New* from \ RUSSELL'S CKEK L_ J? Jan. 27? The Rev. William Clif ton will preach at the Christian Church Sunday morning and eve ning. Special music will be sung at the evening service by the men's quartet of Broad Creek. The union fellowship meeting will be held in the Christian Church Sunday evening at 7:30. The Rev. William Clifton, pastor, will bring the message. Special music will be presented. The public is in vited. Mr. and Mrs. Eldad Moore will leave Tuesday with their son, Jim mie, for Duke hospital, where Jim mie will undergo surgery. Mr. and Mrs: Mike Dean of Morehead City were the Sunday guests of her sister, Mrs. Leon Fodrie. Mr. Ernest Carraway has arriv ed home from UNC, Chapel Hill, to visit his parents. Mrs. George Pittman Jr. spent the weekend in Merrimon with her husband, George Jr., and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie McKay and daughter, Kim, spent Sunday as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Worthington and sons, George and Edward, of Dayton, Ohio, arrived Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Worthington. Mrs. Pearl Goodwin, Trenton, arrived to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Eunice Lewis. We are sending Mr. Cleo Merrill and Mr. Roy Carraway as dele gates to the Pamlico Union meet ing, which convenes at Broad Creek Christian Church Saturday. Miss Anne Fay Taylor, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Johnnie McKay, re turned to her home in Bachelor. | She left Sunday to enter Louisburg | College. The Live Oak Grove Sunday school members are proud of the fine progress and interest display- 1 ed in the school last year. Nine I members were on the perfect at tendance roll. They are Mrs. Ruby Norman, Mrs. Mary Gray, Mrs Sue Jenelyn, Mr. Gary Merrill, Mrs. Sadie Russell and three gen erations of the Russells, George Randolph, his son, William Thom as. and his daughter, Lesia Cor rine. Congratulations are in order for Mr. George Russell and Mrs. Mary Gray, who have a straight seven years perfect attendance. God has blessed us in a mighty fine way. Mr. Sam Edwards. Englehard, | was a business visitor in the com munity Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mary Merrill, second oldest | member of the Christian Church, is seriously ill at the home of her I daughter, Mrs. Era Taylor, Beau- 1 fort. Frees Bird Tucson, Ariz. (AP)? A burglar who broke into the office of Dr. Don H. Simpson couldn't bear the thought of anything being behind bars. Before departing with $113 from a cash box, the thief let Simpson's canary out of its cage. D> Cm4a?4m!mav* dv5 i/river cnicrToincrs Slate music consultant, Miss Bobbie Pritchard. leads students in group singing following a luncheon in honor of the county student bus j drivers recently at the recreation center. She is playing an auto harp. In th? background are. H. L. Joslyn, county school superin tendent, aad John C. Noe, state advisor in safety education. Ray Rhodes health and physical education department coasaitant, presented western and popular ballads for student hus drivers in the county recently at the recreation center. At the left is W. B. Allen, Newport, county education hoard member. Granddad Attends College at Night M anvil)*, N J. (AP) ? Joseph Mignella finds it mueh easier at tending college than it was attend ing high school. He finished high achool during the last four years, attending ; classes in New York City at night and arriving home about 12:30 am. His day started again at 5:30 a m. when he arose to go to work at the US Information Service in New York City. He still has a tight schedule but feels it's not nearly as bad as the previous one. Mignella ? a 53-year-old grand father?expects to graduate in sev en years with a degree in political science from Rutgers University. JANUARY I960 s m t w t r $ 12 3 4 5 * 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 M 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2? 29 30 31 TODAY Noon? Civitan Club, Mrs. Russell Willis's Rninml, Morthod c *y 7:30 p.m.? Duplicate bridge, In let Inn, Beaufort SATURDAY I p.m.? VFW dinner, pott build ing, Beaufort MONDAY 9:30 a.m. ? Social Security repre sentative, courthouae annex. Beau fort Noon ? Morehead City-Beaufort board of realtors, Rex Restaurant, Morehead City 6:30 p m.? Rotary Club, School lunchroom, Newport 7 p.m.? Beaufort rescue squad, fire station, Beaufort 7 30 pm? Fire department, fire station. Morehead City 7 30 p.m. ? Woodmen of Ike World. Camp 188, Morehead City 7:30 p m. ? Carteret County Bridge League, recreation building, Morehead City 7:45 p.m.? Masonic Lodge, New port 8 p. in. ?Order of Eastern Star, lodge hall. Beaufort 8 p.m.? Woman's Auxiliary, First Presbyterian Church, Morehead City 8 p.m.? Loyal Order of Moooe, lodge hall, Atlantic Beach 8 p.m.- Morehead City Chamber of Commerce board of directors, chamber office. Hotel Fort Macon TUESDAY 9 11 a m.? Clinic, Morehead City hospital annex. (Shots administer ed during these hours only) 9-11 a.m. ? X-ray clinic, county health center, Beaufort 1-4 p.m. ? Clinic, county health center, Beaufort. (Shots adminis tered during these hours only) 6 45 p m. ? Rotary Club. Scout building, Beaufort 7 p.m. ? World War I Veterans, Blue Ribbon Reitaurant, Morehead City 7:30 p.m.? Esther Rebekahs. rec reation building. Morehead City 7:30 p m ?Coast Guard Reserve Unit. Coast Guard Station. Fort Macon Road 8 p.m.? St. Catherine's Chapter, St. Andrew's Episcopal Auxiliary, parish house, Morehead' City LIBRARY HOURS Carteret County Public Library Broad and Pollock Streets, Beau fort, 10 a.m.? 11:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. ? 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. Webb Memorial Library? Mb and Evans Streets, Morehead City, ? a.m. to noon and 2-5 p.m. Mon day through Saturday. Chairman Elected Hugh Porter has been elected chairman of the board of deacons of the First Presbyterian church, Morehead City. It hat been an nounced that the Men of the Church will meet Tuetday night. veO CHEVYI ONLY WAY YOU CAN BUY A CAR FOR LESS IS TO BUY A LOT LESS CARI THRIFTIEST I IN ANY FULL-SIZE CAR -Chevy's Hi-T|irift 6 is the to version of the engine that jot 22 38 miles per (aHon in the latest Mobilgas Economy Run? more than any ether lull size car. NEW letlW* TVRio rwE M Here's ? V8 wilt* tlw "git" Chevy'? ftmous (0,-pUJintwKon omy-contourwl e?m *.???* *???*??? ments th?t |?t ?? to 10% more miles on ? gallon ol r?|ul?. WIIIB40-W" lnsomc fUtTBWT-TIn trunk till is lower end thtlMopwingitw? than > loot end ? ?rter theo tttmrt neerest competitor Theft! over 20R awe useble ?pece!' TM WANT HOIK ROOM - Chevy's trimmed down trans mission tunnel (?5J{ smaller) gives you mm loot room. Yob also |<t more head and hip room than in any otHr 2- Of 4- door sodans in the Md. NMUTUNt-A c*?<* Of 24 an 0n* Wwrninion tum> in ?II - to ul itiy iht tort. 1W? an mvm andMt.iil.wtMM the way up to 335 h.p. EXTRA CONVEN IENCES OF BODY BY RSNER? Noctfceicar in Chevy's ReW jives you c(Wik-*peuted yentipHil, Safety Plate GUn >11 atouno ana dozens ot othet Fisher Eu-y refine ments. CHIVY SIT* Til | PACE mm 10WER I PRICES? AH Bel Air I and lmp?U V8's are I lower priced, m n many options. E?- / ample: a Bel Ai? VI ri sedan with T urboglide. \ de luxe fleeter end ^ push butteacadialistt ,j at J65.30 feee fw 60i jj Vo.U'i* ' MNa-loK-liMd bomM-IMm brikn #lt1i Ififtr front otMlcHMarsfor'GO *?*? you quicker, *orrt*. mok u UB ??f-Chtvy'i M* wly leading low priced car thai gentles tbe bumps Willi coil springs it all tow whoolj. Nolle and vibration an filtered to III# vanishing point by mw body mounts. tlUH'S 1MB, Thtre'i inly om ft ton wt conjktor whM m mak? i ctw^l and IMt y?. TMTt why m doal thin' yoot! find inytMnf mort to your bkint a anyMmlkeftipiia. t The more you look around the more you'U find to confine* you thai no other low-priced car hae so much to show for your money as this new Chevrolet. Here's the hind of styling sophistication and subtle detail Hat only Fisher Body craftsmanship can create. Here's the kind of Full Coil tomfori that neither of the other tuio loading low priced tart? and onty tomt of the smoothest riding higher priced onet? build into their tutptntion systems. Here's more room intide {where you want it) without am irnh more outside (where you don't want H). And wM tM these ad vane et Chevy hat managed to held the price Nw f Your dealer will be delighted to fill you in on all the /act*. Saa TM OiMfe tkonCHvy Mot in eslM Sunday* MC-TV-tha Pal laaaa Ctwvy MaMI W|l| MtW Now? fast delivery, favorable deals! See your local authorited Chewelei < SOUND CHEVROLET CO., INC. 1308 Armdell Street Morehead City Phone PA 6-4071 I \ Lutheran Pastor Accepts Call The Rfv. L. A. Uppard, pastor of St. Timothy Evangelical Lather- 1 an church, presented hi* reaigna tion to the church council Sunday 1 hi order that he might accept the call of the congregation of Cedar * Grove Evangelical Lutheran Church of Vale. N. C. He will as- 1 slime duties there Feb. 16. i The church council of St. Tim othy has called a congregational ' meeting immediately after the ; service on Sunday, Feb. 7, that the ! congregation might receive the pastor's resignation. Pastor Lippard came to Have lock in July 1958 as a mission de veloper of the Board of American Missions, United Lutheran Church in America, to organize a ULCA congregation at Havelock. St. Timothy was organized East i-r Sunday. March 29. 1959 with a membership of MSO baptized mem bers and 79 confirmed members. On the data of organization, the mission developer was called to be the pastor of the newly-organiz ed congregation. The present membership of St rnnothy is 190 baptised members and 101 confirmed members. Jan. 27? The Rev. John Grimsley ftiUni Imh appointment twre Sunday | and was dinner guest of Mr. and j Mrs. Guy Carraway. Mrs. Elbert Kubanks from i llridgeton at tern led church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hardy and children. Gilda and Craig, visited ht* parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hardy. Sunday. Mr. Tom Carraway and mother. Mrs. Addie Carraway, from Mer rimon visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Pittman Monday night. Mr and Mrs. Carteton Day and Mr. Lester Day from Cedar Island visited their aunt, Mrs. B. G. Har dy. Sunday. The Mia&ea Paulette and Susan Fulcher from Morehead City at tM AM Sunday School and church here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Rone Wallace Jr. and family from New Bern visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wallace Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther Lewis. Sunday. Mr. Glen Harris from Beaufort inspector of commercial fisheries, visited IV) r. B. G. Hardy, agent for writing boat license, Tuesday to collect fees for month of January. COLONIAL'S PRICES DOWN IN 1960! Compare with 1959... See For Yourself! _ NEW LOW Compare! 19(0 PRICE UMY> CORNED NO | QQ Beef Hash ... ctN w"C RIB CENTER Cl'TS A _ Pork Chops . . 0"C VAN CAMP _ ?.oz A M. Pork & Beans . tA? Z-ZSf C NATLR -TENDER Rib Roast ..." I?C C? RED SOUR PITTED A |A. Cherries can Z-43C Fruit Cocktail . 2-49C Green Beans . . 2-43C CS BRAND SHOES IRING H3 A A JT Green Beans . . ctN Z-o9C Whole Corn . . "" 2-37C Sweet*Peas . . ~ 245c Mam iAm ?wmt MP. Blended Juice . CAN 09C PACKER* LABEL SWEET ua. AA G'Frult Juice . ??' 29c YEAR AGO 1959 PRICE 41c 85c 2-30c 85c 2-53c 2-51 c 2-46c 2-43c 2-39c 2-49c 35c Price* Good Thru January 30. Quantity Kightt Reserved. None Sold To T Compare! PACKER'S LABEL SWEET Orange Juice . BIG STAR SOI. IDS Margarine . . . STOKELY*S Sweet Potatoes I.ONCHEON MEAT Hormel Spam KRAPT FRENCH Dressing . . RFDGATE Tomatoes . MOTHER'S Mayonnaise WHITEHOt'SE CVDKR Vinegar . . . SOFT-PI.Y Toilet Tissue UUT Beef Stew . BEVERLY BREAKFAST Sausage ... MOTHER'S Relish Spread . NF.W LOW YEAR AGO I960 1959 44-OZ. CAN NO CAN 12-OZ. CAN MI. BOTTI.I J S3 CAN PRICE 24-07. CAN 2441. CAN 35c 2-29c ? 19V2C 45c . 25c 2-27c 53c 2-27c 4-44c 49c 49c 33c PRICK 37c 2-37c 24 Vic 51c 27c 2-31 < 55c 2-30c 4-49c 55c 53c 35c COLONIAL STOIESj STEAKS N. TENDER BUDGET Bound... 79?... 75? ... "? TENDER budget ...M* N. TENDER BUDGET SR? 95c 85 c BATH'S ~?9c BEEF" ?MMB BIASnW FARM BRAND OWOKENS 87c SAUSABE 29c SAVE 14c ON A I J. -MR POSE LIMITi I WITH U.N ORDIR Kraft Oil .g: 37c CS SALAD OIL at 33c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIMITS I WITH 15. M ORDKR dressing 19c MOTHER'S DRESSINC . . ? 17c CHASE A SANBORN INSTANT LIMIT: I WITH H.M ORDKR coffee . 79c CS INSTANT COFFEE . 69c FREEZER FINDS | CUT GREEN i . . . . 1% ^ 45c u. ? ? 2 kg 45c . 4 "COS Jfc mmm Qood %mf 9n *. Ifm* FULL FLAVORED ??M, GOLDEN RIK.TOM K>* SMAOf, nU*T cunt. AN? OMSOITt- TIN MM NMl -10 MM FMCI C ?? IS* COMPARE Thrifty SLICED BACON 5-Lb. Pkg. $1.19 Hooaycutt SMOKED PICNICS Lb. 25c Colonial's Home-Made PORK SAUSAGE 3-Lb. Pkg. $1.00 U. i. NO. 1 CURED YAMS 3 i,s 25c FRESH SALAIS TURNDT COLLARDS MUSTARD SALAD 10 ? 335 FRONT ST. ? BEAUFORT ? 10 10 ARENDELL ST. ? MOREHEAD CITY \ . ? i itiB

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