NEW BOOKS ACQUIRED BY PUBLIC LIBRARY By: Astton Chapman The following is a samp ling of the books recently added by the Avery-Mitch ell-Yancey Regional Library. They may be obtained through the public libraries in Newland, , Bakersville Spruce Pine or Burnsville or any of the bookmobiles operated in the three coun ties. NO SLIPPER FOR CIN DERELLA by Mildred Law rence. The heroine, Merial Chapin, thought she was in dire need of a fairy godmo ther; but it wasn’t either pumpkins or magic wands which transformed Merial. THE TWIN SERPENTS by Ronald Scott Thom. The pace mounts from page to page in this suspenseful and highly literate *, thriller, which gives a new twist to the coiled serpents climbing the rod of Mercury, long the emblem of physicians and surgeons. A CARIBBEAN MYSTERY by Agatha Christie. A short “Miss Marple'’ novel. Most of the readers of Agatha Christie will in the end ask themsblVes how they could have been so blind—or how Agatha Christie could have fooled them again. SHADOW OF A MAN by Doris Miles Disney. In her latest novel she demonstra tes the versatility that has made her one of the most. MARTHA HYEIte MICHAEL ANDERSON,JR. EARL HOLUMAN JEREMY SLATI CMKCUD BY SCKCENPI*' av _ _ a jUHI HENRY HATHAWAY WILLIAM H. WRIGHT. ALLAN WEISS, HARRY ESSEX KSiiX l^*^** 1 i _ Sun., Mon., Tues. OCT. 24 - 25 - 26 FROM THI BUST [MIG BISTSeiICH' r'nuunno UrATUCDTrUI Produced by Owecled by Screenplay by buNNUKo ntAmhKIUN • Joseph e levine • eowaro dmytryk -john michael ms •dved un the new Whe

■* ■HY JBnrW Hear LESLEY unniu ■ ■ I || A gore and | JAMES ROBERT 1 \ smPthei, • 10. KINCAID HIM SHAW mil CHANDLER >v HMT HUSHES ■GI NFCORMAN ALAN RAFKIN ROBERT KAUFMAN i , the yanc :ey record n juHNPnr iwiSamjPsi^p H »t SALE: 'SO acre farm, room house, water in ® r »use, barn, .55 tohaeco al lotment, timber. Call 682- wi 71, Mark Laws, Burnsville, mi C. RFD 3, Coxes Creek of ff> fl ch-un of Pi • HEATRE sic th Sot.! url -22-23 CC Jean Martin h* * tV j: ItL Mtooucno. Cl UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY West Coast Corporation re cently reorganized that can withstand rigid financial ex amination is offemg on a no franchise fee basis exclusive distributorships. This Is a product In demand by every a home owner and every busi ness and is currently being used by such national or ganizations as Sears Roe buck and Co., Holiday Inn Motels and various branch es of the armed forces. .Pro ' dus 100% guaranteed; in vestment from S6OO t o 514,000. Investment guaran teed with 100% markup. Manufacturer has proven method of distribution ad vertising and mefchandlsir.g. A factory representative will assist you in setting up your business. For complete de tails and descriptive litera ture write National Chem- Plastics Corp. 1550 Page In dustrial Blvd., St. Louis, Mis souri 63132 or call collect Robert T. Adams at Ha-6- 7242, Area Code 314. e-D2 Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Trial Offer! u Z7Ttn2 V £.i v fJ?Jl Uon packaec* of the WILLARD TREATMENT have been sold tor relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to En eas* Add—Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassinoss, Heartburn, Sleep fSlmVV 1 -’ due to „ E * e *»* Add. Ask for Willard's Message'' which fully explains ' this home-treatment—freo-—at »anks pharmacy POLLARD’S DRUG STORE * ’i . HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 1 Supplement your farm d# other income with a good part tme Rawleijh products dealership. Write Rawlelgh, Dept. NC J 1000 *23, Rich mond, Va. pd-021 FOR SALE: 1957 Ford, two door, Automate Transmis*' ” sion. Call 682-2845 after 4:00 n. m. ch-028 FOR SALE: large Used Portable Sylva-ia T. V. Can' be seen at John Robinson Company shop. / ‘ / FOR SALE: 1961 Ford Fal con, white, red inter or, bucket seat?, padded da-h. Telephone 682-2755 ch-021 FOR SALE: King size bed with mattress and spring. Mrs. Page Hunter, Burns ville, N. C. Church Street, Phone 682-2618. c-028 CLEAN rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer 51. Blue Ridge Hardware Co. FOR SALE: House Trailer. See Mr. or Mrs. W. P. Hon eycutt, Phone 682-3450. 48 ft. long furnished, p-028