M|U lufcii (iKiutinf, fmi la Vrentiaa and Jim Hut ton arojmorinalod obaaraara ma Sleva McQueen pilaa up his minninga ml m Vomica gambling casino In this acene from Mctro-Colduryn Meyer'a nam GnemmScope and color comedy, 'iTka ? Honey moon Machine." "THE HONEYMOON MACHINE" Murphy 64 Drlv* In Saturday & Sunday ' David Ladd anil Ham. Smith, Mm of "Mtotf." exhibit their delight la two wild ponifeo they have tamed la the 20th Century-Fox Cinema Scope DeLuxc Color veraion of the famoaa children'* elaaaic, open ing at the Theatre with Arthur O'Connell and Aaae Seymour MISTY I Ham Ttwotre Friday & Saturday Rock am teamed am Anl time m Ikey mix mm twill I with 11 _ "Come September." Su4n Dee, Bohhr Daria mmd Walter Sleaak abo alar in the Techttieoier phtaia Aimed em the Italian Riviera "Come September Henn Thaatra Sun. Mon. Tue. & Wad. St ????? ?c?k d?V?>ilTIs'co c vaIllby drive in Friday. Saturday fc Su Dacambar $.9.1 10. LAST SUNSET. MURPHY 64 DRIVE IN Thur. A Fri. Dacambar 1 k I.TEUNAGB MILLIONAIRE Sat. k Sua. Dacambar 9 k 10. TAMMY TELL MB TRUE, Gat Soae Fun Out Of. Lift! Go Out To A Movie ! Mora Clay Caaaty Parsoaals Mr. and Mrs. Oleon Led ford sad tiro sons of Chat tsnoogs. Tenn. spent Thanksgiving with Edna and Altha Phillips at Oownlngs Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Birch in the Lick Log section. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards and daughter of Forest Park. Ga. spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cllfmn Panland, In the Shoot ing Creak community. \ a a a Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ledford of Charlotte visited his parents during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. ..Herman Ledford. ? ? e ? Guests of the Hershel Gar risons Sunday were Mrs. Kate Pass of Hlawassee, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drake of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Martin and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Welsh and family of Hayesvllle. a ? ? Mrs. Clifton Penland, Jr.Is recovering nicely at her home on Shooting Creek after having surgery In the Hall County Hospital . Gainesville. Ga. e e a Mrs. Todd Klmsey and daughter, Edna Ann, of Hlawassee visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herbert in West Hayesville, Sunday. SALE SLISHTLY DAMAGED CLOSE OUTS ASO SECONDS RUGS Blb9/12Rug AS LOW AS $12 27x72 Runners $2 AND UP LargeQuanlty Baautiful Bedspreads TO SELECT FROM Wednesday p.m. ALL DAY Saturday J & C CARPET COMPANY MES-2332 ELL I J AY.GEO RG I A Mrs. tushBarnardandMrs. Flora Curtis vis>ted Mrs. Jesnnie Colemsn lastThurs day. ' ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hooper of Brass town community spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mae Cunningham in the Woods Grove section last week. ? ? ? Those visiting Mrs. Coffey Sunday were Mv*nd Mrs. Luther Matheso^Mrs. Cora Johnson, J^ts. can Sellers and daughters, and Mrs. Ebb Green * M Mrs. Jhrry Anderson t/Tparents Mr. and Mrs.~Jfck Penland. in die Shooting Creek community Saturday night. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Rogers of Charlotte spent the week^ end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rogers. ? ? ? Mrs. Sallle Ledford better known by her friends as''Aunt Sailie" spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Aud Woody and Mrs John E. Ledford. She Is 87 years young and still enjoys knitting, piecing quilts and crochets. She enjoys keeping busy. ? ? ? Mr. Ben Phillips Is much improved at this time. Visitors in the Phillips home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and the Rev. Lester Stowe. ? ? * Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrow of Murphy. Miss Charlene Hed den, Mr. and Mrs. Cress Moss. ? ? * W. S.C.S.Ladies ofrtickory Stand Church attended Bible Study Course at Marshall's Chapel on Thursday night. ... Mrs. Iowa Green and Mr. Harley Scroggs are still patients in Providence Hospital, everyone wishes diem a speedy recovery. ? ? ? New officers were elected at the regular meeting of the Trl State Rock Hounders in their building in Brasstown. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Arrant visited Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wilson In Knoxville, over the week-end. ... Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Stalcup visited Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stalcup on Martins Creek Sunday. ... Mrs. Frank Burleson of Plum tree. N. C. visited her sister and brother-in-law, Capt. and Mrs. Frank W. Swan, last week. ? ? ? Mrs. Edward H. Swan, wife of Major Edward H. Swan who is stationed at Fort Shafter, Hiawall as assistant Deputy Commander of the U. S. Army of Hlawii. was called home by the death of her father O. E. Finch. M. D. of Raleigh. N. C? die last of November. Mrs. Swan flew by jet from Honolula to Raleigh in a little over 10 hours flying dme. Mrs. Swan spent the week-end with Major Swan's mother and father. Capt. and Mrs. Frank W. Swan before flying back to Hlawii on Friday of thisweek. Mr. and Mrs. Arltn Mc Clure of the Shooting Crefek community received word Saturday night that their son Billy had been run ever by a car In High Point. They left Immediately/for High Point and leanfed when they got there ttyrt he car struckBllly and Mi friend as they started to.^ross the street. Both young ?in were taken to the Baptist .iospltal In Winston Salem, where they are suffering with serious head Injuries. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaught and daughter, visited Mrs. Vaught*s parents In Tennessee over the week-end. ? ? ? Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beal was Mrs. PansyBradshaw and Sharon, Mrs. MyrttPlem mons, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Miss Susie Curds. ? ? ? Mrs. Myrt Curds left on Monday to visit her sister in Raleigh for a few weeks. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pullium and daughter, Melba, of Adanta, visited Mr andMrs. David Burch on Sunday. ? ? ? Pvt. Bruce Ledford of Fort Gordon, Ga. is spending a weeks leave with his wife, Mrs. Abigail Ledford. ? ? ? Mrs. Maggie Moore is now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Moore In the Tusquittee secdon where she plans to spend most of the Winter months. She has been visidng Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore for several weeks. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Swannanoa spent the week-end in Clay visidng reladves and friends. ? ? ? Mr. Herbert McGlamery of West Ashevllle was In Hayes ville on business Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Waldroup were the Thanks giving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. ? ? ? Mr. Steve Zimmerman a student at Western Carolina College Is spending a few days at home this week. ? ? ? Mr. Bob Waldroup is a padent In an Atlanta, Ga. hospital. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dayton attended the funeral of her uncle. Mr. John Rhinehardt, in Waynesvllle last Thursday. ? ? Mrs. Hazel Mutton and daughter of Asheville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McGlamery at Oak Forest. Mrs. Mutton is the former Miss Hazel Cherry of Clay County. ? ? ? The Rev. Ralph Jacks and family spent Thanksgiving in Adanta, Ga. with her brother. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mease of the Qualla community visited Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sayles at Brasstown Sunday after noon. ? ? ? Mr. andMrs. George Martin made a business trip to Ashe ville. last Friday. ? ? ? Miss Fannie Lou Mc Glamery of the Oak Forest community was the sipper guests of ? Mrs. Peggy Zimmerman and family at Qualla, Sunday night. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. AlvtnPenland took Mr. .Ed. L. Herbert to Ashevllle Sunday. He is having a check-up with an Ashevllle doctor this week. ? ? ? Mr. Claude Street has bought the Wlmpey recapping business along with general garage work. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rogers, Mrs. John E, Ledford and Mr. and Mrs. MansonBeadles visited "Awt Sallie" Ledford In the Shooting Creek community Sunday afternoon. ? ? ? ? The Rev. and Mrs. Clems Pope and daughter spent a few days with her parents last * e. e Miss Joan Gtbeon and Bobby Gibson visited their parents Mr. andMrs. Robert Gibson a few days last weak. ? e ? Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch of the Elf section visited the Paul and Kenneth Burch families la the Lick Log comma*ty, Sunday Mwranaa. a ee a Mr. aid Mrs. RobertGlbeon spam Thanksgiving la Charletse with the W. S. Berryhlll family. SMARTS/WAS G#E\ SUNBEAM ?MIXER with all ottochm?n??. COFFEE MAKER 9.95 ud 42.95 i STEAM ".35 up if $ Miss Margie Burch, daugh ter of Paul Burch and the late Mrs. Hartie Burch, Is a patient In Memorial Mission Hospital, Ashevllle. where she is having surgery for cancer, this week. In Service Sheppard AFB, Texas Staff Sergeant John L. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Hall of Route 1, Brasstown, N. C? Is being assigned to Mather AFB, Calif., follow ing his graduation from the United States Air Force technical training course for jet aircraft maintenance technicians at Sheppard AFB. Texas. Sergeant Hall was trained In the advanced skills necessary to supervise and perform maintenance and Inspection of jet aircraft. The sergeant and his wife, die former Betty Lou Allen of 529 Hayes St., Hazel Park, Mich., havfe two children, Michael , 7, and Jeffrey, 4. Yvonne Barnard Honored Hayesv'lle ? Mri. Kenneth Bernard entertained with a party at her home Sunday afternoon honoring Yvonne on her eighth birthday. After games were played the children enjoyed favors of candy and ballons. Refresh ments of birthday cake. Ice cream and cool aid, were served to Debbie Penland, Rita and Susan Moore, Beth Bristol z lESte {fffiB \ Yea. we have a complete stock of all the traditional flowers and greens ... In many new 1 and enchanting arrangements. Come. . . seel )(Uger0kee florist VE 7-2824 Murphy. N. C. HOWELL'S V _ ) a i r MARKET Next To Post Office WHOLE A 'm P0RKLIVER25 LEAN & MEATY CURED HAM HOCKS CHRISTMAS WRAPPING aad DECORATIONS Of All Kiids NUTS 01 All Kiids At Low Prices FREE FREE 5 lb. Bag APPLES with every order of $5 or more Big Assortaaat CANDY Oar Own Jog Qaality EGGS it j Doz. 49 50 lb. Bag POTATOES *1" -- 5 lb. Bag XMAS MIX CANDY. $100 Boneless STEW BEEF 59V 10 to 141b - Better Order Early ^ ? HEN TURKEYS 37V I^PPIPPi ... SAVINGS Fresh Dressed HOWELL'S S?r" mm