at Mr*. Bv* NaU LaurU km a* paaiafkar la-law. Mr Mr*. 5. S. ChrtaioMMraf Mr. aad Mr*. B. J. Plata aad da*tf?r, Mr*. Wayaa MwMlaid mi chUdrwn. aad children Mr*. Jotaa ?. Davldaoe war* al Mr*. David In-law, Mr. and Mr*. Howard Hall a*d ddltkwo of Asbavllla. Mr*. Oollta Marttoa. Ga^ waa guaat of Mra. Ruby Hill. -Id Mr. and Mra. Wtlbura Ml Pla? wara ^o \ d Mra. Burt Shlalda. -M Mr. and Mra. Jack Caola ilvie Funeral Home Mtnky-Aadr?ws-H*y?svill$ I. PuUlisn fam dwak all of our a-it HAYBSVtLLB - To all < for all tte flOMTI, food, ?ld Had words of comfort la our faoor of grlof, la tte death of our teatend, fatter, mi faro iter. May God bUaa each of you. Tte Paodly of W. T. Maaaoy and alsiar, Mrs. Bdwln Hawkins I. MELISSA DOCKBRY MURPHY - Mrs. Melissa Jans (Aimt Lisas} Oockary, n, died Saordey morning. March 9. In the boms of a son. Chartia Oockary of Blll Jay. Ga.. afar a long lllnasa. Mrs. Oockary was a oatlva of Charohaa Cotaty. daughar of da laa WUllam and Char iots* Bvans Bramoo. She had lived with her son In BUI jay for da past tow years. Surviving In addition a da son are anther son, Law rancs of Hickory; a daugh ar, Mrs. Bffla BaU of Rt. 3. Murphy; 19 graodchUdren and 28 great - grandchildren. Services were laid at 2 p.m. SiBiday In Unaka Bap list Church of which *he m a member. Tha Rev. Carl Ctamlnghani and the Rav. W. P. Smith of ficiated and burial waa la the church cemetery. 1 via Flateral Home waa In charge. _ " Mr*. Bertha Bam and Mist Marie Price are spending sev eral days LnJ acksoo villa, Fla. While there they will visit Mrs. Bam' da tighter, Mrs. SMrley Graef. -M Mr. sod Mrs. W. H. Taylor reamed home last Thursday from a visit with her brother, Vernon King and family of Columbia, S. C. NOW...A SPECTACULAR NEW FORMULA... ...for crisper, clearer TV reception?In color, black-and-white?FM STEREO?anywhere DEVELOPED BY THE ANTENNA RESEARCH LABORATORIES Of THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS, UMd In Air Fore* aataMta tracking and talamatry program*, th* JFD LOQ PERKXMC LBV antannamaana far battar TV racaption than you raalizadwaapoaaiMa with your praaant Mt?bacausa K matsaa unpracadantad ptctura powar, to pick up avary detail with camera lens thironftti. Formet with unmatched nreciehm t> brine in the wvw i a wtw, rw wr ^^a. yn www. a *n.w^ww wrw i aa. ? ? i^atwv iwr. prf ^awWHr, p IV a#. 11a. . %? ^^W Hgnal*ou'ra tunad to and no othar?without noisa, ?now or ghoats, ragardlaas of dla tanca or tarrain. Whatavar your pictura ptoMama. wharavar you'ra tocatad, whatavar tha condition of your aat-tha LOQ-PER(ODIC LPV muat Improve your TV racapHon.CaE i tha modal daaignad for your aroa. s&jsrs ms&ff now at... TV ANTENNA HOSTELLER RADIO & TV Tilipnii 250 Arirtws, N. C. II !??-?*- -j an I if ymtoc entirely or got a aircraft Especially for you, North Carolina THE FORD DEALERS' ELEGANT SRECIAL SALE PRICE IIKLUOES W IN M Ml *4 MM. FOROOMATIC TRANSMISSION, WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES AND OTHER LUXURY FEATURES Specially paintecLspecially equipped...specially built just the way know you'll like it! And specially priced for this special sale! Come see our '63 Super Torque Ford Galaxie in a glorious champagne color! Hurry...this is a luxurious limited edition! Com* on in and h*ar th* sensa tional low price we Ford Dealers have put on this distinctive limited-edition model. It's so low, w* can't even put it In printl What's more, you'll be getting the finest car in its field I For proof, Just check th* chart on this page. HERTS PROC W\ YOU PAY LESS FOR A FORD GALAX IE . . . AND GET MORE VALUE! ?MM ?MM ?MM ?MM ?MM ?MM ?MS*** VMM SK *r ?M Mr M MM lnm M HUM NMS TM M 25m YES YES YES YES YES (S.r moaeo YES YES YES YES YES YES YES CHEVY ML AM NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Tils Wirt, Silts Ip 48% ^^B^B At Yiir Havisville Fori Dealer's! JONES FORD CO. PHONE 389-2432 dw-n..^ HAYESVLLC, N. C. from Charles sai, S. C? to spend toe weekend aid Ua wife aid hto dsughtor ratimed home with Mr. aid Mrs. Fred Duvall of Bryson City aid Mr. aid Mrs. Clifford McNabb of At lanta wars wsskaiid guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llilard Walker wd Mrs. Pearl Woodward. Clay Cpijiy Program. Thu., Mar. 14. 1463 INSURANCE TIPS Iron HYDE AGENCY B FLAKE MCMTHS what tea of dm rirta,": ot the oattoo's Urn toll la Uvea and Injuria* la The National Board of Fir* Undarwrltors auggaat* that you car Mp beep your bo ma aate from fir* by following or firuca 'room, a*l throw out old paint pall a. oily rap. other oombuatlbla fugglsh that may ba atorwd thar*. < 2) Chock your heettng unit ?Studies a bow tut ovary ?nth fir* la tba United States la caueed by a defective bast lag udb ' 3) If avao a faint fual odor arlaoa from your beating plant, call a qualified beating man lmmedlaMty to check your flu* pfpoo, van conaect lona, aod chimney. 4) If you ua* a portable oil or gaa boator, alwaya turn It off whan you rotlra at night. 5) Your flraplaca i pro lac tod arllh a metal fire screen, placed flush against tba fireplace whan It la In uae. Frequently and unexpect edly burning lop throw out hot embers dwt singe rap or cauoo even greater dam Thla column will bo glad to answer questions you may baas about property aad casualty Insurance. Sand them to Hyde Insurance Agency, Hlwsiset Straat, Murphy, N. Paid Adv. National lifiu If Diciicy Movie Ratings March 1963 "CUP AND SAVB FOR FUTURB IBB." Clasa A-l Acceptable for All: APRIL LOVE BEAUTY AND THE BBA6H G1GOT HOUND DOG MAN [UMBO K> MAN IS AN ISLAND ' IOAD TO HONG KONG SNOW WHITE AND THi THRBB STOOGES Claaa A-2 Acceptable For Adults i AittltPtntfT LONELY ARB THE BRAVI MIGHTY URSUS SIX BLACK HORSES ITARAS BULBA MCV Acceptable for Adults: MANCHUR1AN CANDIDATE flJN AND THE SERGEANT B Objectionable In Part for All: SEVER ON SUNDAY Paid Advertisement c5rmcv DID YOU KNOW Only 15% of the 2 1/2 million stores and service markets in the United States have the light they need? Yet test after test shows that adequate store limiting can boost a retailer's sales by 20% on the average. Individual stores have reported Increased sales of 70% and more - - - with effective, Increased limiting. See us today for free, expert advice on yoir limiting needs MURPHY ELECTRIC POWER BOARD