts and food to church Sunday to help needy families at Christmas. This was planned at the chapter meet ing Wednesday at the parish house. St. Mary's will entertain St. Catherine's chapter at a Christmas party at I o'clock this evening at the parish house. Mrs. Grayson Bullock presided at the meeting, which was attend ed by twenty members and two guests. The meeting adjourned with The Lord's Prayer, after which Mrs. R. H. Dowdy Sr. served refreshments. Brownie Troop Prepares For Christmas Season Third grade Brownie troop 267 met Tuesday afternoon at the Episcopal parish house. Gwen Gar ner was hostess and served dough nuts with chocolate icing and colas. After roll call and dues were collected, we drew names for Christmas presents and discussed plans for our Christmas party. Then Mrs. James D. Gillikin, our leader, invested Robin Maire and Louise Wickizer, two new members of troop 287, in a short ceremony. After the ceremony, vie wrapped the present we made for our mo thers. We sang Christmas carols and closed with the friendship circle. ?Julie Hill Day, Secretary Stork N?w? Births at M oit head Cttj Hospital: To Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Guth rie, Morehead City, ? daughter, Sunday, Dec. 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cox, Morehead City, a son, Sunday, Dec. 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pagano, Morehead City, a son, Monday, Dec. 8. PTA Ia HMt Mrs. B. F. Royal will give a Christmas program at the Camp Glenn PTA meeting Tuesday night at 7:30 at the school. SUNSHINE LAUNDRY AND LAUNDtYCTTE HONI PA MM HIS BrMfet St CKjr T? n Topic* FT A Meets, History Classes Visit Grave of Otway Burns By ANN SANDEK80N The FTA had a business meet ing after school last Friday. The president, V i r * i n i a Thompson, called the meeting to order and Sue Bordeaux gave the secretary's report. The business session was then opened with a discussion of club membership and dues. Two new members were enlisted and the club decided to have 45 cents dues each semester. The members discussed helping a needy family as their Christmas project, and decided to assign a committee to carry out the plans. Mrs. Phillips explained to the club the requirements for their FTA pins. Each member must give an oral and written report on some phase of education. After deciding to meet at least every three weeks, the meeting was adjourned. Mrs. Z. Phillips' US history classes have been visiting the grave of Otway Burns. The study of his life was re viewed in connection with the War of 1812. Before visiting the grave, cach student handed in a report on his life. The Library Club had its meet ing last Tuesday. The president, Clarence Styron, called the meet ing to order and Mike Lewis gave the devotions. The president made a rule that members who do not come to two consecutive meetings and do not hive an excuse will be automatic ally expelled from the club. A constitutional committee was assigned, consisting of Hike Lewis, Ashley Jarman, and Portia Salter, to discuss with Hiss Boomer whe ther to have the new or keep the old constitution. This would then be voted on at the next meeting. The social committee reported that the annual Christmas party would be Dec. 15. The meeting was then closed. Judy Cooper is a quiet senior girl with loads of friends. She has brown hair, big blue eyes and is about 5 foot 3. Judy has been a majorette for two years and has been a good one. Her high school routine has in cluded the FBLA, Tri-Hi-Y, and the annual staff. Her choices are song, Hideaway; singer, Johnny Mathis; food, hot dogs; and her steady, Guy. Her pet peeve is bad drivers. True to the saying "still waters run deep", she has no favorite saying, she just says what's ap propriate. She is a loyal member of the First Methodist Church and says she "loves" to sing. Judy would like to go to St. Mary's and her ambition is to be an artist. These arc the reasons wc have chosen Judy Cooper as Miss Senior of the Week. Slides of Rennaissance Art Seen by Literary, Art Group The Literary and Art Depart-' ment of the Woman's Club met for their Christmas meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the civic cen ter. Mrs. Milton Roush, chairman, presided and welcomed Miss Eve Wynne, a new member. Mrs. Gus Davis, program chair man, introduced Mrs. A. B. Rob erts and Mrs. Josiah Bailey, who presented the program, the Christ mas story as depicted in Rennais sance art. Mrs. Roberts narrated color slides from the National Art Gal lery in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Bailey sang carols pertaining to some of the slides. She was ac companied by Mrs. Louis Norris. Among the slides were The An nunciation by Giovanni di Paolo, Visitation with two Saints by Piero di Cosimo, The Nativity by Petrus Chrsitus, Annunciation to Shepards by Jocopo Bassano, Flight into Egypt by Bellini. Mrs. Bailey sang What Child is This, Ave Maria, Angels We Have Heard of High. O Holy Night, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, Away in a Manger and We Three Kings. The program was closed with the slide Rest on Flight to Egypt while Mrs. Bailey sang Joy to the World. The group joined in sing ing Silent Night. Refreshments of open faced sandwiches, nuts, petit fours and coffee were served by Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Mrs. W. L. Brady, Mrs. Jack Burruss, Mrs. G. D. Gamble and Mrs. Vernon Paul. Lanier Book Club Hears Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Webb The Lanier Book Club met at the civic center Tuesday evening with Miss Amie Klein as hostess. Mrs. J. F. Herbert, president, pre sided. Mrs. Norman Webb gave a paper on the romance of Richard Wag ner, continuing the series on Ro mances of Famous People. Mrs. D. G. Bell read a Christmas story, The SUver Wreath. Mrs. George Dill Sr. was a guest at the meeting. The hostess served ice cream, cake and nuts. Each plate was decorated with a min iature Santa Claus and candle. t Presbyterian Circles Will Meet Monday The Women of the First Presby terian Church will attend their De cember circle meetings Monday. They will meet at the following times and places: Circle one, Mrs. Jasper Phillips chairman, will meet at her home, 2204 Evans St., at S p.m. Circle two, Mrs. Jerry Norris chairman, meets with Mrs. D. Cor dova, 2507 Arendell St., at S p.m. Circle three, Mrs. J. L. Humph rey chairman, meets in the fel lowship hall at 10 a.m. with Mrs. Humphrey as hostess. Circle four, Mrs. J. F. Cosby chairman, meets at the home of Miss Betty Barksdale, 2112 Vi She pard St., at 8 p.m. Mrs. J. C. Taylor Hostess To Afternoon Club Mrs. J. C. Taylor entertained the Tuesday afternoon bridge club at her home this week. Mrs. W. L. Brady was a guest of the club. High score was won by Mrs. Harvey Hamilton Sr., second high by Mrs. R. W. Taylor and low by Mrs. J. C. Taylor. The hostess served raspberry royale ice cream with fruit cake and coffee. Wednesday Evening Club Meets With Mrs. Norris Mrs. Jerry Norris entertained the Wednesday evening bridge club at her home thii week. She served jello delight with cookies and coffee. Mrs. Dick Spears won high score and Mrs. Sam Gibbs won low. The club will meet next Monday night at the home of Mrs. Bill Single ton. Son Arrives Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Highsmith of Newport News, V?., welcomed an 8 pound 13 ounce son Friday, Dec. 5, at Newport News. Mrs. Highsmith is the former Shirley Bowles of Nawport News and Mr. Highsmith is the son of Mrs. Ray E. Highsmith of thif city. rre CHRISTMAS SALE SUMMER AND WINTER MERCHANDISE Adding Merchandise Daily Beys' ud Glrb' Jackets ? size 2 to 14 V3 off Canvas Shoes ? val. $3.98, now $2.00 Dress Hats ? entire stock ... 14 price Dr. Fouer Shoes ? size 0 to 12 16 off A Few Drtu While 8lt?pers op to Sin Itt 3 Tables 3 Racks Big Bargains Big Bargains $2.00 - $2.98 $1.00 - 50c - 25c Vi Pric* Rack fto Retorts, ExckMiei ?r Charge Irene's CHILDREN'S SHOP ?1 J ArewleU SL Morehesd CKy, N. C Hospital Notes Marc he Ml CKj HoapUal Adasitied: Saturday, Mr*. J a alee LeGant, Mr. Guy McCain. New port. Saaday, Mrs. Tbeda B. Guthrie, Mr?. Judie Cm. Mrs Patricia Pa gano, Morehead City; Mr. David Beagle, Kilmarnock, Va. Mooday, Mn. Mable Piner, Mra. Elsie Griffin, Mra. Irene Moore, Miaa Virginia Maaon, Mr. Oie G. Sterlen, Morehead City; Mra. Sa die Douthit. Haveiock; Mr. Floyd Brateher, Mrs. Gabrella Smith, Beaufort; Mri. Bessie Garner, Mrs. Marguerite Gould, Newport; Mr. Alton Willis, Markers Island Dlackarged: Sunday, Mr. Alton Cole, Mrs. Pauline Whitehurst, Beaufort; Mrs. Laura Smith, Sal ter Path; Mr. John Smith, Mr. Charles H. Willis, Mr. Clyde G. Willis, Master George Clayton Warren, Morehead City; Mrs. Bar bara Gilpin and son, Newport. Maaday, Mr. Nathan Gillikin, Mrs. Edna Cordova and daughter, Mrs. Janet Phillips and son, Mrs. Violet Baldwin, Morehead City. Tueaday, Miss Eleanor Patter son, Beaufort; Mr. David Beagle, Kilmarnock, Va.; Mrs. Audrey Skinner and son, Newport. Wednesday, Mrs. Merita Garner and daughter, Mrs. Janice LeGant, Newport; Mrs. Theda B. Guthrie and daughter, Mrs. Mable Piner, Morehead City; Mrs. Sadie Dou thit, Haveiock; Mrs. Nancy Salter, Salter Path; Mrs. Alberta Middle brooks and daughter, Beaufort; Mr. Alton Willis, Harkers Island. Sea Level Hospital Admitted: Monday, Mr. John Ives, Haveiock; Mr. Ray Hamil ton, Sea Level; Master Clyde Tur ner, Morehead City. Wednesday, Miss Frances Hardy, Morehead City; Mrs. Patricia Kel ly, Beaufort. Discharged: Monday, Mr. Johnny Garner, Newport; Mr. James E. Wallace, Haveiock. Tuesday, Mrs. Rebecca Gentry, Swansboro; Mr. Otis Warren, Beaufort; Mr. John Ives, Have iock. Wednesday, Mrs. Barbara Worn ble and son, Davis; baby Robert Trout, Beaufort. Local Elks Lodge Plans Saturday Christmas Party The Morehead City-Beaufort Elks Lodge will have a "Waldorf As toria" Christmas party at the lodge on Arendell Street. Saturday eve ning at 8. Elks and their wives or guests are invited. Admission per couple will be $1, a Christmas gift for the needy. Brownie Troop Meets, Makes Christmas Cards Brownie troop 222 met at the Camp Glenn School library this week. Denise Collins called the roll. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served by Mrs. R. W. Davis. The Brownies then spent their time making Christmas cards. It was announced that there would be only one more meeting before the Christmas holidays. ? Vicki Barrow, Scribe Turkey has a woman military air pilot. She is the widow of a Turk ish air force officer. Her name is Sabiha Gokcen. > ? ?mrtSiMi Renown 7 Light Set. U One Goes Out the Others Stay Ut Christmas Lights For Indoor Use Only 97^ ? Ever Green Balsam Christmas Trees Size 7 to 8 Feet *1-98E?K Ladies' Nylon Hose All Shades and Size* 2 pair *1'00 BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC. 15TH OPEN NIGHTLY 'TIL 9 P.M. ROSE'S 5-10-25^ STORE Morehead City, N. C. $9.00 RESERVE I $3.20 416 quart 86 proof j.t.s. brown** SON COMPANY Ktntuekf BlmtUd Wkisktt 90% Unifki whiaktw 6 | mt(?M 7 0% frain ntutrolipirita Santa Claus WILL BE AT Every Day Beginning Saturday December 13 th - Saturday From 2 to 4 and all othsr days 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 P.M.