* •. „ ■ \ THE YANCEY JOURNAL PAGE 2 - >&r ; ■, -#■’ '■ ■ .7- •’ . ■*. • m , '<■.• *'•■' •_•■■■ -... '. .. IJ&fc '■"■*.* \ . J 0 V ™ , . ~ * .i v : . ■ .-j •' **' \larch \^p l of Dimes BIG DSCONTS I FOR PERSONALIZED j ■ CLOSENESS I I | uw ISHUVER^^ I $ 34 88 I V KODAK I INSTAMATIC if X-15 COLOR OUTFIT I vq /J m J Reg. *l7” *l3** j ■ POLAROID CAMERA I -7U mu | SQUARE SHOOTER 2 8 Reg. *24** I ROMAN BRIO H AFTER SHAVE | LOTION S 4 Oz. Reg. $2.50 I I ■ Iff! *1" 11 j] .[ I POLLARD,S DRUG STORE I WEST MAIN ST. PHONE 682-2146 BURNSVILLE, M.C. DECEMBER 27, 1973 lady remington I STYLER/DRYER I v<\ ' 1 I » \ . ■ I Introducing the new LADY REMINGTON'” I I MIST-AIR HOT COMB’Styler/Diyet «« SIE99 I *21.88 i J SCHICK NO. 300 I FLEXAMATIC SH>WER MODEL 300 Shaves SPICE ggyyyPSGIFT SET our *rr #3380 After Shave. 4V« or. Reg. $4.00 Cologne, 4% oz. 4.00 $099 I ROMAN BRIO I GIFT SET [After .Shave-Col.] I '»456 Re « $099 $550 O Beekeeping Business (Coat'd from page 1} with the flight of the bees as they bring the sweet nectar back to the hive. "You can order bees from a lot of mail order homes, but I wouldn't have them," said Ayers. 'The best bees I ever had came from an old stump down by the church, " As he dressed in his protec - tive garments and proceeded toward the bee hives above his house, Ayers talked about bee keeping. He filled the mouth of the hive entrance with smoke, explaining that the smoke cat - ches the guard bees off-balance and they fail to wan the queen and workers of impending dan- ger. The element of surprise firightens the bees and they be gin filling thebe stomachs with honey, ignoring the intruders. "Why do the bees begin gorgirg on honey? Let me put it this way, " Ayers explained. "If your house was on Are wouldn't you try to save everything you could? " The hive yielded a dishpan full of golden honey. And as John began to rob the second hive, he pointed to a small shed beside his house. "See that? Next year Pm going to grow sugar cane and make mo lasses there. Just call me the 'sweet man*. " Church Will Hold Singing The Middle Fork Independ ent Baptist Church, located four miles North of Mars Hill on U. S. 19, will have their regular fifth Saturday night singing on Saturday, December 29, 7ioo p. m. Featured in this singing will be the Wilson Family of Johnson City, Tennessee; the Primative Quartet of N. C.; the Higgins Quartet of Burnsville, N.C.; the King Fa mily of Candler, N.C. .and se veral other groups.' The public is cordially in vited to attend. The master of ceremonies Ed Ball will be in charge of the singing. We need each other. The Army Reserve. K pays to go to meetings L P Different hopes different folks. People want different things from a college education. But they all agree on one thing. It takes more than brains to get a diploma. Why not make the burden a little easier? Start buying U.S. Savings Bonds now. Bonds are a depend able way to build a college fund for your children. And an easy way to start saving them is by joining the Payroll Savings Plan. Start a college fund now with U.S. Savings Bonds. They just might i let your kids spend more time studying and less time working to stay in school—whatever they hope to be. Thke^!^ . stock ; ln/^menca. Buy U. S. Savings Bonds Now V. Bond* t*y 6V» miweni when twki to maturity of 5 year*. |tl month* 4’’. the fir*t vaar Bond* are reidmed it hart. *t»b>n. or dmiroved Whan naanad thay can be cashed at your bank Intern** i* mrt *ub|e< to state or loral immm? ta*a*. and fadarai laa may be deferrad until redemption Iku S o**#'**«»**' •<••• **i *•**•»* ■• awhuaw Lkl Ks II .« •• * ».»l* wo t. ,« r.9o»«*a<'«" •■«* V* 7 *i HW Ithe Mail.».«» Cawacu and J^lugpeecij of SOUTHERN APPAI.AIIIIA with Rogers Whileo.-r * s, ~1 . ..I n.il »• »kilmaid tribute to his contributions as folk singer and mountain philosopher. The Appalachian Journal is to be commended for remin - ding us of the contributions of such men as Frank Proffitt to the Appalachian heritage. and move around the country, you can get social security cre dit *f any one boss pays you $l5O in cash in a year, or if you do farm work for him 20 or more days in a year for cash wages paid on a time basis. Y>u should give your social security number to every farmer you work for, and make sure he takes your social security con tributions out of your pay when it's necessary. Dried herbs should be kept ir. tightly sealed bot tles away from heat so they will not lose their flavor. If the cooking time of a dish is very short, dried herbs will give a more delicious flavor if they have been moistened with a little warm water or salad oil and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Foods that require long cooking should have the herb added during the last hour of cooking for the best flavor. When seasoning un cooked foods, dried herbs should be added well in advance of serving in or der to release their full flavor. To avoid flecks in a finished dish, dried herbs may be tied in a cheese cloth bag and removed before serving. A good rule of thumb 1 on amounts of dried herbs | to use is 1/4 teaspoon | to a recipe for four. Even the beginning cook can turn out dishes that are simple yet culi nary “masterpieces” by following these few easy rules.