THE YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1964 THE YANCEY RECORD Established July, 1996 , , . . TRENA P. MX, Editor «r Publisher THURMAN L. BROWN, Shop Manager PUBLISHED UV’SBY THURSDAY BY YANCEY PUBLISHING COMPANY - Second Class Postage Paid at Burnsville. N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1964 NUMBER THIRTY FIVE SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.50 PER YEAR Citizens Opposed To Separ ate Campaiqfn For Funds The. following is a letter written to the Executive Director Os the N. Q. Division of ti.e American Cancer Society by Mr. Paul Fall,, president of the! ««HCey County TJiiii— 11ei" ,’s f sfelf Burnsville, N. C. •April 13. 1964 Mrs. Donahi Stone Executive Director North Carolina' Division Inc. American Cancef Society 705 West North Street Raleigh, N. C. Dear Mrs. Stone: . This, .is pot the kind, of letter I like to write to anyone, and .par ticularly: to one who has .been so kind, gracious and helpful as you have been, but honesty and can dor demand that it be written. Enclosed is. a clipping from the Yancey Record of April 9, which gives evidence that the Yancey County Unit of the - American Can cer-Society was on the job. But at the very beginning of this meeting, of laslj-. Thursday night .a “bomb shell” r. apuljited upon us. One of. .the members of. the Board of Directors remarked: “I have been italk ipg today with a -ftumber- of people,; mostly busi nessmen, seeking their help in this'."Cancerv,Crusade; and I. find khaf. they/ard. net only unwilling ter help.'iibot . they are opposed to a- separate campaign for funds, 7 ' ——- ■■■ . ' ’ ! - • ' ■ Vf vßll ; '’ «■ » S s s ,f’^*lsiiHl ■ :' ■ ,iiMH|WK-li^»l»>»'jlßwa &■■■.. t-xv, x •.:■&■* ££k* % <.. W / > -■• %■'?&;<£' yx<<^^.•s^^^^^MnßlHaf l liwHHlKte > »B *.->\-v. r >....-. •, •?<* JBgk ;". j® fißKpy * - I I mm*L »tr W T I ■ ' 1 >M ■Jy ■ v ■i ** - r gBS£3H I '..'•' t^ r _- r ■ < T ' I The rain vief . .". the road is slippery ... the wind is fierce ... but that doesn't trouble the ' 'Jeep' Wagoneer. No matter what's happening outside your windshield, you're safer when you're driving a Wagoneer. Why? In one word: "Drivepower."* ‘Jeep’ 4-wheel "Drivepower" is what Wagoneer has that no other car in the world has. It's what keeps all four wheels gripping the road, providing the kind of traction j that you can't get with any ordinary vehicle. Jsk} If I The 'Jeep' Wagoneer will take you tnrough -r v ' ~,l iSgpr..; mud, snow or sleet, and over rugged terrain that no oflier car would even attempt. So for '• V : ‘ '^p^^tUHSgggg^ Kaioler Jeep corporation Toledo 1, Ohio *' pRIVEPOWtR''I* Wagoneer station wagon’s new, improved and exclusive 4-wheel drive system. --AXJTj INTEW "dEEP’ mGONEEK See your ‘Jeep’ dealer and take a demonstration drive today. Roberts Ghevrolet-Buick. Inc. ‘Jeep’ Div. WEST MAIN sat. BURNSVILLE, N. C SriffSgjy'* “THE BUIK SBOW.» ÜBST ** I > v » v : , .'• ' . >*f .*> s •.*' ;i ■ i> •• and I have reluct^ Mrf 5 r come 10 ; the conclusion u unwise for us pt to raise funds for jkzs' at bhs time but should in clude the ACS in our United Fund Campaign next fall, if the Budget Committee will permit. But I think we should participate in a vigorous educational crusade, since that is one of the empha sized purposes of the ACS.” (This is not the exact words used, since I can’t recall them verbatin, but the above quotation conveys the Ideas presented by the member.) To say that we, who had gather ed there for discussion of pro cedure and dissemination of in formation literature, were some ■ what shocked by the “bomb shell” is putting it mildly, but IDr. Wamp ler, who is Chairman of the Board of Directors, felt (and wisely so, . I. think) that the suggestion should , not be, ignored, but should be freely and frankly discussed by . all those present. In the mail of that same day : (April 9), I received from Mrs. • Allred, copies of tre leaflets, “The i Indepndence Crusade’’ and Can -1 cer—The Research Story 1964”, which I pas | d out to each one I present at this meeting early in - the discussion of the suggestion. II Thus each one had in her (or his) i / hands, the reasons given toy ACS :[ for the independent crusad?. 1 1. .Right here I think I should dig , I ness to tell you of an experience I ■ i had that same morning, (April 9). Before nine o'clock I had called on the telephone a prominent, citi zen of Burnsville, who has taken an active part to civic affair* for at least a decade, asking if he could meet with the Board of Directors of the Yancey Unit of the ACS t*at same everting. He said he had another engagement that night, but that he would be glad to talk to me, so we arranged to meet lat eleven o’clock. At that conference with him he was very courteous but he said that he was opposed to separate (independent) health crusades: that since Yancey County held a United Fund Cam paign elach fall, re thought it should idally be a “United Fund Campaign. 'Be came loaded with material to support his con viction. One item was the article by Marion K. Sanders, in the ■ December 1958 issue of Harpers Magazine, titled, ‘‘Mutiny of the Bountiful”, with whch you are no doubt familiar. (I was not fami liar with it nor did I have an op portunity to read it before our ' meeting Thursday evening.) When this prominent citizen and I parted after more than an hour of discussi n, 1 said, “I think you are correct in your conviction, with which I am now in agree ment, but having put my hand to the plow, I feel I must carry out my obligation this year.’’ I had no intention of revealing to our group on Thursday night the reaction I got from this promi nent citizen and civic leader, be cause I felt that we were obligated to do what we could for the cru sade this month, although I am very frank to confess that I have felt very discouraged about possi bilities of success. The reasons for this discouragement are: 1. Our Crusade Chairman has been ill for a month and has been In the hospital at Winston Salem: 2. Our Secretary has been afflict ed with the measles; 3. Our Trea surer is not well and has resign ed: 4. The response to two writ ten appeals for volunteers to help has been exceedingly disappoint ing; 5. Those whom I have per sonally asked to help have pot been able (or willing) to do so except in two cases; 6. Some wpo have agreed to help have subse quently asked for release: 7. Since I am a recent and relatively un known (except hy a few people) citizen of Ylancey County, and like wise known only a few people in the county, I am greatly handi- 4 . capped In such an enterprize. Now having disgressed exten sively, let me continue with the report of the Thursday night meet ing, following the bomb shell sug gestion. After our group discussed the suggestion for more than an hour, presenting pros and cons, one of the members (not the one Who threw the bomb shell) made ithe following) motion: “1. That we have an educational j crusade, with the opportunity to contribute funds for the American Cancer Society. 2. If permissible by the Budget! Committee of the Yancey County' . United Fund, that funds for the ; American Cancer Society be in > eluded in the United Fund cam > paign next fall. The . motion was seconded, dis ; cussed and then plassed unanimou ; sly. not by voice vote but by s raising of right hands. ; One recently appointed member J of the (Board of Directors asked * me, “What are you president of? • To which I replied, “Apparently r lam president of an evaporated organization.” And I added, “If I TO MAKE YOUR SUMMER MORE COMFORTABLE At A Price You Can Afford 2 Piece Living Room Suite with Nylon Covers 2 Step Tables 1 Coffee Table 2 Lamps All 7 pieces only $149.95 I | V ' 19" PORTABLE TV BUILUa|ERFORM BETTER ... BUIIT TO LAST LONGER by SYLVAfM The latest Took" in styling PLUS outstanding performance is built in o this new Spectator series Portable TV from SYLVANIA. Exclusive Power Stream Chassis with patent pending c ’cuitry provides sharper, clearer, brighter pic; tures . . . >ven in fringe areas. Added features include 19 Bonded P :ture Tube with 174 square inches of viewing area, frai e grid Super Distance Tuner, rich out-froru sound, an i UHF Convertibility. $169.95 J. IF. Robinson, Furniture & Appliances j CANE RIVER, N. C. Phone 682-2781 • * M iuijt .'tM io ao* 1*1..^ am Impeached, you people must ! stand back of me.’’ I think I • should not fall to tell you that three of the women (two of whom are widows whose hus bands died of cancer within the past three years) who were in the Thursday night group favored and voted for the motion just related, although they helped raise the j Cancer Crusade funds last year. \ I am indpd sorry this action has come so late, but I know of nothing else to do than to carry out the unanimous Judgment of those who i were the few directors and volun- 1 ! teers we had been able to as-! semble, because we cannot raise funds without volunteers to do the work. Therefore, I hrrebv submit my resignation as president of the Yancey County Unit, effective Im mediately, and shall' await your directions concerning the use or return the literature that has been sent to me. as well as your direction concerning any funds in the hands of the one who has been treasurer of the unit. Let me add this personal note: Please do not think that your trip here last month and the excellent talk you gave us has been in vain. You made a very favorable im pression on all of us and we still believe in the work that • the Am erican Cancer Society is doinfc, but the volunteer workers in our particular county, have R strong conviction that we should not un dertake a separate crusade for funds for ACS, but should include such funds in the County-wide United Fund Campaign. Regret:oily but Sincerely, Paul H. Fall New! Gillette sum#* AdjustablejESjaffr. sKTjfiF b—rd M&Br Blue Blades 3 Piece Bedroom Suite 2 Lamps Box Springs & Mattress All 7 pieces only $149.95 Norge Wringer Washer $89.95 Maytag wringer washer $134.95 MORE a IdP/^^II ■* FOR FROZEN FOODS [7" »" BS giant Erii 104-LB. ■ tixJ 2ER O ZONE . !■ USg% FREEZER ? I jf AUTOMATIC A Ii ab defrosting | i.U'5 in Ifffi/hfflm >p^ rature *■—tuLudJLzJUU REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Need extra freezer space? This Gibson’s got it. Plenty of fresh food storage too ... 13.02 cu. ft. to gether. Slide-out crisper holds nearly a bushel. Room for a dozen frozen food packages on the door shelf. Tested hrs. on Gibson “Quality Mile”, Hgp . . $249.95 exchange Men In Service USS BENNINGTON ( FHTNC) Alan V. Cooper, airman appren tice, USN, sob of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper of Burnsville, N. C., Is serving; afcntard the anti submarine warfare support air craft carrier USS Bennington, op erating out of Long Beach, Calif. Bennington is presently operat ing in the Far East m six months of duty with the Seventh Fleet. She is scheduled to visit the part of Yokosbka, Japan, in the near future. She is the hub of an air, surface and sub-marine “Hunter-Killer” group working together to find and destroy ‘‘enemy submarines.” The ship recently completed operations off the Hawaiian Is •Islands. During in-port P’rtrrhs at Pearl Harbor, the crewmembers were given a chance to rtTht c “' n and enjoy the traditional Hawaiian j hospitality.