We print envelope* ?> loae titan you cen buy them at o* JPoet Office Keep your doUara home. Buy your printing from The Cherokee Scout. The Cherokee Scout and Clay County Progress N. JerueBahb .Publisher Phyllis B. Bafab. . . . .Editor J ack Owens S' reduction Supervisor Published Every Thursday at 117 Hickory St. Murphy. N.C. Second Class Postage Paid at Murphy, North Carolina SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing addresses In Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C.; Towns. Union and Fannin Counties, Ga.; and Polk County, Tenn. 1 Year -- *3.00 6 Months -- *1.75 ALL OTHER AREAS 1 Year -- *5.00 6 Months -- *3.00 On all subscriptions delivered in North Carolina, add the state's three per cent sales tax. County Crofters Make Candles The Cherokeo County Crti ter* held t workshop an ctndle making at die home of Mrs. Dick Richard* on Nov. 30th, with an all day meeting. This craft group Is a producing member of the Southern Highland Handicraft Guild, and as such has the prlvlledge of getting help In perfecting our crafts through the educational dept. of the Guild. Miss Berrtlce A. Stevens, director of education, came to meet with us and brought many different kind of candles but best of all a valuable talk on what to do and what not to do. Deed Transfers W. I. Wlmpey et als to M. C. and Maude Margaret Moore, 4 acres more or less, in Hayesvllle Township. James McClure et als to Rich and Kenneth Ledford, 2 acres more or less. In Hiawassee Township. H. J. and Minnie Swanson to Alex J. and Inez D. Zlmmermacher, 68 acres more or less, in Brasstown Township. Gray Insurance Agency At 'TOM061LE INSURANCE - Protect your right 00 drive and yourself against financial loss. FIRE INSURANCE - Protect your home and other property by adequate insurance. GENERA!- INSURANCE ? T. C. GRAY, Agent Telephone 2701 Hayesvllle, N.C. Dec.6 Thru Dec.13 Hosting Pastor Rev. W. J. Thompson JOHN W. WALLACE JULIAN S. SUGGS ^ Minister of Music - Lducanun |J A VHlf n I NOFIII/AC First Baptist Church - Murphy 7:30 p.m.Nightly First Baptist Church Murphy, N.C. The Public Is Cordially Invited LIVELINESS AND LUXURY AT A LOW, LOW PRICE NEW CHEW H Never before such a team of totally new cars! Sedans, hardtop, station wagons, even a convertible . . . you name it, Chevy II hqs it. Nine models in all now in production. They're easy on the eyes, easy on the road and easy on your pocketbook. Two spunky engines, a four and a six (your choice in most models), purr along merrily on regular gas?and darn little of it, too. Thanks to Mono Plate rear springs, the ride reminds you of the big Chev rolet?and you know how smooth that is. The space and cushy comfort inside put you in mind of big cars, too. Hut Chevy II parts company from anything else around when it comes to offering all these fine features ?at a sensible low price. Check your Chevrolet dealer and see for vourself. 42ZzQQl37 CHEVY II 300 4-DOOR 3-SEAT STATION WAGON. Packs a whopping 76.2 cu. ft. of cargo. CHEVY II NOVA 400 CONVERT IBLE. It's Chevrolet's newest and lowest priced convertible. < 11K\ V II 300 l-DOOR SEDAN. Chevy U s saving ways in a prac tical ti-passtMiutT family model. /Vote . . . look 'em over arid try one oat. CHEVY II NOVA 400 SPORT COUPE.. Handsome hardtop with top-of-the-line go and glamor?at a pleasin' kind of price. A NEW WORLD OF WORTH-Chevrolet. Cbevy II ? Corvair ? Corvette at your loeal authorized Chevrolet dealer's Dickey Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Co., Inc. 116 T?nn?ss?? Stmt Murphy, N. C. VE 7-2132 Manufacturers Llcanaa # 110 Dr. W. L. Clegg Dies Following Heart Attack Preached First SermonHere Or. W.L. C 1 ? o o Dr. William Lemuel Clegg, district superintendent of the Burlington District oi the Methodist Church, died Saturday, November 18. in Durham where he suffered c heart attack on the campus of Duke University. Dr. Clegg preached his first sermon in the old Murphy Methodist Church located on Church Street. Dr. Clegg, who was 58 year* old, was the son of the latt Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Clegg His father was. a member o: the Western North Caroline Conference, and pastor of tht Murphy First Methodist Church at the time the presen structure was erected. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Dorothy Kanoy Clegg and two children, Mrs. Lyl Harper, 6tGreenbel t, Md., an David Clegg of Burlington an Durham, He also has on brother, Charles R. Cleg* president of Young Harn College; and two sisters, Mr* H. A. Walker of Charlotte and) Mrs. Charles J . Hogg, of York town. Fa. W . L. Clegg joined the North Carolina Annual Conference in 1924 after his graduation from college, and has spent his endre ministry in that con ference. His appointments have included Fast Aoxboro and Longhurst, Aulander. Gar ner, Maxtor, Bethel, Asburv Church. Durham, Fronibtreet Burlington, and Hayes barton, Raleigh. He also served four districts as dis trict superintendent these being the Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Durham, and Burlington Districts. Mr. Clegg was one of the most popular members of the con ference and his judgment on any question of importance was relied upon. 11 was largely through his influence and guidance that the districtcon ference lines were rearranged and the two new districts formed in 1954, He was elected as a delegate to the General Conference on several occasions, and he led the delegation on his first election in 1944. At the session in Denver, Colorado In 1960 he was selected for membership on the Judicial Council which serves as Methodism's "Supreme Court" Hehadjust returned from a meeting of that body held in Chicago. This is one of the highest honors that can be accorded a minister in the Methodist Church. "Lent" Clegg, as he was known by his closest fne ids, was recognized for h s sound judgment and un swerving loyalty to his duty. He was vice-president of the Board ot I rustees ot Methodist College at Fayetteville. Funeral services were con ducted Monday, afternoon, November 20, at 2:00 o'clock from Front Street Methodist Church in Burlington, where -he - served as pastor for five years, and during which time this beautiful new church plant was erected. Officiating in the service were Bishop Paul N. Garber, Rev. H. R. Clegg, a cousin, and Rev LeonRussell, the pastor. Burial was in New Maplewood Cemetery, Durham. Murphy Elementary L ibrary Reading Clubs Meet In observance of National Book Week, the Library Read ing clubs met In (he Elementary school library. The Fpurth Grade Club met on Monday with the President, Darryl Cos sett presiding. Alter a short business session he presented Minnie Ray Moore, chairman of the pro garm committee. A program on "The Westward Movement ol United States Histroy" was given. Those taking part on the program were: Brenda Bettls, Hugh Carder, Steve Wells, Johnny Foster, Charlie Sims and Barbara Rogers. TheClub voted Brenda Bettls' report the best. The Fifth Grade Club met on Tuesday. In the absence of the president, Susanne Co ward, vice president, presided. The program on "Biographies of Great Men and W omen" w as presented by David Dotson, David McCoy, Benny Scott, Larry Henson and Judy Queen. Benny Scott received the award for the best report. Barbara Smith, presidentof the sixth grade club called the meeting to order and presided over the business session. A program of Natural History and "Famous Pets" was given by Karen Wilkes, Jackie Craig Maggie Bowers, Robert Palmer, Susanne Ivie, Robert Dickey, Ronnie Burrell and Sandra Stiles. Sandra Stiles report on "Fala, President Roosevelt's Dog" was voted the best and she received a prize. During the reporting period just past, the Elementary School library had a total circulation of 5536 volumes. In addinon to 126 new volumes added to the stacks the library has received 23 memorial books. Christmas Bazaar To Be Held December 7 And 8 Andrews -- A Christmas Bazaar will be sponsored by Methodist women, December 7 and 8th in the Power and Light Building beginning at 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. There will be Christmas gifts, canned and baked foods plus candy for sale. Brasstown W. S. C. S. met at Hickory Stand Church on Monday night. A program was given by members of the society. Sue Reece is president. * ? * A pie supper will be held at the Rock Hound Building on December 9. It will start at 7:30 p.m. It is sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of Hickory Stand Church. Proceeds will go for improvements on the Church. Everyone is invited. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. John Beach from Warne visited his sister, Mrs. Iowa Green, Sunday. * * * A group of singers from P.ne Log Church sang at Hickory Stand Church on Tuesday night. We are glad you came , come agaml ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Stal cup had as their dinner guest Sunday Mrs. Betty Fenland, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stalcup and family from Canton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stalcup and Cindy Lynn of Asheville. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mauney and family of Atlanta, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred O.Scroggs over the Thanksgiving holidays. * * * Miss Janice Stalcup from Canton, Ohio visited die Vaughn Stalcups for the Thanksgiving holidays. W.S.C.5. Hears Program On Alcoholism Andrews -- The General meeting of the WomansSociety of Christian Service andGuild members of the First Methodist Church was held Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the FellowshipHall.Mrs.Paul Jordan, president, presided. A devotional "Christ the Light of the World " was given by Mrs. Ray Hogsed. After the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Lucy Laughter secretary, reports from Circles were given by Mrs. L. C. Broome, Mrs. F. E. Blalock, Mrs. Dorris Smotherman Mrs. S.J.Ger nert, Mrs. Charles Freel and Miss Gladys Christv. The Rev. Dorris omotherman presented a program on Alcoholism. A film "How Long The Night," which was related to alcoholism, was shown. Annual Short Course In Modern Farming Offered The 10th Annual Short Course in Modem Farming, sponsored by the Agricultural Committee of the North Carolina Bankers Association will be held at N. C. State College, Raleigh, January 29 February 9, 1962. This course is open to a select group of young North Carolina farmers who, because of their interest in better agriculture, have been chosen to attend from their county. Each person desiring to attend this Short Course should request an application from the County Agent or Banker. All applications must be filled out and be In the hands of the County Committee by Monday, January 8, 1962. The local bank will furnish scholarships to cover the expenses for the Short Course. One or two out standing young farmers will be selected from each county, and scholarship recipients will be young farmers who: 1. Plan to farm or engage In related agricultural busi nesses, 2. Make an outstanding record In youth work (4-H Club or F. F, AJ 3. Pre ference wtll be given to those who have not attended this Short Course In recent years. Any young man who would like a> make application to attend this Short Course In Modern Farming, January 29 February 9, 1962, should con tact the County Agent or Banker at once and dtacusa this opportunity. C1AY COUNTY Perianal Went ion Neal Kitchens >"toons mw m Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fraye o(, Raleigh, spent die holidays with her mother, Mrs. Maggie Passmore. ? ? ? Dorn to Mr. and Mrs Wal lace Bracken, a son, Wallace Anthony, In Happ Memorial Hospital, on November 22. Mrs. Bracken is the former Miss Wanda Hall. ? ? 0 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henson, a daughter, Susan Monica, on November 25, in Happ Memorial Hospital, Hiawassee, Mrs. Henson is the former Miss Sue Rogers. ? ? ? Mrs. Luther Matheson and Mr. Larry Coleman attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Ora Owenby in Marietta last week ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaught, Jr., and daughter, of Swan nanoa, spent the holidays here with his parents. ? ? ? MySgt. and Mrs. Bruce Kelly and family of Fort Jackson, S. C., visited relatives and friends here during the holidays. Mrs. Pauline Crawford has been a patient in Happ Memorial Hospital Hiawassee with a broken wrist ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Led ford of the Shooting Creek section spent the week end with their son and his family the Zeno Ledfords in Marietta, Ga. ? ? ? Mrs. Curt Hogsed who is ?employed in Atlanta,, spent the week-end at home. * ? ? The Bentley family of Marietta, Ga. spent the holidays at "Hidaway" on Eagle Fork. They had as their dinner guests Thurs day Mr. and Mrs. Willard Penland. ? * * Word has been received in Clay Counry that Mr. Bernard Crawford a native of Clay Is seriously ill at his home in Cleveland, Tenn where he suffered a heart attack. ? * ? Mrs. Gladys Cope, Miss Carrie Swanson and Mrs. Christine Smith visited at the Glover Ledford camp on Eagle Fork Sunday afternoon. ? * * Mr. Warden Hogsed is visit ing his parents the Rev. and Mrs, Boyd Hogsed this week. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ervin John son of Hiawassee, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sams of the Myers Chapel section, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Foster and Linda, Mr. Charlie Cloer and Jerry Monkus visited the Jay Bur rells Sunday. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hol lified and sons Jimmy and Parade To Take Place December 8 Andrews -- The annual Christmas parade will take place Friday, December 8, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Th parade will feature bands, floats, horses, wagons and Santa Claus riding in his favorite buggy. Merchants, clubs, churches and the schools are invited to enter floats. The parade will assemble at the Pure Oil Station and travel up Main Street to Esso Station. A concert will be given by bands participating in the Parade Freddie of Gainesville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn I rater and Mike spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mae Hollitield. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Hall and children of Summer ville, S. C. visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 1 rater last week. On Sunday the Hall family, Mrs. Mae Hollif eld, Mrs.GlennP rater ,Mr and Mrs. L. L. Hillifield of V\ inston Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Poerter Hollifield and sons of Gainesville, Ga. visited Mrs. Mae Hollifield's mother, Mrs. E3irdie Coleman tn Canton, N. C. Mrs. Coleman is in declining health and is now making her home with her daughter and son-in law Mr. and Mrs. Halrnond Cooke. Librarian At WCC Leaves For Europe Andrews - Mrs. Lillian B Buchanan,librarian at Western Carolina College and a native of Aralrt 'S, left Saturday for New York, where she will board a jet liner for Europe She will visit her son. Lieutenant Colonel John O. Buchanan and his wife and son In Stuttgart, Germany, where he is a member of the seventh Army's headquarters staff. Mrs Buchanan plans a tour of Germany, France and Switzerland with her son and his family during the holidays. She has been librarian at V\. C. C. for more than thirty years, and is serving as con sultant for the new Asheville Biltrnore College library. She has long maintained an interest in the United Nations and often spends the Christmas holiday In New York attending sessions there She will return to W.C.C. shortly after the first of the year. DON'T CUSS YOUR TIRES IF YOU GET POO* MJLEAGII May be you're not giving them a square ileal If they are allowed to Roll. an id ROLL SMOOTHLY, down the road th*> v. iil give >ou thousands upon thu-.ai.:.iU of rr.jJes of wear. Put. f the wheels of your car are out ?f lie a: d out-i?(-balance, the tires are seulft-d. orurged and pounded al"ng, wa-tt-i .! and rapid wear i* the result. Be fan 1o your lire*. Come in lor a wheel alinement and balance iiupcction. Now Equipped to Balance Truck Tires CARRINGER ALIGNMENT SERVICE Arlo Carrlnger, Proprietor BLAIRSVILLE. GA. FAVORITE GIFT ACROSS THE Give A 19-Jewel ELGIN AMERICAN-MADE Man's NORRIS Shock-protacfad. Expansion band. $33.95 BRACEIETTE Dainty, decora tive, dependable. *49.95 Prices pl^s Fed Tax DRAKE Man'! drtu watch with ?xponsion band. )59.50 FASCINATION Exquisite expan sion bracelet, $59.50 All wotchet ifius frofed mode o' Ifg r PAY ONLY $1 A WEEK E. C. Moore Jewelers VE7-2188 Murphy, N. C. Morphy Ready-Mix Concrete Company SAVE Time, Labor, Money VC 7-3506 HAUL YOUR OWN COAL & $AVE We Have Front End Loaders For 60 Second Service "All Our Coal Is The Best You Can Buy BURNS UP TO A NUB BLUE DIAMOND - KENTUCKY CUMBERLAND // We Deliver Locally And To Hayesvillo, Hiawissee, Bliirsville, And Yomg Harris - Cherokee Ice t Coal Co. ? VE7-223Q . jfrtirphy.NUC.