V VI 7-3504 Mr. j. B. Wall. Dtortct Director ot d? Inwrnal R*y nut Sarrlca for d? Grani koro Dutrtci. cauttoaad N. C. >da>?ri that It la Uuporwi aU aodal aacortty ntanbara I, 4m rti ? amfa ' J HHOT in ?>? space provioca am pft 1 at your 1962 Pad Mr. Wall , TMa U as wdar ovaratfht, but It la taxpayara carefully. SUPER-RIGHT' HEAVY GRAIH FED BEEF SIRLOINl " \ J L , .... ji PER LB. . * it*- *. 85 C PORTERHOUSE or ? T-BONE STEAKS lb. 89c 16 TOP QUALITY ? SPECIALLY PRICED! YOUNG TURKEYS rv 35c rv 39e 4 to 8-lb. Smell lb. 39c ALLGOOD BRAND NO. 1 SUCED BACON % 39c CAP'N JOHN'S BREADED FISH P0RTI0NS. ,u ? 35c "SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS ALL MEAT FRANKS 45c I MARVEL CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY OR VANILLA 6-oi"LPkg. 85c 2-Lb. AC* 6-Oz. Pkg. 03C RINSO BLUE 3-Lb. Q4. 6-Oz Pkg. QIC SWAN LIQUID DETERGENT 63c 1-Pt. 6-Oz. Bot. FLUFFY all pX. 79el LUX LIQUID 63c l-pt 6-Ox. Bot. WISK LIQUID | 12c Off t j H G?l. You *1 yg Pay Only ? ? LUX SOAP 2 "Sr 21cl ACTIVE all toSfc.. 79c LAUNDRY DETBBGENT SH-Lb. m 67c Jon# Porter Largi PEACH PIES 39c ANGEL FOOD !:& 39c Jon# Porter ? 3 - Vori#ti#t CAKE DONUTS 21c Ann Pag* Tomato Aa*ort*d Vori*Tt#?, Liquid KETCHUP 2 '??? 33c METRICAL 6 8?. $1.69 ? "OUR FIN 1ST" CONCKNTRATED FROZEN A&P ORANGE JUICE 2-41e6"sTs1.19-39? GREEN GIANT WHITE OR NIBLET'S GOLDEN OR MEXICORN 3 49 FWvBviBf CoftlRJ JUMBO PIES 12^35? CORN > U.S. NO. 1 ? WHITK IRISH POTATOES " 25 ? 75c Anjou Poors 4 ? ? F3K COOKING AND SALADS, FRESH Carrots 2 a 15 YOUR CHOICE ? STOCK-UP NOW! Um C?? CfMtete Imm 1-ft. 144 Mk AAP White CfteMi Cm ?H-?. Atf Ufa Cmm Cm IH? Packer's UM MUd (mm 144 Packer's UM Tate* 8mm 144 Packer's UM CiBiiI Mm 14. AAP WMa Irtek AAP ShnM ImiM 144 HO LIMIT AT AAP1 Mrs. Lllll* Pries CELEBRATES SO* BIRTHDAY (Pksts by Mrs. Kltcksns) Mrs. Lillie Price Always Lends A Helping Hand By Mrs. Neal Kitchens HAYBSVILLE - What Is more heart-warming on a cold winter evening than sitting by an open fire with the flames leaping up the chimney, and watching friends embrace a little lady who is cele brating her 80th birthday? The children of Mrs. Llllle Price honored her with open heuse at the Price home on Sunday, Jan. 13, from 2:00 t> 5:00 p.m. on her 80th birth day. She was eighty on Fri day, January 11. There was a steady stream of friends dur ing the evening, bringing gifts and wishing her a happy birth day. She was presented a pink carnation corsage. The table was overlaid with a white linen cloth, centered with a beautiful arrangement of pink carnations and apple blossoms, a gift of the Oak Forest Church. There was a large birthday cake decorat ed with roses and inscribed "Happy Birthday, Mother". Refreshments of cake, mints, nuts and punch were served to a large group attending. Mrs. Price married the late Will Price, who was the adopt ed son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coleman. Mr. Price died eleven years ago. This cotgile had eight children, five daugh ters and three sons. They are Mrs. J. K. Carter; Mrs. George Jarrett; Mrs. Eunice Hendrlx; Mrs. Wade Palmdr and J ames Price all of Hayes ville; Mrs. T. G.Noel of Fort ville, Ind.; the Rev. Edgar Price of Shelby: and Fred Price of Asheville. The child ren were all present except Mrs. Noel and Edgar. Mrs. Price is an active member of the Oak Forest Methodist Church and especially enjoys the WSC Clr cle in her church. She has spent much of her life nursing the sick in her home and com munity. Her husband was ill For some time before his death tnd she amk care of Mm. >he also nursed Ms foster 3arents, Mr. and Mrs. Cole- - man. Mr. Coleman was bed Fast for several years. Due to *r experience with sick peo pie, when anyone In the com munity calls a doctor and he can't get there, they call Mrs. Price. She knows more home remedies than any of the younger generation, and al ways lends a helping hand. It was quite interesting to her people express their feel ings about this lady. One son in-law said, "She-is Just one of the finest people I know." Then 1 heard a neighbor say, "Mrs. Price is one of the finest Christian ladies I have ever known." I also heard many other fine comments to numerous to mention. Near the close of the evening, the ho no roe settled down to the pleasant task of opening a pile of packages. Someone in the crowd said, "Mrs. Price, 1 hope you live | to be at least ninety and we will give you another party." To this she replied "If I can stay able to wait on my self and carry on as I do now then I hope so too; but if I can't then I rather go on." A daughter Standing try, handing her the packages said, "Why, Mama, you will be right here at that age still waiting * on the rest of. us." Looking around at her home that she keeps as spick and span as she did when a bride, I, too, got the feeling that she will be doing just that. Cherokee Scout k Clay County' Progress, Thu., Jan. 31, 1963 jiKji ifcmm ntiff attacks of minor Arthritis, Rbeu luallwn. Backache or Muscular Aches aoear. That's what you aoat And that's what yon get whsn you taka PRUVO Tablets. Proven fast, eafe and effective over 16 yaars of use. OUR GUARANTOR: uas the 76 tabist ails as directsd for 10 days. Given this fair trial. PRUVO may you. You At) MAUN EY DRUG CO. MURPHY. N. C. Mr. 6-Mra. Swalm Celebrate 56 Year* of Marriag* UjRPHY - Mr. C. A. Swatm vara married *???**??dM 27* day * Jmmmy. TWey Had at To mod* la Ct?rotea bounty ml hava made 4r?. Nova Lowe lonored On 55th Birthday HAYESVILLB - Od Monday, an. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Frank all told bar mother, Mrs. ova Low, thay wanted K> ike bar out B dinner at a eataurant In Mwphy be ?use It was Mrs. Lowe's 5th birthday. The three rode lone tuppily; but they dlcta't top iBdl they reached the mna ot Mr. and Mrs. Boyce dies In Murphy where a sur rlse birthday party was wait Mrs. Low* 1* the widow at ie late James B. (Jim) Lowe ho died In 1947. They are te parents of Mra. Prank all, Mrs. Dwayne Conley, ale Lowe, all of Hayesvtlle; Irs. Boyce Stiles of Mur ky and Mrs. Lola Phlpps of rasty Creek, N. C? all llv ig nd the late Mrs. Madge 'heeler of Black Mountain, ho died In October, 1962. Irs. Lowe has 21 grandchild en and four great-grand klldren. She Is the fru^er of the horn# to Charohoa Cowcy For mare ?haa SO year* may They km two chUfeaa, P??l H. Swalm of Murphy md Mrs. C. A. Barton at Cheater, Va. Thoy have ntoa grandchUd ran and eeveral great-grand lata Thomas Edwards of lbs Tusquittee section of Clay County and has lived in Clay for 49 years. ? Mrs. Lowe is a fine seam stress and enjoys piecing and quilting fancy quilts. She also enjoys gardening and working in her yard. She crochets and does a lot of reading. Those present and enjoying the birthday dinner and large cake, covered with candles were: Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Stiles. Victor and Pamsla; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lowe and Mrs. Dwayne Conley. You Don't Hove To Be Rich. to FISH, LOAF, of PLAY In tko SUN wfcon you stay at Atlantic Shores Motel Marathon, Florida THE WORLD'S FINEST FISHINC GROUNDS IN THE HEART OF THE FLORIDA KEYS Moderate rates for Studio Apartments and overnight rooms. No extra charges ? Re creation and Patio Area for your use. BERTHA AND DICK DIXON. OWNERS Box 687 Marathon. Florida Phone 743-9124 CHARLES H. WEST .UMBING AND HEATING COMPANY ANDREWS, N. C. *New Construction * Repair Work * Commercial * Resftdental 24-Hour Emergency Service Air Coaditioaiig Sheet Metal Work CHARLES H. WEST Plumbing and Heating Co. PHONE 113M ANDREWS, N. C. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME Family Growing? Planning More Room' See CITIZENS for a . HOME MODERNIZATION LOAN i Come in today and discuss js your naads with our friendly, experienced personnel . . . there's no obiipation. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. M?b?r Fifawl P?p??l? lowim Copwllw Mirphy ? liyesvilli ? Aiinws ? Ribbiisville ? Sylva Sirviig Soithwistiri North CinliNi