THE YANCEY RECORD jmhBBP!PHHIPft K •' ,18 Hi 'W rß’jjini i % 3 * s w£k v Jgf * v k ', ‘ ; : % s THIS IS THE GOSPEL The Midnight Cry Text: Math. 25-6—“ And at midnight there was a cry made, behold the Bride groom cometh go ye out to meet him." The parable of the ten Virgins is a parable of the Church, and its condition at the rapture. Mathew, 25; tells us there were ten Vir gins, five were wise and five were foolish. When the cry was made, behold the Bride groom cometh, go ye out to meet him. The foolish found out they had no oil in their lamps. They were unprepar ed to meet the bridegroom. But the wise were ready, • \Jtheir lamps were trimmed and their vessels were filled with oil. Our text states the foolish then went to the wise, and said give us of % I \ IV Thursday-Friday imr —BBtB® OUMD ©27 P “ ts 89- 2 LB • IQ -I I HtsCaie lustapt Coffee !4 oz. 1/C Bananas ||||l§!| Camp Marsh Mallows 1 o°\ ! feft j A y Valley dale B lk - 1/C /■ 1 bacon d < i ft lft.6 /f Cnarn Pies 4/C 7 7