Now the fantastic beast ana his beauty become flesh and blood on the W^creen! w?? r? vapw Beam and the BEAST TECHNICOLOR" S5TAYL0R uMDAMONloiiti mi, HENH theatre DORIS IW SIffHEN JMMV 1 >$& f / I) : CO-STAR* ##3 DEANJAGGER SCREEN PIAE BY MUSC AMO IY?C? ?* SIDNEY SHELDON ? RICHARD RODGERSandLORENZ HART Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 17, 18, 19,20 Rated as EXCELLENT for Adults, Young Paopl# and Children bp Patents Mogaxlna Aad Wlnnar Of Tba Panlly Madal Award. HENN THEATRE The last of the red hot Lamas HOAI) 10 hum; ? KOMC I DOlfiifnfY LAHOUR ? ROBERT MORLEY MURPHY 64 DRIVE IN ^ A 1 RH _ ? 14 - > J?ta Sm to WU MKT. Fintay mA taw)tor, 4 Mart* IS ?4 14 - DouMa BEAUTY ANDTMr HOUND DOG, 19 ad to - fawrto Day'*# Sapbaa Boyd la JUMBO. # low Saturday NlshLi March 14 - PLAYClRi. aptbr dark. > MURPHY 64 DRIVE IN md Friday, March U mi 15 - Blag Croaby, Bob Hone, and JoaD Co Ulna ta THE ROAD TO HONG KONG. Saturday and 'Sunday; March 16 ml 17 - Jaflray Hiauar ml MarahaU Thome-' aoo In NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, Cterohaa Scoot fc Clay Cotmtjr ProfTM*, Tta, Mar. 14, IMS BIBLE QUESTIONS I ANSWERS By Tom Ledbetter Andrews Church of Christ Question: Are we today to keep the feast days of the Old Testament? Answer: No, we are not to keep the ceremonies of the Old Law. When Christ died on the cross He fulfilled or completed this law of ordi nances that was against us (Col. 2:14), and imon His death eet In effect His own law. (Heb. 9:15-17). We are distinctly told that we are not to be Judged of men concerning feast days, new moons, or sabbath days. (Col. 2:16). We are old to assemble ourselves together (Heb. 10:25), and we are given an example to do this on the Bret day of the week (Acts 20:7). This la all the New Testament requires in the sense of keeping a day. Radio programs on WKRK: Sunday 7:30; 8:30. Church services In And rews: Sixjday 10:00-12:00, 7K10 p.m.; Wetkiesday 7KB PA Aitif Tbt Sick ANDREWS - Patient Cen sus at District Memorial Hospital, March 10, 1963: Andrews: Mrs. Gertrude Nichols, Mrs. Sam Magnets, Mrs. MatHe Painter. Mr. Olen Strattm, Mrs. Sam Wheeler, Miss Martha Gee, Mrs. G. A. Harwood. Mr. Roland Day, Mr. Wesley Palmer. RobMnsvllle: Mrs. Johnny Payne, Rev. Oliver Orr, Mrs. Prank WUIaey, Mat. Gary Ray Silvers, Mrs. Homer Mulkey, Mrs. Mack Jordan and baby girl, Mrs. Ronald Holland, Mrs. Cecil Hyde, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Fletcher Davis Marble: Mrs. Ethel Lovln good, Mr. Leonard Palmer, Mr. Jim Raxsar, Mrs. Clint Hancock. Also Mrs. Herbert Bryson. Topton; Mrs. J. C. Day, Nantahala; and Mrs. Dochla Cloer, Hayesvllle. Dismissals during past week: Andrews: Mrs. Bllzabeth Davis, Mr. Glenn McGulre, Barbara Ann Dockery, Mrs. Mamie Sims, Mrs. Amelia Hurst, Mrs. Walter Hogsed and baby boy, Mr. Edward Trantham, Mr. D. L. P ar ris. RobbtnsviUe: Mrs. Bessie Wllkey, Mrs. Claude Hyde. Mrs. Bd Slaughter, Mr. Ed ANDREWS NEWS LUCY LAUGHTER STAEE CORRESPONDENT! NOTES Turbeyvllle. Mr. Jake Grtb fate. Also Mr. Clifford Linn and Mr. Will Garret^ Marble; Mr. John C.Hood, Warne;Mr.Hub Reighard, Top ton; and Miss Melba Moore, Hayeaville. Stork Market Report for District Memorial Hospital in Andrews: Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Glad den of Tapoca, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy, on February 24. Mr. and Mrs. James Skel eton of Andrews announce the birth of a daughter, Frankle Lovenla. February 26. Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Hobbs of Robbtnsville, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Jeanne Lynn on March 4. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hog sed of Andrews announce the birth of a son. Randy Darrell, on March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Jordon of Robbtnsville announce the ?birth of a daughter, Susan Ruth, on March 8. EASTER SEALS ANDREWS-The 1963 Easier Seal Campaign will begin April 1 and continue through Easier Sunday. Campaign plans were made at a recent meeting held in Murphy. W. D. Whltaker, State Di rector, states that the major portion of funds raised in cam paign will be used locally for crippled children clinic and a percentage will be used for the handicapped workshop in Asheville which provides training and employment for the severely handic^tped, re presenting the 17 western counties. Virgil O'Dell of Murphy is Director of Blue Ridge Regional Chapter, Mrs. Rob ert Bault, also of Murphy, Is Cherokee County Chairman. Robert A. Lassiter of Ashe ville is project director for Blue Ridge Regional Chapter. Committees will be ^ipoint ed to represent all com munities in the Cotaity. All schools are requeued toco operate in all sptecal events. On* of tte apodal nana of Andrews will ha the m.?.i Bate Sale which wUl be bald tbla year at tte hardware BuUdlng on April 12 and IS. Reetauranta In Cherokee County who would lite ? apon aor Coffee Day and donate the procaade from coffee a ales during the day to ihla cam paign pleaae notify W.D.Whlt ater. Anckwwa, or Virgil O* Dell, Murphy. Sgt. and Mrs. Bryan Hurst of Washington. D. C? arrived Monday ? visit his psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Lao Hirst. Sgt. Hirst, member of U.S. Army Band, appeared In the concert Saturday night In Greensboro which concluded the annual Bandmasters Con vention which bagan thereon Tuesday. Sgt. Hurstls die only North Carollnean In the U. S. Army Band. While hare they will also visited Mrs. Hirst's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. WUhlde of Franklin. -A Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ma this, daughters, Deborah Gall aid Mary Jane, spent the weekend In Waynesvllle as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mathls, who returned with them for a visit. -A Mrs. Frank WUhlde, chair man of Gray Ladles, received dw following letter last weak: Dear Mrs. WUhlde: From time to time we con tinue to hear worda of praise for die enoaUent Job the Gray Ladles are doing at District Memorial. We hear compliments from the soli, doctors, patients, and the general piddle. all saying that without question yours Is ons of the most val uable services ? rendered In our hospital. Now that the card system for visitors has had time to prove Its merit. It, too, is being praised as another forward step. It is gratifying to see an Increasing nisnber wUUiw to ??rve In a task that la with out pay Md certainly involves a high degree of sacrifice In time nd effort. At the annual meeting of tte Board of Trustaes, It was un anlmoualy agreed that such an Invaluable service as you are rendering to this hospital and commiadty should merit ? MjMr * tepreclation. The Board atmmls a beartv "thank you" for the fine work that you are dolig. Pleaae convey our sentiment to the other members of your organization. Sincerely, R. B. He ?ton, Secretary B?illi? Spriags Nun By D. G. 0*DeU ? Mr. Virgil ODall was la Providence Hospital with puaianotda fever for several dsys. Wa hops for Ms ?j'Mf*- Ralph Graves <Mtad Mr. and Mrs. GUbart IhomMlMints on Owl Creak some few days^pesc. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Abar naMyand family have mov ed beck a> Adanta. Ga^ where he has a post don. Peachtree News By Mr*. Dock Sudderth Mr*. O'Neal Crisp honor ed Mr*. Jams* Slmonds with ? ??rk shower on Thursday night. March 7. Afar game* were played the honors* was praaenmd many lovely gifts and the host*** served strawhsrry shortcake, cof fee. and hot chocolate. Those lnvltsd were; Maedames Lloyd Slmonds, Johnny Wilson, Wll lard Hemfaree. Steve Docfcsry, Jimmy Hemfaaee. Dock Sod derth. Paul Ledford, Douglas Slmonds, Gerald Wilson. Orln Wltg, Robert Docks ry. Verlln Crisp and Misses Sandy Lad ford, Deborah Dochsry, Bar bara and Carolyn Crisp and Lorette Carroll. -P We are sorry a hear that Gary Barnett son of Mr. and Mrs. BUI Barnett Is coMtned to his home dua to Illness. Simday vlatiors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Barn ett of Canton. N. C? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde West of Robfcfns vllle, Mrs. Robe Roberts and daughter, Sandra. Mr. rod Mrs. Claude Barnett, Miss Ginger Matmry, and Bdward Ledford* -p Mr. and Mrs. Roy WUson and Wanda spent Sunday with Mr. R. J. WUson. -P Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sdles were daughmrs and sons-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Haven Holbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberson of Atlanta, Ga. -P Mr. Ray PhUUpe of Mc Cayeavllle. Ga., spent the weekend with his sister ?^ famUy, Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Hembree. -P Mr. and Mrs. DockSuddsrth visited relative* In Jefferson, Ga^ last week. -P Week - end guests of Mr Hugh Robinson and Bd were' Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Robin son and Mr. and Mrs. Cannon Robinson of Gasatnla. and Mr. and Mrs. Lofton West of And -P Mr. Troy West andchUdron have been confined a> their home for a few days due to Illness. -P Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bun garner of Candler spent the week-end with her mother and sister, Mrs. Lrwson Lunsford and Mis* Nancy Lutaford. -P Mr. and Mrs. Graden Ste wart of KnoxvUle wen week mid guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norvell Huisucker.Mrs.Hui auchar spent Saturday In And rews on business. -P Arnold KUpatrlck Is home after being a patient In a local hospital. - -P Mr*. Lester Ramsey of Brasssron la spendtm a few .days with her sister rod -P Mr. and Mrs. Buster Lsmt and chUthen *pent Sunday with Mrs. Wayne MlUsap* InSylva. -P Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sud -P Mr.jndMr*. VlrgUHem fowe of Bryson City vlsltad -*ndUrw Jimmy Hambrea durfaw .ad Mrs. R. C. Papas last Thwwday la AaC Mr*. Prate Morrow and Mlas Margaret Hendrtx spent the week-end In All acta with Mia* Baa Noll Morrow. -P Mra. Boonta Blevtns ad Mr*. DockSudderth spentSio day domwn In Fraklln. ?P? Mr*. Sam Newsm of To mod* ad Mrs. Prod Bar loo spent Friday night wlih Mr. ad Mrs. Whit Barton, Mr. ad Mrs. Richard Pow ers of Yoisig Harris, Ga^ also vlsltad Mr. and Mrs. Barra Friday night. -P Mr. and Mr*. Richard Sud dsnh ad chlltksn of Chatta ngofa, speot the wotk-#D<l with their parents, Mr. ad Mrs. Bd English SDdMr.andMrs.Paid Sudderth. -P Mrs. V. T. Ledford visited Mrs. Llzzl* BUlott on Sin day. -P Mr. and Mrs. William Rob guests of har mother, Mrs. Florence Whit* of Gaines ville, Ga. -P Mrs. Marcella Smith and daughars spat the weeh and In Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crlsco and da ugh - -P Psul Sudderth spat Satur day and Sunday In Atlanta on Shoal Crook Nows By Betdah Slaughter The Misses Sherle. Janice and Kara Hamby spat the wak - end with their grad parats, Mr. ad Mr*. Jarvt* Hamby of Unaka. -SC Mr. and Mrs. John Horton and sons of Cottage Grove, Oreg. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Crowdsr. -SC Members of Shoal Creek Baptist Church are mating at the church Saturday at 3:30 p.m. with shrubs for afotat dathm plating around the church. Pleaa pea the word around. -SC Mr. and Mrs. Junior Pack ad family came from Chor ions, N. C. a S in day id a* Mrs. L. C. Powell, who wa dismissed front Provi dence Hospital a Wednesday. -SC Mr. and Mrs. Harry Under wood were Strnday visitors of die B. C. Suits and J. B. Slaughters. -SC Mrs. Or! ado Torrance, wfct^ had a lag removed in a Cle veland hospital about a ago, ha hea beck hospital ?> have the other lag removed. She la borne now In a wheel, chair ad ready id talk to all visitors. SC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holfarook spent soma time Sunday with the Burl Browns. -SC Mr. ad Mrs. Almoa Whit field and family of A data, G*^ 1 with Mr. and ST ^C Mr. Wm. Nix, Adata. Ga^ spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Daley Nix. -SC wat to Brysoo City Sasrdsy to visit a ststsr, Mrs. Jama -HD Ths WML) of Mc Hiwassee Dam Newq By Channla Jooff Mr. a* Mr.. Bill HardU of Fontana Dan, vlsimd Mr. /1 and Mr.. Jo. Joae. last Fr* ^ -HD Mr?. Cart Mashl Junior. Mr*. Jam* Byrd i Darlene and Mr*. Jo. Jot am In Marietta. Ga? ftrat of the task to f Albert Shultz aid Mrs. -HD Mra. W. R. Prlc has v ?i?fna<t home after a ebor vlalt with her daughar. Mr.. W. P. CampMl to Etowah. -HD- , PFC Wiley R. Prlc. .ta ttooed at Port Canon. Cokx, with da U. S. Army 5di Dl*. vlilon. will be vlaltinf frteocle and relative, for the next wo -HD Mr. aid Mra.WllburnJo? and mi, Bruce and Wayne, of Dal ton, Ga^ vial ted Mr. and Mra. Joe Jooaa over the amel -HD- ' Mra. W. P. Campbell apd llaltir*! and Plwer Prlc. of Btowah, Temu, vtsltkdfrlaods aid relatives one day leal t -HD- i Mra. Brneat Floyd and Mra. Jo. Jonea made a business trip a Andrew, on. day laat ***** -HD- I Wiley R. Price, Jr.. vlelad I Robert Pettereon Tueaday I evening. Junior a aid ha off-1 talnly enjoyed talking over old/ tlmu at Hlwaeaaa Dem Scboo 7 with Robert. , / -HD- i Mr*. BUI Plclal anddaugh- [ ter. Thuya, of Btowah. Tax, visited her mother, Mrs. Jda i Jones Tueaday tftamooo. -HD- I Mr. aid Mr*. Fade Chap1 mat and Mrs. Myra Walker won with Mr*. BtJ Brumby to a Democrat ua.tlng In Cullowha. on Friday night. -HD Mr. andMrs.LudarSdloa and chUdran from Atlanta, Qe. apant tha weekend with Mr. aid Mr*. Clifton Ragir. v Mra./Mli. Blackwell apadt Friday In DoravlUe, Gh, trtdi bar daughter, Mr*. Chartes Mlolen and targraidchiltkw* Gary. Rands, and DocnU. -HD- v . Mlaa Dsyia Brooks, i . tar of Mr. aid Mn. St Brook, of Ft. " .Flfc, wUl spend her spring vacation with bar granc%>azv ents, Mr. and Mr*. Oma Qulnn. Dayla la pteaandy rt Duks University. -HD- ' Mr. aid Mr*. Fraik Knlghr ' ton aid Julia of Adaita. apant da wmk-and with Mr. add Mr*. Clay Allan. j -HD- * 1 Congratulations to Mr. aid Mr*. Pads Chapman on their 12th Wadtflng Anniversary op I March 10.l5M. -HD- \ I Mr. aid Mr*. BucUd Vojr? laa wit# vtaad on Statday fay Mr. al Mrs. Dai WMa aid Pads Mr. and Mra. of Tata. Ga. y -HD Mra. Clifton R*ar tat Gmts. Bdwsrd spent Friday In Adaita, Ga. * -HD Mr. and Mm. Fonzy Halt ?pant mnat of laat vmk vlaltr lag their daahtar. Mrs. Las r, Mra. 1 Mr. md Mra. Clon 1 vial tad Ma inch, Dr. ?_ , fat Haaelwood. N. Ci -HP ?w BAflTSaHMPflTCI had Mra. Darts W.adarlw ael Mra. Lali Rti ? wl&AmnT *""* ** "t 2nJ in our odocation - oor Do Di. Post Offtc BETTER FOODS AT LOWER PRICES FREE PEANUTS All Yoi Can Eat THROW HULLS ON FLOOR BANANAS t lb. Armour "Star* BACON 49(l. Rib Cut PORK chops-49( Oconee's Best Self-pislng FLOUR 1.49 JFG J-F.6. lastait COFFEE 10 OZ. JAR 89t Fresh Whole PORK LIYERJ:ll9< Half 7 to 14 or Whole Lb. Average CURB) HAM 49< 2 Lb. Box Square CHEESE 491 Large Can Whole Sweet POTATOES?~39t Fresh White Half iAi RUNNER BEANS 2 lk 49( A # I 1 M SUPER MARKET

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