L -*r"Sd".bSftfomm "ottio rilitr Society Editor ? I 7-i Mrs. Forsst Mr. rod Mrs. Jr. Carroll rod ass, David, :8s _ ~ Mr. W si tar HaU l Adrota Sunday Mar t a fssr days bars vldi his Mrs. Frank ? ? ? Mr. andMrsXlydsDochtry rod daughter, Mrs. Marvin HaU and son Tarry Dan. spout lbs wish ail In Mariana and Atlanta. ? ? ? Mm. Ida Morrow of Unaka la vial ting bar son and deugh ar-In-law. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Morrow of AshsvUle.Ohlo. a a o Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cook ad children of Oak Ridge, Ore. are vial ting their parents Mr. rod Mrs. Fred Swalm and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook. Mr. and Mm. Glenn Smith of Canon. Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. BUI EUlott and chUd ren of Wltcha FaUs, Texas, are vial ting their parents, Mr. rod Mrs. I. R. Elliott and other relatives here. Mrs. J. W. Dyer Is visit ing relatives and friends in Knoxvllle, Tenn this week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ml 11 saps "vt children of Winston Salem, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills aps. Mrs. Herman Edwards and daughter, Bens spent two days last week in Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown rod children spent Monday In Ashevllle. ? a a Mrs. John Earwood of An drews spent the week-end with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Leon Axley of St. Louis, Mo. returned to their home last Friday after s visit with Mr. Axley's mother, Mrs. Tom Axley. Mrs. C , L. Alverson left Sunday for Cullman, Ala. for a visit with her father, Mr.T. J. Callahan. Dr. and Mrg. Harry Miller of FayettevUle, spent the week-end here at their sum mer home. a a a Miss Ruth Jones of Atlanta and Macon. Ga. visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Claude Jones of Ranger Rd. this past week. a a a Mrs. BrwinWUson returned to her home In Atlanta, Friday rfter (pending the past two weeks as guest of Mrs. J. H. WUson, Sr. A/2d Robert E. Foster of Pope Air Force Base, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Osie Foster. Sgt. and Mrs. C. W. Cleere of Quantlco, Va? spent the week-end with their tmcle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Alverson. a a a Mrs. Mack Patron and sons of Hendersonville spent sev eral days last week with Mrs. Panon's mother, Mrs.Margie Wltherspoon. Mrs. Patron was i -ompanled home by her iL nter, Mamie who has been vL .lng her grandmother and the boys remalnedfors longer visit with their grandmother. Mrs. am Kaye and daugh ter, Caic! spent lastFrldayln Chattanooga. Dan Colvard of Chattanooga spent lastweek with his grand parents, Mr. and MRS. Neil Sneed. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Town son rod sons, Carl and Danny have returned from a vacation to Naggs Head. Major Gletm Cunningham of Salvation Army of Washington, D. C? andMajorJsmesKlnley of Salvation Army of Ashland, Ky? were dinner gueaaoa last WectaewlayoI M JorCuuUng ham's uncle mi mil, Mr. and Mr*. Vance WUm. a a a Mia* Kathy Whaaler of Gulf Shore* arrived l**t Tuesday for ? vl*lt with her aunt. Mr*. Bilan Whaeler. a a a Mr. and Mr*. 0. C. Atkin son and son, Jarry of Sharp* burg. Ky are vl*ltlng their son end brother, Ronnie Addn ?00, a**l*tant County Agent, this weak. a a ? Mr. and Mr*. Randall Col vard of Chattanooga, Toon, spent the weak-end with Mrs. Colvard'* parents, Mr. and Mr*. Nail Sowed. They were accompanied boms Sunday by their son, Dan, who has been visiting his grsntyarsnts, for the past week. Mrs. Colvsrd Is the former Miss J aneSneed. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Still well of Ashevllle spent the weak end with Mr. and Mrs. Olen Taylor and Mr. and Ms. Elmer Taylor. a a a Mrs. Leila Sims, Mrs. Arnold Dalrymple and Mrs. A. N. Clark attended the flit eral of Mrs. Clark's brother, the Rev. James Tip ton of Maryvllle, Tenn. Saturday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Clark and son, Mike of Cullowhee. a a a Miss Glenda and Bob Eury of Newton were the week-end guests of their a int. Mrs. R. H, Foard. Also other guest of Mrs. Foard was her sister. Miss Clarissa Kincaid of Rome, Ga. a a a Jimmy Parker who Is attending summer school at WCC. Cullowhee spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker. a a a Gregg Barretxls visiting his sister, Mrs.ForestJohnsonof Norfolk, Vs. this week, a a a Mrs. Holland McSwaln at tended the Women's Con ference of the Presbyterian Church held at Montrest last week. a a a Mr. and Mrs. William Wis hon returned home last Friday from a tour of Northwestern Canada, Victoria and Can couver. Glacier, National and Yellowstone Parks, Grand Tehon, Black HUls of South Dakota and the World's Fair at Seattle, Washington, a a a Mrs. Glena McHan andMr, and Ms. Howard Sink and daughter, Carol Ann of Win ston Salem were guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mlllsaps.t ? * * * C. E. -Hyde spent last week in Ashevllle attending court, a a a Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell of Decatur , Ga. spent the week-end here with their son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Darnell and Mrs. DarneU's sister, Mrs. P. C. Hyatt. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Fain, Jr. and son, >:.rcer III were week-end gueits of Mrs. Zel ma Fain andMrs.A.B.Owen. a aa Ms. S, M. Benton of Corn elia and Jack Benton of Atlanta spent last Wednesday and Thursday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hyde. a a a Mr. and Mrs. WUburn Franklin has returned to their home In Key West, Fla. after a month's vacation in the mountains. Mrs. Franklin is the former Miss Geraldlne Shileds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shields, a a a Mr. and Mrs. P intent Davidson and children have returned to their home In Lancaster. Pa. after a visit with Mr. Davidson's mother. Mrs. J. W. Davdson. a a a Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shields and Mrs. Alonzo Shields spent Tuesday In Atlanta. Mr. aod Mr*. Blmar KU Mr?. Himy Jordan of Carroll bo. Ga., spent the ad the drama of The Horn la the West. e e e Mr. and Mra. W. P. Odom, Mr. sod Ma. Olan Stream of Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. B. U Browns of Atlanta were dbmer guests Sinday of Mr. snd Mrs. Ed Herbert of Hayes vllle. e e e Mrs. Marcella Smith and daughlars, Audrey and Car moll ta. Mrs. J. H. Hampton and Linda Smith and Ann Lochaby spent last Thursday In Knoxvllls. e e e Mrs. P. C. Scott and son. Bryan of Altavaata. Va. are visiting Mrs. Scon's son- in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Russell. ? s a Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bourne, Jr? and children are spending two weeks vacationing atPsw ley Island. see Mr. and Mrs. John Young and son Lane Yomg of Atlanta spent the week-end at their stsnmer home. ? e e Mrs. Clara Jenkins who has been visiting her son-in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Edwards and family has returned to her home In Alpharetxa, Ga. see Mr. andMrs.C.F.WUlalm son and children have returned t> their home in Raleigh after a visit with Mrs. Williamson's mother, Mrs. Tom Axley. ? ? ? Mrs. Osle FosterleftTues day for a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster of Cumberland, Ky. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hen sley who have been visiting his mother, Mrs. Vesta Hensley left Sunday forPhlla delphla. Penn. for several weeks. Mrs. Hensley will remain for a longer visit ? ? ? Mrs. Jean Wheeler of Jas per, Ala. spent the week-end here with her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Wheeler. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Morrow have returned from a visit to Mr. Morrow's brother, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Morrow of Ashe vllle, Ohio. ? ? ? Mrs. Lona Grelr of Atlanta, Ga. spent several days last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs.Peyton I vie and family. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper of Atlanta will arrive this week-end for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Matrox and Mr. Matrox. ? ? ? Ms. Elda Queen of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with her sister Miss BeulahQueen. ? ? ? Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Savannah, Ga. la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jerue Babb this week. Mrs. Caldwell is a cousin of Mrs. Babb. While here Mrs. Babb and little daughter, Laurie and Mrs. Caldwell visited Ghost Town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dockery and Mr. snd Mrs. Kenneth L. Graham spent Monday In Chattanooga on Business. First Methodist WSCS Meeting Was Held Tuesday The Executive meeting of the WSCS of the First Metho dist Church was held at the home of Mrs. Martha Davis on last Tuesday morning at 10 a.m for officers training pro gram and lunch. Those attending were: Mes dames Kathryn Wells, Edith Fuller, Jean Wells, Dixie Tay lor, Nora Odom, Kay Scott, Lynn Dodson, Eole Elliott, Atmice Coleman, Edith Howard, Sue Benson snd Misses Mark Akin and Adella Meroney. MURPHY HARDWARE CO Tennessee Street VE7-2110 (poshing- @ Pittsburgh paints A complete line of interior and exterior finishes for inside and outside your home Hera's something ? else that's NEWS 1 COLOR BOOK Ask for your copy TODAYI Sun Proof 'louse Paint Jfwc outside fc?*WMITI WO???!i SUN NtOOf* America'j Finest HOUSE PAINT $6 95 OAUON WALL HIDE* all paint $6 70 OAUON SEE US FIRST FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS MUNDV REUNION The family of Mr. aid Mrs. EdMundyof Culberson Rt. 2 had a family reunion on the 1st of July with a big delicious dinner served picnic style on (heir lawn. Those that attended were Mr. and Mrs. Randal Mundy and family of Culberson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newman and family of Doravllle, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Mundy and family of Polland Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mundy and family of Hopewell Va. Homer and daughmr Debbie of SummervUle, G?. Mr. end Mr*. Edward Mundy and family of Marble, N. C. Mr. and Mra. Earl Mundy and family of Marble, N. C. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Jones and family of Columbus, Ga.: Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth New man and family of Doravllle, Ga. also friends of the family that attended were Rev. and Mrs. Grover Ledford of Cleveland Tenn., Mr. Alvln Gladson of Culberson, N. C.; Vera Slmonds '?'ly of Marietta, Ga. Jean Slmoncb of Marietta, Ga. Obituaries MARTHA DAINE ALLEN Robblnsvllle - Services for Martha Deloe Allen, flve-day >ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -I ugh Allen of Tapoco. who lied suddenly about noon Monday en route toaRobUns rtlle clinic, were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday In the chapel of Town son's Funeral Home in Robblnsvllle. The Rev. Clifford George rffldated and burial was In ?Voodlawn Cemetery. Surviving in addition to the parents, are one sister, Mar ;aret Evelyn Allen of the some; one brother, Hugh David Mien of the home; the maternal grandmother. Mrs. Mamie Carpenter of Robbins 4 lie; and the paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mien of Robblnsvllle. First Baptist Ruth Bagwell Circle Holds Meeting The Ruth Bagwell Circle of the First Baptist Church met at the ho me of Mrs. Boyce Stiles on lastTuesday evening. Mrs. Stiles, chairman, pre sided over the business, after which Mrs. Hershel Mashburn gave the program on "The Beginning of Communism." During the social hour the hostess served refreshments to the following Mesdames Everett English, Gordon Bates, Joe Hamilton, Herman Edwards andMarvlnHampton. First Methodist MYF Held Cuting At Vogel State Park The MYF of the First Methodist Church enjoyed on outing at Vogel State Park o Sunday afternoon. Chape rones were Merle Davis, Mrs. Mary Cathron Sneed, Mrs. Louise Bayless and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickey. After swimming, horseback riding and mlnature golf the group enjoyed a picnic supper and then a program. Around 32 children attended the picnic. Lite Saving Course To Be Held Mr. John Jordan, Summer Recreation Director, wishes to announce that an American Red Cross senior life saving course will be offered at the Murphy Swimming Pool begin ning Monday, August 6. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Each morning Monday through Friday. This course will last two weeks. You must be 16 years old and be a good swim mer. Cost will be $2.00 for registration fee and admission a> the pool each day. Further Information about this course may be obtained at the swim ming pool. WANTED HELP WANTED; Two Experi enced waitresses, Tracy's Restaurant, Murphy. N. C. 51-3tc FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered AKC Dalmation Puppies. Call 2831 Hsyesville, N. C. 51-2tc Wolf Crt?k News Johnny Cook son of Rev. and Mrs. Lester Cook flew down to West Palm Beach. Fla. He Is visiting with his brother. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hel ton and son Jimmy spent a week In Myrtle Beach. S.C. Then motored to Atlanta, Ga. where Mr. Helton attended a Southern Con. while there they visited friends and relatives. Mr. ana Mrs. uua L-ecsora Spent lest Saturday in Etowah Term. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dean from Stats of Washington Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wei don Helton. ? ? ? Sherry Ledford and Margie Cook are visiting friends and relatives In Atlanta. Ga. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Ledford from Tampa. Fla. Is visiting dieir sister. Mrs. Bill Cearley. ? ? ? Rita Helton of Atlanta. Ga. visited her parents, over the week-end. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Curds from Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ledford over the week-end. ?ka*sna. P ivgrexs. Thurs.. July I District Memorial Hospital reports: Dismissals July ? 16. 1962. Andrews: Mrs. Hsrmis Pscs, Mrs. Wsyus MsMesnn. Richard W*ldro?q> . Howard Kllpetrlck. TrusttCrsy, Mrs. Leon Adams, Jamas Painter, Miss DooaaSusfuUar.Ckarlls Cm. Larry Daily. Roland , Robe Womn. Polay Darrsbsrry, -s Lira Har ttn, Richard Jones. Mrs. Jan Birnoo. Robhtnsvllle: Ronnie Green Barbara Ore en, Arnold Buch ana. Robert Wiggins, Mrs. Howard Rogers, tin. J sines Ussy, Mrs. Dollls Mlllsaps. Mrs. Bonnie Walmrs, Mrs. Texas Parr. Mrs. HatHs Swanson and Mrs. J. D. Gttffsy, Marble. Mrs. Wm. Duncan, Murphy; Mrs, Bobby Dills, Almond; Robert Barker, Maryland; Mrs. J on Ledd, Nantahala; Mrs. jerry Trull, Mass. Cans us, July 17, 1962. Andrews: Mrs. Etta Taylor; Miss Ruth Palmer, Mrs.Don ald Crawford; Miss Grace Crow, Arthur Younce, Mrs. Arthur Whim. Robhtnsvllle: Mrs. Prank Wilds, Mrs. Carl Crisp, Bart Snider, Mrs. Haael Waldroup, Mrs. Georgia Rich. Mrs. J. B. Hall. John Pen dergraee. Marble: Tom Campbell, Murphy; Walter Pid ler , HayesvUle. Leila Whi taker Hay Becomes Bride Of Lester William Bryant Boyntnn Beach, Fla. -Leila Whltaker Hay became dm bride of Leeter William Brant. May 11 at 7 p.m. atPaator*a study of First Bapdst Church In Boynton Beach, Fie. Rev. Fred Sllger officiated. The bride la the daughter of the late Reverend end Mrs. H. C. Whl taker of Andrews. Don't Scratch That Itchl IN JUST 15 MINUTES, If the Itch needs scratching, your 48f back at any drug store. You feel quick-drying ITCH - ME - NOT take hold. Itching quiets down. Andsep dc acdon kills germs to help speed healing. Pine for eczema. Insect bites, foot Itch, other surface rashes. NOW a' Parker's Drugstore In Murphy ?n cja y em en t -A nnoun ced Mrs. Cdd L. Arrant of Brasstown announces the engagement of her daughter, Joanne, m Charles Edward Hartof Monmouth, Illinois, son of Mr. Lois Hart and the late Mrs. Hart. The bride elect Is a graduate of Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Hart Is a graduate of Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois. Both are employed at the Naval Weapons Laboratory Dahlgren, Virginia. Miss Arrant is also the daughter of the late Edd L. Arrant of Brasstown. A fall wedding Is planned. ^nyayemtnt nnounctJ Andrew* ? Mr. and Mr*. Vernon Devi* of Hodfe*. S. C. annotmce the engagement of their daughter Sarah ? Pvt. I/C Mack Mcjunkln*, eon of Mr*. Allle McJ unklns of Andrew*. The wedding la planned for Sepwmber 7 at Hodf**, S. C. Swimming Classes Scheduled The ladle* beginner swim ming classes wUl begin Mon day August 13 end continue through Friday, August 24. Swimming Is being taught by Mrs. Virginia Slas. The lessons will be from 6-7 p.m. mtd will run every day includ ing Wetfewsday. Mrs. Slat wouldUka atlsast 10 ladles and not mors than 20. Those wishing k> sign if) (or the course may do so at the pool with John Thompeon.The registration fee la >2.00 plus entrance fee ?> the pool each ?lay. Farmer's Federation WEEKEND Large FAB 27c Pre Treated Regular J2.98 Value DUST MOP .$1.99 This Deal Includes A Can of Endust FREE Special Offer "A" or Foot TUBSo..ooooooottBO 10 oz. Bag >1ARSHM ELLO WS. 19c 3 Boxes Martha White CAKE M1XES.3 for 70c White, Yellow, Devil's Food, 8> Spice 4 lb. King Bee Honey Flavored SYRUP 49o Farmers Federation Plenty Of Free Parking In Front SUP1R Kem Tone Shcrwin-Wiluams All the painting skill you need is in this wall paint I ? Never too thick nor too thin. e Goes on quickly, evenly, with brush or roller. ? Requires no pushing or tricky painting techniques, e Gives you beautiful results every time. a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE . . . purchase price of paint refunded if you're not completely satisfied. Andrews Hardware Co. Phone 216 Andrews, N. C.