okee County 4-H Club Members Observe National 4-H Club Week :] *?7 (Hay. Ia VaahtagM, O. CH the Wert will be highlighted by ? Mm of 4-H'ere i will give the annuel "4-H Report ? the Nation." The wOl review to aa>ry national After a abort stay in they expect e> go for a few days a> with other 4-H friends. Assisting Club members with 4-H Wert events in all Scatee will be 307.750 men and Dd guide ? H work la local commtml COMMUMTY 4-H CLUBS A new concept. "Community 4-H Clrta," hap been lntro nced la Cherokee County. The "Community 4-H Club" baa aeveiai advantages. For la community clubs of 5-30 members, a 4-H'er cat receive more individual atantloa and gain a better knowledge of the subjects or projects ha or she is pur K> serve foe each dub, are cbo by the The wtll furnish pro trams Mid be present at dM rose diets bald monthly. The 4-H'ers wUl rut their conduct their Mid carry out all things neenssary for a good dub. Tha nine dubs we have or ganised In the county are: Grape Creek, While Church, two in Unaka, Hot House, two In Sunny Point, Ranger, and Bell view Communities. For each dub there are two adult leaders, one man and one woman. The leaders for the individual dubs are: Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts for Unaka Jtsdor; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dockery for Unaka San tor; Mr. Bruce Mills and Mrs. Charlie McDonald for White Church; Mr. JackSlroonds Mid a woman s> be chosen later for Hot House; Mr. Wendell Helton and Mrs. Doris Craw ford for Stamy Point, Junior; Mr. Emory Shields and Mrs. Doris McGlll for Sunny Point Senior; Mr. Joe Myers and Mrs. BlllyHawUnsforRanger and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. And erson for the Bell view Cli*>. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. In the five months we have been working on the new 4-H Club concept, we have Involved over 100 adults. There Is room for you In these community 4-H Clubs, either as a leader or a spon sor, so won't you think ser iously about helping support your local dub? 4-H EXPBR1KNCE By Am Qidnn The 4-H Club work that I have dam for the past five years has mamt a lot to ma. I have tried to live my dally life by the 4-H mot?: "Make The Best Better." By doing ibis I have learned to do things the bast way poasibte. but have not settled for tha first way, but have even triad B> Improve that. My 4-H Club work baa been enjoyable aa well as educat ional and profitable. In the summers there wars camps to attend for recreation and learning experiences. Por the senior members there are leadership camps to train the youth s> teach tha younger members. In 1960 1 had the pleasure of attending to 4-H Regional Resource Develop ment Conference held at Fon tana Village, N. C. This trip was a once In a life - time treat. 1 waa a representative for Cherokee County, along with T. L. McNabb from Hl waaaee Dam High School. For two summers 1 gave sewing demonstrations at the District Meeting In Ashevllle. There were always at least thirty to forty people In the audience. By giving the demonstrations I became more et ease when talking with a large group. 1 wish (hat more girls would take the opportunity of giving demon strations at District meet ing each year. You have much personal satisfaction so gain by showing your ability to ex press yourself In front of others. It Isn't hard to write or prep ere the demonstration ?id if you need help there Is always someone near by with the helping hand. Where going to the District Meeting you will not only be representing yourself, your club, your club leaders, and home county, but also the County Home Agents and the County Agricultural Agents. They need your co operation In order to make Improvements In the county. My main projects were clothing and foods. I have made most of my clothing for the paat several years. It has been ftm matching different pieces of fabric to make out fits. Not only did I sew for myself, tart also for many others. I did part of the fam ily sewing st home. 1 mack dresses for other people and made tailored lined drapes. I have shared my knowledge of clothing construction with others, by helping them to learn sewing techniques. The second largest project was food preparation. This was mostly baking. I enjoyed using new recipes, and learn ing the different methods of mixing and baking the food product. The best thing a bout food preparation was that I could eat my finished pro duct. Clothing and foods were not my only projects. I have work ed on health, good grooming, frozen and earned foods, and crafts. My 4-H experiences are remaining with me. I am no longer going to public school and attending the monthly meetings. 1 am in college now and often look back to all of the wonderful times that I have had. No matter how old I be come, 4-H experiences will still remain with me. They are a part of my personality. Four H helps to develop good character. Any person who has been a 4-H club member or la a mem bar now will realize the lm Wt haw a> ba able B> wort In ? Mam in order n> fat the work dona. Hare at Barry, each student works at least several hours each part of the college 4-H helped ma to Importance at warn wort, for planned programs and social evants. Not ooly has 4-H ex periences helped me to Use with my roommae to the dormitory, work with a group oc the Job, but has also help ed ma with my class work and daily life. I am taking a cloth ing course and my past ex perience in clothing have pro ved a> ba vary uaaful. My 4-H work helped ma to dad da to major In Home Economics. Four-H work la great. Why not Join If you are not a mem ber now? If you are over 21 then you can become a leader. The young people need and want you to help them. Four-H la always making chances id meat the need of the people. During the past several months the girl's tail form dress has changed to follow the fashion trend. Help your community, county, state, country, aid nation by serving others thru 4-H. PATSY ANDERSON, daughter of Mr. andMra.T.E. Anderson of Bell view, la pictured here working on one of her garment* in her sewing project. She has been In the 4-H Club for four years now and la the vice-president of the new Be 11 view Com munity 4-H Club. (Scout Photo) 4-H CAREER EXPLORATION - To Young People - There ere hundreds of ex citing opportunities in many different fields of work. Which path will you take to the fut ure? How ill you know which path Is best? You can start looking and find out In the project Career Exploration. This exciting project helps you see what it takes to be In nursing, agriculture, busi ness, engineering, mechanics, medicine, law and other fields. It will help you decide which field you like and ob tain some Idea of what It takes to get there. Career Exploration is Just one of better than SO projects from which you can choose. 4-H COMMUNICATION RADIO AND NEWSPAPER -To Yoixjg People - Would you like to write news articles or give radio talks? 4-H club members in the Com munication Projects can do this. Boys and girls In 4-H can learn a> write news arti cles on sports, humsn inter est, editorials and local events. They can do this In competition with other youth with winners eligible for med als, awards, and scholarships. Training in making radio talks, techniques, tours of the radio stations, these are Just a part of the Radio Commiml catlon Project. In 4-H Clubs you are sure to find projects which will challenge you. 4-H CAMPING-IT'S GREAT I 4-H Camp Is one of the high lights of club work. Last year Cherobea County 4-H'ers at tended Camp Schaub, thia year It will be Camp Swannanoa. Swimming, hiking, crafta, wildlife, recreation, vespers, aid ta and folk dancing are only a part of what 4-H'ers enjoy at camp. The finest endorsement for this camp Is that many 4-H'ers make application to attend year tfter year. Your son or daughter will broaden their personality, be better able to get along with others and just plain have the time of their life at camp this summer. 4-H - ITS BIG 4-H Is the worlds largest oo-educational youth organi zation. Over two million boys and girls in fifty states be long a> 4-H. This youth or ganization Is copied In over forty com tries. In North Car olina there are over one kind red and sixty thousand 4-H members and last year over a thousand of these were In Cherokee County. 4-H Is the type organization you will be proud to be a part of. Is there a community 4-H Club in your section? Your Interest and support will make a club available to more yoiaig people in your community. Allen Sbephard, the first American In outer space, was an active 4-H Club member. LARRY SANHDGB, m of Mr. aad Mr*. Phil Sandlgi of Marble, Is shown here wldi Ifae gilt he received through the 4-H pig chain. (Scout Pho?>) GRAPE CREEK 4-H PROGRESSORS By Vivian Sneed, President In our Grape Craek 4-H ProfrMwr Club, we have 13 active member* and they are all very cooperative and 1 enjoy it. The club la very well or ganised (or such a abort meet ing time. We have been meet ing for about four months and have selected the pro grams for the coming year. We have our project record books and are very proud of. We would like id thank the chairman for halpinf ua to organise and arrange the meetings. They have bean very helpful and we could not have gotten along without their help. The officers of our club ere president, VIrian Snoed; vice president, Danny Snsed; secretary-treasurer. Sherry Lovtngood; reporter, Lyle Martin; song leader, Wilms Kephart and recreation chair man. Lyle Martin. 4-H FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY YOUTH Do you realise that 4-H members can be both urban and rural youth? Today 4-H offers exciting challenges In the fields of electricity, journalism, entomology, and career exploration, radio and public speaking. These sub jects will help develop any yotsig person. Is your child interested in science? Then he will like one of these projects; electricity, automotive, entomology (In sects), and botany (plants). Are you Interested In creadveness, then public speaking, radio, interior de corating, sewing, crafts, and cooking are some of the pro jects In this Held. There are over SO projects from which K> choose. This gives the 4-H'er freedom In project selection. Leadership development Is one Item which any boy or girl will benefit from In 4-H Clubs. They do this as a club officer putting on demonstra tions, handling committee Jobs, public speaking, etc. This phase of 4-H work Is Im portant for leadership development of both rural and urban youth. HOME MIXING OF POULTRY FEEDS PROFITABLE Hatching egg production Is reasonably good at this period of 1963. Now Is a good time for hatching egg producers to take a hard look at their cost. The first and most Important cost to look at Is the feed cost. Ote sheaid he. Mmy grower* for thalr from a SzS. ar you will I gat corn. 00 cation nd equipment. Local agg buyers cat play a hand la furnishing these 1 tarns aad should ba happy to sail your Is mors risk hrvolv ad but there Is mora oppor tunity a> make a profit whan you have control of mora of your own poultry operation. MY EXPERIENCE AT 4-H CAMP By Denny Smith Murphy 4-H Club I went to 4-H Camp in 1962. I liked It very much. Going thera wa sang lots of songs. We talkad about what we thought camp would be like. Of course, some of the others had bean before, to three, four and some, even five times. They knew. But It being my first year, 1 just listened end wondered. I met a lot of people there. I made a tray, and learned about bow to work with elec tricity. I was even lucky enough to get In a grotp that was first in almost everything we did. It was the "Heart Grotgt." Our grotg) won swarda In all kinds of games. We won the swimming contest too. I won an award for "Best Boy Swimmer." Cherokee County walked a way with seven of the awards given at camp. I enjoyed it because the peo ple were new "friends." There wasn't anything I dichi't like about camp. THE GRAPE CREEK 4-H PROGRESSORS By Mr. and Mrs. ClydeSneed. Adult Leaders As leaders of a group of 4-H'ers we thoroughly enjoy working with them. We be lieve the commtmlty program Is going to be much more In teresting than ths school pro gram was bscause we have more time K> work with them. Here we can really find out their Interests. There are IS active members In our club. Our sponsoring commlaee hss been very helpful. We ap preciate their support and co operation. I YOUWOUU>W0*, about *-H By** _ values do wo expect id receive from <-H' Wo acquire knowledge, ?kills Mid teaposialhlltrtea In ft the projects we csrry but (his ' csrrles over Into other areas, BO. Wo more willingly perd dpoM In club Mid school pro grsms mrf church Mid com nuxdty activities. Some of our * protects are of s money - nature but Ml of them * involve heaping records Mid, Our porous end leaders are ?| concerned with characmr bill ding, ddsanstdp training ' Mid the fact that wo are roe- , p-wu. family members. | How about It, wouldn't you , like for your son or dough- I Mr to be a 4-H Club member? - ^ MY BXPBR1BNCB AT 4-H 'i CAMP By Penny Smith Murptay 4-H Club , I enjoyed 4-H cmnp atCamf Schaub, WayaesvUle, very t much. There were many actl- I vldes. We wore put lns> four ' gtotqie; Heed, Heart, Hmda, Mid Health. Bach group com peted against the other. We had excellent cotmsel ors. They seemed to enjoy * what they were doing aad that mads us enjoy everything we did, even taking turns at din ing hall duty. thing I enjoyed mostly , was swimming. We want swimming In We pool twice ? day. There ware two swim ming lnstrucmrs and they ' taught us the side stroke Mid the elementary beck stroke. Bach afternoon we had at baseball and volly ball game. Everything was on ? wall ' arranged schedule. We got up at 6:00 o'clock and cleM&d our cabins. We ate at 6:30, f then began our dally ecdvl des. There were many boys , and glrla from other cotst lea and we made new friends. ? In handicrafts we made an engraved tray and an aah tray ' for our parents. I think every boy and girl who can should go 10 4-H camp. , I enjoyed It very much. with a j low cost WANT AD Cherokee Scout h Clay County Progress, Thurs.. Mar.7, 1963 Marble Student Debate* For WCC At Tournament CULLOWHEB -NeU Battle of Marble, will represent Western Carolina College In debate and other forensic events at the thirty-first mi nual South Adandc Forensic Tournament on March 7, 8, and 9 at Lenoir - Rhyne Col lege, Hickory. NeU will help support the negative aide of the national Inter-collegiate debate topic. Resolved: That the Non-Com munist N ado as of the World Should Establish an Economic Community. The tournament offers experience and com petition In forsnslca for col lages in North Carolina,South Carolina, Virginia, and Tan Neil la a sophomore at Western Carolina College. He la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frrnik Battle of Marble. DBS MICXENS of the HIwmmo Dam section, is _ hers with the Guernsey calf which ha received through" die 4-H calf chain. Dee is the son of Mrs. Wldand Maahburn of Route 4. Murphy. (Scout Photo) Announces a revolutionary new wall paint with 6HP* moans Greater Hiding Power N?w Colors lit To Apply S Covers Better ^ Jl Dries 2 Faster .2 jONE COAT FI-AT *6.70, ml ad "LrnktwO* crnwmtfmGoU Tap" ONE COAT COVERS jPriw NlwSS i b h hinkbi H Merphy Hardware Co. An i\n. .11* 7mm??m St. 837-2110 M??phy, N.C. 19 PITTSBURGH PAINTS look longer Davis Jewelers WE SALUTE INATIONAL 4-H Lena's Clothiif For Tha Entlro Fanily CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 4-M BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB WEEK Maxt To Tfco Poo* OHIco In Mwrphy GROW WITH 4-H # Insurance Department Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Merpfcy ? Andrew*? RobbiwrvllU ? I Sirring Southwestern North Carolina "Ceapleteleseraece Service" Pure Oil Co. Jack Dickey Di?uik.t.r W. Spiel.Un I. Swvlag TH. FARMERS la This Atm. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 441 CLUB BOYS aid GIRLS MiriFtfirTiTii LSL P..TOWWSOW 4--H-W Store of Dependable Volim congratulations II Oldsmobile SALES aid SERVICE Ikkey Chevrolet - Olduoobile fit. US Twummm StrMt Murphy. N.C. v.v.rvy..? .?*?" v-v. i 11 E. C. Moore Co. DODGE SALKS and SIRVICK Dial VI 7-2316 Mwphy, NJ