Watch Night Service Will Begin at 7:30 P.M. A Watch Night service will be gin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday ai^fct in thi Free Union Free Will Baptist Church, Sea Level. The service wB last until mM night. AnMng tfce speakers will be the Her Phillip Qwidlry, At lantic; the Rev. DavM Hutchinson, Morr'.?d City, the Rev. Clifton Styron, Otway, and the Rev. Gor don Sebastian, Stacy. The Hev. J. E. Floyd, pastor, In vites everyone t? the semice. ?SPENDABLE SERVICE J. M. DAVIS TEXACO PRODUCTS PHONE PA 6-5088 MOREHEAD CITY Air Rifle Bullet Injures Boy's Eye A Christina* (M, lit air rife, rained an ?ye injwy at (tout S p m Sunday to RMnie PiaMaM, 11-ytar-oM son of Mr and Mr*. Henry Pinkham, Fulford Street, Beaufort. According to wltnenes to the ?c ctdeat, children wer 'laying when Karen Willis. 11, dai^iter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Willis. Ann Street, accidentally fired the rifle in the direction of the Pinkham boy. The bullet hit him in the right eye. The rifle was reportedly owned by Ray Raffaldt, who had received it for Christmas. Ronnie Pinkham was taken to Morehead City hospital and then to St. Luke's, New Bern. An eye specialist was nat available there Sunday, but one was expected to see the youngster yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Pinkham wcat to New Bern yesterday morning. It was not known whether the sight in the eye could be saved The accident was investigated by Carlton Garner, assistant chief of police. False Alarm The Morehead City fire depart ment answered a false alarm turn ed in from box 48 Sunday night at 9:20 p m r >x 48 is located at 24th and Fuher St. f ATK) terrace CONCRETE MASONRY ATTRACTIVE INIXPKNSIVE PERMANENT , ?My to lay, long luting, and ittntin wmereto ?aaonry block* an the ideal material for building ?tape, terraces, and patio* . . . especially foe the "DO IT-YOURSELF" faa of today. Concrete block* am Inexpensive, easy to maintain and add beaaty and wJia* to your home. For quality block . . . preciaio* ?aad* m 9*earn? equipment . . . aee u* today. I, DO IT TODAY? THI CONCRETE MASONRY WAY MOREHEAD BLOCK t TILE CO., INC.f Phone PA 6-3970 NEW IBBN B1GBWAV MOKKHKAD CRT, A. C Crossword Pu7.'!e ACROSS I. One wTto front* a cake 5. Covenant t. Btwildered contTtlfcn >?. Matron ll Pain H. Land mttauve IS. Mand 1? Cense 17. Hindrance ' II. rafl flower* M. To make ? flaccid 22. Consume ? gradually 24. Conveys nSE? coffimvntca tlOf? 21. Lei faH 32. Hew in* MM 93. Nuisance* .35. Dunk St iavttff run aground 41. Pilot 4t. Locaffbn 43. Paper fastener 43. Purity mmmnm 43. Me i Hen MMeveio and fro rapidly 33. Under ground fungu* 34. Identical 55. Halt 36. Wagnerian character 37 Unusual M Watched cteeely uuaara aai* o juuaunu atsi ' * U J H^ul nr-ian etj'jts og ?am rcor* na suraau nnaii ?naa nrnaa ticirara anc ^3 r. j gp'txj ?:-'