Clay County Personal Mention SFC Bub Broun and family vlsiiad hi* parmis. Mr. and Mr*. Ban Brown, Saturday and Sunday afwrnoon. -CC Mrs. Gorman Kitchens fall at tha ho ma of Mr. and Mra. Robart Scruggs Saturday night and sustained a aarloua back Injury. Sba una taken K> tha Hlawaaaaa Mortal. Mra. Floyd Garrlaoo Injur ed bar back laat week and was a patient In Hlawaaaaa Hos pital for several day*. -OC Hayes villa High School Sen lora are In Washington this week. They were accompanied by Eugene Waldroup, Mrs. Laura MoGlamery, Mrs. Hoyt Woody. Mrs. Wiley McGlam ery and Mrs. Bula Miller. -CC Donald Allison of Sylvavis ltad hla father, Glenn Allison, and alster. Ml as Mary Bill Allison during the weekend. Mra. Ruby Hill of Murphy vlstlad them on Sunday af?r noon. Mr. Allison la now Im proving nlcaly. -cc Mra. Ed Patterson, Sr., has returned to her home In the Elf Community after spending the winter In Drexsl, N. C? with her sister. She was the Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. 'Sir Floy Smart. -CC Vtsltors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Burch Sin day afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Oien Ledford and sons of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers of Shoot ing Creek and the Guy Burch family of Lick Log. -CC Mrs. Flora Crawford has been 111 at bar home this past -CC Mrs. Bill Brackens, a mem ber of the Hayesvllle Senior Class and daughter, Susan, are spending this week In Charlotte with her husband who Is employed there. The Senior class Is in Washington this week. -CC Mrs. Noel Smart and child ren spent Smday afternoon with Mrs. Lizzie Kitchens. -CC Mrs. Neal R. Kitchens and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch went to the Pounding Mill on Sunday afternoon to the old home site of Mr. Burch. They stopped and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cabe In the Elf Community.Mrs. Cabe has been ill for several weeks. -CC Mr. R. S. Bell of Detrolc and Grady Powers of And rews visited Mrs. Georgia Powers Saturday. -CC Mrs. Vera Ledford andSan tha of Hayesvllle, Linda Jean Stamey and Jane Tipton of Brassewn spent Saturday 1 Atlanta shopping.BUlyHughes and Neal Anderson accompan ied them ?> Atlanta and brought a car back to Hayesvllle. -CC Mrs. T. C. Gray and Bill visited Mrs. Dean Turner In Charlotte Memorial Hospital during the weekend. He la off the critical list. -CC Mrs. Bronce McClure suf fered a stroke at her home two weeks ago. She Is Im proving at the present. All her family has been home to visit. -CC Sam Hogsed of the Shooting Creek section was a patient In Hall Coisity Hospital, Gai nesville, last week. He has returned home and Is much Improved. -CC Mr. Neal and Verlln Ledford of Dal ton, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Bronce McClure and the Neal Rogers family Stsiday. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kit chens and daughter Angle, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rog ers on Sunday. -CC Mrs. Marvin Hartley of Al lan da has been with her mother for the pest ten days while Mrs. Rogers has been con fined to bed due to Illness. -CC Mrs. Pauline Cook Is spend ing this week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Penland. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Broy les of Canton visited Mr. end Mrs. H. M. Martin on Wed nesday. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bracken have returned s> their home In Ohio. -CC Mrs. Dave Willis Is a patient In the Hlawassee .Hospital. FLEMING BIRTHDAY PARTY - On Friday, March 29, Rabacca Flaming ? ataraadi birthday by antortntalng a groqp of friaada at har bona ea lUwaaaaa! phy. Among thosa praaant vara Carolyn Jooaa, Carolyn Lorlngood, Taralla Paatt. Crtaato RasaoL Vlckl Craig, Minala Raa Moon, Ca*y Maahbnrn, J anion Dochary, Gail r latda, Laialaf Mrs. Clauds Moors has I vary 111 at bar ho ma (or sev aral days la the Warm oom mtadty. -CC CharUa Moors returned from Ms mo rial Mission Hos pital la Ashe villa the last at the weak. Ho will soar the hospital (or mor treatment at an early data. -CC hilsses Anita Moore and Ce celia Anderson and Charles Caldwell atasnded a Southern Appalachian youth conference at Warren - Wilson College over the weekend. -CC Joe Dltmors of Western Carolina College, Judy Phil lips, Tommy Jarrett, Afamr Moore and Dooald Garrison, students at the University of North Carolina, spent the Baa ter holidays at home. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Clauds Woody vlslwd Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penland and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rogers Sunday. -CC Mr*. John C. Dmut and children of St. Pesrsburg. Pla.. spent last weak with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Norman Davenport. Her parents ac companied them to Atlanta on Monday tdght where they visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Alvtn Daven port. They emk them on to Jacksonville on Tuesday *> meet Mr. Deweaee and re turned ?> St. Pets re burg. -CC Mrs. Gorman Kltchena, who was taken to Hlawasaee Hos pital Saturday night as a re suit of a fall was transferred to an Atlanta hospital Tuesday morning. She is suffering with a broken hip. -CC Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kitchens of Andrews visited the Robert Scroggs family Sunday. -CC Mlss Martha Spurr recently had an appendectomy in a Murphy Hospital. She has re turned to college. WARNS - Utile Rebecca Chambers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Chambers of Warne, N. C? entered the Easter Season with her usual big smile although she Is 9 months old. She seemed to be very proud of her new Easter bonnet. A Good Dance Caller In His Day, Uncle John Brendle, 95, Looks Forward To Visitors By Mrs. NssI R. Kitchens HAYESVILLB - Whit do you do when you ere nlenty-flve years old end blind? On e recent visit this writ er found John Brendle. better known es "Uncle John," in s rocking chelr, chewing gum end wishing for someone to stop In to visit. He enjoys the radio but hes no use for tele vision since he can't see. Brendle lives In e neat lit tle white house diet sits on the top of a hill In the Brass town section of Clay County. Mr. end Mrs. Vancy Lekey live with and cere for him. The floors were polished like a new copper penny end Mrs. Lekey had rows of African violets that lined the windows. Although "Uncle John" Is tmafate to see his surroimdslng he was Just as neat and well kept as the bouse. Mrs. Lakey said, "The first thing he does when he finishes his berakfast Is to shave. He uses a single edge razor and seldom ever nicks himself." When asked what he enjoyed most, he replied, "Friends coming to visit with me. Bvery day I sit and wait and hope some one will come In K> talk with me. Two neigh bors dropped by that afternoon, Mrs. Ruby Arrant and Billy Clayton. He said, "Billy, here Is one of ray best friends. He Is In his eighties but he comes In and reads and talks to me often." As he rocked back and forth his mind traveled back to his earlier days. A smile came over his face as he said. "You know in my courtln time we had square dances and corn shucklns. One time there was a big dance coming iq> and my girl's parents wouldn't let her go. After a lot of begging on my part they finally agreed. 1 was a good caller In my day." He paused a few minutes and rocked some more then added. "You know three years ago I lost the best thing a man ever had - my wife. Don't guess I could have married a better woman than Hattle Coop er and probably not anyone as good." "When we got married I bad a cook stove and some cooking utensils. She had several pieces of household furniture. We set up house keeping In the old Brendle home. I told my wife that I got mad and would fly off the handle; but not to pay any attention s> It for It was only momentarily. We got along fine - no car-ups. Brendle graduated from Hicks Academy In Hayesvllle. He taught school for eight years. Most of his active life he was a traveling salesman and merchant. He also operat ed a farm and livery stable for wo years. The livery sta ble was one of bis favorite Jobs. "Uncle John" was silent for some time. He then con tinued, "Most of our married life we spent right here In Clay Cointy In the Brasstown sec tion. We decided to try our luck In Florida beck In the twenties. We pulled ig> stakes and went down and opened a store and meat market. I lik ed Florida all right till the right big hurricane of 1926. Wa Uncle John Brendle, Age 95 living in Miami when it struck. I watched houses being swept away through the air and blinding sheets of rain. It just about cleaned us out. There was water, water everywhere. My market and store was a wreck. 1 will never forget the piles of canned goods laying in the streets with no labels. What I salvaged was worth about $200 and I had $200 in cash. I never got over that big loss. 1 decided to bring my family back to the mountains of Clay County." He later opened a store and bought tan bark. He made good money In the bark busi ness. He and the late Mrs. Bren dle, who lived together for 70 years, had four children. They are: Fred of Hayesvllie, Boyd of Sylva, J. H. of Ral eigh, and Mrs. Victor H. Bell of Brasstown. With the exception of a three year selge of typhoid, Brendle has enjoyed good health. Dur ing this extended Illness his weight went down to 85 lbs. His health Is still good and his memory excellent for his ?ge. Brendle, a life-long Demo crat, seemed quite disappoint ed that my husband didn't come with me to visit. He said, "I enjoyed your visit and please come back. 1 have a message I want you to de liver to the Sheriff. You tell him I said no visit ? no vote ? next election." Marble News By Mrs. Ben Mann Mrs. Max LacM was hostess to a miscellaneous shower giv en for Mrs. Betty Revls New ton at her home last Saturday night. Several Interesting games were played by the large crowd attending and all reported a nice time. Many lovely and useful gifts were received by the honoree and the hostess served deli cious refreshments to those present. ???? Rev. Frank J ames was guest speaker at Marble Springs Baptist ChurchSunday at 11:00 o'clock. Also Sunday night. All seemed *> enjoy the messages that be brought. Hope he can come back real soon. The Rev. Jimmy Aiken will be bringing the messages for Sunday, April 28 at Marble Springs Baptist Church. The public la Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Farm er and son, Victor, of Skyland, N. C? visited in Murphy, And rews and Marble over weekend. The W\6 met at the church Monday night for their regular monthly meeting. Mr*. Vinson Hall, chairman, presided. The topic was "Enlistment for Mis sions. Mrs. Wayne Edwards, Mrs. Edwin Barnett. Mrs. Charlie Hunsucker, Mrs. Ker mit Kllpatrick and Mrs. Austin Parker took part on the pro gram. During business hour, com munity missions was stressed and plans were made c take a fruit basket to a shut-in, then Mrs. Austin Parker dis missed the meeting with a prayer. ???? Jeff Trull is celebrating his 78th birthday Wednesday, April 24, and we wish him a happy birthday and may he have many more. Vernon Palmer of Akron, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer thlspastweek. ???? Those on the sick list last week were: Bill Dockery, Mrs. Herman West; Mrs. Vlck Ras ter, Leonard Palmer, Mrs. Bnest Raster, Mrs. Fred Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Dehart and Bill Gilbert. ???? Mrs. Elizabeth Hint of Mur phy and her daughter, Mrs. Nells Everett of Knosvtlle, Tenn., were visitors of Mrs. Charlie Re vis and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long last week, ?see Mrs. Arthur Palmer has visiting her sister, Miss Marie Trull and Mrs. Loonle Glbby of Cleveland, Tenn., last Mrs. Doris Roberts and eon, Walter of Morgan em, N. C.. were gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mr. end Mrs. Roy Allison of Syiva. N. C? ware geeete of Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Hall Me The Rev. and Mrs. Warns Glbhv and baby were stalling Peachtree By Mr*.Dock S udder th MlBMS Carmolaeta and Audrey Smith enmrtalned *e Murphy High School Basket ball Mm with ? dinner and pejsme party on Friday night, April 19, at thalr home. The (ollowing glrla a Mended. Unda J ones, Marine O'Dall. Linda Smith, LoiMm Morley, Wanda Morris. Peggy English. Linda Nelson. Shells Fa ye Stiles. Ruth Crtsp, Dolores Hughes, Eva Docknry. Rom Mary Crisp, Janet Blllott, Jennie and Margaret J ames. ?P ? The family oi Mr. Willis Ledford honored him on his birthday upper, April 7, In the home of his daughter, Mrs. Luke Moore. ThoM at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Christopher, Stan and Cld of Copperhill. Tenn.; Mrs. Willie Ledford, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moore and son and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Moore end daughter. -P? Mr. and Mrs. Carl Foust and son. Darryl have return ed to their home In Hammond, Ind., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Foust and child ren. -M Mr. and Mrs. Dock Sud dsrth have returned home after a few days In Savannah, Ga., Jekyl Island, St. Augus tine and Daysona Beach, Fla. -P D. H. Boyd of Bayside, Vs., and his parenm, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyd spent several days last week In KnoxvUle, with their sister and daughter, Mrs. DlckPearsonandfamily. While there they attended the wedding of Miss Peggy Pear son atSouthern BapdstChurch In Knoxvllle. -P Lltde Kathy Ann Moore, daughter of Mr. andMrs.Luke Moore Is home after being In a local hospital with scarlet fever. Kathy had several visi tors during her illness from Copperhill, Tenn., and this community, and we are glad she Is feeling better. -P Mrs. Walter Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Robin son of Akron, Ohio, are visit ing their sister, Mra. Dallas Mlllsaps and family. We ere sorry to hers that their mother, Mrs. Arte Robinson Is seriously 111 In a local hos pital. -P Sgt. and Mrs. BUI Walsh of HiaitsvUle, Ala., spentEas ter with Grover Walsh and Mr? and Mrs. J. D. Yonce and famUy. ?P? Weekend guests of Mrs. Tina Barton were Mr. and Mra. Andrew Barton of Ruth erfordton, N. C.,Mr.andMrs. BUly Barton and Howard Bar ton of Atlanta, Mrs.BUlCraln and sons of Murphy, Mr. and Mra. Harry Coker of Chatta nooga, Tenn., Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Brandon of Gastonla and Miss Bessie Hogaed of Murphy. ?P? Mrs. Clint LeQulre and daughter have returned to their home in Morgan ton, N. C., after a visit with her father, Grover Walsh. ?P - Mrs. Frank Morrow and Mrs. Baas Lovtngood shopped In Ashevllle laat Friday. -P Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sud derth, Ritchie and Pam, of Chattanooga, Tenn., spent Eas ter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sudderth and Mr. and Mrs. Ed EngUsh. -P Mrs. Cliff English la home after being a pat-nt In a local hospital. -P Card of Thanks HAYESV1LLE - I am deep ly grateful to all my friends who remembered me with their prayers, flowers, and cards during my illness. May God bless each of you. Jim Rogers 39-1 tp Route 3 Murphy News Mrs. Katherlne Nix, who is employed at Pilot Life In surance Co. In Greensboro, N. C? visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gamie Nix. -M Mrs. Elsie Lovlngood re turned home Sunday after (pending a week with her mother, Mrs. Bma Dockery. ?Si Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Payne of Suit, N. C., visited his sister, Mrs. Bma Dockery. -K. Mrs. Grace Hall, Judy, Sue, and Larry was the sipper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gar nle Nix Thursday night. -M Mra. Alice Ruth Kephart spent Saturday night with her cousin, Katharine Nix while home on a visit. All*Nito Singing Sponsored By Kiwenis Club BLAIRSVILLE - An all night singing featuring Wallle Fowler end We original Chuck Wagon Gang will be held at the Union County High School gym In Blalrsvllle Tuesday, May 7. Also feaored on the pro gram will be the Gospel Hearts The singing Is bstng spon sored by Oe Klwants Club of Blalrsvllle, Advance achats are on sale price, 11.25 for sthilts. Door admission will be $1.50 for and 73f for children, lbs staging begins atlpjn. the Brtas Ttrantham famfly last Sasrday afar the News Mr*. Dock Sudderth was a viator to Robfataavllla laat Saturday. , -P Mlaa Dorla Hendrlx of Leaksvllle, spent do week end with tor parents, Mr. and Mra. Glean Hendrlx. -P- . Sonny Hatches of Atlanta spent the weekend here wnh his arlfe and son. -P Mra. Emma Suddarth, Mr. Bill Puaa and Misses Mae and Dais Suddarth spent laat Saturday la A she vl lie. -P Mr. and Mra. Bobby Wilson of Knoxville, Term., spent Easter with Mr. and Mra.Aud S udder th. -P Mr. and Mra. Cecil Day of Pondac, Mich., spent Satur day with her sister, Mrs. Charles Hendrlx and with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hendrlx. -P Mrs. Arthur Boyd was supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bradley In Oak Ridge, Tenn., last week. -P Mrs. Prank Ferguson, Mrs. Johnny Wilson and Mrs. Paul Ledford spent Saturday In At lanta. -P Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mra. Homer Fergu son were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovlngood and family of Me bane, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and family of Ashevllle and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lovlngood and baby of Chapel Hill. -P Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Zim merman and son, Keith, of Atlanta, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmer man. -P Mr, and Mrs. Bass Lovln good and Miss Lizzie Elliott spent Saturday and Sunday In Greenville, S. C., with Mr. P. A, Passmore. -P Mrs. Esther Collins and son of Winston Salem were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pipes. ?P? Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Newton were Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Revts of Marble, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Newton of Gastonla, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Hop kins. -P Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Sud dath of Jefferson, Ga., spent last week with Miss Elise Sudderth. -P Mr. andMrs. O'Neal Crisp and family spent Easter In Rossvllle, Ga., with her sis ter and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fanning. -P Mlss Kate Robinson of China Grove spent Easter with her father and brother, Mr. Hi^h Robinson and Ed. -P Mrs. Lloyd Simonds spent Thursday In Blue Ridge, Ga. ?P? Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hendrlx and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hen drlx and baby daughter have 1/Y} iii Wlary s4nn l^oyeri Si ?n9afeJ Do Qeratcl W. J(in$ MURPHY - Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rogers of Route 1, Murphy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Gerald W. King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. King of Marble. Miss Rogers is a 1961 graduate of Murphy High School and is now employed by Berkshire Knitting Mill of Andrews. Mr. King attended Andrews High School and is now employed by Rimco Mfg. Corp. of Murphy. Wedding plans are Incomplete. returned home after spending a few days at Flager Beach, and Ocalla, Fla., and their daugh ter, Mrs. Joe Brasslngton and family. -P Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hen drix and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hendrlx spent last weekend In Huntsvllle, Ala., with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stewart and family. -P Mr. and Mrs. Aud Sudderth and Ray spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wil son and son In Candler, N. C. -P Guests of Mr. andMrs.Orln Witt during Easter weekend were Mr.andMrs.J.L.Truett of Ashevllle, Mrs. Edith Wake field and Miss Lena Truett of Oak Ridge, Tenn. -P Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mal lonee and son are vacationing In Florida this week. -P Rex Sudderth and Bob'.en drlx of Brevard, N. C., spent last weekend with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sud derth and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrlx. -P Mrs. Reld White and grand children, Daryl, Gall Lynn, Gary and Jeannle, of Akron, Ohio, spent a few days last week with Mrs. White's sis ter, Mrs. Feryl Sanders. -P Mr. andMrs. Homer Fergu son spent a few dayslastweek In Mebane, N. C? with Mr .and Mrs. Howard Lovingood and family. -P Mr. and Mrs. James Swalra of Miami, Fla., have arrived to spend the summer. -P Mlss Naomi Lunsford of Adanta spent Easter here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Loy Lunsford. -P Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Smith and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. j. H, Hampton of Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crisco and baby of Charlotte went to Baltimore, Md? last week. While there they attended the wedding of Dr. James Smith at Langley Air Force Base In Hampton, Va. % IT MAKES SENSE TO SAVE DOLLARS WITH Sherwin Williams FARM PAINTS Quality paints for homes, barns, implements, tractors, roofs and metal buildings #1///. m i with our new stock of building materials Crawford & Mfagus Sopply HAYESVILLE, N.C.

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