BRING THEM Diirif AiWE BE SAFE FOR VACATION Milly *m ML! V E AND 4th of JULY DRIVING. Bm m ™ ON TIRES OF QUALITY, DEPENDABILITY Made by... G O OP fir EAR BUY 4 for the 4th at BELOW OFF-BRAND PRICES Fbwer Belt Fblyglas DUAL WHITEWALL m 4* h j 78 Series Wide Tread B I '*©SSWVW 'SA” (k for tY% \\l Imlii \ \ | 7:00 X 13, C7B X 14, B fi Bj iMI .glWiiM - V1 V E7B x 14, G7B x 14, ■ \sPPillal 1 \ V VVn H7B x 14, F7B x 15, Plus 1.95 to 2.55 Fed. Excise I1 1 £ ; j x ls Tax and Usable Old Tire BUY TWO FOR ONLY $65.00 Pajjffm Power Cushion 78 jWWjggWll# 4 PLYS VITACORD DUAL _ I Ilwull \\ WHITEWALL 7B SERIES JB gB i'* | uirMßßl %\YV 1I t WIDE TREAD MU , J I "11 \Y\trSßmm\ l\i ANY SIZE LISTED /I ° r I M Xj" 7:00 x 13, E7B x 14, F7B x 14 B M— ■ B IV; j ; G7B x 14, F7B X 15, and G7B xls B BIBi W /.« ~T\klf\ CAD CiTft AA Plus 1*95 to 2.55 Fed. Excise / $ -{Mf yy*J I*UK «pOU.UU Tax and Usable Old Tire IVftHnVPISI /| £ SOO 6:50 x 13,7:75 x 14,8:25 x 14 iJIP W 111 8:55 x 14,7:75 x 15,8:25 xls B \ vgJBBJIIIF TWO FOR $46.00 Tax and Usable Old Tire | GOOD YEAR CAROLINA TIRE COMPANY . ~.8 . Vf/^?V ILLE. THE YANCEY RECORD JUNE 17, 1971 PAGE 15