i d THE EAGLE. BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. PERUNA Best All Around Medicine Ever Made I Hope You Will Publish This Letter TRICKS OF MIND READING Writing of Questions and Reading Them by the Performer Through Prearrangement, Puzzling. In ancient times the sleight-of-hand performers were popularly regarded with awe, as being.s who were gifted with supernaturai powers; and the performers, to enhance their own portance, took care not to contradict the general belief. Nowadays we know quite well enough that all feats of legerdemain, liowever wonderful they may appear, are quite natural, If we only knew how they were done, observes a writer. One of the puzzling tricks performed by so-called public mind readers, clairvoyants, is an extremely simple deception. The performer, standing on the stage, asks several persons In the audience to write each a sentence on a slip of paper and seal it in an envelope. Of cour.se the stationery is furnished and afterward collected. One of the audience Is a confederate, and writes a sentence agreed upon beforehand. When the assistant goes through the house gathering up the envelopes, the confederate’s contribution is carefully put wehre it will be the, last one of the lot to be taken up. The performer picks out an enve lope, and, after feeling it, with much ceremony, pronounces the sentence agreed upon, and the confederate in the audience acknowledge.? that he wrote it. ^ To confirm this, the performer tears open the envelope and repeats the sen tence as though he found It on the In closed paper, which Is In reality an other man’s sentence, which he reads, and then, iiocUing up another envelope and fumbling It over, he culls out the sentence he has Just read. The one wiio wrote It says It Is right, the pei'fonner tears open the envelope, reads what l.s In it, and proceeds in that way through the lot. Lungs Are Weakened By Hard Colds CASCARAgj)UlNINE Mr. "W. H. Edgar, 49 Cooper St., a*. lanta, Georgia, wrltea: “I suffered for fifteen years with rheumatic symptoms. Peruna cured me and I think It Is the best all around medicine ever made, I hope you will publish this letter for the benefit of others who suffer." Those who object to liquid med cines can procure Peruna Tablets. BDSCHEE’S GERMAN SYRUP Ancient Cathedral Is Saved. An ancient cathedral in Havana,; Cuba, In which the ashes of Christo pher Columbus once rested, ha.s es caped threatened sale and destruction. The proposed sale of the historic Co lumbus Cathedral by the ecclesiastical ' authorities, and Its consequent destruc tion, aroused such opposition that tlie ' edifice, which was built In 1704, and to which in the next year the ashes of Christopher Columbus were removed from Santo Domingo, will probably soon pass I *to the owner.shlp of the, Cuban govc-rnment as a permanent na- tioned monument. Though the ashes of. Columbus were removed by the Spanish officials at the evacuation in ' 1000, the crypt where they hud reposed Is still to be seen by visitors. ; AH.ASHINGTON.—In a great white marble building overlooking the Mall *' about Washington monument is the greatest unofficial war machine In the world—the American Red Cross headquarters. The bu.slness of the Red Cross is not to make war, and It should WATCH YOUR SKIN IMPROVE When You Use Cuticura->The Soap to Purify and Ointment to Heal. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutl cura Soup and hot water. Continue this treatment for ten days and note the change In your skin. No better toilet preparations exist Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. not properly be called a war machine; but it bus made more preparations for alleviating the effects of war than any other organization in the world. The Red Cross Is not, as is popu larly supposed, an organization of physicians and nurses. In fact one can’t even smell medical odors around the building. The Red Cross is an org.inlzatlon of trained business men and statesmen, who have been formed Into a body to alleviate the war pangs. They have gone about their business in might be called a guide. Very little actual wi making, is done by the national organization, from headquarters. Much of the work of this organization has been the discovery of efficient means of comforting those who are in the war. Bright minds and expert minds have been set at work. Their ideas have varied from the plan which backed the popular campaign of cigarettes for the soldiers to the plan which sent a traveling shower bath all over Fronde to bathe the peasants. Not the least of the duties of the Red Cross have been the raising of finances. It will take millions and millions of publicly contributed money to beep the boys "over there” happy and comfortable. The Red Cross has es tablished a great money-soliciting machine. Through this, organization the moneys contributed are diverted in those channels wherjthey will do the most good. Hard-headed business men, unswerved by seiKinent, direct the finances of this organization. T As a war-making machine the Red Cross is negative, buAit Is the greatest after-remedy that any nation knows today. [' businesslike'manner. The Red Gross relief work, such as bandage But this work Is ail directed Fuel Administration’s Help in Conducting War Girls as Bell Ringers. Bell ringing Is being done by girls in the little village of Longstock, Ire land, ns the young men who used to perform this duty have joined the army. The chiming Is e'xcellently and regularly performed by three or four girls, trained by a local lady, and week day and Sunday the bells send out their cheery message over the coun tryside. This may not be essential war-work, observes, a correspondent, but It is one of immense value to the morale of the neighborhood, and a work w'hich would be left undone, like so many other “odd Jobs” of wartime, but for the good offices of the women at liome. MOST Inoffensive and uiiwarlike is the war machine which supplies the energy that makes the war move on—the fuel administration. Housed In one of Washington’s fashlonnhie old residences in the most exclusive section of the city, from the outside Ibe fuel adniinistr.ation apiiears entire ly tmwai'lik Within there are no evidences of war, with the exception that there always many people waiting to the fuel administrator, Doctor Gar field. and to talk war with him. Through the wheels of. this ma chine. however, there is the daily grinding which is turning out the fuel which runs the factories, which in .send out supplie.s, which again In Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Boschee’s German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-one years in all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflafned parts, throw off the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Sold in all civilized countries. 30 and 90 cent bottles.—Adv. Overcoming a Difficulty. Reference at a social affair was made to the ingenuity of school chil dren in getting around difficult ques tions when Riq)resentative Frank Les ter Greene, of Vermont, ‘recalled a fit ting anecdote. (■)ne afternoon the teacher of a pub lic school was Instructing a juvenile class in geography, and after others had answered various questions, she turned to a small boy named Jimmy. “James,” said she, “describe 'to me the route you would take if you were going to Bermuda.” "Yes, ma’am,” returned Jimmy, a tit tle doubtfully. “I would go to New York and then—and then—” “Yes, .Timmy,” interposed the teacli- er. “What would you do then?” “Why, I would get on a steamer,” answered Jimmy, with a happy inspi ration, “and leave the rest to the cap- Swordless Soldiers. Though some ancient weapons are being revived the sword has passed, perhap.s, forever, Long the symbol of war. and the badger" of the officer, it has now been banished from the Ainer- icun army. It lias been/abandoned because it is worse than useless, says Milestones. It Is no longer an effec tive weapon either for attack or de fense, and It serves as a illstlngulsh- Ing mark of the officer, thus making him the prey of the enemy sharpshoot er. Willi far too few trained officers,_ America cannot afford to waste them, and it Is wi.se to adopt the present practice of the armies of her allies, The modern line otficer of infantry in an attack carries a watch In one hand and an automatic pistol In the other. With a watch he times the progress of hi.-: troops, holding them to a slow walk so that they may not advance more rapidly than their artil lery barrage lifts ahead of them. Mod ern attacks are run wltli a time table, so that the artillery may know just where their own men are at each mo ment, and not drop shells on them. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Why That Lame Back 7 Morning lameness, sharp twinges when bending, or an all-day back ache; each Is cause enough to sus pect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. Help the kidneys. We Americans go it too hard. We overdo, overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise ^nd so we are fast becoming a nation of kidney sufferers. 72% more deaths than In 1890 is the 1910 census story. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Thou sands recommend them. A South Carolina Case John M. Wilson, R. F. D. No. 1, Traveler’s Rest. S. C.. says; “Hardships weakened my kidneys and I had awful pains In my hack. 1 steadily got ! and bly annoyed by scald ing and too frequent passages of the kid ney secretions. Rheu matic pains In my hips kept me awake and my ankles and feet _____ swelled. I had awful dizzy spells, Doan's Kidney Pills restored me lo good health.” Get Dean's at Any Store, 60e a Box DOAN’S 'V.’L’LV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. tain State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County—Bs. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. J8M. fSeal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Would Save the Cake. Johfiuy had often seen the new food signs posted up everywhere, telling people not to waste food and use ft-hat is left. One day he was Invited to a birthday party. In a short while the birthday cake was cut up.- and each child had a piece, and there was a big piece left. The maid was going to take this piece away when Johnny call ed to her and said, “I think I can use tlie piece that is left.” If operation.? should suddenly cease in the uiiob- r machine at fuel administration headquarters. It would • makers would have to stop their opera- After reaching the top a man ceases [ to talk about the room there. | Better a budding genius than blooming,idiot. turn make the w; trusive residential not be long before the nation’s tlOQS. Dr. Harry A. Garfield, fuel administrator, erstwhile college professor, has built a war machine which would make a fine nesting place for the doves of peace. It Is the most restful and peaceful of the many war-making estiib- llshments in Wasliington. The hustle and hustle of other departments and bureaus is absolutely lacking in the fuel administration. v Perhaps it 1? the peaceful atmo.sphere of Williams college that has been transferred to Washington with Doctor Garfield, hut at any rate he has made a noiseless war engine. The fuel adralnistratlou is the baby member of the war family in Wash ington, As an organization It Is also the smallest of the war organizations. Less than 100 people are employed by this important body, which supplies the fuel for the nation. This is virtually a one-man war machine. Doctor Garfield has not been surrounded with a large staff of experts. He has three assistants, all experts in their own line. Outside of these men the fuel administration is operated by clerks who work at the direction of Doctor Garfield and his assistants. The clerical staff is not large. There Is no publicity organization and the machine does not require large appropriation for its use. It is generally understood, however, that the hand at the lever of this machine is the same hand that runs the biggest war machine of all, the A GREAT DISCOVERY (By J. H. Watson, M. D.) Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood Is filled with poisonous waste matter, which set tles in the feet, ankles and wrists; or un der the eyes In bag-llke formations. As a remedy for those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation caused by uric acid—as scalding urine, backache and fre quent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if urlo acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sciatic.n., gout,-it is simply wonderful how quickly An-u-rlc acts; the pains and stiffness rapidly disappear, for Anurlc, (double strength), is many times moi-e potent than lithla and often eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. All druggists. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels have been favorably known for nearly 50 yeajfs. Anuric is a recent scientific discovery by Dr, Pierce, Chief of Staff at the In valids" Hotel and Surgical Inst., In But- ^lo. N. Y. Send 10c there for a trial ikg. of Anuric. Large package 60c. A North Carolina Woman Speaks Whitakers, N. U.—“I suilered from backache, frequent, scant urine, rheu matic pains and a w o r n-o u t feeling, :also had spells with ;my heart and swell ing of feet and an kles. I learned of Dr. Pierce’s Anuric and used a sample package and then ordered a full-size package. This relieved me and I gained considerably; it also relieved me of headache from which I suffered very much. Anuric is fine for the kid neys.”—MRS. SARAH A. SHEARIN. If you wish to send a sample of your water to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., and describe your symp tom.?, same will be examined without any expense to you, and Dr. Pierce or his staff of Assisting Physicians will Inform you truthfully.—Adv. White House hand. ProDf That the NatiDnal Capital Is Growing Up W ASHINGTON is “growing up.” \'^hether we like it or not, and right before our own eyes, the national capital is changing. Like a beautiful child whom one day we call “little Mary,” to find the next day that she has grown into woman’s estate and does not car to be called “little” any more, thank you, so Wa.shington has become a little DRJ.W:,TSey.y.ER Rlkts FORMlIV-ERSItlS Habitual Constipation Relieved If you walce in the morning with a bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, perhaps headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, produces sick headache, dyspepsia, costiveness and piles. There is no better remedy for these diaorde-s than DR. TOTT’S LIVER PILLS. Try them just once and be eternally convinced. For sale by all druggists. bit bigger, a' little bit different, almost before we realized it. Most of us are not displeased. The city has a new beauty, an added at tractiveness. There Is a rush, a roar, a crowding and a jamming to which we are not accustomed. But we are taking to it like ducks that know they are in their own stream, and unless our stream is so swollen that we are washed away in the flood until we lose ourselves, we will remain pleased, no doubt. Nobody before ever saw so many strange dogs In Washington, for one thing. There was a great dane on F street the other afternoon as big as an ox. that took up the whole back .seat of an automobile. I saw a Chinese ebow with a coat like silk and eyes as bright ns stars. Those dogs came here with their masters, who came on the tide of war to the national capital. I had a friend from Indiana with me the ntbor day, He was one of these newcomers. He had admired the public buildings, looked at all the soldiers, walked both np and down in the monnraent, snorted from Arlington to Rock Creek park in an automobile at so much an hour, and done a few other things like that. At last he stood on F street to watch the afternoon promenade. It was there he spoke from his heart. Hoosler praise cun go no further. “Why, it's Just like Terre Haute!” he said. Five Generations in Wars. Five generations of one family have served in the United States wars, the chain being completed by the recent enlistment at Los Angeles of a young man named Bennett. Not only did his two grnndfathers, Bennett and Brook- over, serve in the Civil war, but his great-grandfather, Daniel Bennett, was also a veteran of that war. The young man’s great-great-grandfather, Asa Bennett, was In the war of 1812. and Ills two great-great-great-grandfnthers, Bennett and Harris, were In the R(w- olutlonary war. Although not In direct line of ancestry, young Bennett’s un cle, Harry Bror)kover, represented the family in the Spanish-American war. Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, shewing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Th^ Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 6o cents. One Worse. Friend—I suppose you’d rather lick the kaiser than anybody else on earth? Recruit—There’s just one fellow I'd like to get my liands on worse. Friend—Who’s that? Recruit—The guy that hollered “Fire!” just as I got my clothes on lor the physical examination.—Judge. Right the First Tim Teacher—Now, there, wlia lute for? Walter—School. An Engllsliniim has invented a pro cess for coloring wool khaki and or ange shades with lilnted nitric acid. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Sweden was the first country to r ognize the value of cniinls. Colds Cause Headache ai LAXATIVB BROWO qUlNINB reo one "bromoyulnlue.” KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back aches, and yonr t der and kidneys seem to be disordered, • go to your nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root. It is a physician’s prescription for ailments of the kidneys and bladder. It has stood the test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This preparation so very effective, has been placed on sale everywhere. (3e bottle, medium or large size, at your n eat druggist. However, if you wish first to test this preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and n tion this paper.—Adv. In Memory of the Titanic. The Titanic di.saster is being com memorated in Belfast by the erection of a memorial which will In all re spects be worthy of the city where the Ill-fated ship was built. It consists of a Titanic group in marble on a granite pedestal. The memorial w occupy a .site oir the carriage way op posite the City Hall, facing the Royal Acadoraicul instiiiiticm, and will bear the name.? of Ulster heroes who per ished with the great v>**;sel. The Usual Way. “What became of that friend of yours \yI)o was alwuy.? loolcing for a liglitV Did he enlist?’ “No, and when tlie draft came he claimed exemption,” Slops Neuralgia Pains Why suffer from ___ excruciating neu- ralgia pains when an application o( Yager's will give quick reliefs ^ « Save the Calves! Stamp ABORTION Out af Yoor Herd and Keep It Out I Apply treatment yourself. Small expense. Write for free booUet on Abortion State cattle in herd. Dans ..guirte Vet. Cg., IDO 6rand iTgeue. Waukeihs, Wli. UPPMAN’S (ioHiPLEXlOS TABLETS s 1? and blolchesrsniibles^newstliri rt'M'kroli.rw reive W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1917.' ALCOHOL-3 PER GENT. AVe^clablcPfcparationfcr.^s similatingmeFood. by Rcgula- linfitheStomadisatulBoivElsM Theretjj’ Promoting Di^cstiai Cheerfulness andRcstCoirtauis neither Opiitm,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic CASTOBIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature^ of For Over Thirty Years CASTOBIA If the man you are talking to look,- at his wife it’s time to shut up. Overworked Women Statue of Frederick the Great Becomes Eyesore Ask for antS CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT ’’Has ( :cmp- The Original Cough and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST COLD IN 24 HOURS Spared to Art. r movie star claimed tion from military service?” ■‘Oil. yes. He proved that ho had de- Iiendents and his clnlm was allowed.” “Good! Then we can proceed ,wilh our next war play. With a liaiidful of men he will lead a de.sperate charge in OIK! of the greulest niiiitary spectacles ever shown on the screen.’’ 2&C and 50c at all Druggists ©dllTonic Youngest British Soldier. The yoimgc.st soldier at the front and the youngest ’N. C. O, in the Brit- ish army is a lad of eleven, who is at tached to an A. S. C. unit. He was specially enlisted to act as Interpreter, as he speaks English and French flu ently. He was made a sergeant and is no.w regarded as a mascot. Sold for 47 years. For Malaria,Chills and Fever, Also a Fine Stren^lbenln;! Toiiic« "““dPi Some Exceptions. “Does like always produce like?” "Not always. Rich food often pri duces poor health." When Vour Eves Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy >EFGRE long the statue of Frederick the Great, which ihe kaiser preseftted to the United States 1,8 years ago—unlucky 13—fs going to be made to per- THEYb OUCHTER MEET v« inro euLtiTS Aff'SHfiOT 'Efl A7TH' , out defiantly from bis peilestal •ar for democracy, instead of gazing haughty and autocratic air at United States army officers as they enter and depart from the Army War college. The general pulillc, and especially he part of the public that lia.« to visit ■liege, i.s getting mighty res tive ovt'r the sight of the kaiser’s great-grandfather, live times removed, as he stand.s the sole and only .statue in front of the War college, within which .American army officer.? are planning the downfall of his de.scend- ant. The father of Prussiiinism looks •er the broad sweep of the I'otomac. Several proposal.? are on foot in regard to the i)roper di.sposition to be made of this statue and the indications are that old Frederick the Great will have to come off his perch before tong. Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma has suggested that the'statuo be thrown into the Potomac, which is near by but this plan i.? not likely to prevail, os there Is too much good bronze i" the heroic figure to waste in these war times. One suggestion which is advanced by many army officers is that the statue be -sent back to Wilhelm, not in its present form, but that it be melted and mad-^ into cannon and that the cannon be sent over to shoot a little decency into the kai.ser’s legions. She Knew. “George proposed last niglit.” “Oh! did he? Say, isn't It too kill ing the way he foozles and htuslies Behind the Scenes. “If I had plenty of money I’’! rig my self out in dozens of near-diamond* and look like a cluwaller.” “Chandelier, v>n mean.” ' must learn not to neglect their healtji How Women are Restored to Health Spartanburg, S.C.—“For nine years I suf fered from backache, weakness, and irregu larities so I could hardly do my work. I tried many remedies but found i at relief. After taking Lydia Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound I felt » great change for the bettor and am now well and strong so I have no trouide iu doing my work. I hope every user of Lydia E. Pinkbam’a VegotabJe Compound will getas great relief as 1 did from its use.”—Mts.S.D.McAbbb, 122 Dewey Ave., Spartanburg, S. C. Chicago, Ill.—“For about two years I suf fered from a female trouble so I was unable to walk or do any of my own work. Tread about Lydia B.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound in the newspapers and determined to try it. It brought almost immediate relief. , My weakness has entirely disappeared and I never had better health. I weigh 166 pounds and am as strong as a man. I think money Is well spent which purchases Lydia E.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound.”—Mrs. Jos. CPurAM, 1765 Newport Ave., Chicago, Ill. YOU CAN RELY UPON LYDIA E VEGETABLE COMPOUND

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