Beloved Infidel Starts Today in Morehead City By O. J. MORROW Theatre VuilN It will probably be yoart bifm the acreen sees another love stor* as powerful as the one laid by Sheilah Graham in her aut'jta graphical book. Beloved liuuUl, now a Cinemascope, Deluxe color film starting today at the More head theatre. While the book is Miss Graham's life story, it deals largely with her association with the late novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald. The production has Gregory Peck in the starring role of Fitzgerald, Deborah Kerr as the Hollywood columnist, Sheilah Graham, and Eddie Albert as a devoted friend of the pair. Miss Graham's book deals not with the dynamic and popular nov elist of the '2Q'a but the fading genius of a once great man in the late '30's and early '40'i. This is a dramatic story of two mature people deeply in love. Miss Gra ham, who was engaged to a titled English nobleman when she met Fitzgerald, gave up everything to be near him. Producer Jerry Wald has tried to stick as closely as posaihle to the original, shooting on actual lo cations of the events mentioned in the book and calling on the memories of all the people who knew the great author. The old Garden of Allah, where Fitzgerald spent most of his time while in Hollywood was to be used as a location for the filming, but plans were made to tear the build ing down. The owners, however, said they would allow Wald and King to use the building lor loca tion shots. However Wald and King were afraid that if retakes were necessary, the structure would no longer be standing. Playing for one day only at the Morehead theatre is a picture that is being returned by popular de mand. So many people have ex pressed their desire to see again Tammy and the Bachelor, starring Debbie Reynolds, that the More head is bringing it back. Starting Thursday and playiug through Saturday is Edge of Eter nity, starring Cornell Wilde and Virginia Shaw. Froai the moment it takes off with the force that follows a suc cessful count-down at a launching pad. Five Gates to Hell, a Cinema scope production opening Susday at the City theatre, explodes with drama, action and suspense. Com bining a tropical story, fine per formances, forceful direction and magnificent photography, it comfs forth as far more than a so-called "action film." Economical /ik V HKATINQ OIL J. M. DAVIS TEXACO PRODUCTS PHONI PA MM ItOKERAB CTTT Neville &r?ad, eoahioing treat force with aubOabf. enacts the role of Chen Pamok. leader of a guer illa band, who swoops down upon a fleM hospital (leaded by an American doctor eaa vincingty play ad by Kaa Sean. Scott, Ma assist ant (John Mariry) and tha aurses eperaliag Iha hoepatal an kidnap ed and taken la Um fartroaa where the war laid liaa critically ill and In need of medical care. In their plot to escape the brutality at their captors, the nurses rise to heights of great value. With Five Gates to Hell, a really all-around entertainment package is offered motion picture fans of all agea. Playing Wednesday and Thurs day at the City theatre is The House of Intrigue, starring Dann Adams and Curt Jurgeas Kading ay the week at the City theatre is a double feature, Man of the Gun, with Robert Mitchum and also The Miracle of the Hills, starring Rex Reason. Jan. fi ? Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haskett and daughter, Cindy, spent a while last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Farleigh Williams of Gainesville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewis and family of Havelock spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Williams of Portsmouth, Va? spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mr. Eugene Edwards spent a while last Monday with James Smalt. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Small and family of Wilmington spent the new year with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Fodric and family of New Bern spent New Year's Day here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ipock and children of Davis spent a while Fri day in the community. Mr. Forrest spent Christmas with relatives in Farmville. Vernon and Jimmy Skinner have returned to duty after a visit here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Skinner. Jackie Chapman of Beaufort vis ited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Martha Smithwiek of Ori Crossword Puzzle ACBOM llnviW 4. Billiard ?hot t. Indicating motive It. Firsl-rata 13. Want of vital onarg y 14. Deposit 15. Free from coaraenesc 17. Fume It. Roman date 20. Worry 21. Prong 21. Foods made from milk curdc 20. Opan court 27. Voracious Ash N 21 Perform 29. Cushion 30. Pitilaaa SI. Evergreen 93. That thinf S3. Tethering post 34. Destiny 33. Re-estab lish 37. Ecstasy 33. Finish line 39. Property given m surety 40. Keen 41 Brave 49. Ufiy oH 49*OblrteraW 49 King Arthur's lance 49. Watch closely 99. Leases 91. Female sheep flat j raaara gu.m ? a aan praam nana nan :idj^u uf4tiu nii;<H annua a:-jiTa ud P3Qst (la-D ODQ aaaa ij^h - jara OHH UQU rfUJ nn n^aro anmnra raacia arjana i nanro ranraa nro crann aaaa r^a1 aatia H3L3EJ UQufi Solution to Tuesday's Puulf DOWN I. Legal profession t. Chill 3. Described exactly 4. Walking sticks 6. ftweetsop < Scepter 7. Atere and touching 8. Something unexplained 9. Pour* put 1*. Hard wood II. Cereal grim 10. Notion IS. Humble 20. Alan Ladd movie 21. Ungulate 22. Wrathful 23. Strangle 24. Redacts 25. Bruises 27. Gaae fixedly 30. Plug 31. railing short 33. Hfedliner ? 34. Flutter 36 Leg of a journey 37. Causes of harm 39. Most suitable 40. Pronoun 41. Used as tedder 42. Front 43. Propel a boat 44. Compass point 47. Concerning ental is spending a few days here with Mrs. J. T. Graham. Mrs. Fanny Fodrie of Russells Creek is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pernel Hardesty and family were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Har desty of North River. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Graham of Ocean City, N. J., spent a few days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gilpin and son Stevie, left Sunday for Macon, Ga., after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chadwick. Miss Barbara Beard of Fayette ville spent Christmas with Mrs. Edward Chadwick. Mr. and Mrs. Willis of Jackson, Miss., spent the Christmas holidays with their son, the Rev. Archie Willis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hodnetts and daughter spent Christmas holidays in Danville, Va., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jarman spent Christmas in Fayetteville with her parents. Mrs. Alvin Wade and daughter Laird s Apple Brandy ~*27D w s ?. ewhd #i*w< <wi ?wk m fie* i^we^a i of Morehead City spent New Year's day with Mrs. Archie Willis. Ronnie Chadwick left Saturday for Fort Bragg, after a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Chadwick. Miss Alinda Sue Graham spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gra ham. Typewriter Exercise Hat All Letters of Alphabet Des Moines (AP)? If you tire of testing your typewriter keyboard with, "The quick brown fox jump ed over the lazy sleeping dog," try this one: "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs." It contains all the letters of the alphabet. Jan. ft? 'lira. Liu Dixon of Sara sola, Fla., spent the Christmas holidays with her brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J* an. Mr?. Alice Simmons, Mrs. Net tie Estell Garner, and Mist Lynn Gamer visited Mrs. Linie and Miss Lillian Garner Tuesday. Mrs. James Antley and daugh ter. Patsy of Newport News. Va., visited friends and relatives in the community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Piner and Mr. Eufene Edwards at Murfrees boro, Tenn., visited their parents here last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Piner and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ed wards. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowen of Los Angeles, Calif., spent the holi days here with Mrs. Bowen's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thomas Garner. Mr. Alton Jones of Llllington spent the holidays here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones Mrs. Margaret Kinsly of Alex andria, Va., spent Christmas here with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Frost. We regret very much that Mr. Carl Cannon is a patient in More head City Hospital and hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edwards of Falls Church, Va., spent the holi days here with Mrs. Edwards' mother, Mrs. Pearlie Garner. Mr. J. C. Jones from Long Beach, Calif., was home for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones. Mrs. Artis Garner and mother, Mrs. Blanche Quinn, were in New Bern Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Dunn spent Christmas day with their 9on and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Len wood Dunn at Bogue. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor of Bogue visited her parents, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Bell. Mrs. Alice Gibblfe. Mrs. Lileta Pringle called on Mrs. Charlie Jones Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Essie Cannon visited Mr. and Mrs Roy T. Garner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thomas Gar ner visited friends and relatives at Salter Path Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joa Simpson and Miss Mary Belle Garner of Wil mington visited Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Gould Jr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Garner of Newport News, Va., spent the holi "THE SHOWPLACE OF CARTERET COUNTY" STARTS TODAY ? THROUGH TUESDAY GREGORY PECK DEBORAH KEFLR JERRY WAUyS rMDUcnoNor BE19VED INFiDEL Eddie Wbert HENRY KING 9CKCNPUYBV SY BARTLETT Tfc? bitltr-iwt*l Im tfftir ol F. Scott Fiii|?rtM Irfrr.ll lifiM. SktiUli Grakuil days here visiting friends and rel atives. They returned home Wed nesday. Mr. a ad Mrs. Hugh Thomas Gar-, ner visited Mr. aad Mrs. J. C.I Jones Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garner visited his mother Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Garner is on the sick Uat. We hop* for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Ethel Garner called on Mi.-. Nettie C. Garner Sunday night. Mr. R. S. Jones visited with Mr. and Mrs. Quy Gamer Tuesday p.m. Jan. 6? Mrs. Lillian Howard re turned t* her home in Reidsvitle Wednesday after spending the holi days here with her sister, Mrs. Parker Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Garner and family of Raleigh visited his moth er, Mrs. Leon* Garner, reeeatly. Mr and Mrs. W. D. Heath Jr. were business visitors in New Bern Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Murdock and children of Raleigh visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rob erts, during the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Pruit, Carl and Anne Pruit, have returned to Chinquapin after spending the hol idays at their home here. Mrs. Leon Mann Sr. and Mra. Leon Mann Jr. spent Saturday in Atlantic visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garner and children have returned to their home in Greensboro after visiting his mother, Mrs. Leona Garner, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Higglns. Dr. Marvin S. Herrington of Nor folk, Va., visited relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lockey and children and Miss Edith Lockey have returned home from Jackson, Miss., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Garland Lockey. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lock ey in New Orleans and were ac companied there by Mr. and Mrs. Garland Lockey. The men attend ed the Sugar Bowl game on New Year's. The Rev. C. T.' Rogers of Tar boro spent Monday night here with Mr. Ml Mrs. Ira darner. Mrs. E. W. Baldwin of Chad bourn arrived Sunday (or a visit wfch k?r aon-to-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hibbs. She was accompanied by Mrs. EsteHe Crutchfield. Mr. and Mrs. Fl?y4 Harness aad children, Beverly and Patricia, re turned to their home in Raleigh Sunday. R. K. Montague returwd to At lanta Sunday after spending New Year's here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Garner and aiotan S. Garner went to Durham Tuesday. Mrs. Garner remained at Duke hospital, where she will receive treatment. Mr. aad Mrs. J. L. Smith of Bachelor visited Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard and other friends last week. Farewell Dinner Mrs. M. D. McCain gave a din ner party Wednesday evening hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chart ley. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. David McCain and Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Garner. TTie Chart leys left Jan. 1 for Pensacoll, Fla, where they will make their home while he is stationed there. The St. James Methodist church has lost its choir director and a member, the Newport school has lost a music teacher, and the town has lost two fine citizens, but we hope that these are only tempor ary losses and many good wishes go with the Chartleys. Bridge Dinner Mrs. M. C. Howard entertained the members of her bridge club Friday evening with a lovely din ner at her home. Mrs. E. B. Com er was a guest. i The home was attractively dec orated, and dinner was served from a table covered with a lovely hand made lace and linen cloth. The centerpiece was a floral arrange ment in shades of pink. After dinner the guests enjoyed bridge. Mrs. Parker Guthrie won high score, Mrs. Hazel Fox second high and Mrs. Solon Perkins low. Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Howard won slam prizes. EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE FRIDAY - SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE ? STARTS SUNDAY WOMEN. ..AT THE MERCY OF A PLEASURE J SEEKING GUERRILLA WAR_LORO[HI invE GATES TO MELU | DOLORES MICHAELS PATRICIA OWENS NEVILLE BRAND Newt fr?a 3^ Jan. 5? Mr. an4 Mrs. Marvin ardy and family and Mr. and !ci. Vernon Hardy of Virginia til ed their parent*, Mr. and Mrs. . J. Hardy, this week. Mrs. Earl Gastrin and family and Ir. Clem Oaskill were the guesti ! Mrs Flayd Hardy Thursday Miss Gloria Perry of route 2 eaufort was the guest of Mrs. lary WUlis Friday night Mr. and Mrs TUmon Hittman of lorebead City visited relatives pre Saturday. Mr. Virgil Tosto is visiting his ?other, Mrs. Mary Toato Mr. and Mrs. Luther Carraway Mi girls of Haretoek were the justs of her parents, Mr. and Irs. Rone Wallace Sr., the week id. Chief and Mrs Harvey Hardy ltd boys of Baltimore, Md., were le guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. ardy during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Styron of orehead City visited Mary Willis id boys Sunday afternoon. Master Micky Edwards, who was ?eidentally burned last week, re* irned from the Morehead City aspttal Sunday. Beaufort THB ATBB Last Time Tod*y^ JSSK .r*" flktlktM... .J Sunday - Monday First Showing In Carteret County! THE SCOBCHY SMITH What T? Do? ITS A W&HAL ? IT* QOT TO > * Wf/- SABS- and ??* Km. > i AUIVE/y r TH*T UXK* UK* *MOW-CCVERS0 VASCKAOC OPAKANE-AN0 ^PUut THAT MWtfta* ru* BUT -THERE'S NO PLACE TO land anp rrix take a _> BE?ajEfl^tryo?,>sTD J l_GET TO HER/ L</ OAKY DOAKS Suspicious Sound LEETAH.S'POSW I FERWT ' FRBOUTTH' CURSE AM' MS UP-TK MUMMY O' XI. KIHfi KJIDMOH'/ t A *MAI-- j. OKEATf WBTV jS / CFfHe <j jurr ? THERE'S ALWAYS A LOT ] OF TREASURE BURIED J WITH A ROYAL MUMMY- J DIAMONDS, RUBIES, MIDGOLD*^ f-VEH # ] jewelry/

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