* ' ■ * ~ , “*%r r - # THI YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1981 1 ■ ■!«« .t *vsj* , r-4- - 'irsJ.’T 3 "' m 1 L.±—'•ZT'ST' , THE TANCEY RECORD MMsSied July, 1936 ASSET and TRENA FOX CO-PUBUSBEM TRENA FOX, EDITOR PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY YANCEY PUBLISHING COMPANY A Partnership Second Class Postage Paid at Burnsville, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1961 NUMBER FIFTY-TWO SUBSCRIPTION RATE; $2.50 PER YEAR OUR TOWN (Formerly, “The Mayor’s Column’’) The comments we have received cn the few “Mayor's Columns” that have appeared to date have varied widely, ranging from ques tions and requests for further in formation to suggestions for fu ture columns. One thing stands out from the comments —that a good ma n y people appreciate being informed about the town’s .affairs. One suggestion was a new name for the column, which we lilted so well that we have forthwith adopted it. The former title, we feel, associated this column to par ticular office. The problems we discuss here are the town’s prob lems, not just the mayor’s prob lems- If Burnsville is to progress as it should, its problems must not simply be dumped into the lap of the mayor and the town board. A broader participation is needed. All of us—not just the town board —should be given time, thought, and effort toward improving our NOT I C E - COURT, Before the Clerk YANCEY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MRS. W. J. GORpON as guardian for CHARLENE W. GARMON, ROBERT GARMON, and LEONE W. HUTCHINSON a ,! d Husband, J. p. HUTCHINSON, Petitioners, Ex Parte ....Under and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, in ,tfie above-entitled proceeding dated' ll August 1961, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock Noon on the 28th day of August 1901, that certain track of land containing 12 Vz acres, more or less, located in Green Mountain " PROTECT Your Home For What It** Really Worth Do you know how much you j could lose if your home were destroyed by fire? Chances are it would be more than you .j - — ,v ' < ~ think. Sit down now and count up your belongings. Home ... • $ Contents: Living Room $ ! . • Dining $ „ V— - M ... ‘ , Kitchen Bedroom V Bedroom ? r - Bathroom -r* . - Basement i Garage $ ! m TOTAL $ 1 Docs your, present insurance meet your needs- Chances are yc*u are under-insured. For com plete protection see us soon. Burnsville Insurance Agency • V >*• * - * * - . - v ‘i. _ community. Hence “Our Tow n ” seems better to express what we are trying to achieve in this column than the heading we started with. Last week we discussed the im portance of attracting industry. By concentrating on that we certainly did not mean to imply that we be lieve this to be our sole big prob lem. The struggle to improve the economics of Western North Caro lina is recognized by all authori ties to be a three-pronged attack. (1) Attraction and expansion of industry, (2) further develop ment of the tourist business, in cluding the attraction of retired people to live here, and (8) in crease in agricultural income. The last is largely outside the baili wick of this column, but the first two are of such paramount im portance to Burnsville that we will from time to time have much to say about both. Bob Helmle, Mayor Township, Yancey County, North Carolina, as described in a Deed dated l July 1935 from Leone Warrick Hutchinson and husband to Minnie E. Warrick, which Deed is recorded in Yancey County Detd Book 78, page 408, and re ference is made to such public re cord for a more definite description. The terms of the sale will be for cash and the highest bidder will be required to make a cash deposit in the amount of 10% of his bid. o This property will be sold sub ject to the lien of the 1961 Yancey County ad valorem Taxes and the sale will be made subject to the provisions, of G- S. 1-339.25 a n d subject to confirmation by the Clerk and confirmation by the Judge. , '• r-~ This the 11th day of August 1961. G. D- Bailey, Commissioner August 17, a n d 24 • V •* __ Studio greeting cards are tailor-mao* for those whodikf ttt*Steep in touch,” yet (Joint have the time to write letters. ' A few words and an illustra tion' oftentimes can put across • message or thought much better than a lonr note. , There is a card which shows an elteant dowager sipping tea jjf mr drawing room, for ex ample, with the cover message: “Jurf sitting here thinking of you,” Inside, large brash type makes a complete turnabout: ’ "How the Hell are you, any* way?” i Another card from the same publisher, Rust Craft, has a miniature plastic dust pan on - the cover. Insi-.i: “Any dirt?” ’ And for those wito never jhav# anything to say, but want ,to keep in touch, there is an appropriate card which says: (“It’s nice having a friend like, iyou , . . who els* could I send' ,thes« nutty cards to?" , : (feyj hcsetary&e* ' !: * . >«*•’ " Ania sell! stay swag frmm gear picnic table If gea draw a hesvg .line •round the edge wttt wfclte ckmUt. J NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. D. NO. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiff v. H./LEE GRIFFITH, ET AL, Defendants TO;. MRS. MARIE WR'iGLEY’S AND HUSBAND, WEfIGLEYS; MRS. T. R. j HUGHES; MRS. MARY MARTHA ; BARTKIN AND HUSBAND, ..-'X BARTRIN; AR4M GRIFFITH AND WIFE, MR& ADAM GRIFFITH; HER BERT GRIFFITH AND WIFE, HERBERT GRIFFITH; MRS. ROSCOE GRIFFITH; CARL B, .HYATT AND WIFE, MRS. CARL B. HYATT, Cl ARA" LEE HYATT; KATE HYATT HIG GINS AND HUSBAND HIGGINS; GRACE HYATT DEY TON AND HUSBAND, .... DEYTON; and ALL OF THE UNKNOWN AND UNBORN HEIRS OF JOHN O. GRIFFITH, Deceased; Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against y o u has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The condem nation and appropriation, f o r high way purposes, of an interest 0 r estate in that certain land lying and being in Crabtree Townghip, Yancey County, North Carolina, and being the same lands describ ed jn a deed recorded in Book 18, paf* 41, Yancey County Public *WMrtry. You are required to make de fense to such pleading n 0 t later than September 14, 1962, and upon your failure to d 0 so, the party aeeking service again B t you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. Ibis the 8 day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF St&EftiOß COURT YANCEY COUNTY AUg. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7 BRUNSWICK, Maine (?HTNC) -Serving witlf Nfctipl Squadron 26, operating out of the Naval Air station, ‘Brunswick, Maine, is Charles R. Ray, aviation structural mechanic second class, USN, son of Mr. and Sirs. C. L. Ray of Route 2, Box 116, Burnsville, N. C, The squadron, which flies Lock heed “Neptune” aircraft, is de ployed to the North Atlantic a n d Mediterranean, fulfilling vital anti-submarine missions to help maintain the Free World’s control of the seas. .U H ~ \ Hfrfaltn Treasure Hamburgers , ’ 12 Iff jjjK $ -j ~ f AS!?.*. - —Olncy and Carpenter, Inc., Phot 3- talk big . . ..about hamburgers. Giant, deluxe, dinner «aed hamburgers .. . deftly seasoned with a surprise tucked inside. They’re tender, juie.y and lush . . . everybody’s choice , Above all be generous, make them large and thick. For l 'Hiddcn Treasure Hamburgers”, crisp canned French fried <*mm and pickle relish can be tucked' between two beef patties TNa, cook over charcoal, in the broiler, or pan-broU on ton of ti* stovt. They'll take from 15 to 18 minutes. W * > , ?«a £K2J?tS? *"•* 1 OSs c Frcnd » Fried j ■* i •easpooas son Onions ssje 2zius';i»» •*»»«• »««••»«* •amato (Ac’eent), optional •'"* , [ Combine beef, aalt, pepper and Ac’cent. Form 12 thin, round patties, about 4 inches in diameter.. Place a generous amount of O A C French Fried Onions and a teaspoon of pickle relish on top of each of. 6 patties and cover with remaining patties, press tog together .to ‘seal. Broil over charcoal. Tip: If broiling hamburgers over charcoal, a flat wire toaster is convenient. It makes, turning easier . 'and prevents squashing or mirgers. Serve any left-over French ' fried onions with the *"«•« • • • nice to have a few extra cans on hand. They make snacks to nibble on while .the food is being cooked. i SAVORY POTATO STICKS ' « CAna OA C Potato Sticks (about 6 servings! HHt potato sticks in aluminum foil pan on edge of grin or in .even. Sprinkle with any of the following just before serving • Seasoned salts -r r garlic; celery, onion, etc. : * Powdered herbs parsley, basil, oregano I ~ Grated, parjaeaaa, cheese 1 • rv •• -r , -f- —■ ■' ■ ■ ~3 -i - • fr m I Tobacco Will Soon Be Ready ; I I Do You Have a Good Supply of I I Tobacco Sticks I I We Have Them For Sale At I I $4.00 per hundred I I See Us Now I I B. B. Penland & Son Co. I m \ la \ B I DM - mu t-ailb BURNSVILLE, N. a M r * i ■ riK v T -f. f' ■ ' NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS . BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT . S. D. NO -i— ... STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Sip 1 -LL'T - - • V * “ ■ ' "T, Plaintiff, v. N. M. HARRIS, ET AL, Defendants TO: MRS. MARIE WRIGLEYS AND HUSBAND,.. WRIGLEYSI MRS. T. R. HUGHES AND HUSBAND, T. R> HUGHES; MRS. MARY MARTHA BART KIN AND HUSBAND, BARTKIN; ADAM GRIFFITH ANL WIFE, MRS. ADAM GRIF i FITH; HERBERT GRIFFITH I AND WIFE, MRS. HERBERT I GRIFFITH; MRS. ROSCOE GRIFFITH; CAR3< B. HYATT AND WIFE, MRS. CARL R. HYATT; CLARA LEE HYATT; KATE HYATT HIGGINS AND HUSBAND, -HIGGINS; GRACE HYATT DEYTON AND HUSBAND, DEYTON; and ALL OF THE UNKNOWN AND UNBORN HEIRS OF JOHN O. GRIFFITH, Deceased. Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The condem nation and appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest or estate in that certain land lying and being in Crabtree Township, Yancey Counay, North Carolina. a nd being the same lands describ ed in a deed recorded in Book 71, oage 231, Yancey County Public , Registry. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September 14, 1962, and Upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service agai n st you will apply to the Court for the relief sought- This the 8 day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUP ERIOR COURT YANCEY COUNTY Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURjT S. D. NO. : STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, • Plaintiff v. LACY JOHNSON, ET AL, Defendants TO: Ed Roberts, Mrs. Shirley W. Johnson, * Dr. Stacy Duncan, Jr., James Edward Roberts, Howard W. Johnson, Tommy Reed John son, Dr. Margaret J. Du n can, Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Thomas Michael Roberts, Ed * Roberts, Trustee for James Edward Rob erta and Thomas Michael Roberts, i Minors: Take nct.ce that a pleading seek ing nlief against you has been filed in thhe above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought as follows: The condemna tion and appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest or estate in that certain land lying being in Burnsville Township, Yan cey County, North Carolina, and being the same lands described in a deed recorded in Book 122, page 230, Yancey County Public Regis try. You are required to make de fense to such pleading n 0 t later than September 14, 1962, and upon 1 your failure to do so, the party seeking servicfe—tqgainst you will 1 apply to the dourl for the relief ; sough l . 1 * sJ fWH-the Bth day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUP -1 ERIOR COURT YANCEY i COUNTY A.ug. 17, 24, 31, Sept, 7 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. D. NO STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiff v. W. J. BANKS, ET AL, Defendants TO: EVFLYN BRIGGS WIL SON a n d husband, ElftviN WIL SON; ROBERT McCUR*)Y SMITH and wife, ELIZABETH SMITH; WEAVER DEERING and husband, JOHN DEERING; and MARY WEAVER MILLS: Take notice that ' a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled actio n . The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The condem nation and appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest, or estate in that certain' land lyi n g and being in Burnsville Tow n ship, Yancey County, North Carolina, and being the same lands describ ed in a deed recorded in Book 105, page 276, Yancey County Public ' Registry. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September 14, 1962, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you' will apply to the Court for the reliet . sought. ,1 This the 8 day 0 f August, 1961. . : Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF , SUPEPpR COURT YANCEY ■ j COUNTY ' 4 ■■■'- , j Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7

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