NEW AUDIOMETER, randy pnMBd to the schools la Cborohss County by the Murphy Women'! Club la demonstralsd bare by Mra. Margaret S. Bruce, speech thermit for the Murphy end Andrews schools. Mrs. Bruce Is shown above testing the bearing at Jante Mason, daughter at Mr. end Mrs. L. L. Mason of Murphy. (Scout Phon) Hearing Tests Show 15.7% Off Students In County Have Hearing Impairments MURPHY - Many children in public schools suffer from some degree of hearlM Impairment end this loss Is often not recognized by the teacher or the speech cor recttonlst. Many times the child with a loss of hearing is labeled as withdrawn. In attentive, or low Intelligence. Recognizing ,thls situation could exist In the schools of Cherokee County, the Mur phy Women's Club busied themselves with raising the money to buy an audiometer, a machine used to test the hearing of each ear, for use by the speech therapists In the three school units In the county. A $338.00 audiometer was bought by the club and pre sented to the school on Jan. 1 of this year. The machine is recommended by the N. C. State Department of Public Instruction. It is the goal of the speech therapist to sweep check the hearing of every student. Since the machine was put Into use, 1,553 students at Marble, Murphy, and And rews have had their hearing tested by the sweep test method. Bach atudent was checked up id 15 decibels, the top frequency of normal hear ing, The testing began a minus -10 decibels. If the student missed two or more frequenc ies during the sweep test, then a more thorough treshold test is given. According to Mrs. Bruce, three students can be given the sweep every 15 minutes and returned to class. The treshold test requires more time. On Feb. 1, 735 students at Murphy completed the sweep testing. Of this total 121 child ren failed the test. The Marble school has also been completed. Out of 121 students tested, 22 failed. Mrs. Bruce Is in the pro cess of testing the hearing of the students at Andrews now. She has completed tests on 680 and has 20 more tests to make. Out of the 680. 101 have failed the sweep test. The results to date show that out of 1,553 students test H 15.7 per cent, ? tiled the test Indicating some hearing Impairment. Treshold test will be given to these children to determine the ex tent of the hearing Im pairment. In the treshold test, each frequency is tested to see just where the student hears on the frequency. This type of test shows how great a loss the student has on each frequency. TWo such tests, or audiograms *** made before the parent Is notified of the child's hear ing loss. THE DEAF AND HARD - OF - HEARING CHILDREN There are two main groips of children with defective hearing: the hard of hearing, and the deaf. Hard - of - heating child ren are able to understand and use speech and language. These children learn to com municate using the sense of hearing deficient though It may e. The derf are those thai ave been deprived of the abi ity to communicate through peech and language because 4 the severity of the hearing oss. There Is a dlflerenda lon mada between the derf and the deafened. The deaf are those whose deafness occur red before speech and lan guage were acquired. The deafened are those who be came deaf after learning to speak. There are three types ol deafness: As conductive or receptive type, the perceptive d the mined or nerve type, and ) type. Comhictlve deafness is characterised by: poor hear ing In the low tones, foot hearing In the high mas, tht loss Is caused by a pathology of the external or middle ear the auditory nerve Is function ing but the soimd is not reach ing the Inner ear. A nerve deafness or per ceptive deafness la character taed byt good hearing la At low maes, poor hearing A da high vnes. As nerve Is no functioning adequately, an< omitted or distorted. The mined type deafndnahai elements of boA comhictl* and nerve deefnees: loss in the low ones, severe loss in the high tones, some de generation of the nerve, end some hlockage of the sound by sir In the external or mid dle ear. All three types of deaf ness stem from two causes: congenital deafness and ac quired deafness. Congenital deafness refers to deafness of a hereditary nature or one due to birth injury. Acquired deafness is caused by brain infections, infections of the ear, injuries of the ear, or otosclerosis. A hearing aid is usually re commended when the hearing loss exceeds 30 or 35 d b. In the twilight area between 15-25 d b lip reading instruct ion is recommended. When the loss is between 35 and 75 d b, a hearing aid is recommend ed and also lip reading and auditory training be given. If the loss exceeds 75 d b, lip reading is a vital necessity since a hearing aid may be almost useless. A hearing conservation program will Include: screen ing test, audiometric test, re ferral to a clinic to be seen by an otologist, medical care, and special educational re commendations, preferred placement, indivfcfcial hearing aid, speech reading, auditory training, acoustic training. Characteristics of Deaf and Hard - Of - Hearing children are: speech andlanguagecome slowly, tsider constant emo tional tension, abnormal voice quality, and seeming inability to understand. These are the characteris tics of hard - of - hearing and deaf children in whom the defect is known to exist. The teacher and speech cor rectionlst need to know some characteristic symptoms of a liearlng loss so that they may help Identify children with un detected hearing losses. The characteristic marks of a hearing loss are: verbal di rections ignored consistently, close observation of the fact of the teacher, consistently the head to one side, appar ent and repeated confusions in understanding the speech of others, reading disability, spelling errors, frequent colds with ear discharge, spells of dizziness, and ex cessive fatigue during class recitation. HELPING THE ACOUSTICALLY DEFECTIVE CHILD The classroom teacher and speech correctlonist have a dual role to fill In teaching the hard-of-bearing or deaf child. They must (1) help the child to make an adequate social adjustment with his classmates and (2) help the child Improve his speech. Reading as a means of ac quiring information and as a recreational device is so im portant to the hard-of-hearing or deaf child that it must be regarded as one of the most important abilities to be gain ed in school. Acquiring a speaking vo cabulary equal *> that of the normal child Is an almost im possible task for the average deaf child. Fortunately such an attempt is no longer neces sary. It Is now possible for the deaf child to learn to use a limited vocabulary thatwill enable him to communicate with no loss of meaning. This system of condensed language Is known as Basic English, It consists of 850 words. Once the student has mastered the 850 words, he can talk any where, anytime, and has no firther absolute need to in crease his vocabulary. Preferred placement will help the hard-of-bearing us? his available hearing to the best advantage. If a child doei not tnderstand the tsechen directions the first dine, d* directions should bo repeaex in a different form. Often tha same material said different!) is immediately grasped. The parents of acoustically handicapped children can la wheeled in die guidance ? Ibeir chi!Awn. The John Tracy Clinic helps parents by send ing out correspondence tea sons. The Volta Bursa Washington, D. C? will hel) locate competent physicians HEARING TESTS All children who exhibit some hearing loss ere often called deaf but deafness Is a matter of degree. There are several methods by which the degree of deafness may be de termined. A screening test Is usually the first step to discover If a child's hearing Is normal. The screening test may be (1) a watch tick test, (2) a voice test, (3) a phonograph test, (4) an audio me trie sweep test. If there is a hearing loss evi dent the screening test if fol lowed by a diagnostic test (audlometrlc test). The type of hearing loss can be determined from the audio gram. A conductive type loss will show a slight or moderate loss In the low tones and nor mal responses In the high tones. A nerve type loss will show normal hearing in the low tones and dipping down below SO d b in the high tones. The mixed type loss is shown by a slight or moderate loss in the low tones (above SO d b) and dipping down below SO d b In the high tones. SO d b Is the point of dlfferentatlon between conductive and nerve type los ses. The audiogram tells only half the story. It determines the Individuals ability to hear pure tones only. Speech recep tion Threshold Tests are need ed to determine the individuals functional hearing, such as: Spondee, the Phonetically Bal anced Word Lists (P B), and Condnuous Discourse Test. The Spondee Test consists of 42 words each with two syllables of equal accent. The P. B. Word Lists con tain 50 words such as "are, bad, bar." The Condnuous Discourse Test Is a thres hold test for hearing of con tinuous speech. The speech correcdonlst is primarily Interested in help ing the hard-of-hearing child conserve his present hearing and to restore any speech sounds which may have been lost. In order to do this, the correcdonlst must be aware of each sound element on the frequency range. Each speech sound has a different phonedc power. Arranging the sounds which are most powerful to the sounds which areleastpower ful, they are: pure vowels, semi-vowels, unvolcedfrfcat lves, stop and frlcadve con sonants, and the unvoiced th. The unvoiced th and the s are very high frequency sounds. Therefore, hard-of hearing adults and children omit the s sound entirely or develop a lateral lisp. RANGER MAN COMES UP WITH LITTLE INVENTION RANGER - Mr. R. J. Stire waltof the Ranger Community in his spare dme, has come H> with a 11 tdeinvendon which will save him some money, dme and do a much more ef ficient Job. For some dme he has needed a bolus gun to use for young scouring calves. In stead of buying a gun, he used a piece of rubber hose about 15 inches long and Inside this hose he used an old battery cable as a plunger. With his knlve, he enlarged one end of the hose enough to hold the bolus sulmet. Now Sdrewalt says, "I can hold and give the necessary dosage myself. I need no one to hold the calf and can make sure the sulmet tablet will not be coughed back up." Cherokee Scout A Clay County Progress, Thurs., Mar. 7. 1963 Home Economic Classes Hear Hair Stylist MURPHY - The home economic classes at Murphy High School beard a presen tation on hair, the care of hair, hair styling, and the use of make-igj Monday. Mar. 4. The presentation was given by Mrs. Elizabeth Stiles, a 1953 graduate of die high school, and a recant graduate of the University of Cosme tology and Hair Design In Marietta, Ca. Mrs. Stiles plans B open a beauty salon on Roua 4 within the next few weeks. Mrs. Stiles appeared be fore the classes at the re quest of the school's acooo mlcs teacher. Miss Martha Hawkins. Beautiful 9 pe. Set Sofa Bod aad Chair-2 Lamps-1 Enrnm htSffvMzin HOLDS 420 LBS. ? FROZEN FOODS NO MONEY DOWN! GOODYEAR QUALITY CONTROLLED 711 BLACK Tub* Type 600 x 16 Exchange Plu? Tax RETREADS WITH APPROVE GOODYEAR TREAD DESIGN EASY TERMS NO MONEY DOWN -OTHER BARGAINS UNDER 1400 .fit ILL-WEATHER A step-up in durability 18-Month Road Hazard Guarantee UNDER 1COO .s/i/. SAFETY ALL-WEATHER More safety and more mileage. ILL POPULAR SIZES INCLUDING COMPACTS M-Month Road Hazard Guarantor CUSTOM SUPER-CUSHION Same tire that comes on new cars 24-Month Road Hazard Guarantee 140.?? ,v* ORTHOPEDIC sno-mr, K-*79.901 OMIT M TM I mum?do s iArm or to* O0*m m* KE MH UK ? TK MITIKBI We Service What We Sell FOAM PILLOWS $7.00 EASTER BUNNIES $7.00 3 pc TOWEL SIT $1.00 7-Pc. DINETTE SUITE m o beautiful! So smart! So easy to own! Picture our family, relatives and friends in your dining rea with this beautiful suite. General Electric Dial-Defrost Refrigerator FAMOUS STRAIGHT LINE DESIGN Nm4? no door dtaranci at aid* AOOfl TA-212W '?* i it*' e-~ III Cu Ft ' """" " " : *tim In DM 1? Net Velum# VMr. ar Mom. M89 R#S. $259.95 Big 12-lb. Load General Electric Filter-Flo Washer WA 604 ? l Cyrie Wanker ? 1 Waih Tr- -rata re ? Z Rinse Temperature ? Water Rarer far Small Medium and l-nrge Lnada *199 Reg. $239.95 Free Narmal laatallaliaa Famous G.E. Spacemaker Range J-299 ? Big SJ" Orea * Convenient Keyboard Control 'Easiest Range to K?t Ck? M38 Reg. $219.95 19 INCH 6.E. TELEVISION NO 1 MONEY DOWN PAY ONLY $2.00 WEEKLY MoMM 200 ? Built In LiRht W*I0* Wllhouatt* Styling ? I yr. Warranty'Part* * I Yr. FREE Sorvlca MURPHY TIKE I . 1 Peachtree St. ????