LOCALS Mrs. Margaret H. Johnson has returned to Fayetteville, N. C., after spending the summer at her heme w Rt. 1, Burnsville. Mr. Glenn Garren and his niece, Miss Glenda Hovath of Mahwah, N. J. were week-end gueols of Mrs. Nell Kaulf. Miss Hovath is a student at East Tennessee State University. Mrs. W. C. Murphy is spend ing the week with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Davis and Mr. Davis in Asheville. Mrs. Troy Ray entertained her Canasta Club at a luncheon cn Thursday, the 19th. Special guests were Mrs. George Snvth and Mrs. Eddie Joyner of Ashe ville. Mrs. Joyner was a house guest of Mrs. Grace Grassrrtuck. Maria Beal Fletcher, 1982 Miss America, and her family from AshevTle, were dinner guests at Nu-Wray Inn Satur day, the 28th. Miss Rhodes, the 1966 Rhododendron Queen and her family also visited Burns ville on Sunday, and breakfast ed at Nu-Wray Inn. The Assoc’at'on of Christian Educators, N. C. Synod, is hold ing Vs fall retreat in Burnsville, w’th headquarters at the Burns ville Presbyterian Church. They are staving at Nu-Wrav Inn. Mr. Klell Nanoa. of Raleigh, is dir ect ng the Retreat. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Har rell are among the sponsors of the Senior Class at St Genevieve of the Pines Academy in Ashe ville on a tour of Will.amsburg, Va . Gettysburg, Pa., and New York City. While in New York the group will v.sit the United Nations Building, Rockefeller Center, Lincoln Center, museums and attend several Broadway plays. Mrs. Harrell teaches Heme Economics and Un.ted States History at the Academy. Mr Harrell is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Harrell of Bur nsville. Lr. and Mrs. Garland Wamp ler were ,in Durham last week where Dr Wampler attended the N. C. Academy of General Practice held at the Jack Tar Hotel. Rrady Lee Baley of Appala chian State University, Boone, vis.ted his parents, over the week-end. He had as h’s guests Har'an Stone and Danny Deal, also of Appalachian. Mr, Fdear Hunter, .Tr„ prin enl. cf Burnsville Elementary Sch'-l, is attending a Pr'ncl pa’ s Conference in Durham this week. Hospital Admissions October 24 Oct 31st Oil 24 Admssicns: Richard Gar.and. Robert Overly, Millie \\i‘. t.n. Discharged Henry Law man. Oi L. 25 Admitted Robert Holloway. 1) scliargei} Effie Hamriknd. Judy Tipton. Geral dine Boone, Thelma Scott, Mar i:in Hunt, Shirley Sm th, Anne Ballard, Zcna Henson. Oct. 26 Admitted Mrs Cora Caroway, Shirley Rice. D.sch arged, Richard Garland. Oct. 27 Admitted Martha Hc-wley. No discharges. Oct. 28 Adm tied Sally Pen land, Carl Barnett. Discharged, Nell Edwards, Jennette Fox, Rob ert Overly. Oct. 29 Admitted Ante Fob inson. Discharged Shrley Rice. Oct. 30 Admitted Patsy Ann Gertney, Melinda Laws, Joe Honeycutt. Peggy Shepherd, Bessie Buchanan, Juanta Led ford No discharges. Oct. 31 Admitted Eva John s' n, Genrptita Jones. Carl Pen land. Gladys Joan Reeve, Paul Buck. Discharged Rose Husk ins. Carl Barnett, Juanita Led ford. Births: B'-m to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pernis Buchanan, Rt 1, on Oct. 20th, a daughter. THE YANCEY RECORD NEW CONTESTANTS IN MISS YANCEY CONTEST .... ... , A<>:\ JMr Iktk Janet Crisp Sun Edwards , . : - 'l Pat Lattarmaa East Yancey PTA To Moot The East Yancey Parent- Teacher Association will meet Monday night in the school lib rary at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Eugene Burr’s, County Co ordinator for WAMY Community Action, will be the guest speak er. All parents are urged to attend. Homo Visitors Honing Coarso Friendly Home Vis'tors, now known as Neighborhood Visitors, will be engaged in a four-day home nursing course this week. This course is being taught by Mss Annie Jo Hawfield, a representative of the Red Cross. When the course is complet ed, the Visitors will be qualified to teach others. Three more contestants have en tered the Yancey Beauty Page ant to be held in connection with •the Christmas Parade sponsor ed by the Yancey Merchants Association. The deadline tor entrants in the contest has been set tor November 15th. Miss Janet Cr'sp is sponsored by Ray Brothers Food Center. She is a Junior at Hast Yancey, where she has been a cheer leader for the past two years. She is also the Homecoming Queen for 1967-68. In addtion to her school acti vities, Miss Crisp has been ac tive in community work, having served as a “Candy Striper” for three years at Yancey Hospital. A Senior Girl Scout herself, she has been ass'stant leader tor brth the Brownie and Cadet Girl Scouts. Miss Crisp is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crisp of Burnsville. Sue Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bemie Edwards of Rt. 4, Burnsville, is sponsored by a member of the Merchants As sociation. Sue is a 1966 graduate of Cane River Hgs School, and Dilly Beauty School, Asheville. She has been employed as a beautician at Fay’s Beauty Shop for the past year. Miss Pat Letterman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inzy Lotterman of Brush Creek. She is a graduate of Cane River H'gh School, and a sophomore at Mars Hill College. Pat is sponsored by Hilltop Restaurant. Two Yuncey Boys Injorod In Viot Nam. Moot In Hospital Word has been received of fat jury to two Yancey County boys wh ,e serving in the Viet Nam conflict. Sp. 4. Ralph Bartlett, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bart lett, Newdale, sustained a brok en hip. Ralph had received the Purple Heart follow ng an ear lier injury. He is a 1965 gradu ate of East Yancey High School. Cpl. Roger Swann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Swann of Cane River, who is in heavy artillery, suffered a permanent back in jury caused front lifting heavy materials. Roger is a graduate of Cane River High School, and is married to the former Mary Phillips of Man Hill. They an parents of a seven months old son, Jeffrey. Mrs. Swann teach es Engl ah at Cute River High School. While her husband is away she and Jeffrey live with her parents In Man Hll. Bartlett and Swann landed in the hoepiUl fat Tokyo, Japan, at the same time and occupy beds s’de bv side. What must have been the thoughts of these two Yancey Ounty beys upon look ing across the bed at each oth er? To use an oM cliche, no doubt it wee "Small W"rtd.” The families learned of dv ar r'val of the boys In the U. 8. Amor Hospital In Tnkvo throu gh a toteohone call from Rocer to his wife at 4:38 a. m. Sunday. After nmnwrutinu In the Tokyo hosotNi W a few weeks, both brnm w*U be returned to a tvwn’tol in the Fates. end the «p*> tnnlrlnp |g having them home for Christ mas. .•.yA'.v.'.-.v.y..-yL ' . : : ' mHnMmrr'''' v.Jggifc,- _Jj|r I'' » | HUSKEY-HAMBY WEDDING ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mn. Nick Huskey of Rhodhiss, N. C., announce the marr age of their daughter, TruLa Ann, to Michael Hamby, . sen of Mrs. Alda Hamby of Whitel, N. C. and the late Mr. Hamby. The wedding was solemnized Saturday, October 28 in South Carolina. The br'de is a senior at Gran ite Falls High School and the bridegroom graduated frotn Hud son Hieh last year and is employed with General Electric in Hickory. The Huskey» are former real-, dents of Burnsville. Mrs. Foats Hostess To Garden Club Mrs. D. R. Fouts was hostess to the Garden Club at her home cn Academy Street last Friday night. Mrs. Troy Ray, program lead er, introduced Mrs. W. A. Y. Sargent, who showed color slid es of Canada and Alaska and gave an interesting travelog of 'the tour which she and Dr. Sar gent made in August and Sep tember. President of the club, Mrs. Troy Ray, appointed a commit tee composed of Mrs. Fred Prof-' fitt, Mrs. D. R. Pouts, and Mrs. Brooks Wilson, to nominate of ficers for the coming year. Mrs. Sargent, chairman of the civic committee, was appointed to see about having needed repairs made to street signs in the town. It was decided to discontinue meetings of the club during Jan uary and February. The next meet ng will be held on Decem ber 1, at the home of Mrs. Fred Proffitt with Mrs. D. R. Foots as program leader. The hostess was assirfed dur ing the soc’al h~ur bv Mrs. Troy Hav «*«» Mr* r.rviv Bal ley. Mrs. Hubert Justice was a guest of the club. THURSDAY NOV 2, i%7 ._a Scout Neighborhood To Meet The Yancey Girl Scout Neigh borhood Association will meet Thursday, November 9 at 9:3U a. m. at the Community Build ing in Burnsville. Two members of the Pisgafa Girl Scout Council, “The Piper Team”, will be present. This is a project to enlist more girls for scouting. All leaders and Troop Commit tees are urged to be present at the meeting. Fall Festival At Pensacola Pensacola Fall Festival will be held at Pensacola Elementary School Friday, November 3, 1967. Food sales begin at 6:00 p. m. The program will beg'n at 7:00 p. m. String music will be furnished by “The Leaders”. Skits by school children and adults. This is sponsored by the Pensacola P. T. A. Admission will be 25 and 50c. Wikox At Gospel Mission Rev. Handy Wilcox will be preaching at the Free W.U Bap tist Gospel Mission, Main Street Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Free Wll Baptist Gospel Miss ion is occupying the Banks Buil ding dreotly across from the Yancey Theatre. There will be special singing by the cho'r of Rev. Wilcox’s church near Elizabethtnn, Tenn. The public is cordially invited