Lvas Sr LEWIS,, PisHishcrs. CHARITY TOV/ARS ALL-KALKE TOWARD NONE. irOL. 21-UO. 33 BORNSVILLE, YANCEY COONTY, N. C., MAY 24.19ll Only,Pancr Published io tbe Couct;’ . $1 A YEAt THE OLD RELIABLE Buy War Savings 'Stamps and Kelp win the war. w:s.s. mB. SAYINGS STAMPS ISSUED BVr THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Depnsi'i: your surplus money witK jrus and get yoiir interest. BAMK OF YANGEY Buriisville, N. C. BANK OF YANCEY Bay of Prayer, Humiliation and Decoration. ThursHar. May goth, 2.50 p. m. Baptist Chui’ch. Doxology. - , Prayer.-'-'D. W. Whife. Sonjj—Honv Fair a Foundation. Proclamation of President.—I'.l. C. Honeycutt. Scripture, .Reading.—A. C. Swoffoi’d. Song —Faith of Our''Fathers,^ President’s Proclamation—Dis- diTsscd by the follow'iig laymen ispt.'efdter' noT-i?® vAceau eii-fii minutes each■): R. W. Wilson, John M. Lyon, I:.' D'. Gillespie. Season of Prayer.^ Onward Christian Soldiers^. Sermon.'—C..S.. Adams. Song. '-America Profession formed in front of chcrch, led by boy scouts,,^ower girls, ancj old so’Uiers, marching td cemetpj’y and decoration of graves. co'mmitteUfor mav 30th ssevici? Committee on Klowerilf: Mrs. Dr. SobertsGn, MrA. T. R/ Byrd, Rhea l/yon, Mis^ Nettie Bennett, .Miss .\iafy Wray, MP^sBlanc^teMoNetiy JVl'ss Kate Hyatt. j COMMITTIiF ON oin .'OLDIER^ J. W. Higgins-, N y.. Scales, jy^vi Biickne^v-'.^mes Fox; p.!berf;j*®Sfebn.' ' . OTTE ON OKNEK.M. AKKaVNGE- ME.XTS. J.-L. Hyatt, Chm’r, J. A. Wat son. G.'W. Anglin. Kicport ok The Condition of Repckt of the Condition or 'CitiiensBask. at Burnsville, N. C., at theclosfOi business, May 10, | 1018. ' RESOTTRCBS: Loans and discdlints - 167,141 20 Overdrafts secured and unsecured - - 678 IK) United’States Bonds - 5.000 OO Banking hotise 2680.36, Funiiture&fixt's 1412'.25 4,002 '61 lYUpti’cr re^.estate owned - - • ^ .3,405 00 'Dui' from National Banks -■ 32,O0l 63 Cash items held over 24 hours ... Gold coiii - - - Silver coin, incUidin.gall tnir.Or coin currency National bank notes v rid other U. S. notes 2,800 00 Total' - - $218,197.27 ' LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in - 25,000 00 Surplus fund - - 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid - - 2,200 88' Deposits subject to chccl^46r457 04 Time certificates of de posit ■ -y^- 110,023 71 C.ishier’s che^Jre o u t- standing^'''' - - 420 04 The American Creed. Tlie Cif? oF Baltimore offered a prize of 81,000 fpr the fieSt creed for the American citl,zeh. Tho contest was endorsed hr President Wilson and other id- rhiihstration ofikials. The 'A^n- ner of the prize is"\7ilHam Tjlor Page of Matj-hiiid, a descendfeht of former President John 'i'^Jier and is also a desendant.of .ohelof tlie signers of the Declaration^of Independence. The a e'e e i>*t e d creed is rs follov^s: • \ ' THE AMERICAN CREED. \ T0BE8CDL0SIS. (Consumption) If interested' in or effected, “J believe in the United State! W-'^e today for FREE booklet— of America as'a government pn jifiportar.t information. tlie people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are de- ri'cd from the consent of the governed; a democracy in. a public; a' soverrign' nation rBTny soyereign'states: a' perfect: union, one inseparablc;VsuibHsh- ed upon those principals of free dom, cjuaMty, justice and hu- iniinity for which American pa triots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. "I therefore believe, it is my duty to my country to love it;- to support its constitution; to obev its laws; to respect its flag; an-l to deftmcl it against all enemies,” 2,007 30 i85 00 698 58 $218,197.27 Tota> - StattYbf North Carolina, County of Yancey, May 16, 191$. -I/J. M. L3’on, Cashier of the abdve-naiued bank, dp solemnly ,swear that the above statement is true to the best of mj knowledge and belief. J. M. Lyon, Cashier. Correct—Attest: J. A. Watson, J‘E. Evans, Geo. ML Anglin, Di rectors. Snbscribcd and ■••worn to before rtfe, this l7th'day of May-; 19l8, E. Fr.\nk W’at;5on, Notary Public. at Biirnsviib, N.' C-, at the close of business May 10, 1918. RESOURCPIS; oani; and discounts - 168,948.37 Overdrafts sec’d ^ ; unsecured ■ 1,223 18 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 2,700 00 Preraium on Bonds Ui-'X Banking House, 309u'00, Furmttn-e&fixt’s 175,1.37 4.841 37 All other real estate O'wned 10206 49 Due from National Banks 31 664 OS Due from State Banks and Bankers - 11,666 .11 Gold coin Sih'cr coin, includin; minor roin currency - National bank notes and other U- S. notes 675 00 Total ■ $234,903 42 LIABILITIES: Capital stbek paid in - 17,300 00 Surplus Mini - 17,3OCO0 Urylivided profits, les6 current expenses and , taxes paid - 6,180 54 Dividends unpaid - 280 00 Notes! and bills re.-dis- counted - - NONE Bills payable - - NONE Deposits subject to checkl27,192 02 Demand Certificates of de posit - - - 65,46.1 69 Cashier's checks out- .standing - - - - -1,189 17 Total .$234,903 4? State of North Carolina, County of Yancey, May 17, 1118. I. Thos. R., Byrd, Cashier of, the above-named bank, do solemn-; ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Taos. E^. Byrd, Cashier. Correct—-Attest: J. Bis Ray, J'as. A. Peterson, M. C. Honey cutt, Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th da.v'of May,' 1918.' Chakle.s.Hutcjtins, Ndtarv Public. V/INGATE SALVO MEG. CO. ASHEVILLE, ?5. C. War •Vegetable Gardening and the Horne Storage of Vegetables. iust received from the Natipriai v^r Gardening Com- misnon, a number of copies of thid valuable book for distribu tion. It has been prepared by experts in e'very department, .anc should be in every household You wilhfind it of great value in gardening and sa'';ing vegeta ’Dies. .jCall and get one at ou o. - . : • [Store, 80-84 Patton'Ave., Ashe- HenryS. ChaRmengnatedthe q gc. stafpp idea of an American creed and rrYn-il ond several thousand ccnti^stants sub- initied mainiscripts for considera tion. The accepted creed should In'Wilson coun'iy the home of .fohn Haskins, a .tenant, caugiit lire in the night- Ilaskins'.ex- caped, but his, wife and clntd perished in the flames.' Spm'geon Sparks' Ship Was in EattSe W’ii'i Subs. From the Newport (Tcnn.) Plain 'Talk we gvt the following from Spurgo-on Sp. rks to his brotiier Cicero,.wbovas for sever al year;; held a reSp msible posi tion with a bi,g hour mill in New- iport. 'rimy are Yrn'cey county I boy--; and nons of tin bite W'iUie'ks, a well kn.wn Baptist • minister of this cc^jnty. The I h-lter follows: ! ‘ "-iav 7, 1918. 1 Dear Gicero: ,( , I You can’t, imagine bow good I ; am feeling this mo'.niag, for in ' another hour we will likely he in ! the Brooklyn Navy,Yards. We ! sailed from France on April 24th, ! and believe me, v.t have been ; making good time c,.’y and night. : There were forty-ts'.^ ships in the ! convoy when we left*,' France and I on the 26th Of April we had an jail day battle witlf-Submarines, , \ beginning at eight o’clock in the • morning and lasting until live ’p. I m. It wa.s some, battle, big six i and ten .inch.„ giii..; firing every ! second aiid several at a time. It ' s^re enough seemed:Tikie war-time [ that day; and you can imagine ! how we v;ere feeling; thinking j every minute \\ ouh' be the last one I for us; but there was on’-y one I transport sunk out of the bunch. I In the meantime we goc three of the subhiarines. 'vVhile going over we were caught in a b;id stdrra. It lasted 2-1-lon,^ hours, anc it looked as though we were going to be de- i stroY.ed every minute of the time. ! Wheca man looks out and sees j big ocean waves over 200 feet I high comin.g toward hiss boat it I looks just a little “bit scary'’, and as “’hilt’’ JoiT's used to say “That curicus Reiing crept over I me af never before.” Part of the I time,^we would ,bo on cur feet and I a p;i.'t of time on .lur heads. The jship was tu'^ned almost' upside i dovy.n. sevya' t’y.'...and if she I had not ’ been he'.tv} laden \vith i supplies for the American E.xpdty i Forces “over . tlieru.” no doubt ; she \ypuld gone down. I landed in the Soutnsrn part of France, sa.iled into the bay of i Biscay April '.‘th, dropped anchor at the town of Breast to await erders from American Headouar- ters where to go to unload. 'When we saijed across tli'e Biscay Bay and up the Gironde to that beautiful, town Bordeaux, ,60 miles awi-.’y. And here is where it took us ten days, to unload; then V(cjailed back for Ne\y York; and here we are all happy this morning realizing that we are nearin.g'the same place wc left seven v/eeks ago. I have some views of Bordeaux that I will send you later. It sure is aprettv tov/n. The people “over there’,! simply worship the Americans. You should hear tlie French girls trying to talk to us. They like the sailor boys. They said, “France no good anymore, Amer- cans good people.” Unfortunate for me, I had my arm burned very badly about a week ago. Haven’t been doing very much since, and will be under the doctor for an other-yeek or so, and just a-bout tliat time wa will sail airain. I am getting along alright. Write me real roun, SPURGEON SPARKS, U.'S. S. Moccasin, , ,Cavc P. M- N. Y. Whan he startei^'in, Hinclen-;- burg announced he.-was willing to lose 300,000 men in the -big drive. The Allies, though, ao- pear to be more liberal. They are willing for him to lose two or three times that number.—Macon Telegraph. and "VG will mail one. Ti S; MOHBISON & GO'. 'b.i in the hands of every Ameri can citizen and should be tau'ght in every school room. ■ Oliiittren. Cry" O A SC 1" G ?9 5 'A Waffled. Lafcbrers an'd c a r p e' n t e _r s, Sfceach/ work aad'good pay. Good ho'jr.iiirc and oo'st'ding faeilitieF on plaivt site. ... Am'Si'ican Wood Reduction Co. K'i Jtirin:' Roots; Herbs, Barks 'Wanted for €ash, Angelica rbot. Blood root (pucco'on.) .. Black Haw_^ bark. Lady SHpp'fer ro'ot. May'apple root. Poke root. Sars'apariUa root.' Spikenaid root. Saksasfras bark root. S.tar,Grass root.' Y/nd'Cherry,bark, etc. ,, ■We bViy all otljer kinds used in imdicine and pay highest' prices er\'er known. Write today for price rist and shipping tags. ,S. b:PENJOK&CO..’ INC., 37-33 N. Lexington'Ave'.V ' A’' ■ \ Triple Tragedy at Erwin. A triple tragedy was enacted at Ei'w'in Sundav. A mob Sunday evening burned the body of Tom Devert, a negro about thirty-five years of age, after he had been shot twice through the head as he attempted ; to swim the river with his victim, Georgia Lee Collins, the fifteen year old daughter of George Col lins, a bcncksmith aud a well thought of white man. - With her seven year old brother the, girl was on her way homo about a mile and a half beyond Krvvin, when at a secluded spot in the path she was attacked^ by the negro, who. choked her into insensibility before he was fright ened away by men nearby who rushed-, to the ' spot when they heard her frantic outcries. The negro is said to have turned,-her loose when he saw the men; then to have seized her again .and dragged her to the river bank, ^ plunging into tlie water with the ; eyident idea of swimming across. ' Qne of the fohr men, whose names j Ci’nnot be learned today, drew a j fortj'-four calibre and fired three j shots at his head showing above ; waiter, two of the bullets taking effect. The gunman drew a bead by resting the gun in the crotch of his crooked arm, .firitig at a r;uige of several hundred feet. The others started swimming tor the girl who sank a:id rose, again to the.suriace. '•Vhen brought to the bank she was dead. ^Vhetber or not she had been choked to death or drowned in the water is not known. When every efior.t to revive the dead girl,proved unavailing the men turned to the negro who had been brpught out. The sodden- body wfis dragged back to town the entire dstance pf a -piile ^nd a half, tjie crowd growing in size, until it readied mob proportions by the time they reached the power house. Here, accoiding to. the st,orv of orje_of. ’’he ey.e wit nesses, all the negro population, some sixty or seventy, were suuj- moned from their houses and made to line up, while men gath ered wood. cft»ss ties and sticks and piled them over the dead body Over this grewsome pyre was poured oil. The. body v/as com pletely incinerated, the ,.crowd,, lingering until Lar .into the night to watch the .burning. Naatteihpt at concealment was made'on the part of ani: partici pant. One man stated this morn ing that everybod3’'knew exactly of the circumstances of the at-, tempted rape, and that there, was no interference on the part.of the officers. No-inquest had been .held this morning. The populace inflacned against , the negro and all'others ,of his.tace, are said to liav& threatened to burn thg negro quarters, but were dissuaded by General Manager L. H. Phetta- placeof the C. C. and 0. Ry., who sought to stop them from their acts. . Kbwev,er, all negroes were ordered tq leave the town by members of the party, and it is said tlie exo4us set in early last riig-ht, and tliat today there are few left ill Erwin. Aside from the- burning itsejf there were no further acts of vio lence repotted, the.crowd con tenting itself, with wroakjng ven geance upon the dead body by burning. . . - ■ Devert is said to, have been a negro of good character, having lived in Erwin six or seven years. He is,thought to have been*either drunk or „under the effects of drugs.—Johnson City Staff. 5 ~ J! The ■ . Geiser Lise of Tkesfiers is well mi favorably kEowO' - All-over the South, and has proved to' be the most satisfactory machine for this moujitain section.' We have two car io'ads of macMnesbought, and a' part of them already sold and delivered.' If you need.a thresher in your section,; take the matter up with us at once, as’ we do not expect to able to get enough' Geiser Tlrresliers this year to supply the trade. Write for catalogue, prices and' terms. T. S:'MORRISON.8c CO; A'GeNTS for WESTERK north CAROLINA FOR. GEISER THRESHERS,. STEAM ENGINES AND SAW MILLS. Asheville, 'I. C. Save Feralizer BlUs, in crease crop productive ness, and make the best of Summer forage crops» Will improve land wonderfully, even aftei’ rising crop for foraga or grazing purposes. Can bo grown io excellent advantage in your Corn crop, increasing ..yield of Cpiai anil n\aking a wonderful iraprdvemeut to the soil. -'VYritri for prices and “WOOD’S CROP .SPECIAL.” giving informa tion about all Scaeonable Seeds. Mailed free on request. Rroudiy the boys marched av/ay. Are you doing what you can to bring them b:ick safe and victorious? Saving and lending your, money, every dollar of it, is the least that you can do for these brave boys. • Emmett Dalton, last of the Dalton band.of outlaws, as dar ing as their cousins, the James boys, is now a ^-esident of Gas tonia, where lie re'presents a-mo tion picture business. He escaped death when his brothers were killed many years ago. Pensacola. Eds. Eagle; Rev. Homer Casto from Eskota apoke on the work of the .Ameri can Red Cross Surfiday- p. m. at the M. R Church. He had a large audience, and we are g’-ad to. say most-of those present were members of the Red Romo few were enrolled alter the ser vices. The total membersnio numbered one hundred and fi.-iv- five, but we are expecting :■ lavr' number. Ao-.join. yet. ' ’ Cro^ has and,is doing or greatest-works, and we are vi i i to, see the people-at tins •.•m. stand by such a great cause. Clarence Ray is liere ag;:;--. from the.U.. S-N. He came this time to stay, as he is discharged. He,regrets he is physically unfit for the service. Dr, Hutchins is in Pensacola for a few days doing dental work. Messrs., Sara Huskins, Arthur LambDr. Smith, and Mrs. White, and Miss Sallie Parnell, made- a flying trip to Asheville list week. Mr. Oscar Young, of Day hook, spent the week-end in Pensacola “visiting freiids.” We are glad to learn that Miss Mattie Gardner has returned home, after some weeks in the hospital. Here’s hoping she win soon be strong. Mr. Arche Holyfleld left Sun day for the hospital-where he will receive treatment. Mrs. Bob Dolin and children visited home folks, last week, re turning Saturday. Mr. Devvey Ballard, who a few week ago was reported seriously sick with typhoid fever, has greatly improved. i'irs. Rex Yelton-left for Ken tucky last Sunday, where see joined her husband. Rev. Willis Ballard filled his regular appoinfipent^at the Free Baptist church Saturday and Sunda3'. Mr, F, E. Patton made a busi ness trip to Pensacola.^ast week. S'ONSHINE. ■Red Hotes.' Our Yance.v Cou:ity Red Cressi Chapter now numbers about 33,5- members, 150 at Eskota, 145 at. Pensacola (drive for membership: still on) an.d Burnsville 40. We- ought to have 500 members by- July 1st. A'e hope to have auxil-t ' iries soon organized at Bald, e. and Daj’ Book,- Greek. Micuvi!: and then at lu- Log. and 11 „ Ofi.-tion of the s 'Ctioi! of • oui •].sir::'.ute ou: Well o-ver the c hapel. Bee- 'itii the ex-r ’'"oe River! , this will- jhip fairlyt '• wdl form, eenters quite ccn.enu-.nt for all., Ivering’s t- . ist Sab-, '-.ith, ai.ternoon :;i;out :>2.-d was pledged for the Kea v..ross and a. committee consisting of James- RefroandJ. Horton, appoint-; ed bv Mr. l^atton, to receive and solicit further offerings- Two thousatul dollars is the- apportionment ai,Yancey county; in this Red Cross V drive, .which is only lor this week. We, want to go "over tlie top”' with- this. If you are -so •unlortimate- as not to be .solicit.ed' for 3'our, aiiarfe of.this, apportionment, get busy right away, and .send your- offeripg to Mr-.Tom Byrd, Burnsr- ville,,who is the Treasurer of our Yancey Count>’Xhapter. C. S. ADAMS, Publicity Chairman. When it comes down to a ques tion of rapid shipbuilding the United States is „on the job. When a* country can tur.n out_ a 5,000-ton .^ship in less than ope month from one , shipyard, tlicr^ is no denial of the tact that it .is showing speed and that is what this country has done. Uncle Sam iias been shuwnthe necessity, of building ships ap'd building th'er.i -:i;,hd1,v'.--:iew Bei-u Ru-r: JouruaL All true patriots are now agreed that.,the first big business.of this nation todav is to win the war. In'a de.mocracy-in time of war- the man w.hq. deliberately and in- tentipnally.crfibarrasses his goy^ ermrient by political attacks is doing eneihy.service, whatever his professions of loyalty may be.. 'I'he country,that fails to under-; stand this .when it is at war withj so resouveefui, so ingenious and! so unscrupulous an enemy as Ger: j many is ijv.’iting L-s:,ster, -Iycw i York'Vv’ofld,' ?' KO OTHER LIKE IT. • - NO OTHER AS GOOD,.. Purchase ihc “N^ HOME” at the 111 lalLlyol Th«t:liminalion o£ ' “NEW HOME". ^WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. • THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHiNEtiOjORANGE,MASef 'Oh'IMron Oiv FOR

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