THE YANCEY RECORD JUNE 17, 1971 PAGE 20 YANCEY THEATRE Thru* Fri* Sat* 17 - 18-19 They're going to win World War II this weekend... or die trying! MGM presents a Jerry Gershwin Elliott Kastner picture starring Richard Burton Clint Eastwood MaryUre "Where Eagles Dare" Sun.Mon.Tue. 20-21-22 f jyPfn W wk « : PETER | GOLDIE SELLERS * HAWN flJteneSa GjlrlirfMySoiyo Read The Want Ads ~BLUE GRASS MUSIC" ; BLUE GRASS GOSPEL | Winners Os Mti. WilderMss Blvegross Festival Coatest ! LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF YANCEY NOTICE OF SALE The property hereinafter described having been sold pur suant to an order of the Yanoey County Board of Education and report of sale made to the Clerk of the Superior Court. And, an increase of bidhaving been filed which necessitate s the resale of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, pursu ant to the order of sale and re sale of said property,the "Yancey County Board of Education will at 10KX) A.M. on June 29,1971, ! RIVERSIDE i DRIVE IN I Fri. Sat. Sun. | 18 - 19 - 20 i RICHARD HARRIS as “A MAN : CALLED HORSE” Plus j Steve McQueen ! "The Reivers" ••••••••••••••••••••••••a LEGAL NOTICE at the Courthouse door inßums ville, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the lots and building on which the same is located, said building being the one erected by the Mechanical Training Classes, in Prices Creek Township,Coun ty of Yancey and State of North Carolina and in what was known t as the Ralph Ray Sub- Division and described as follows: BEING Lots 40,41,42 and 43 of the Ralph Ray PropertypMap A, which appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Yancey County, in Map Book 1, page 94, refer - ence to which is hereby made for a specific description to said lots. TOGETHER with all rights of way to roads, including,but not limited to, those shown on the map of the Ralph Ray Sub- Division. The Yancey County Board of Education reserves the right to reject the highest bid if it deems the same inadequate. This the 14th day of June, 1971. YANCEY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION By Landrum Wilson, Super intendent. June 17, 24 ch LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROHNA. COUNTY OF YANCEY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE- SUPERIOR COURT DIVE ION NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION THE TOWN OF BURNSVILIE, Petitioner vs. VASHTIE HENS IE Y, ET AL, Respondents To: Vivian Edwards and hus band Rom Edwards, Polly Ann Rumbo and husband, John Rum bo, Howard Burdette Peterson and wife, Georgia Petersoq Mary Belle Peterson, Jimmy LEGAL NOTICE Peterson and wife, Lois Peter son, Edward Peterson and wife, Merline Peterson, Jeanic Tra batt and husband, E. L.Trabatt, 11, Sandy Adams and husband, Raleigh Adams Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above enti tled special proceeding. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: To condemn an easement over your land in the Towncf Burnsville for the purpose of laying an 8 inch water main from Reservoir Hill to U. S. Highway 19-E By-Pass, a dis tance of 662 feet, 30 feet in width for construction pur poses, to be reduced to 20 feet after construction is fi nished. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than July 12, 1971. Up on your failure to do so the Petitioner seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 28th day of May, 1971. THE TOWN OFBURNSMLE By James A. Anglin,Mayor Burnsville, N.C. 28714 June 3,10,17 ch Trophy Given Sandra Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray of Burnsville, was awarded the Crisco Trophy for her outstand ing work in home econo m i cs at East Yancey High School's annual Awards Day recently. The gold trophy was pre sented to Miss Ray, a junior at East Yancey, by her teach er, Mrs. Mack B. Ray. In presenting the Crisco Trophy, Mrs. Ray congratulated San dra on the excellence she has shown in her work and said die "felt certain her achievanents in home economics would be a lasting inspiration to other students." LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE NORTH CARO LINA UTIUTIES COMMISSION DOCKET No. ES-53,5U8 1 In the Matter of Joint Applica tion of Carolina Power G Light Company and French Broad Electric Membership Corpora - tion under Chapter 287, Public Laws of 1965 (G.S. 62-110.2(c) for Reassignment of Electric Service Areas in Yancey County NOTICE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Public Notice is hereby given that Carolina Power G Light Compwmy ("CPGL") and French Broad Electric Membership Cor poration ("French Broad"),each of which is engaged in distribu ting and selling electric pwwer and energy filed with the Narth Carolina Utilities Commission an application for the reassign ment of electric service areas in Yancey County and the trara fer of certain facilities and cus tomers from CPGL to French Broad in accordance with the provisions of G. S. 62- 110.2(c) (2) and G.S. 62-110.2(d) (1) and filed with such applicatiai a map showing the proposed area to be reassigned from befog designated as "unassigned" to being assigned to French Broad, which area is located along and near U. S. Highway 19 in the vicinity of Bald Creek and Swiss. Notice to tiie public is fur ther given that the map filed with the Commission and show ing the area proposed to be reassigned is available for in spection, and information identifying the customers and facilities of CPGL to be trans ferred to French Broad is avail able at the offices of the North Carolina Utilities Commission, Ruffin Building, 1 West Mor gan Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, and at: YanceyCbun ty Courthouse, Burnsville,North Carolina, Office of CPGL,Ashe ville, North Carolina, and Of fice of French Broad, Bumaille, North Carolina. Notice is further given that the Commission scheduled and held a public hearing on this application on January 27,1971, in the Hearing Room of the Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina, at 2:00 p.m.; and based upon the application,the evidence presented at the hear ing, and the information and records on file with the Com - mission, the Commission ap proved the application for re assignment of territory and trana fer of customers and facilities subject to the publication of this notice and an opportunity for members of the public to intervene or complain before the Commission concerning this reassignment and transfer. Notice to the public is fur ther given that if no one files any protest to the approval of the application by June 25,1971, the Commission's approval will become final, the area will be reassigned, and the facilities and customers will be author - ized to be transferred. This 17th day of May, 1971. North Carolina Utilities Commission Carolina Power G Light Company French Broad Electric Msm bershlp Corporation May 27, June 3,10,17 ch