Mmpky RmnMUx (Mfflft C SAVE Tim, Labor, Moaoy VI 74504 STOCK YOUR FREEZER DURING OUR "SURER-RIGHT" HEAVY GRAIN FED "STOCK YOUR FREEZER" BEEF SALE ? "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF I Porterhouse > T-BONE YOUR CHOICE ? LI. 85 Boneless TOP or BOTTOM ? LB. BONELESS RIB STEAKS CHUCK BLADE STEAKS u. 9 PRICES IN THIS AO ARE EFFECTIVE THHOUGH SATURDAY. MARCH 2 ? "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF Boneless Chuck Lb 59c Boneless Brisket Lb 59c CnllCK Boneless Shoulder Lb 65c Blade ? 7-INCH CUT STANDING 0 LB. FIRST 4-RIB CUT lb 69c Sth & 6H1 RIB CUT lb. 63c "SURER-RIGHT" FRESHLY 'SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF GROUND BEEF Boneless Stew "? 59c 3 ? *1.14 25 m *8.75 ----- WHITE LILY FLOUR ..10 Ik. bo? . . .$1.19 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY BRAIN FED STOCK YOUR FREEZER REEF HINDQUARTER POUND AVS. Lb 53c SIDE OF BEEF nwno *vg Lb. 43c FOREQUARTER pound avs Lb 37c BEEF ROUND POUND AVS. Lb 55c BEEF ARM CHUCK pAh? SL Lb. 39c FULL BEEF LOIN POUND AVS. Lb 65c BEEF SHORT LOIN^i^ Lb 69c Beef Sirloin Butt a"6 u>. 65c ? 10-INCH CUT 2S to 30-LB. AVG. BEEF RIBS - 55c F I! m.. ^??.:-v:."====== YOUR CHOICE MM Pi 1 49# 14. I* LB. SPECIAL! *3* AlP BRAND PINEAPPLE #uceo 59c CRUSHED 2 4g?= 49c SWEET POTATOES 4-29* LAKE FIRM LETTUCE 2 ? 29c WHITE POTATOES 10 a 35c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 8 & 55c FRESH MUSHROOMS 3 $1.00 MARVEL ICE CREAM "cT 49c SULTANAS CORN 9 ? $1.00 COtip STREAM PINK 1-lb. 55' LIQUID DCTIRGKNT 37c^63c PREMIUM DUZ fiMS 99c MR. CLEAN - 39c' 69c THRILL LIQUID DETERGENT l-Pt. ft O*. Can 03C MY-T-FINE PUDDINGS 10c IVORY SNOW 35c 85c COMET RICE Long Grain 19c 1*45. jH?5< ? SHORT GRAIN ? 18c 2p^l43c I - L IVORY SOAP 4^27c IVORY SOAP 10c Medium Btr CAMAY SOAP I 2"sf'2lc Selectiae Strfict MURPHY - jo* Barry Hydn has fa*** dsdarad dattaqum fay toed drdt board No. 20. Charoka* County, N. C. Aay roglstraol d*clar*dd*Uaqu*n' Is sito)*ct to lmmadUto In duction tattoos fas can satis - factortly clear th* daUnquaocy alto to* mtnbari ot to* tocai board. Aay p*r*oo knowing Jo* Barry Hyde's addrati should notify to* local board Im madlataly, or hava him to do so, according to Prmikl* W. Roberson. Clark. Harman H. Watt la 'Highly In Favor Of More Taxes For Road Construction' RALEIGH lerman H. Vni of < oiaity, who says Ms poMucsl If# as a leglslamr Is s aids liursday. Pah. U,Nteii ue of mors (mass for bo tor oods. according to a ss>ry y Doug Road, AohavUla Cld Ha warns roads built. Ho ecknowledgea the flnan lal straits of tha Stale Hlgh ray Cotnir lsslon. Ha cut through tha clouds f uncertainty as ? how is lnd mora money la soma Oat federations *> tha House loads Commltssa, of which w's a member, at Its first issslon Thursday. It may have surprised tha democratic majority to hear lapubilcan businessman Wast lay It. but his solution is die unds shortage was short and heoredcally simple: Mora tanas. ' Tones to provide a con tinuing source of revenue for road building. A revenue base that would grow as the need lor roads grows each year. West said he favored in creased license plate or gas iline tones. "I'm in favor of getting more money for roads regard less of the political conse quences." he said. "1 want K> lee some roads while I'm still alive." In an Interview just aftar the commltssa session. West said if his proposal "is poll deal dynamite, it doesn't bother me." The state, he said. Is con tinually confronted with the "dire need" for roads and never sufficient funds with which to build them. "We're running the State Highway Commission with a budget based on revenue from license plates sales that hasn't changed in 25 years. Truck license tag costs are the same as they ?m 1C ago. Hm tax on 10 la 15 capt for a ooa par oaot lo ta tbo a am* as It woo 30 yam ass," ha said. "But the trucfca ora tearing up. Tha costof coa roeda haa gooo iq> iy. And dw oaad haa pooa ig> 100 par coot to that parted of time." The 1965 Gaoeral As sembly, Waat said. "Haa an obligation a> tha pooplo of North Carolina to do sotne 1C I raoUaa that bills tradtttonally are Is stUl groat." Waat Bid tha oommltaaa "this la probably my laat term hero" Mid later said "It may or may not be my laat trip to Raleigh as a legislator from CharokaoCoiBty.Be that aa tt may, I'm highly In favor of doing something along these lines to raise aome extra revenue, 80 there will be a continuing increase of reve nue for the State Highway Commlaatoo aid so that the roads wouldba continually Im proved and maintained." West mads no direct re ference to a statement issued Wettoesday by two Democrat state senaBrs, Robert P. Morgan of Shelby and William P. Saundera of Southern Pines advocating a statewide votson a $200 million road hood Is sue and promising legislation to Implement tha proposal. But Wast said that while "a bond issue would be de sirable B meet aome of our pressing needs right now, ooce the money Is raised and spent, we will have created even one mora drain on the reve "There's no question in my mind." he added, "that the present revenue structure Just Isn't adequate. And I want B go on record as favoring doing something about It now." Only yesterday 30 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 24, 1933 The Bank of Murphy, berokee County's oldest inking institution, closed Its oors Tuesday, Feb. 14, and l now in the hands of Gur ey P. Hood, State Commis loner of Banks, for llquld don. The Bank of Murphy was rganized in 1898 and began uslness in 1899. For a long Lme ltwas the strongestbank ag institution in this part of he State. It closed onNovem er 21, 1929, and reopened n March 2, 1930. Harry P. Cooper returned i ome last Saturday from a nislness trip K) Raleigh. i Miss Leila Posey spent ' he weekend at Knoxvllle and 'linton, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Thompson was the [uest of her daughar.Mrs.K. I. Barclay on laat Wednesday it Copperhlll, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and little daughter, Innle Jean left last week for loyseon. Ga? where they will make their home. Mrs. Leila Dickey and lit tle son. Frank, left Tuesday For a visit to Sylva and Ashe rtlle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brendle announce the birth of a son, Adam, on December 18. 20 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 25, 1943 Misses Leila sod Kate Hay es were business visitors In Ha yea villa Saturday. Karl A. Olson. Robert Barn ?tt, Clinton Getty, Miss Addle Mae Cook, and Miss Hannah riylton of Farner, Tenn., were business visitors In Atlanta Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Barclay and children of CopperhlU, Tenn.. spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Barclay s mother, Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Waller Carrlnger of Dah lonega, Ga? spent last week end with Ma mother, Mrs. Ruth Carrlnger. Mrs. Burt Savage and Mrs. Don Gentry entertainedjotndy at the home of Mrs. savage In East Murphy Saturday afternoon honoring their sons, Tommy Savage and Tommy Gentry on their seventh btrdi day anniversaries. Mrs. Fred Wood of Knox ville, Tenn, has bean visit ing Ms sister, Mrs. Lillian Gheen. Mrs. Wood is ths for mer Miss Irsns Champion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dick ey of Murphy amoisme the Mrth of a son, Feb. 21, at Petrle Hospital. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Man they of Murphy, Feb. 23. in Petrle Hospital. Mrs. Msndmey is Moors, deughur of Mr. Mrs. B. C. Moors. 10 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 26, 1953 Ths Mupby ball Mam, third of the Smoky Mr. and Mrs. Peyton G. I vie and children, Susanna and Greer, and Mrs. Ivle's mother, Mrs. Lone Greer, of Atlanta, returned Wednesday from a vacation spent In Ft. Pearce, Dayton? Beach, and Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mat to x, Harry and Phil and Mrs. James B. Ward attended the ice show in Asheville Satur day night. Mrs. W. M. Lay and son, Billy Max, and Mrs. Everett English and daughter, Peggy, spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. Tenn. Of MURPHY - Mr*. Valina >* SSSl faulty. T?: located la a Mn, _ OR Of faculty at Bight ad art?id In by a all sail la ? bach yw It baloagsd is Phillip Petrol ?nt Cong?yl) At Wsyiad Collaga la Pladavtew. Tsaaa, Mrs. Burch a member of tha^coUajs by plan, slngtag In almost ovary at?. She rocotvsd her B. 8. dagra majoring la apacfa ad education ad rating Who'a WhotnAmarlca Collages andUnlarsliia. She also sorted at Oklahoma Unl varalty In Norman. Olda.. and University In lndlana Har vary first Job after Collaga brought hor a> Murphy. N. C? as Mlnlslsr of Music ad Education with tha First Baptist Church In 19S1-19S2. Altar moving bars aha locamd a room with Mrs. Hod ges and (How lucky can a girl be?) who lived next door but Doyla C. (Buddy) Burch. whom aba married in 1953. Dr. Burch. a practicing Chiro practic Physician, is the an of Mr. and Mrs. J. Doyle Burch of Burch Moors. Mrs. Burch taught two years at Martin's Creek, two years The Week Mm. V?Im Barak ?I Ml elementary echool In Indianapolis, and for dm paat throe years haa been a faculty member In the English Da it of Murphy High Mrs. Burch aaya best of all she likes to sing, which she Is frequandy asked to do at weddings, funerals, civic gatherings, and chapel pro grams. She renders a worth while service as the com munity with her talents. Her greatest outside Interest la her church. However, she Is an avid football fan, and her ebullient enthusiasm and con genial personality are especially recognizable on the sidelines cheering the Bulldogs on id victory. Methodist Circles Meet CIRCLE 1 MURPHY - Ctrda 1 of the Flret Methodist Church met la the Men's Bible Claaeroom on Tuesday evening, Feb. 19, with Mrs. Jack McGulre and Mrs. Charles Hyatt as host Mrs. Cheater Dodson, chairman, presided over the business. Miss Shirley Smith gave the scripture reeding, after which Mrs. Virginia Scroggs gave the program on "Crusade for Scholars." The meeting closed with prayer. During the social hour the refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Sylvia Waggoner, Mrs. Helen Dickey, Mrs. Betty Westmoreland, Mrs. Bdythe Howard, Mrs. Teresa Nugent, Mrs. Judy Lovlngood, Mrs. Pauline Brit tain, Mrs. Ann WUklns, Mrs. Lynn Dodson, Mrs. Virginia Scroggs, Mrs. Blva Blake more, Mrs. Kathy Stewart, Mrs. Lorraine Martin, and Miss Shirley Smith. to the following: Mrs. W. P. Odom, Mrs. Ktte Evans, Mrs. Joe Phaig), Mrs. J. H. Hamp ton, Mrs. Dick Richards, Mrs. H. E. Bishop, Mrs. Fannie Ramsey, Mrs. Howard Martin, Misses Ada Harshaw, and also A dell a Meroney, and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. CIRCLE IV MURPHY - Mrs. Merle Chvls was hostess to Circle IV of the First Methodist Church In her home Tuesday morning, Feb. 19. Mrs. R. C. Fuller, assistant chairman, presided over the business dining the absence of the chairman. Mrs. Fuller also gave the program on "Study of Prayer." The meet ing was closed with prayer. During the social hour, the hostess served refreshments to the following: Mrs. V. L. Wilson, Mrs. George Dyer, Mrs. Katherlne Weils, Mrs. R. C. Fuller, and Miss Mary Akin. CIRCLE in MURPHY - Circle Ul of the First Methodist Church met la the Men's Bible Classroom on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 19, with Mrs. R. A. Martin as hOSKSS. Mrs. Howard Martin pre sided over the business In the absence of the chairman. Mrs. Fannie Ramsey gave the pro gram on "United Nations." The masting was closed with prayer by Mrs.J.H.Hampton. During the social hour the hostess served refreshments EAR DROPS for softening wax. Use In softening ear wax. Gently warm contents and ap ply a few drops daily in each ear for several successive days. Now at Mauney Drug Co. in Murphy. INSTANT MEDICATED VAPOR from Congestaid room vaporizer. Feal Instant relief from congestion of colds, hay fever symptoms. Special di rections for croupy coughs of colds, night coughing. Mauney Drug Co. In Murphy. ATTENTION FARMERS We Now Carry A Complete Line 01 Tobecco Supplies lidading.. . . * Plait Bid Fertilizer * Gases For Tobacco Beds * Caavas Covers * Tobacco Bed Covers * Tobacco Seed * Tobacco Fertilizer We Can Fill All Your ASC Orders. Including Ammonium Nitrate, Fertilizer, lime, and Seed. We Carry A Fill Line 01 I Burpee 6arden Seeds, Lava Fertilizer, and Grass Seed. Stiles Produce Co. 137-2519 Tennessee Si. Mnrpky, N. C.|

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