I ! 4 'h ' A‘ THE AGLE. LYON & LEWIS, Publishers. CHARITY TOWARDZALL‘**MALICE TOWiiRD NONE. —— Cfily Papcf Publislied in the Coufitp VOL. 20--NO. 19 BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COUNTY, FEBRDASY 2,1 U7. $1 A YEAl THE OLD RELIABLE : Tar Heel Troops to Return. Toledo. Say, Mister! Washington, Jan. 25,—t^Jore than 25,000 national giuuiismeri now on the Mexican liorder. have been clesignoted by Major Oenei* al E’unsfbn for return il^n^e''aiKi recent yisitofs here to tlieit Jiar- Deposit that loose money you have laying around the house in the BANK OF YANCEY and let it earn 4 per cent for you. Or deposit your money subject to check, and pay your bills and accounts by check. This is the modern business way of doing busi ness. Your checks, which are legal receipts, will come back to you, and perhaps save you from paying a bill more than once. Try it. We furnish handsome check books free. 1 muster out of the federal , ! under the order issued by 'tli.; war c , department. > I All of the organizations will be •started homeward as soon as j transportation facilities can be j provided. Their depurtun will i leave between 45,000 and 50,000 Eds. Kagle: Mrs. ftenry Halley atld her hrothet* Will Kaiidolpll and his family, all of Erwin, Term ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. R: do'ph. who have been quite sick. Mr. H. R. Peake, who has been on ihe sick list, we are glad to s.iy*is now much .improved and able out again. Several oT our Cdreeii MoUntai »Clvc OCISVCCI, *tO.\^UV, «l,Ml , men of tl, ■ aonrd still in tte fed- neigl.bors were .|.i.te worried over ,.rnl vervi,-, ,1a;,,,. l.Awler oiilrol. tlie lOSS of tllC girls’ dormitor, at tlib Pres’Atenan school last bat- urday. Much sorrow ‘was ex pressed and all extend their sym pathy to Jhe institution Concern- BANK OF YANCEY Burnsville, N. C. 0^-^ BANK OF YANCEY« I eriil service doing border jiatrol j War department officials con- 1 tinne to withhold comment on re ports that the movement o' Gen eral Pershing^s regulars i-ut of Mexico soon will be under w.ay and the statement announcing the guardsmen designated for,.relief does not connect these orders with 1 the withdrawal plans in any way. The understanding has -'•beenT' however, that with the etturn of the expedition in Mexico, and re adjustment of tlic border natyal ,1! of the state troops gradually vill be sen home. The guardsmen designaleci for .return and muster out incljule; North Carolina—First infantry. South Carolina—Troop A cav alry. Company A engineers, field hospital company. Tennessee — Ambulance pom* pany No. 1, field hospital ,No. J.' Virginia—Second infanfry. See me before you buy your Fertilizers, Grass Seeds. Seed Oats,. Feed' aad Farm Impiemeats. C. R. WILSOE Sale of Land for Taxes. * Notice is hereby given that uii der and by virtue of the tax book: in my hands for Yancey co’-inty North Carolina, and also und;. _ and by authority of an order of Ihuicom 5s Hailey, rhe new the Board of County Commission- have assumed all the liabilities oi ers of Yancev county, the undu-- the old firm, and all accounts due signed will'for the purpose of old firm will be paid to the firm of collecting the taxes assessed for . Bailey, the year l'n5, sell at public .cry ni front of the court house door in Burnsville, N. C., on the first Monday in February, 19i7, the same being the 5th day of February, 1917, during the legal hours for sale, the following d.- scribed'lands: NOTICE. By virtue of authority vested in the undersigned in a deed of trust exeC'-ited by J. G. Arrowood •nd wife Amanda Arrowood bn the 26th day of September, 1915. which deed of trust was given to secure a note of hand of even date therewith or any renewal note given instead of said note to he Hank of Yancev, and di-fault of {he said note, and the under signed trustee having been re quested to sell .said lands by th.- lioldVr- of the said note, the under signed win sell to the highest bidder for cash the followirfg de scribed lands during the legal hours for sale on the 5th day of T'chruary, 1917, at the court house dour in Burnsville, N- C. FIR -rr TRACT: Beginning •'ll a white-oak on top of a flat ridge and run.s north 20 east 38 poles to a sugar tree; 'hen north .56 west 20 poles to a stake on a ridge; then down and with the extreme height of said ridge north 22 west 2S poles; north 43 west 34 pole.s to a down birch on the north si-de of Roaring Branch; then south 60 east 54 poles to a cucumber: thence north 12 east , S'B poles to a iynn; thence north te licreiilter under the h->me o.f|,0 „,st f>', poles to a siiff.or tree, chestnut and poplar; thence south 45 east l^O poles to an ash and sugar tr.-e; thence south .T3 poles to a chestnut and white-oak thence south 85 west 139 poles to the beginning, containing 64 1-2 acres, be the same more or less, and being the lands purchased by J. G. Arrow lod n.iid wife from S. C. Blankinship and wife by deed dated July 5tli. 1912. SKCONi) TRACT; Adjoining the lands of the heirs of Lula Jane Ayers, Avery Hensley and the lands of the heirs of \'’ill;..rd Elkins and more particularly de- ribed as follows: Beginning A Letter That May Interest You ' N. W. M Connell, Riverdale, Ga., writes: .‘-Foley Cntli.ir?^c. Tablet.^ absolutely clearse’^' my system thoroughly, and hev6r a gripe, and no nausea. An idea! physic.i-invigoratin.giind sfi'ength- ening cfie bowel action ani havung- a gold effect pn the stom.ich ; i)d liver. Give stout persoivi a ligh' and free feeling. Sold crery where NOTICE. The firm formerly known as Haucom & Peterson is hereby dts- lolvcd. The business will oper- This 15th day of Januarv, 1917. SAMUEL PETERiiON. I. .'l. BAUCOM. . J. R. BAILEY. i\OT ICE. Having qualified as administra- tor of the estate of Emeline Hig- I. H, Bradford, a tract of land , gins, deceased, late of the county in Kamseytown township, adjoin-1 of Yancey, North Carolina, this ing lands of Carolina Luinuer Co., j is to notify all persons having and others. Taxes for years; claims againsTnhe estate to ex- _ ^ ^ 1013,1914.1915. Taxes and cost I liibit them to the undeicsigned at; on the cast side of the Blatlkin- $18.42. j Burnsville, N, C., on or before the: ship creek at the mouth of a small W. E. Gouge, aged about 60 Years, who resided at Newdale, di d from a stroke of parahsis List Wednesday, He was at work in a raica house when jstricken and lived only about fil'tpen min utes. -Mr. Gouge was a good 'citizen, well liked by his nei.’u- bors and all who knew him, and his sudden death has thrown a pall of s'Mness over the conimu* .y in which he lived so long. He w.is buried Thursday after noon. “T.S.M. SCO.” Seeds led and Sapling Clover, Timotliy, Orchard Grass, Red Top, BIec Grass, Etc. Our present shipment of seed is of exceptionally high grads and our prices are below the market. WE ADVISE BUYING EARLY. Write for prices. T. iug tlieir logs. It seems to the wfiter that in a coinmuity as i' ours, that it could by the hearty co-operation of all concerned afford to have well pa- tronized' services in our church more often than what we do. It s a pity to have a very comforta- de church in our midst, just for the sake of having name of possessing such. What we need inspiration and religion and s of ■Seliishn.'ss and possessi-m of the house called church, for after all it is only through the divine services held therein thar the good is derived, therefofe-our folks should begin a campaign to revive the interest of church and Sunday-schoo! \vork in order to' better the sfociaL conditions here abouts. Messrs Merrett Bailey and Jarafes Leftennan began opera- nous in a mica mine on M.r. Bailey’s' mountain place tii. •week, and have great faith in their proapectsi" It is reported that there is imjte an abundance of mica to be liiid from* this land, we wish these parties much good luck, 1 , . . Wc hear many reports these ''>s>t. days of several of our folks having Miss Thelma Burton came over Ibe _n.earbv,^ui-day aftefnoo^i Mr. Jatr town of Erwin, Tern. We wouldf viile and is visiting "W. .and MrSt [Saturday a; “CYCLONE GRASS SEEDERS’ $1.50 by mail postpaid. S. MORRISON a 80-84 PATTOSi AVE., Asheville, M. C. CO. Pensacola. Wampler. Eds, Eag’e; Mr H. J. Woody, principal of the public school, went to Burns ville last Saturdoy and returned Sunday. -Mr. Charles A.-Oberlin left for Johnfion City Sunday fo, a few Eds, Eagle. Feit Like 90, Now Like 21. Like a weak link in a chain, a weak organ enfeebles the whole body. Weak kidney.S lower vital ity, A. W. .Morgan, Angola, La., writes: •“! suffered witli pains in the back. 1 am 43 years old, but I feit like a man of 90. Since I took Fo;ey Kidney Pills I feel like I did when I was 21.” 50c and 61.Oo sizes. Sold everywhere. W. .M. Randolph, tract of land in Ramseytown township, adjoin ing lands of Parry Adkins, .1. 0- Whitson and others. Taxes and cost for 1915, $8.12. This January 1st, 1917. \V. A. HALL, Sheriff. By T. A. McKINNEY. D-S. NOTICE. North Carolina, 1 In the Yancey County. 1 Superior Court. Service by Pablication, Hattie Riddle vs. Edward Riddle- 'I'he defendar' -il-ove named i , -will take notice that an action en-; titleil as above mencecl 15th iay of January, 1918, or t his j tiraiicli tm a stake and runs south notice will be plead in bor of their 75 east 96 poles to an ash; then recovery. All persons indebted ; south 33 east about 70 poles to a to said estate will please make 1 hickoy on top of a ridge; then a immediate settlement.. ; west course down a ridge with This 15tb day of_January,_1917.j plain marked line 73 poles to a , T, BENNET'F, Adm- of Emeline Higgins, deceased, NOTICE. North Carolina, 1 In the Yancey County- 1 Superior Court. Dock Gouge vs Julia Gouge, 'Phd defendant above named will take notice that an action been com-- entitled as above has been com- ,, , 1 the Superior Court ol , i^enced in the Superior Couit of •'Yancey county for divorce a vin-' Yancey county by the plaintiff to dulo matrimonii, or absolute; and : obtain a divorce absolute; and the the defendant win lurther take j ^ei’^ndant will further take notice notice'that he is required to ap-^ i-^-quired to appear at pear at the next term of the Su- next term of the Superior perior Court of said county to be Court of said county t.o be held on held on the third Monday after , ti^ird Monday after the first the first Monday in March, next,i .Moogjjy in March, 1917, at the at the court house in Yancey ■ oourt house of,said county in CQunty, North Carolina, and an- ].jy^n&ville. N. C., and answer or swer or demur to the complaint in ' demur to the comolaint in said the action, or the plaintiff will or the plaintiff will ap- apply to the court for the relief, pty jq the court for the relief dc- denianded in said complaint. j niamled in said comp] ’'”t. This the 17th day of Jan. 1917, 1 the lOUi day of.Tan.. 1917. LOUIS ENGLISH, | i.OUiS ENGLISH, Clrrk Superior Court, i CJcvk Superior Court, chestnut: then a west course with marked line to bank of the creek to a locust tree, passing the locust same course 8 feet to the creek; then down the creek to the be ginning. containing 38 acres, be the same more or less. This2Sth dav'of Dec-, 1916. J- A. WATSON. Trustee. NOTICE. Having qualifiel as adminis tratrix of the'estate oi Wiliniin j\;. Renfro, deceased, Irte of the county of Yancey, North Caro lina, this is to notify a’l persons having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Day Book, N. C/,on or be- ore the 3rd day of January, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im iiediate settlement. This 3rd day of January, 1917, NAN RENFRO. Administratrix of William N. Renfro, deceased. Some Logs. E kota, N. C., Jan. 16, 1917, Watson & Watson. iHirusviile, N- C. Deal Sirs:—Mr. Parnell wants- you to Icnow about a most extra ordinary poplar tree we cut this afternoin, from which we got 76’line.ir feet of logs. ff'wo S, four lO, three 12, three 14 and eight 16 lengths, making a total of twenty logs. You might give these ‘figures to The Eagle man and see if they can be .'atvn. Of course this tree forked about 19 feet from the ground and each prong forked again still higher, but with these facts, still there is •vimething abo'-e the ordinary, for I believe twenty reasonably ■rood logs of the above lengths have never been gotten from one tree in diis county before,' Respectfully, Ko’shet be sorry to lose these partie. However, since their prospects will be better there, upon their dep irture we shall wish themj.he best of luck toward the making of a hasty fortune We are glad to learn that the coiiiiition of Carl, the youngest son of our neighbor,^ Mr, D, C, Renfro, is much improved. Here is hoping how soon he will be restored to good health. J. G. T, Cut This Out—-It Means Money. Don't miss this. Cut emt this slip, edclo.se with 5c to Foley Sz 1.. 0., 2035 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and ad dress deafly. You will receive in return a trial package contain ing Foley’s Floney and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds, croup; Foley Kidney Pills, Foley Ca thartic Tablets. Sold.everywhere. Mrs. SaUie Say. For Croup, Coughs, Colds. A, Baxter, Wheeler, Wis.,says: “For ten years we have used Fo ley’s Honey and Tar in our fam ily and consider it the best cough medicine on the market, espec ially for children. as they like to take it.” Contains no opiates; safe fo - babies; effective for adults Check.s croup; stops epnghs; re lieves colds. Sold everywhere. Mrs Sallie Ray was for a long time a resident of Jacks Creek, Yancev County, and later moved to Erwin, Term., and lived there until her death, which occurred List year at Rutherfordton Hos pital. It was my pleasure to be Mrs. Kay’s pastor for three years and was in her home ntajiy times- while she lived on Jack Creek and once after she mo.'ed to Erwin, Tenn. Bile was a devoted Christian and i loyal member.of the Methodist hurcii. 'The I'Lbie was her daily companio -. Her great deligli-t was in reading it. She was a lover ot poetry, S'-ich as referred to religious and eternal thifigs. Her lile wa.s an example for good in the community in which she lived and a light to all who knew her, Her Christian life and examples are still living with her i,)s,s of friends, out her spirit has departed from us to be with God and enjoy the reward that awaits all such noble characters. The writer has been asked to preach her fuueral some time in the spring at Boring’s Chapel. ■ uiice ol which will be given later. K, F. MOCK. Old Fort, N. C., Jan. 25, 1917. While attempting to cross the railroad track iniront of an- in coming train, at Effaiid last week, J. Zeb ''Mailer, a prominent Re publican politician of Burlington, and editor and -manager mj tie State Dispatch, slipped and fell under the moving train. He was terribly m ingbd and died vvitliiu M short ti lie, Fred Proffitt, Dr. D. J. Smith went to Ashe* v-rile Sunday to visit home folks t a few days. Mr. James McMahan, better known as “Uncle Jimmy,’’ (lied Sunday, 2Sth, at 2 p- m,, after a long illness. He had been help less for some time. He was one of the oldest men in this section. His exact age is not known, but his people say that he was be tween 35 and 90 years old. His remains were laid to rest at the cemetery Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. (Jarrett Kay, which were very impressive, in the presence of a large number of relative! and friems. *'Uncle Jimmy’’ was a good citizen, loved by all who knew him; was a member of the Baptist church in his early days and a good Christian man. His wife and three sons survive him and a host of grandchildren and great grand children. He is now at rest in that Heavenly home. M’e extend to this family our heart felt sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement. Mr- P. S' Gose'lin left Sunday for a week’s visit to Philadel phia, Pa., and other points i:' ih; East. Mr. Sam, Bowling went to' Johnson City Monday to work tor the East Tenn. & N. C. R. R. Co. as section foreman. Mrs. James Beaty started to Sunburst Tuesday morning to visit her daughter and two sons for some two weeks. Bill Bowser,. Rev. GiiurleS Jortes, of Me- Roberts, Ky.. who spent a fe\V days h le wi h '.Lis daughter, Mrs- Janie Proffitt, returned to his home last week. Mes.srs, Joe and John -Proffitt, inade^a business trip to Bar' nardsv.ille last. Frid*iy. *• ames .Edwards spent, n cl Sim (Fa y ' i n*"*! '^air nar'dsville visiting friends. Mrs. Florence Proffitt is quite sick at this Writing, Mf. and Mrs. W, Y. Proffitt have returned home from a two weeks' visit with their sort in Kentucky. Mr, Hiram Higgins has returned home from Cincinnatti, Ohio, Mrs- Ed King, who nas been sick, IS improving, Mr. R. Proffitt will leave next week for Virginia, where he will accept a position. Mrs. Julia McAlister visited friends on Bald Creek last week, COK-A. A 70 Year Old Couple. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carpenter, ilarrisburg, P.a., suffered from kidney trouble but have Ireeo en- tirelv cured by Fcley Kidney Pills fie says: “Altho’ we are both in the seventies, we are as vigorous :is we were tlnrty years ago.” Foley Kidney Pills stop sleep dis- t.irhi'ng hLul lyr «-e kne.-i'', back- •icfic, rhcHmatism, c^oui NOTICK, North Carolina. { In the A Woman’s Experience With Grippe. Yancey County. | Superior Court. Service by Publication. Eva McCourry vs Will McCourry, The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Yan cey County lor divorce absolute: and the defendant will further take no'ice that he is required to appear at the next ter n of the Superior Court of Yance.’ C'ounty to be held on the third Monday after the first Monday in March, next, at the court house in Yan cey county. North Carolitia, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said cause or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. LOUIS ENGLISH, Clerk Superior Court. Chas. Hutchins, Attorney for Plaintiff, ^''hen a cough or cold bangs on and you have aches and pains that are hard to define, it is likely tnat grippe is taking hold of youf sys tem. Mrs, J. A. Rogers, Switzer, S. C., says; “I am susceptible to colds, often ending in grippe. In this case I have found Fojey’s Honey and Tar to prevent doctor bills. Sold everywhf^re. NOTICE, Having qalifled as adminisfra- tor of the estate of Avery Au- trey, deceased, all persons in debted to the estate are request ed to make immediate payment,, and all persons holding claims against the estate are requester! to present their Chums within the time reijuired by law; or !> ever be debarred. This January, 25th. 1917. JOHN W, AUTKEY, Adm s..al..r, Notice. v!;-. i-oiEy csiHsimc raiETS I'sc; Sioaadi Svisst - Uvsr Aoivc -Basils Rss-ilar By virtue' of power sale vested in me by cliattel mortgage exe cuted to Hie by W. K. Haucom on the 2Sth (lay of March, 1916, the same beirfg registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Yance}^ county, on the 30tli day of .March, i9>6, book 6, page H, I will sell at- public outcry at the court house dooC in Burnsville, N. C,, on the 5th day of February, 1917, (lurina: the leg.il hours of sale, to- the highest bidder, all the follow ing described property: Two black horse niules, 6-years old; two black horse mules ID and II years oldr three complete sets of double wagon harness^ three wagons: two o.iy horses, 5- und 9 years old; one black horse, 10 years old; one sorrel mule, 12 v»*-irs old; one bay mare 5 years- old,. 1 his property will be S )ld on six and twi;!ve i.jiuntiis tune, for notes secured eithef by chattel mortgage or personal security. This the 24th day of Jan., 1917, W, B, WILSON.

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