THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1945 ! Jbaum Mont £>tsieet ! ! i • ■- . ' * t ‘ • • a«a. • # •«••• • a airanat.a •i>auanaMaiiaiiaiiau»iiaiiaMaiiaiia • ' Mi's. Mark Bennett and Billie Marie Bennett spent the past weeK in Raleigh where Dr. Bennett is at tending sessions of the Le gislature. Mrs. J. A. Good man accompanied them and visited Mrs. Lewis Tappan. -; ** * * Miss Bertha Proffitt is , in Mission hospital where she has undergone an op eration. •• # » Mise Willie M. Hensley has been ill of a sinus in fection. She was in the hos pital several days for treat ment but has left the hos-j pital and continues to im-l prove. •• * # Mrs. Josephine Holmes of Asheville was the week end guest of Rush T. Wray at the Nu-Wray Hotel. tt t t B. H. Nichols has been in Norburn hospital for treat-! ment of a broken ankle. ••* * L Miss Margaret Riddle!- who is employed at Pen land, N. C. has been the guest of friends here for the past week. #• * « Cecil Angel was over from Asheville for the week end. He is employed with the Lakeside Const. Co. there. I •* # • Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hor ton who have been visiting relatives in Charlotte and other places for several months returned home this 1 week. |, FARMERS! Compare the prices and quality of our Clover, 7 ! Grass, & Lespedeza Seeds We buy your rugs and Farm Produce. We can supply your needs in Fertilizers, feeds, Tobacco canvas and farm Supplies. JOHNSON & CO. General Supplies BURNSVILLE, N. C. j I Pffi^ICTORYI UNITED W®a STATES JWWAR JpiWi STAMPS BUY WAR BONDS And Back Every American Hero on Every Battle 1 Front. THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Burnsville, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, — mm m—■——l! ————— , V'"" ■' - v ................wiiaiiananßiia | CALENDAR Thursday, Peb. 8 The Woman’s Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. P. Lyon. Mrs. Joe Young will be in charge of the pro gram and will present a one act play given by members of the High School drama-! tic club. Monday, Feb. 12 A weeks study class will begin at the Baptist church, taught by Miss Hilliard. I Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore | Young have returned from Florida where they have visited relatives for sever al weeks. ** * * Mrs. Lorene Byrd left Monday for a months visit in Gaffney, S. C. and Wash ington, D. C. ** # # Carter Hensley contin ues very ill at his home in east Burnsville where jhe has been confined for 'the past ten days. ** * * Mrs. J. B. Hensley and little Frances Fortner of Asheville were the week! i end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hensley here. ** * * Mrs. C. M. Cheadle, Jr. of Asheville was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Cheadle' during the week end. ** * # Val Lewis has returned to his home from the hospi tal where he has been un dergoing treatment. KING-LAU GHRIJN / Cpl. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Laughrun are making their home at 3415 Orange Street Riverside, Cal. following their wedding there on Jan. I 5, 1945 • The bride is the former Miss Margaret Lois King of 207 East Chestnut St., | Johnson City. The Rev. McKee officiat-1 ed at the wedding at the! parsonage of the First; Methodist church of Riv-' jerside. The bride’s matron of honor was Mrs. Rita Gre-| gory, and Lester Gregory,! radio operator and close friand of the groom, was J best man. Mrs. Laughrun was. mar ried in a street length dress of aqua with black acces sories. She is a 1943 gradu ate of Science Hill high school and was later em ployed as book keeper at a business firm in Johnson City. Cpl. Laughrun, now sta tioned at March Field, Csl., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I R. Laughrun of Johnson i City. He was also a former.| student at Science Hill and; completed a radio course in ( ! Nashville and Memphis be-j fore going into the army ;in May, 1943. He took his basic train . ing act Keesler Field, Miss., and later took an engineer ing course at Sheppard Field, Texas before being i assigned to Englewood, jCal. He satisfactorily com pleted the B-25 training iand received his aerial en gineer’s wings. He then took training at Avon Park, Fla. and Fort Myers, Fla., where he received his gun ner’s wings. Mrs. Laughrun plans toi return to Johnson City to ! make her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. King, when Cpl. Laughrun goes overseas for duty. GREEN MOUNTAIN Mrs. Arcemus " Howell spent the week end in Erwin. Mrs D. D. Huffman has returned from Knoxville 1 where she visited her dau-l ghter, Mrs. Davis. Troy C. Starnes spent the! week end in Kingsport. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bailey ;of Kingsport spent the 1 week end here Mrs. Etta Gilbert of At lanta visited her sister, Mrs Biss Collis last week. Deyton-Peterson Ernest Peterson, AMM 3c, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loss Peterson, and Miss Helen Deyton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Deyton of Huntdale, were married on Jan 29th. I - REVIVAL I Beginning Sunday night, Feb. 11th at 7=30 p. m. at The Church of God in West Burnsville Rev. Albert Teaster will be in charge.' Every night services and special string music render ed. Everybody welcome. Presbyterian Church The Junior and Inter mediate children will hold their weekly meeting at the manse on Friday at 4 o’clock. The church school meets on Sunday at 10:15 and the worship service follows at II o’clock Other Parish worship ser vices are held at Upper Jacks Cre*ek at 2 o’clock; at| Higgins at 3:30; and at Banks Creek at 7:30 p. m. Write often to the men -in Service. OTD YANCEY RECORD /Baptist churches of COUNTY WILL HOLD SERVICES All Baptist churches of the county will hold servic !es on Saturday evening, Feb. 10 in their respective meeting places. These will be prayer services for the 1 men and women in the arm . ed,forces, and i!or the cause lof missions throughout the I world. All groups will meet at 7:30 except where desig nated otherwise Leaders for these meet lings have been assigned as •follows: Bald Creek church, : (2:30) A. Z. Jamerson; Blue Rock, Ade Puchanan; Bolen’s Creek, Mrs. G..L. Hensley; Brown's Creek, Miss Laura Hilliard; Bur nsville, First, H. G. Bailey; Byrd’s Chapel, J. B. Briggs; Cane River, Mrs. Kenneth Robertson; Clay Mound, Barnett Ray; Concord, Will Banks ; Crabtree, Mrs. Sol Har ris; Double Island, J. H. Black; Elk Shoal, S. W. Shuford; Fairview, W. M. Gardner; Hall’s Chapel, j | Fred Wheeler; Indian Creek j (Feb. 4th), Miss Hilliard; | lvy Gap, E. G. Adkins;' •Jacks-Creek, Miss Joy John son; Laurel Branch, C. P. Randolph; Locust Grove, (11 a. m), Richmond Ben nett; Mt. Mitchell, Jessie Hug hes; Mt. Pleasant, D. R. Fouts; Pleasant Gap, Mrs Andrew Johnson; Pleasant Grove, E. J. Ha'll; Pleasant Valley, Monroe Mclntosh; Prices Creek, (2:30), H. E. Donaho; Riverside, Mrs. Frank Harris; South Esta toe, Mrs- A. Z. Jamerson; Upper Shoal Creek, Arthur Thomas; * West Burnsville, i H. M. Alley; Windom, Britt McMahan; Young’s Chapel, A. Z. Jamerson; Zion, Mrs. Bill Bailev • GARDEN CLUB The Garden Club met with MfS. George Robin son on Thursday evening. Mrs. V. J. Goodman, in coming president, received reports of the various com -1 mittees, appointed some | new committees and pre sented her plans for the 1 years work. | Mrs. C. G. Horner was j received as a new member, j ’ During the social hour,! always a feature of meet-; ings of the Garden Club,! the hostess, assisted by Mis ses Ruby and Alma Robinson, served a sweet course. BURNSVILLE TEAMS WIN FOURTH DOUBLE HEADER IN A ROW The Mars Hill cagers bowed to Burnsville 11-10 and 30-19 Tuesday night. This was the eighth straight victory for the boys and the fourth for the girls. The girlg game was close throughout but the Burns- I ville boys took an early 1 lead and held a wide mar gin all the way. Jerome Williams was the leading l scorer of the night with 12* markers. Girls Lineup: Burnsville (11); Brink ley (4), Woody (2), Bailey (5), Hamrick, M. Boone, Griffith, D. Boone, Banks, j Mars Hill (10); Anderson (2), Ammons (4), McKin ney (4), Smart, Holcombe, Ray, Ponder, Metcaly and Kieth. Boys Lineup: Burnsville (30>; Price I (8), Williams (12), Silvers (2), Banks (4), Westall (2), Riddle (2), Woody, Honey cutt, and Bryson. Mars Hill (19); R. Edw ards (1), C. Edwards (3), TOWN AND FARM IN WARTIME Russia to Raise More of Own Food Russia will produce still more of her own vitally needed food this year as a result of 20,000 tons of seeds that have been furnished by the United States for Soviet spring plantings, ac-| cording to War Food Ad ministration. The tonnage, is the first half of a deliv-j ery agreed upon for this year. The seeds will be used in the Ukraine, for the most part, the richest Sov-i iet agricultural district, which/earlier in the war, wa 8 overrun to the extent of 150,000,000 acres, py the Nazis. During the German retreat in 1943 and 1944 the I Nazis carried out an effec tive policy of destruction ,j of nearly 60,000,000 acres. This seed help from the : United States is made pos-- ■sible, incidentally, through jthe growth in this country of a practically new indus try in America; in pre-war .clays this country was pri-; jmarily a seed importer | from European nations and never produced more than a fraction of the seed re quired to sow American , crops. The war has radically . changed this. Shipment of; seeds to Russia means great savings in shipping space , in contrast with the vessels POST AL /NOTES NOT CASHABLE OVERSEAS >! Persons writing to ser ■ vice men and w’omen over • seas are urged not to sendj Postal Notes simplified ! money order forms to ’ their husbands, sons, and 1 sweethearts in the service ; overseas. » Although the postal not-. ■ es went on sale by the Post Office Department on Feb-1 ruary 1, 1945, Navy post j offices afloat and at over seas bases, are not author ized to cash the notes. They may only be cashed within the United States and are good for only two calendar months from the date of issue. INFANTILE PARALY SIS DRIVE Bald Creek Bth grade | boys, * Mr. Maney), $21.05. Contributions in.Jbox at j Pollard Drug Store, sl3 85. i Bald Creek <St a- i sia Tomberlin), $12.00. $5.00 Dr. C. M. Whisnant, Bill j Atkins, Pollards, D. R \ Touts, E. L. Briggs. $4.00 Bald Creek Bth grade girls (Irene Edwards); 4th grade < Madge Carter). $3.00 1 Bald Creek 4th grade (Mary Lee Hensley); 10th grade tEvelyn Hill). 1 $2.00 | Mt. Pleasant x Baptist 1 church, Bafld Creek 9th 1 grade girls Ulrs. Bowman>; i 9th grade boys (Miss Phoe nix); 7th grade (Mr. Tom berlin); 7th grade (Mrs. Robertson); 6th grade (Miss Duncan); 6th grade (Mrs. Tomberlin); sth grade (Mrs Pauline Hensley); sth grade (Miss Z. Edwards); 3rd grade (Miss Bryson); 2nd grade (Miss Fefguson); j 2nd grade (Miss H. Edw ards) ; Ist grade (Mise I. . Hensley); Ist grade (Miss ,L. Hensley). Continued I next week. Please get in all reports by February 13th. i Howell (1), Bennett '(3l, i Stone, Willis, Anderson, Holcombe (6). Bee Log will play Burns ville Friday afternoon at 12=30 on the Burnsville , 'Court. BAPTIST CHURCH A Study Course in soul winning, for members of the Missionary Society, allfl tea chers and officers of the Sunday School, and all in terested individuals will be 'taught at the Burnsville; Baptist church next week. | Miss Laura Ma? Hilliard j will teach the book, “Soul Winning Doctrines” by J.j i Clyde Turner. Sessions each 'evening, Monday through| Friday, will begin at 7:30] o’clock. j f i CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our friends who show.ed us so much kindness during the illness and death of our belovsd husband and fath er. We will remember them all who visited us in our sorrow* and gave us so much comfort. Thanks to all of them and to Holcombe and Edwards* funeial home. j The Family of I. T. Fox. I required to move the fin ished food products that will by represented by the ’Soviet plants from these seeds. | Mow t Can > Breathe Agafai* fam Wonderfully quick, a little Va-tro-nol up each nostril helps open the nasal /vSslj passages—makes breathing easier—, j when your head fills up with stuffy' A transient congestion! Va-tro-nol gives t grand relief, too, from sniffly sneezy ' AtI distress of head colds. Try it! 0 opMA ||Jkn Follow directions in folder. WIC3&9 w£m i ! ~ ' ATTENTION FARMERS I J I Buy your Tobacco Fertilizer now. Shipments j will he more uncertain than ever before. Don’t be left out. %. r*’ We also have a limited supply of Lespedeza, Clover and Grass Seed. Also Fulgrain Seed Oats. FARMERS FEDERATION Burnsville, N. C. tiHWWW A'ik as sme Jj'-m f ! Johns-Manville PERM ATONE Asbestos Siding Shingles go right over the old sidewalls * If the sidewalls of your home need painting or other repairs, MW is the time to "do them over" with new Johns-Manville Permatone Siding Shingles. They come in attractive colors. Requiring no preservative treatment, they save you money year after year. P' ' Economical in price and inexpensive to | apply, Johns-Manville Permatone Siding Shingles go on easily right over your old siding. Because they wre made of asbestos and cement they are fireproof—will never rot or decay. For free estimate ca 11... B. B. FENLAND & SON Lumber & Building 1 Supplies BURNSVILLE, N. C. PAGE THREE NOTICE: The Lorene Beauty Shop will be closed from Monday, Feb. sth to March Ist as Mrs. Byrd wil bo out of town during the month of February. MASTIC I ! house paint I 1 Famous Two-Coat System || •*.The Southern Painter’s ■ friend since 1867.. -and like ■ an oid friend "it wears well!” ■ Beautifies -protects-will 1 i enhance the value of your g ~ property. ROBERTS & JOHNSON LUMBER COMPANY Burnsville, N. C.

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